Fact Finder.

  • They're blue, or very very dark blue.
    I have dark brown eyes now, but they were faintly blue when I was born.
    March 9th, 2008 at 07:46pm
  • ElectricxObsession.:
    What/Is the pairing name for Pete [Wentz] and Brendon [Urie]
    I don't think there is one. I just searched it on Google, and saw Brendon with Ryan and such, but not with Pete. :/ Come up with your own, maybe? Here are a few suggestions;

    Pendon :tehe:
    Bret :XD
    Bwente :lmfao

    Ahhh. That's all I can think of. 'Bwente' makes me LMFAO for some weird reason.... I wonder........Shifty
    March 9th, 2008 at 07:52pm
  • Does anyone know the pairing name for Zui Suicide and Audrey Kitching? Well, if there is one, anyways.

    I wanna write a one-shot with them as a pairing. My first femmeslash/homosexual thing. XD I feel proud.
    March 9th, 2008 at 07:55pm
  • This one is fairly weird.
    Whats the jail sentence for child molestation or rape (of a child)
    March 9th, 2008 at 10:12pm
    Does anyone know the pairing name for Zui Suicide and Audrey Kitching? Well, if there is one, anyways.

    I wanna write a one-shot with them as a pairing. My first femmeslash/homosexual thing. XD I feel proud.
    Zuidrey. :shifty
    March 10th, 2008 at 01:04am
  • Ok dumb question here, but in my fic I'm currently writing one of the characters gets attacked by this guy. She's thrown to the ground, repeatedly punched, and ends up getting knocked out because he takes her by the shoulders and slams her head onto the floor. Anyway, she's going to have a concussion, but I'm not really sure what exactly she'd go through/how severe it would be, since I have no experience with anything like that. I'd appreciate any help I can get (I know how to handle her other injuries, it's just the concussion...)
    March 10th, 2008 at 03:13am
  • Macabre Lullabies:
    This one is fairly weird.
    Whats the jail sentence for child molestation or rape (of a child)
    About 10% of violent offenders with child victims received life or death sentences and the average prison term was 11 years, somewhat shorter average sentences than received by those with adult victims.
    -BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991

    I got that from here.

    I think it would depend where you were though. Like, the penalty might be different in America to say, Australia, which might again differ from China's penalties.

    I think that's from America; it doesn't say specifically, but the web address is .com and it just sounds American.
    March 10th, 2008 at 03:46am
  • jepha_drag_queen:
    Does anyone know the pairing name for Zui Suicide and Audrey Kitching? Well, if there is one, anyways.

    I wanna write a one-shot with them as a pairing. My first femmeslash/homosexual thing. XD I feel proud.
    Zuidrey. :shifty
    March 10th, 2008 at 04:07am
  • Emilyemilyemily:
    Macabre Lullabies:
    This one is fairly weird.
    Whats the jail sentence for child molestation or rape (of a child)
    About 10% of violent offenders with child victims received life or death sentences and the average prison term was 11 years, somewhat shorter average sentences than received by those with adult victims.
    -BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991

    I got that from here.

    I think it would depend where you were though. Like, the penalty might be different in America to say, Australia, which might again differ from China's penalties.

    I think that's from America; it doesn't say specifically, but the web address is .com and it just sounds American.
    Thank you very much :)
    March 10th, 2008 at 06:59pm
  • Macabre Lullabies:
    Macabre Lullabies:
    This one is fairly weird.
    Whats the jail sentence for child molestation or rape (of a child)
    About 10% of violent offenders with child victims received life or death sentences and the average prison term was 11 years, somewhat shorter average sentences than received by those with adult victims.
    -BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991

    I got that from here.

    I think it would depend where you were though. Like, the penalty might be different in America to say, Australia, which might again differ from China's penalties.

    I think that's from America; it doesn't say specifically, but the web address is .com and it just sounds American.
    Thank you very much :)
    No problem :)
    March 11th, 2008 at 08:31am
  • Rose Red:
    Ok dumb question here, but in my fic I'm currently writing one of the characters gets attacked by this guy. She's thrown to the ground, repeatedly punched, and ends up getting knocked out because he takes her by the shoulders and slams her head onto the floor. Anyway, she's going to have a concussion, but I'm not really sure what exactly she'd go through/how severe it would be, since I have no experience with anything like that. I'd appreciate any help I can get (I know how to handle her other injuries, it's just the concussion...)
    Symptoms. But if it's a minor concussion, then there is basically no treatment except for rest and painkillers, and no lasting effects.
    March 11th, 2008 at 06:27pm
  • care bear stare.:
    Rose Red:
    Ok dumb question here, but in my fic I'm currently writing one of the characters gets attacked by this guy. She's thrown to the ground, repeatedly punched, and ends up getting knocked out because he takes her by the shoulders and slams her head onto the floor. Anyway, she's going to have a concussion, but I'm not really sure what exactly she'd go through/how severe it would be, since I have no experience with anything like that. I'd appreciate any help I can get (I know how to handle her other injuries, it's just the concussion...)
    Symptoms. But if it's a minor concussion, then there is basically no treatment except for rest and painkillers, and no lasting effects.
    Thank you so much!
    March 11th, 2008 at 11:10pm
  • This is going to sound ridiculous, but does anyone know of a good make-up website? I know very, very little about make-up, but a story I'm writing has a character in which she is obsessing about make-up, looking perfect, perfect shades and styles, etc.

    Also, I was wondering if anyone knew the process of an audition for a modeling career-- like what happens when one 'auditions' for an agency, how they pick, etc.

    Any help would be amazingly appreciated! :cheese:
    March 12th, 2008 at 06:03am
  • ^ MakeUp411
    Make Up Tips.
    Giant crazy fashion site.
    March 12th, 2008 at 06:13am
  • care bear stare.:
    ^ MakeUp411
    Make Up Tips.
    Giant crazy fashion site.
    I love you.
    March 12th, 2008 at 06:16am
  • Leonore Paisley:
    Also, I was wondering if anyone knew the process of an audition for a modeling career-- like what happens when one 'auditions' for an agency, how they pick, etc.

    Any help would be amazingly appreciated! :cheese:
    Well from my experience [don't ask] first you have to register on a list and they usually give you a number which you have to attach to your clothes or whatever. Then all the girls walk on stage and the judges, interviewers, w/e look at them and then select some of them. The ones left go through a mini-interview with general questions, they measure how tall you are, ask how much you weight, how old you are, where you go to school etc. and do an other selection. The girls that are now left usually go to a full-length interview and talk about contracts, payments, etc.
    March 12th, 2008 at 11:36am
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! :con:
    March 12th, 2008 at 07:12pm
  • Okay, so I'm writing this story and basically both of the main characters are Christians and they both wear the promise ring, I think it's called. I know that it means that you can't have sex before marriage but is that it? What else can't/can you do?

    And also, when your pregnant (about 2 months or so) and you fall on you stomach, hard, would that cause a miscarrage or would there have to be more than that? Also, when I say fall, not like on the floor but like on a table edge or something... Then after that, when you go to the doctor what do they do to find out about the baby and/or get rid of the remains? I personally don't know anything about this pregnancy stuff so tell me if I'm making sense or not.
    March 15th, 2008 at 03:19am
  • N.E.R.D.:
    Okay, so I'm writing this story and basically both of the main characters are Christians and they both wear the promise ring, I think it's called. I know that it means that you can't have sex before marriage but is that it? What else can't/can you do?
    It's a True Love Waits ring. Technically, you can do anything but have sex. Girls who pledge abstinence are more likely to engage in both oral and anal sex. It just depends on how devout your characters are.
    March 15th, 2008 at 03:25am
  • If osmeone totally and 100% believes that they are someone else, what type of mental disorder is that?
    March 15th, 2008 at 07:53am