Cyber Bullying & Online Harrasment

  • I've recently been cyber bullied. My mom says I should just let it go. But honestly, sometimes things like this you just can't let go.

    I've had it happen to me before, that's why it bothered me so much this time. If I hadn't had this happen before, then I probably wouldn't really care...

    It's just, cause it reminds me of last time, and all the crap I went through...
    February 1st, 2008 at 10:04pm
  • My friend started 'Escape the Line' to help against this. But truthfully I think that in life you will always have some people who will say rude things to you. It's just something that you have to deal with. If you choose to chat with a random person or add a random person you don't know you have the risk of them not being who you think they are. If you are not strong enough to face the facts or hear the rude things then I would recommend not adding random people.
    Also people who commit suicide because of fake people who bully you on the internet... Well, I have to say it is the saddest way to die. Suicide for no reason at all is how I would see it.
    So in other words; If its too hot get out of the kitchen...
    February 3rd, 2008 at 01:44am
  • I've been stalked via email, but I didn't hear from the guy for two years.

    Somehow, he found me on a forum and started to stalk me from there. It's frightening, and creepy.
    February 3rd, 2008 at 01:47am
  • I've very recently been a victim to cyber-bullying.

    A girl I know from school added me on Bebo, MSN and invited me to Tagged/Facebook/Myspace/Send chain letters/etc multiple times from multiple emails. When I commented her page informing her of why I declined, she blew up and dragged all her friends into it, who commented all over her page calling me emo, dangerous to talk to, accusing me of self-harm, calling me fat, etc. This was maybe a week before the four-year anniversary of my grandfathers death when I found the messages so needless to say, their timing was terrible, not that I'd want them to know how I was at the time.

    I commented to the profiles I could, asking them to back off and then they abused me on my own page and persisted accusing me of self harm. One girl who goes to my school, but I dont know, said "It'zs GwdD yhOouh DdN'tt knO huU Ii aMm sO yOouh CaN'tt CUTt MeE." as a rough imitation. It got worse, got around to treats worded like "When we get back to schoo, you're gonna fucking get it!" and "Can't wait till schools back!". I was anxious about returning as it were.

    Since, I've been not-the-best. Because of the emotional damage they've caused in conjunction with dealing with my grandfathers death, not only through the internet but on the school gorunds and outside them, I've been put on the list for a counsellor, which I am due to see in about a week-and-a-half's time.
    February 5th, 2008 at 07:03am
  • Ohhh, i have many instances:

    -: I requested a girl, and she called me a slut. For no reason.
    -: I requested a guy, and he asked me who I was, I said 'your mom' followed by a smiley, and he followed with 'ok well ur fuckin weird so stay away from me u cunt'
    -: Girls from my school spread vicious rumors about me being a lesbian whore because I put 'I love Megan, she's the best thing that ever happened to me' on my Myspace and I got nasty messages from people.
    -: I found a message circulating about me that said I sucked the principal's *ahem*.
    -: My ex-best friend called me a nasty Herpes ho. literally.

    Now, keep in mind I've never had a boyfriend and people are calling me a whore.
    Raise your hand if you think that's right.
    February 6th, 2008 at 09:53pm
  • I've been subject to cyber bullying myself. I think the one of the worst thing is now, is offence can be taken to such an high level now. On MSN, you can place a full stop in the wrong place and someone can take the completely wrong meaning from what you are saying. Then from a simple misunderstanding or spelling error, you have friends falling out.
    February 14th, 2008 at 11:22pm
  • I've had to go through online harassment my entire life and it's a bitch to go through. My experiences are countless, and I try to just forget.

    I don't know about you guys, but every time I tell a teacher, etc. about it, someone gets in trouble and then it gets worse. But if it works for you guys, then go you!

    What I always do is just change my username, it's not hard. I tend to not block them, cause they can make countless accounts, so it's pointless. But if they don't know my username then I'm good.
    February 18th, 2008 at 02:56am
  • I finally told someone about cyber bullying that happened to me. Cause well, he also started bullying me at school.

    Tomorrow I have to bring the student support worker the conversations we had...cause I saved them and then printed them out...
    February 19th, 2008 at 04:12am
  • I have not been cyber bullied, but I have been asked to perform in things I did not want to be part of.

    The best thing to do, I think, is to tell someone. Before it gets any worse. :]
    February 19th, 2008 at 10:18am
  • Lovesick Melody.:
    I have not been cyber bullied, but I have been asked to perform in things I did not want to be part of.

    The best thing to do, I think, is to tell someone. Before it gets any worse. :]

    It might get worse after you tell someone, but also if you don't tell someone, it won't go away...
    February 19th, 2008 at 11:27pm
  • i hate it when people post hate comments on youtube. if you don't like it, why did you look it up?
    March 2nd, 2008 at 05:38am
  • March 8th, 2008 at 10:35am
  • I've cyber bullied, been cyber bullied, and seen people being cyber bullied. The first thing I suggest you do is change all of your passwords to every account including your email. The best thing to do is block people who you don't know from contacting you by setting your AIM to only the people on your buddy list can contact you. Next is disable people from messaging you on myspace by putting up an away message and refusing any requests that you think look fishy and setting your photo albums to private if your profile isn't already friends only.
    March 9th, 2008 at 01:20am
  • There's this one girl in my school who regularly starts arguments with me in late at
    night when her mother and sister are in bed and don't know what she's up to.

    She proceeds to call me an emo, tell me that I should die, and all the rest of that
    meaningless crap. She then even had the nerve to drag her friend into it, and then,
    one time, it was pretty obvious that they also had their own private conversation
    going, because they both attacked me over the same things at the same time. The
    one thing that really made me laugh? The attack over how I was a total swot because
    I use proper spelling / punctuation on MSN. How completely sad.

    Some of your stories though - they're awful. I'm sorry that anyone would ever have
    to go through that. I'm also kind of feeling sorry for the pathetic individuals that do
    that kind of rubbish.

    March 9th, 2008 at 02:15am
  • A month or so ago, my friend *cough* bestest friend *cough* recieved a text message from some girl that we're basically enemies with now, but we used to be friends with her before she and I agreed that that girl was a total bitch and decided to not be friends with her. She started a lot of shit with us, but this is the most recent one. The bitch fucking asks my friend's "ex boyfriend" (...she only went out with him just to break it off the next day...twice...) who actually has the fuckin' NERVE to beg her to 'come back to him' before AND after he gives out her fucking number. Then she text messages my friend, with totally idiotic threats, so my friend and her mom went to our principal. They didn't suspend her this time (long story. Involves me. Don't wanna get into details.)

    Basically, cyber bullying and online harrassment is normally just some idiot who honestly has no life so they decide to bully some random person online. Or it's just some complete fucking dumb ass you know who doesn't have the nerve to say those things in your face (or they do...but they want to extend their 'torture' by bothering you online). It's really sad why people do these kinds of things, really. Makes no sense.

    But I find it REALLY fucked up why people waste their time watching some video just to trash it. It makes no sense - why waste your Goddamn time with trashing somebody, or a band, just to feel 'cool'? Basically, they have negative self-esteem and think that they'd feel better if they trashed others, proclaiming that those people are 'losers'.

    They're the ones whom are losers.
    April 24th, 2008 at 04:54am
  • I've been cyber bullied....I've also been cyber raped, and there should be a law against it all, because it's not right. No
    April 24th, 2008 at 04:57am
  • Pyro9892:
    I've been cyber bullied....I've also been cyber raped, and there should be a law against it all, because it's not right. No
    Cyber raped? That sounds horrible. That isn't right at all.
    I haven't had too many cyber bullying experiences. I occasionally get rude photo comments on myspace and stuff. Someone once left me a comment saying, "You cut your face? Try to be a little less obvious! Go back to your wrists."

    Some people at my school will just be retarded, IMing me saying they know where I live, then say my address.

    I got into a fight with someone online once, and they ending up saying some nasty stuff about me. So I told her just to fuck off, and she got uber angry and called my house telling me I hurt her feelings.
    May 4th, 2008 at 05:04am
  • My online boyfriend turned out to be one of my best friends tricking me.

    Some friend, huh?
    May 4th, 2008 at 04:39pm
  • Uhmm.
    I cyber-bullied someone once. And I got other people to as well.
    She seems to have forgotton, though.
    May 10th, 2008 at 01:57am
  • What's the deal with the whole "you cut you emo whore" type insults? They don't make sense...and frankly I don't know why anyone would find that insulting (besides the whore part, but come one "you cut" how lame is that?)

    <3 Fisher
    May 12th, 2008 at 11:38am