Writer's Block

  • Lol i listen to music.. Usually an excuse to listen to MCR but the fact is that music that speaks to me can help and I talk to myself (creeeeepy i no lol) and come up with the next part of a story im writing

    Either that or go on mibba and ask for help and inspiration lolol :D
    December 29th, 2007 at 08:34pm
  • Usually I find that I can write a lot when I'm meant to be doing something else, but that might just be me. :D The last time I was really stuck for something to write I started daydreaming and it sort of appeared in my head.
    December 30th, 2007 at 03:03am
  • completely change tack and force yourself to write a page or so of something totally totally different.

    or; if you have lots of time: stop trying to push the storyline you had in mind and MAKE yourself write notes on FIVE alternative storylines. these can be realistic or completely ridiculous [like having a ton of mashed potatoes fall on your characters out of nowhere, something silly like that.]

    chances are, by the time you've made yourself think of the last one, or you've finished writing that page of different stuff, your creativity will be back in top gear and you ca get back to the fic where you left it.
    December 31st, 2007 at 02:11am
  • My dad is my personal plot line consultant and it helps to just explain what happens in the story out and about the characters and get someone else's point of view.

    Also when I'm unable to be in class I am allowed to sit in the Great Space (is what it sounds like) and write and sometimes the writing that I make when I'm upset is some of my best. And it helps to calm me down.
    January 4th, 2008 at 08:51am
  • I have strange habits. I look at pictures relating to my story, or listen to random music.
    January 20th, 2008 at 07:06am
  • I usually get a lot of my ideas from dreaming or daydreaming. I don't usually have writer's block, usually I get ADD and forget about writing and start to doing something else. Usually I plan every thing out in my head and write the details later.
    January 28th, 2008 at 02:32am
  • i just got over my horriffic block for Bought and Paid For

    so now you should all head over there and read it to tell me if it was worth staying up til 5.00am or not.

    and ontopic: writing really detailed notes really does help to avoid the dreaded Block becuase then, even if you've taken a break from the piece for a while, you still know exactly where you were going to take it.

    sometimes though, if you're blocked you should just give into it and take a break from that piece for a little while. forcing it will only give you wooden writing. move onto something else for a bit, write a couple of fun standalones, until you're back in the mood for the problem piece.
    February 26th, 2008 at 05:47am
  • Hm.

    Well for me, just getting outside and walking with my I-pod gets my creative juices flowing... even if I'm at the bottom of the ditch.

    Like several others also said, I write at night... It's easier to concentrate then.
    February 27th, 2008 at 10:13pm
  • According to Dru/Kristen, chugging chocolate milk then banging your head against the wall works...:tehe:

    I had a huge writer's block recently, and I couldn't write anything, even if I wanted to so badly. In the end, it just went away on its own...time always helps.
    February 27th, 2008 at 11:15pm
  • what really helps me is writing a really cliché story.
    I had a huge block a couple of months ago, and I couldn't write anything for a few months. I wrote a highly cliché story and I got rid of the block.

    but now I have it back again D :
    February 27th, 2008 at 11:30pm
  • I cure my writer's block by simply watching videos/interviews of Blink. :shifty Then if I saw an interview of Blink, talking about the break up, I'd totally lose my ability to write. :XD
    March 2nd, 2008 at 01:02pm
  • I always find that watching tv, walking around helps, or re-reading stories. It always happens to me, I get a writers block and I'm in the middle of a class and I'm like "hey this would be cool." It also happens that I have random ideas and 'creative sparks' at the worst and most random times. ie: funeral... that was terrible.
    April 30th, 2008 at 12:19am
  • I usually just try and work on something else until the writer's block goes away. But I agree with what one of the posts above; I write better when I have something I'm supposed to be doing... like schoolwork!
    Daydreaming also helps me for some reason; I'll just zone out in the middle of class and end up coming up with ideas!
    April 30th, 2008 at 01:03am
  • sarah---:
    or re-reading stories
    I do that. Especially really good stories, stories that make me feel challenged. Because every time I read something, especially if it is really good, I feel like I have to get done with mine too, and when I get on with it, thoughts just flood into my head.
    April 30th, 2008 at 01:48am
  • You'd think that with the amount of time I spend on the internet with music blaring in my ears that I would have a million stories up for all to see.

    I don't, to be honest.

    I have lack of insriation from myself and others. It's really hard to gain just a little bit, at least in my opinion.
    April 30th, 2008 at 05:34am
  • I’ve noticed that the only way is to write even if I don’t feel like it. >__>
    I don’t get writer’s block per se, even if I call it that. It’s just a mix of procrastination and a wicked short attention span. It’s not that I can’t write, I can always write, it’s just that I get bored with it. :XD The best way to beat that is to write anyway. Maybe just a few sentences and then do something else. But if I didn’t force myself to sit down and actually write I’d probably never get anywhere with my stories. Oh, and it’s not that I force my writing, it’s more like beating up my laziness. :XD
    So yeah, if nothing seems to work just try to write a few sentences or a paragraph and take a lot of breaks. And if it just comes out forced, don’t care about that because you can always rewrite it later on. :cute:
    April 30th, 2008 at 12:46pm
  • I usually go someplace that gives me butterflies, like the park, the reserve (there's a river with black swans in it :D) or the cemetery. Yeah, freak, right here. I've always had an obsession with cemeteries and horror, ever since I was little.
    April 30th, 2008 at 12:53pm
  • Go back to your original idea/insparation.

    Sometimes, you just need to write. It doesn't need to be anything inparticular. Start with discribing things around you, then just continue on a rant. Get into the practice and it will come back.

    For example: I am now typing on the computer. It's fun to type and I like it. Sometimes I type stories or journals or monalogs. I like the monalogs and use them to audition. Or I would but my teacher doesn't let me so I guess I lied. Opps, but its ok 'cause I'm just typing for the hell of it,

    Yeah, it can be weird at first but just go with it...
    May 1st, 2008 at 01:21am
  • Up until about a month ago, I had the worst writers block. I couldn't write anything over a sentence, unless it was for school work or an email or something. I'm glad I've gotten over it though and can (some what) write again.
    To try and keep writers block at bay, I usually write something each day, even if it's just a random drabble that makes no sense. So far it's been a month and it hasn't showed any signs of returning, so I'm thinking this method really works for me. (:
    May 1st, 2008 at 01:46am