
  • Cereal Killer

    Cereal Killer (100)

    United States
    Thanks I understand now Wink
    April 18th, 2010 at 02:18am
  • rosewater tide.

    rosewater tide. (130)

    United States
    I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian, but I don't like eggs very much. Like, I don't like eating them.(scrambled and stuff like that)
    But I do eat things made with eggs.

    On top of no meat whatsoever, I do not eat any type of seafood.
    April 18th, 2010 at 06:18am
  • quinn allman's hair.

    quinn allman's hair. (110)

    i've been semi-vegan for awhile now.

    i mean, i still occasionally eat things like feta
    cheese & have a little milk in my coffee, but
    otherwise, i don't eat or wear anything containing
    animal products.

    it's a good feeling. really satisfying.
    April 18th, 2010 at 09:48am
  • spockface

    spockface (100)

    United States
    Adam Gontier.:
    I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian, but I don't like eggs very much. Like, I don't like eating them.(scrambled and stuff like that)
    But I do eat things made with eggs.

    On top of no meat whatsoever, I do not eat any type of seafood.
    Out of curiosity, and since you mention seafood as being separate from meat -- do you eat poultry? (Chicken, turkey, duck, any type of bird?)

    I ask because my understanding of "meat" is "the flesh of any animal". Some people understand "meat" to mean beef, hence the common misconception that vegetarians eat chicken, turkey and/or seafood.
    April 18th, 2010 at 10:15am
  • Matt Smith

    Matt Smith (900)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Out of curiosity, and since you mention seafood as being separate from meat -- do you eat poultry? (Chicken, turkey, duck, any type of bird?)

    I ask because my understanding of "meat" is "the flesh of any animal". Some people understand "meat" to mean beef, hence the common misconception that vegetarians eat chicken, turkey and/or seafood.
    Well, if she eats 'no type of meat whatsoever' and describes herself very specifically as a lacto-ovo vegetarian (and also specifies that includes no seafood, just to make doubly sure), why would she eat birds? I would just assume no. But I could be wrong.

    I mean, what I'm getting at is that if someone has done research to the extent that they can classify themselves as a lacto-ovo vegetarian, they presumably also know what a pescetarian is (hence the no to seafood) and that vegetarians don't eat chicken.
    April 18th, 2010 at 05:27pm
  • spockface

    spockface (100)

    United States
    ^ Presumably, yes, but sometimes you get people who don't consider poultry to be meat (especially among people who also don't consider seafood meat) and thus mistakenly call themselves vegetarians when they're actually pollo-vegetarians. The way she worded it leaves the question open as to whether she considers vegetarianism to mean "no beef" or "no animal flesh".
    April 18th, 2010 at 07:25pm
  • Matt Smith

    Matt Smith (900)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ^ Presumably, yes, but sometimes you get people who don't consider poultry to be meat (especially among people who also don't consider seafood meat) and thus mistakenly call themselves vegetarians when they're actually pollo-vegetarians. The way she worded it leaves the question open as to whether she considers vegetarianism to mean "no beef" or "no animal flesh".
    Why would anyone single out beef, though? I've never, ever even heard of the notion until right now that there are people who only consider beef as meat and not lamb or pork (or other non-mainstream stuff like venision or rabbit). Pigs, sheep and cows are all mammals, it's the same thing. I can understand people classing birds and fish as different entities since they're not mammals but I don't see what makes beef so special in comparison to meat from other mammals.
    April 18th, 2010 at 08:11pm
  • spockface

    spockface (100)

    United States
    ^ Hm, you're right, I totally forgot about lamb and pork. Strike "beef" and read "mammalian flesh" instead. My bad, I was sleepy.
    April 18th, 2010 at 10:50pm
  • rosewater tide.

    rosewater tide. (130)

    United States
    Out of curiosity, and since you mention seafood as being separate from meat -- do you eat poultry? (Chicken, turkey, duck, any type of bird?)

    I ask because my understanding of "meat" is "the flesh of any animal". Some people understand "meat" to mean beef, hence the common misconception that vegetarians eat chicken, turkey and/or seafood.
    I do not eat any sort of land animal or sea animal, or crustacean.
    April 20th, 2010 at 07:46am
  • NobodyThatMatters_13

    NobodyThatMatters_13 (100)

    No one has the excuse to not go simply vegetarian.
    I won't criticize your judgements and thoughts on the topic, do what you want, but don't say you want to go vegetarian, but you can't, for whatever reason.
    I hate all veggietables and am allergic to all nuts and peanuts.
    My whole family is extremely unsupportive and they eat meat at every meal.
    I've had to change my life a lot to be vegan, but it wasn't hard, persay, just mildly inconvenient. Especially walking an hour to the nearest grocery store to buy food for myself.
    But at the end of the day, I kno I'm treating animals right, and not supporting mass-murder. It's not right, even if the animals can't feel it, or it isn't painful.
    What's the difference between eating your pet dog and some bacon?
    May 3rd, 2010 at 03:53am
  • spockface

    spockface (100)

    United States
    ^ Look, I'm vegan too, but you have no right to tell anyone else what to do with their body. You don't live in it, you don't know anyone else's physical limitations, and you don't know what food is available to them given where they live and how much time and money they have to work with.
    May 3rd, 2010 at 06:08am
  • doctorfeelgood;

    doctorfeelgood; (100)

    I'm a veggie. Have been for almost a year. When I was nine I was one for a year as well.
    May 8th, 2010 at 09:03pm
  • Rango

    Rango (100)

    United States
    I don't judge vegetarians or vegans...

    But it does make me quite mad when I get told that eating bacon is like eating my dog. Disgust

    I don't judge your eating habits, so please don't try to make me feel bad.

    My neighbor works at the place where they slaughter cows/pigs. They are immediately fired if they mistreat the pig. There is no hitting, kicking, beating, shocking, stabbing, or even yelling at the pig. They literally have to push/drag the pig gently to get it to where its going. They work with pigs that come from a farm where they can roam, and are put up occasionally for feedings and what not. My grandparents owned cows at one point in time and their cows were sent to a slaughter house where they were relaxed and pretty much pampered before they were actually slaughtered in a very quick and painless way (though I can't remember what the way was, sorry.)

    PETA to me, is a bunch of nutjobs. I'm all for animal rights, but what's the point in going through zoos and releasing a bunch of mean little animals that may or may not survive in the wild after lives in captivity? Owning a dog is considered to be like owning a slave to PETA as far as I've heard... I hate animal violence, but the way I see it, they aren't pulling out any stops when they slaughter their meals. If we do it more kind than they would, then why not?

    Humans were actually made to eat meat... I know that discussion was a while ago, but thats what the appendix was for, right? Helping us digest raw meat? And our canines are made for tearing at flesh? Not exactly like a lion's teeth, but we also have the teeth to eat plants. We're made to be omnivores. And if you choose to not eat meat, then the more power to you. You have more will power than me. But I hate when I get told I'm horrible because I eat meat.

    I won't call you unhealthy, and you don't call me heartless.

    On that note... why the hell is putting a picture of a cute little chicken/calf in my magazine with a little title "I am not a nugget/burger" okay?! That's just sick. I'm not going to stop eating meat because you show me a little chick, because as far as I know, we don't eat those. And bigger chickens are mean little shits. They peck, hard. Show one of them little bastards, not a cute little chick. That's just false advertising.
    October 21st, 2010 at 06:20am
  • spockface

    spockface (100)

    United States
    ^ Point by point:

    Nobody in this thread is judging you personally, or actively trying to make you feel bad, as far as I know. Not everything is all about you.

    Painless slaughter is still slaughter, IMO. I don't think it's right to take a sentient being's life so I can eat it.

    I've never met an adult veg*an who liked or supported PETA.

    Compare our dentition to the dentition of obligate carnivores, e.g. big cats. Then compare it to the dentition of chimpanzees, whose diet contains only 5% meat and bugs. Do you seriously think our teeth look more like an obligate carnivore's? I would argue that we were made to be *able* to eat meat, but it's not actually meant to be a staple of our diet, and we're just fine without it.

    Um... we're not actually unhealthy, at least not any more than your average omnivore, and any veg*an who's done their research and cares about eating healthy is probably healthier than your average omnivore. And again, nobody's calling you heartless -- if it's not about you, don't make it about you.

    Again, I've never met an adult veg*an who liked or supported PETA -- that's their advertising you're seeing, not the veg*an community at large.
    October 21st, 2010 at 06:52pm
  • the fiddling imp

    the fiddling imp (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm a vegetarian :]
    I've been veggie for nearly 3 years (although to be fair I was pescetarian for the first year), I don't find it difficult, but my family are pretty supportive and it's relatively easy to get vegetarian food in England. Also, since I've been veggie I've really learnt to cook for myself. I cook everyday now, except most sundays.

    I'm not one of those people who will try to turn anyone veggie. The way I see it, it's just a part of me, like having blue eyes or being short. Nyam
    October 21st, 2010 at 10:52pm
  • pulmonary archery.

    pulmonary archery. (100)

    United Kingdom
    the fiddling imp:
    The way I see it, it's just a part of me, like having blue eyes or being short. Nyam
    I like that. :] I've been having the vegetarian conversation a lot recently as I just moved into halls and am living with 7 other meat eaters... but in one conversation I was just like, not eating meat is just as natural to me as eating meat is for you. After so long it's just normal, it's what you do. I don't even think twice about not eating meat.

    At the same time, though, I hate that because I'm vegetarian I'm not allowed to comment on the taste/texture/favourite meat, etc. Everyone's really surprised or almost shocked if add in to the conversation, 'oh yeah, I love salmon, too' or something ... it's not that I'm saying I'll eat it if you hand it to me, I'm saying I enjoyed eating it when I wasn't veggie and I haven't forgotten how good it tasted. It just irks me!
    October 22nd, 2010 at 11:51am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm a vegetarian, have been for over a year now. At first my mum was refusing to let me stop eating meat and kept serving me the meat on my plate. But I refused to eat it. She's now more supportive, but my brother and sister aren't. When I'm at the table eating quorn and they are eating like a burger, they'll offer me it. I'm the only veggie in my family, I respect them for their decision to eat meat, I find it kinda insulting that they don't for mine. I don't try changing people in school, but I joke around and make them feel bad sometimes, but if my friends are eating meat around me, I try not to inhale it but I don't comment saying it's disgusting, only if it smells rank, but then I'm not the only one who agrees then. xD
    October 23rd, 2010 at 02:00am
  • albus severus.

    albus severus. (100)

    United States
    I'm a vegetarian for almost five months now, and I'm pretty proud of myself 'cause I figured I would've given up by now, but nope still a vegetarian.

    When I was first a vegetarian, my parents keep serving me meat, I just refused to eat it, even as rude as that sounds but now they don't serve me meat as much and my friends kind of bothered me about it, but not as much anymore now. Although, I'm pretty sure I'll dread Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.
    October 23rd, 2010 at 07:06am
  • pulmonary archery.

    pulmonary archery. (100)

    United Kingdom
    ^ Christmas dinner is easy, I just have what everyone else does minus the meat. tehe Roast dinners without the actual roast is actually pretty good. My mum's always bought veggie gravy and stuffing anyway, so I guess that helps a bit. x]
    October 24th, 2010 at 12:00pm
  • richard roman.

    richard roman. (205)

    United States
    I don't want to say I'm entirely vegetarian, but during the week dinner is usually just my mom and I so we normally just have pasta dishes, soup, and salads. So I rarely eat meat now a days. Only on weekends, and maybe once a week.
    October 27th, 2010 at 04:19am