Your First Story

  • sore thumb;

    sore thumb; (315)

    United States
    The very first story that I ever posted somewhere was on Quizilla (big surprise, right?) It's taken me about six months to realize how much it sucks. I intended it to be a prologue for another story to explain how my main character got to where she was, but I left it as a one-shot.

    It really, really sucked.
    February 1st, 2011 at 12:47am
  • cannibal.

    cannibal. (145)

    United States
    February 1st, 2011 at 06:05am
  • Usako

    Usako (150)

    United States
    My first story was absolutely horrible. It was a Yu-Gi-Oh! fan-fic, and the main protagonist was a Mary-Sue named Samara Tepes: she was this emo queen or something with special powers. She had a past with Yugi, and was some long lost princess of Romania. It was completely awful. I get second-hand embarrassment just thinking about it.
    June 14th, 2012 at 05:09am
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    My first story got deleted in one of my mother's attempts at figuring out how to work my bazillion year old computer. It was a fanfiction written about The Lion King, although I replaced all the characters with my very own. I learned a bit of Swahili, gave them all tacky names, and wrote about me as a lion falling in love with a traitorous older lion. Haha I was twelve, but I made a series out of it. I was devastated when it got deleted.

    BUT! I did find one of my very first Draco Malfoy fanfictions a few months ago. Here's a little bit of it;

    "Hey Girlie, you need to get dressed, were almost there." Erin said, grining at me.I just then noticed they were all in their robes.While I was in jeans and a baby tee.

    Lazily walking into the hall with my robes, I noticed there wernt many people heading my way.

    Oh, that makes me feel great, to know im the only person on this whole dang train whose forgetful.

    Or so I thought, before I was pushed against the wall like spagetti thrown to see if its done.

    Moving my long, dark blonde bangs out of my eyes, I wasnt shocked to see it was Malfoy who had pushed me.

    It seemed as if he had forgotten, too.

    I'd rather it be that I was the only one on this whole dang train.

    I smirked up at him, and he scowled down at me.He had the advatage of being taller by about...five...inches, while I had the advantage of being tolerable.

    Sucks for him.

    "de'Rie."He said, in an icy tone.I raised an eyebrow.I was supposed to be afraid? Of that?

    "de'Raco."I said.He glared down at me.I smiled up, perkily, at him.

    Rolling his eyes, he continued his way to the bathrooms.As did I.

    Smiling, I though of a way to make it more interesting.I quickened my pace, and he did the same.I kept quickening it, till we were both running.

    I got to the bathroom first, and ran threw the door.A second later, he was there.I looked at him, suprised.

    He looked back at me, suprised.

    Thats one thing I hadnt expected.Draco Malfoy folloed me into the Girls Bathroom.

    Unedited, and very cringe worthy.
    June 23rd, 2012 at 11:23pm
  • jewelia.

    jewelia. (2225)

    United States
    I am almost shameful of my first story. I wrote it when I was...7. In second grade. And although I am pretty much ashamed of it, it's what started my whole obsession of writing.
    I typed it on Microsoft Word and printed the whole story out. (Yes, I did say type. We started typing lessons at our school in the second grade, and I ended up typing 80 words a minute by the summer before third grade.)

    It was about a girl named Julia, who was 7, and happened to have all of my characteristics at the time; brown hair, brown eyes, extremely short, and in Mrs. Ross's class. So, one day, after having...indoor recess...a huge tornado is about to destroy the school, and it somehow kidnaps Julia, and nobody else.

    Oh my god Facepalm This is where it gets interesting. Please, keep in mind that I was 7, and lots of people started writing around 11 and 12.

    So, apparently a flying car named Velvet kidnapped her. I used to think, at the time, that velvet was a fabric that you put in cars, and I oh-so-smartly put that in there to make me look wildly intelligent. It didn't work.

    The story is called The Haunted Stall. It's supposed to be scary. So, over time, Julia stays at Velvet's place, and then somehow, gets trapped in the haunted stall. Like, a bathroom stall. And all this crazy stuff happens--a fairy comes and gives her coloring books, an army of flies attacks her, and she falls into a toilet, just to find a king, queen, and prince horse floating on thrones in the sewers.

    It was soooo messed up. And get this--
    June 23rd, 2012 at 11:41pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    My first story was this little thing I wrote in second grade about a Christmas ornament who was trying to find his way back to his Christmas tree XD
    February 15th, 2014 at 05:08pm