
  • Leonore Paisley

    Leonore Paisley (200)

    United States
    I don't like meat.
    But I sit at a table with all meat-eaters around me.
    So I generally don't care, I'm used to it.

    I just think that it's gross.
    December 10th, 2007 at 08:32am
  • Vonnegut.

    Vonnegut. (150)

    Puerto Rico
    ^ Agreed. I mean, but there's times when they start out being really mean to me. "Why don't you eat meat? It's really unhealthy for you not to! It's just an animal, everyone eats them!"
    And my ex's grandmother told me that; "It's alright to sin once in a while."

    I stared at her oddly for like ... Well, for the whole time I was in her home. She kept asking me, and as a vegetarian, we really have to watch out for that because you KNOW your going to be asked about what you eat. I answered everything politely, but it was obvious that I was not liked. I didn't mind, although it annoyed me that she kept trying to get me to eat a bit of meat. And my dad does the same. My dad brought me tacos, and I felt really bad and really egoist, but I had to turn it down. He completely forgot I'm a vegetarian, again. I think he needs some memory pills because that wasn't the first time.
    December 10th, 2007 at 09:03am
  • Leonore Paisley

    Leonore Paisley (200)

    United States
    I feel really, really bad when I have to turn down food.
    My mom did the same thing, she got me Taco Bell, except she forgot to say "no cheese" so I opened up this huge cheese filled taco thing. I was like "Ewww...."
    December 10th, 2007 at 09:11am
  • disastrous.

    disastrous. (100)

    United States
    ^ I feel bad doing that, too.

    My grandmothers always make big, fancy meals for Christmas and I end up not eating most of what is served because it has meat in it. I feel like a bitch for it.
    December 13th, 2007 at 08:33am
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    ^ I feel bad doing that, too.

    My grandmothers always make big, fancy meals for Christmas and I end up not eating most of what is served because it has meat in it. I feel like a bitch for it.
    I don't feel bad turning food down, but I think it's rude when people request special food at things like that. If you choose not to eat it, that would be one thing, but complaing about a big fancy meal and asking for something else? That bothers me; if there is such a problem with the food I'd cook my own.

    At any rate, my family is pretty supportive of my eating habbits anyways, there is usually stuff I can eat. :con:
    December 15th, 2007 at 02:41am
  • whitneydonna

    whitneydonna (100)

    United States
    I've been a vegetarian for a full year. I am so proud of myself.
    I was influenced a lot from different kinds of people. First off, my aunt. She's vegetarian.
    And I've seen a lot of Peta videos and stuff, showing what they do to animals.
    When I saw that a year ago, I gave up meat completely.
    Also, meat is not good for you. It creates heart disease etc.

    Meat eaters, listen to this: if you saw humans treating other humans like they treat animals, what would you think?
    That would be like, a disgrace to do something like that.
    So why are animals any different?
    December 15th, 2007 at 03:31am
  • disablor.

    disablor. (100)

    United Kingdom
    At any rate, my family is pretty supportive of my eating habbits anyways, there is usually stuff I can eat. :con:
    Yeah me too actually, they always have something for me to eat, they've been supportive of my veggie-ness from day 1 =]
    December 15th, 2007 at 04:51am
  • disablor.

    disablor. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I've been a vegetarian for a full year. I am so proud of myself.
    I was influenced a lot from different kinds of people. First off, my aunt. She's vegetarian.
    And I've seen a lot of Peta videos and stuff, showing what they do to animals.
    When I saw that a year ago, I gave up meat completely.
    Also, meat is not good for you. It creates heart disease etc.

    Meat eaters, listen to this: if you saw humans treating other humans like they treat animals, what would you think?
    That would be like, a disgrace to do something like that.
    So why are animals any different?
    Well done for being veggie for a year btw (Y)
    yeah, I'v seen a lot of those Peta vids too, and i was already veggie when I saw them, but it made me want to be vegan. But I don't think I will untill I move out because I would feel bad for getting my family to find vegan meals for me all the time.

    and the last thing you said makes a lot of sense actually =]
    December 15th, 2007 at 04:54am
  • Fentoozler

    Fentoozler (100)

    I've been a vegetarian for a full year. I am so proud of myself.
    I was influenced a lot from different kinds of people. First off, my aunt. She's vegetarian.
    And I've seen a lot of Peta videos and stuff, showing what they do to animals.
    When I saw that a year ago, I gave up meat completely.
    Also, meat is not good for you. It creates heart disease etc.

    Meat eaters, listen to this: if you saw humans treating other humans like they treat animals, what would you think?
    That would be like, a disgrace to do something like that.
    So why are animals any different?
    Other animals eat humans and other animals eat animals.
    What's your point?
    Humans do treat other humans the way they treat animals. Most just don't eat them. Have you forgotten about murders, tortures, war, just plain fighting?...We treat animals the same exact way, only we at least eat them instead of killing them for no reason. Well, most.
    Humans are mammals which is..a form of animal.

    I like fishing and I know a lot of hunters, so honestly, I don't care.
    Plus, you shouldn't really force people into doing things. If you don't want to eat meat, I don't care but don't tell me what I can and cannot eat. =)

    Meat is good for you - it gives you nutrients that sometimes you can't get other places. so tell me this, why should I endanger my health when I have the tools to keep it healthy?

    There's lots of things that cause heart disease, not just meat =)
    December 15th, 2007 at 05:00am
  • the Wizard

    the Wizard (300)

    Puerto Rico
    i'm not exactly a vegetarian, but i just don't like to eat meat. it makes my stomach feel queasy. usually i just push meat aside. it has nothing to do with animal rights for me, although it does make me feel really bad when i see how these animals are treated.
    December 15th, 2007 at 07:29am
  • Leonore Paisley

    Leonore Paisley (200)

    United States
    I've been a vegetarian for a full year. I am so proud of myself.
    I was influenced a lot from different kinds of people. First off, my aunt. She's vegetarian.
    And I've seen a lot of Peta videos and stuff, showing what they do to animals.
    When I saw that a year ago, I gave up meat completely.
    Also, meat is not good for you. It creates heart disease etc.

    Meat eaters, listen to this: if you saw humans treating other humans like they treat animals, what would you think?
    That would be like, a disgrace to do something like that.
    So why are animals any different?
    Other animals eat humans and other animals eat animals.
    What's your point?
    Humans do treat other humans the way they treat animals. Most just don't eat them. Have you forgotten about murders, tortures, war, just plain fighting?...We treat animals the same exact way, only we at least eat them instead of killing them for no reason. Well, most.
    Humans are mammals which is..a form of animal.

    I like fishing and I know a lot of hunters, so honestly, I don't care.
    Plus, you shouldn't really force people into doing things. If you don't want to eat meat, I don't care but don't tell me what I can and cannot eat. =)

    Meat is good for you - it gives you nutrients that sometimes you can't get other places. so tell me this, why should I endanger my health when I have the tools to keep it healthy?

    There's lots of things that cause heart disease, not just meat =)
    Had you read previous posts, you would hear the other side of the story.
    Meat is the main cause of heart disease.
    Animals are being tortured.
    It isn't endangering your health, if you have no medical problems.
    That alone is enough.

    And I agree with Whitney.
    December 17th, 2007 at 01:05pm
  • Fentoozler

    Fentoozler (100)

    jaz; south pacific:
    I've been a vegetarian for a full year. I am so proud of myself.
    I was influenced a lot from different kinds of people. First off, my aunt. She's vegetarian.
    And I've seen a lot of Peta videos and stuff, showing what they do to animals.
    When I saw that a year ago, I gave up meat completely.
    Also, meat is not good for you. It creates heart disease etc.

    Meat eaters, listen to this: if you saw humans treating other humans like they treat animals, what would you think?
    That would be like, a disgrace to do something like that.
    So why are animals any different?
    Other animals eat humans and other animals eat animals.
    What's your point?
    Humans do treat other humans the way they treat animals. Most just don't eat them. Have you forgotten about murders, tortures, war, just plain fighting?...We treat animals the same exact way, only we at least eat them instead of killing them for no reason. Well, most.
    Humans are mammals which is..a form of animal.

    I like fishing and I know a lot of hunters, so honestly, I don't care.
    Plus, you shouldn't really force people into doing things. If you don't want to eat meat, I don't care but don't tell me what I can and cannot eat. =)

    Meat is good for you - it gives you nutrients that sometimes you can't get other places. so tell me this, why should I endanger my health when I have the tools to keep it healthy?

    There's lots of things that cause heart disease, not just meat =)
    Had you read previous posts, you would hear the other side of the story.
    Meat is the main cause of heart disease.
    Animals are being tortured.
    It isn't endangering your health, if you have no medical problems.
    That alone is enough.

    And I agree with Whitney.
    I have, and I also know 6 vegetarians at my school, so don't assume please.
    Actually meat isn't the main cause of heart disease,high blood presure is, then it is high cholesterol, which does include saturated fats that can be found in a lot of things, not just meat. ;)

    I said my health, so maybe you should read previous posts, to get both sides of the story.
    December 17th, 2007 at 08:12pm
  • Leonore Paisley

    Leonore Paisley (200)

    United States
    jaz; south pacific:
    I've been a vegetarian for a full year. I am so proud of myself.
    I was influenced a lot from different kinds of people. First off, my aunt. She's vegetarian.
    And I've seen a lot of Peta videos and stuff, showing what they do to animals.
    When I saw that a year ago, I gave up meat completely.
    Also, meat is not good for you. It creates heart disease etc.

    Meat eaters, listen to this: if you saw humans treating other humans like they treat animals, what would you think?
    That would be like, a disgrace to do something like that.
    So why are animals any different?
    Other animals eat humans and other animals eat animals.
    What's your point?
    Humans do treat other humans the way they treat animals. Most just don't eat them. Have you forgotten about murders, tortures, war, just plain fighting?...We treat animals the same exact way, only we at least eat them instead of killing them for no reason. Well, most.
    Humans are mammals which is..a form of animal.

    I like fishing and I know a lot of hunters, so honestly, I don't care.
    Plus, you shouldn't really force people into doing things. If you don't want to eat meat, I don't care but don't tell me what I can and cannot eat. =)

    Meat is good for you - it gives you nutrients that sometimes you can't get other places. so tell me this, why should I endanger my health when I have the tools to keep it healthy?

    There's lots of things that cause heart disease, not just meat =)
    Had you read previous posts, you would hear the other side of the story.
    Meat is the main cause of heart disease.
    Animals are being tortured.
    It isn't endangering your health, if you have no medical problems.
    That alone is enough.

    And I agree with Whitney.
    I have, and I also know 6 vegetarians at my school, so don't assume please.
    Actually meat isn't the main cause of heart disease, high blood pressure is, then it is high cholesterol, which does include saturated fats that can be found in a lot of things, not just meat. ;)

    I said my health, so maybe you should read previous posts, to get both sides of the story.
    I did read your post. I was making a point with the "...if you have no medical problems." Also, I did get both sides of the story. It doesn't seem that you have gotten both sides of the story, because of the way you worded things, such as "Meat is good for you - it gives you nutrients that sometimes you can't get other places. so tell me this, why should I endanger my health when I have the tools to keep it healthy?" The way you presented your argument completely disregards the other side's argument, considering we had already been through this. Like I said, had you read the other side of the argument throughout the bulletin, then you might understand. There are alternatives. I believe that you can get everything you need from things other than meat. You never stated that you have an illness that truly needs meat, how could have known in the first place? Whitney stated a perfectly good idea, and you didn't truly consider it, or at least it didn't seem like you did. She said that meat causes it: but I don't think that she literally means that it crawls into your heart and kills you. It's true that vegetarians usually have a lower risk of high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

    I have no problem with your opinion, just the way you argued with it. Victory
    December 18th, 2007 at 11:28am
  • Fentoozler

    Fentoozler (100)

    Where did she give me ideas to get Iron? Hm? Iron is pretty hard to get from anywhere else other than meat. Yes, some vegetables do supply it but it's very small.
    I have stated I have severe anemia. Clearly you haven't read my previous posts.

    she said that meat isn't good for you, if it wasn't, The Food Guide, wouldn't recommend it. I have been reading the entire bulletin. If you did, you'd know I said I have severe anemia at least 5 or 6 times. I've also stated, that I can't get the iron from anywhere else because it's that severe. I also taste foods differently from other people because my taste buds are undeveloped so pretty much everything, tastes disguting to me. So, not only am I picky but I have a medical condition. I have barely eaten meat because the caf is sketchy, I have had three anemic attacks, to the point I was blacked out for an entire day.

    You don't know my medical history, I do, so please don't argue with me about it.
    December 18th, 2007 at 11:56am
  • Spiralling Shape

    Spiralling Shape (100)

    I would love to be a vegetarian but at the moment it's unwise for me too, I used to have really bad eczema which hasn't even fully gone yet. This is caused by a few deficiencies that I have including iron. I generally choose a vegetarian option instead of eating meat but it would be stupid for me to give it up fully right now.
    December 18th, 2007 at 02:29pm
  • Leonore Paisley

    Leonore Paisley (200)

    United States
    I wasn't arguing your medical conditions at all. I'm sorry if I came off that way. I have read through the bulletins, maybe I skipped over yours. The Food Guide? What... is that...? :shifty
    December 19th, 2007 at 04:53am
  • Fentoozler

    Fentoozler (100)

    jaz; south pacific:
    I wasn't arguing your medical conditions at all. I'm sorry if I came off that way. I have read through the bulletins, maybe I skipped over yours. The Food Guide? What... is that...? :shifty
    Alright, I'm a little touchy on that subject. >.>

    Canada's Food Guide

    The states have one too but..I don't feel like searching for it =\
    December 19th, 2007 at 04:56am
  • Leonore Paisley

    Leonore Paisley (200)

    United States
    *slaps forehead*

    I hadn't realized that you changed your username...

    I feel like a fucking idiot now.

    I'm sorry! :oops:
    December 19th, 2007 at 05:44am
  • Fentoozler

    Fentoozler (100)

    jaz; south pacific:
    *slaps forehead*

    I hadn't realized that you changed your username...

    I feel like a fucking idiot now.

    I'm sorry! :oops:
    lol don't worry about it.
    Honest mistake =)
    December 19th, 2007 at 05:51am
  • Leonore Paisley

    Leonore Paisley (200)

    United States
    I have exams this week, my brain is fried. Once again, sorry. [/spam]

    Hmm... the food guide... Well, it can't always be right. I think that meat does cause heart problems. Not just the fact that it's meat, but it's fat percentage. There are a lot things that are bad for you in, say a McDonalds burger. Other places can be a lot healthier. *shrug* There are good and bad things in it.
    December 19th, 2007 at 05:59am