Your First Story

  • Ugh, my first real story was a Jimmy Neutrin fanfic. It was a mess. Jimmy and Libby hook up and Jimmy rapes Cindy and Carl and Sheen shoot up heroin.... It was bad.

    I was 11. Don't laugh at me.
    September 6th, 2008 at 12:30am
  • Oh my gosh, this will be fun. The first real story I wrote was a Lord of the Rings fanfiction that was supposed to be a Leagolas/OC shipping but only turned out to be "I-threw-a-girl-in-this-story-to-make-it-less-misogynistic". I had up to eleven parts typed out on Quizilla, and I was eleven or twelve when I wrote it. I still love it though. I've only got the prologue, I think I deleted the rest of it.

    At the same time I was writing an original fiction that involved cyborgs and genetically enhanced women. One of which was a crime fighter named Darkine.
    September 6th, 2008 at 01:07am
  • My firxt EVER story was this little vignette called "Wilting Rose" about the Prep who got raped and confesses it to this girl in a bathroom. I really like it still. One day I'll find it and post it.
    September 6th, 2008 at 01:18am
  • Ergh.
    My first Mibba story was on here but back when I was under a different username.
    I won't tell you what it is because it was soo soo very bad, admittedly not the worse I've seen on here by far but It was a frerard I believe and was rushed and lacked plot line structure.

    I wish I could find it though, It's almost comical :lol:
    September 6th, 2008 at 02:02pm
  • My first story was Alice's Birthday Pig. xDDD

    I was six, and it was, ahem, inspired by a book of the same title. Here's the first chapter, spelling errors and all. :]

    1. The Invitations.

    It was almost Alice's birthday, and Alice's mum was geting things ready. "tomorrow at school give the invitations out" said Alice's mum. "Why?" said Alice. "My birthday isn't until Sunday. Why not on Saturday?" said Alice. "Because we'll be buying the sweets on Saturday Alice," said Alice's mum.

    "Now help me put up these balloons." siad Alice's mum. "I want a pig for my birthday" said Alice. "you will have to take what you get" said Alice's mum. But Alice wanted a pig so much that she couldn't stop thinking about it. "But I want one so much," said Alice.

    On the edge of your seat yet? x]]]
    September 6th, 2008 at 02:15pm
  • My first story I, I think it was back in year one, year two.
    It was about dragons and wizards.
    It was three quaters of a page.
    September 6th, 2008 at 03:18pm
  • My first story was when I was... fourteen?
    Yeah, I think I was fourteen.
    I posted one chapter of it on Quizilla and it sucked so much I didn't post any more :tehe:
    It was about this girl who use to be really popular but then she moved schools and decided that, all her life, she really wanted to be emo :XD
    She was going to fall in love with Gerard.
    It would have been terribly hilarious.
    September 6th, 2008 at 03:34pm
  • I think I was... four when I wrote my first ever story. And by 'wrote' I mean 'dictated to my grandfather.' [:

    It was about a grey cat sitting on the front porch of my aunt's house, where I was at the time. He wrote it down and even illustrated it with me. In Love

    My first "real" story was in second grade; I wrote a whole series about a boy named Joe and his cat Butterball. It started with a story where Butterball got lost and Joe went looking for her, which my teacher let me illustrate with markers and then laminated. I still have notebooks with the rest of the series; my friend wrote about Joe's girlfriend and her dog, Rover. Eventually Joe joins the army. :XD
    September 6th, 2008 at 09:18pm
  • I don't think I started writing real stories early on like everybody else, I think I may have written something in like...fifth or sixth grade. Basically a copy of copy of a copy of any ultra-cliche story that could have been found on Quizilla at the time.

    It was about a girl who a part of the 'preppy' group at her high school, though she secretly hated it and seemed to be the only nice one of the bunch. (Very Mean Girls-inspired, back when I used to seriously believe 'prep' kids were pure evil in human form). Pretty soon some new kid comes along, who's immediately hated because he's introverted, quiet, and extremely intelligent. The girl doesn't know what she thinks of him at first, but of course her whole group shuns the kid for no particular reason, other than him being the basic, plain loser. She's walking home from school one day, it's raining, so she slips, but the loser kid is somehow very conveniently walking behind her, to be able to help her back up. She thinks differently of him after that, and blahblahblah, she develops a crush on him, but she has to choose whether or she wants to stay with the boy she loves, or her friends who brought her popularity.

    I wrote it in a dilapidated notebook and never showed it to anyone (thank god). I never finished it, but instead started on two other stories that were basically the same exact premise, just with the genders switched around so now a boy was popular and the loser kid was a girl. And then some weird other story about a grumpy Jesus of Suburbia-like punk kid who falls in love with a strange hippie girl.
    Good god, I was bad XD
    September 6th, 2008 at 11:05pm
  • I never really wrote much when I was a little kid, apart from when I had to write a story for school once when I was six. It was about a dragon, and it was all in verse, and written on a scroll made of sugar paper. I know, ~nerd. My teacher LOVED it though.

    My first proper story was actually Porcelain Hearts.

    September 7th, 2008 at 06:16pm
  • My first attempted story was on quizilla, called The Continuing Story of Radar Love. It got to two chapter, and I deleted it after that, realizing it sucked. I was twelve.

    My first real story was last year, called Petals In The Wind. I guess you could say I was a late bloomer when it comes to fanfic, but I'd say it turned out alright.
    September 7th, 2008 at 07:14pm
  • Okay, well I guess my very first full-lenth one was in the third grade about the easter bunny. And you automatically assume that it was like three pages but it was actually I think thirty plus pages handwritten. My mom threw it away but I made a cover for it and everything.

    Um, my first fanfic was MCR but it was Gerard and a girl named Hannah I think, and it was called Demolition Lovers. (Gag me.) It had a pretty good plot actually but I could not write at all and I think I probably stole a lot of ideas for different people...Anyway was almost three years ago I think. I wrote a sequel to it but never finished it and I swear I consider doing so every day but I seriously had some great ideas about it and now that I've got the writing down I bet I could do it...Mhm
    September 7th, 2008 at 08:55pm
  • My friend and I used to write Simple Plan fanfics in like, middle school, but we never took it that seriously. Just for laughs, ya know.
    I've started many other fanfics, but never finished them.
    The first one I've actually finished and posted somewhere is She Paints Me Blue.
    September 14th, 2008 at 11:02pm
  • My first story was Harry Potter.

    Harry turning evil, and shacking up with Voldemort, to be honest. :shifty

    Yes, I shipped them. Well, more of Tom/Harry.

    But yes, nobody shall ever read it. Because I'm mortified now. I was 12, okay? That's my excuse.

    / nerd moment
    September 16th, 2008 at 06:37am
  • I remember my first Harry Potter fanfic.... It was a brutal rape between Harry and Ron. I was a twisted 12 year old.
    October 7th, 2008 at 05:07am
  • i'm soo embarrassed by this hahahah.
    it was a really awful billie joe armstrong fanfic i wrote when i was like 10 [yes, ten] on quizilla.

    "sssso c c cold" you whisper to yourself as "Jesus of Suburbia" begins to play on your iPod. Its 3:30 am and you're daydreaming of seeing Green Day in concert tomorrow. Which you are. Fearing frostbite, you decide to go into your room, so you crack the window ( still listening to that iPod of yours ) and slip through.
    "Natalie!!!!!! Get your arse in this house right now before I am forced to spank it!" Your Mom. Oh boy, she found out. Instead of listening, you grab the biggest bag you have, put clothes, cds, Your iPod, and some other stuff and slip out the window to your friends house.
    Woo I can't wait to see what happens next!
    "Chrisalie! Open the friggin door god dammit it's cold out here!" you yell to your bff, Chrisalie. "I'm coming, I have to go down 3 flights of stairs y'know." She opens the door. "OMG! What did you do to your hair!?!", you scream. Instead of the usual blond, her hair was black! "Do you like it?" she asks. "Are you kidding? Got any Left over?"
    October 9th, 2008 at 06:02am
  • Eight or seven years old.
    Harry Potter fanfic.
    No paragraph structure at all, fucked-up plotline, not to mention Mary Sue self-insertation on my part.
    I co-wrote it with my brother.
    Then I took to writing Hamtaro fanfiction....
    Yeah, scary.
    October 11th, 2008 at 01:58am
  • Here.

    I find them really really funny.
    Once there was a dog called Snowy. She was a white dog. Too white!! She didn't have any pet shop friends. No one wanted to buy her. Then a lady came along. She needed a white dog, a really white dog. She said to the keeper that Snowy would do the trick. She needed to find a white horse now. When she found the horse it was as white as Snowy. The two were best friends.
    The end.
    By Emily.

    Some of them have better plots but they're still really funny.
    October 11th, 2008 at 04:58am
  • :tehe: My first ever story, was like...first grade maybe? I don't remember. I do remember this amazing story I wrote in 4th grade about a magical pond and a hummingbird and stuff though. And this other one I wrote as a challenge by a friend.

    My first ever fanfic was this icky Lily/James Harry Potter one, when I was like 11. It was pathetic and I never got far. Well that might have been the first, I dunno. I had a bunch. I also had this tacky HP one which is basically like every other cliched HERO SAVES DA WORLD!!1! HP story out there. :shifty:

    My first bandfic was the beginnings of this Linkin Park one, You Can't Heal a Wounded Soul. It's utter shit but hey, I could rework it sometime. :XD Apparently it has almost 1000 views now.
    October 11th, 2008 at 06:21am
  • Guys!!! I found my first Jimmy Neutron oneshot! Broken and Betrayed God, this is the first story I ever actually posted.. The memories. I actually still like it...
    October 11th, 2008 at 07:30am