Worst Story You've Written

  • Narzisse Narcosis;

    Narzisse Narcosis; (150)

    My worst story has to be when I was first starting out. It never had a title but it was a fan fiction with the Power Rangers and Hanson. In my own defense I was only 14 at the time so I have an excuse. Almost 200 pages handwritten (this is before I had a computer) I actually still have the story in a black 3 prong folder. It's something I never threw away but it will never see the light of day...ever.
    Power Rangers and Hanson fan-fiction? That is so amazing. I am totally pining for the 90's right now. haha


    The worst short story I've ever written was for Honors English in 11th grade. I decided at the point that I was writing this that I hated this teacher and so badly wanted to just provoke him with my writing for giving me such a stupid assignment. He said he hated "tear-jerker" "feel-sorry-for-the-main-character" and prolong depression stories, so I wrote one Hell of a tear-jerker about a girl who sold her soul just for a friend and the friend in the end killed her and ate her alive because the friend was a demon of course. I got a 100% on the story and a really long note about how great of a talent I am and the teacher told me that I shouldn't feel so lonely. He had thought that I was writing at some point as a personal narrative!

    The worst serial story I've ever written was a story about a world similar to modern Norway with modern Norwegian black metallers and Varg Vikernes taking over the government. Gaahl was made the king and he had a wife. (This was before Gaahl came out of the closet.)

    The worst novel I've ever written was in the 7th grade. I don't even know how to explain it. It takes place in one of my renaissance-inspired fantasy worlds and it's about a recurring character in that world (a king) and his strange incestuous love for his daughters and his mission to keep them sheltered from the outside world. But every time a daughter would do something wrong in his eyes, he would excommunicate her or have her tortured to death. I'm not sure where this story idea came from, but the father/king was based loosely upon Marilyn Manson at the time I was writing this. Now though, this character has evolved into an identity of his own.


    Perusing the past posts in here, I've realized that I was extremely lucky because when I was ten years old (in 2001) my family didn't have the internet and I wasn't allowed to use the internet without adult supervision, so I didn't post any of my stupid stuff until I was 13 or 14.
    December 27th, 2011 at 05:13am
  • Zorua

    Zorua (100)

    United States
    I don't really have a worst, there's just little problems in all of then.

    But I'd have to say my fanfiction. I only wrote one little series and I never posted it anywhere. The plot ideas were great, but the writing sucked and sometimes it was just cliche.
    December 28th, 2011 at 08:42pm
  • bfflgirl8823

    bfflgirl8823 (100)

    United States
    mine is most definitely the worst. It was about this girl who was obsessed with a certain HSM actor and couldn't see that her best friend was in love with her <3 Laughing
    December 29th, 2011 at 01:47am
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh God....I had a story when I was about 13, and it involved my favourite band and a group of my friends, and it was the most stupid and pointless thing ever. My grammar was absolutely appalling in it as well, and the storyline lead nowhere. It jump point-of-view more than it should, the timeline shifted rapidly and there really were no serious events, bar one which got really badly glossed over. I found it the other week (on my buzznet profile, trololol), and I almost died laughing. I'd like to think I've improved by then, because that seriously was a joke of a piece of writing.
    December 30th, 2011 at 10:49am
  • dr. pamela isley

    dr. pamela isley (100)

    Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
    tumble and fall;:
    Oh God....I had a story when I was about 13, and it involved my favourite band and a group of my friends, and it was the most stupid and pointless thing ever. My grammar was absolutely appalling in it as well, and the storyline lead nowhere. It jump point-of-view more than it should, the timeline shifted rapidly and there really were no serious events, bar one which got really badly glossed over. I found it the other week (on my buzznet profile, trololol), and I almost died laughing. I'd like to think I've improved by then, because that seriously was a joke of a piece of writing.

    Well, at least I wasn't alone writing stuff like this when I was that age. I'm not sure whether that fact pleases me or not though.
    December 30th, 2011 at 08:30pm
  • shirtless

    shirtless (105)

    I wrote a story about a ton of kids that suddenly get stranded on an island. I was like nine and all my characters were eleven because I thought being eleven was so ~cool.
    They ended up having sex with each other and getting pregnant and building a raft to sail back home but OH NO someone gets eaten by a shark and then Zelda comes out of nowhere to save the fucking day. lmfao

    Everyone goes through that Mary Sue scene kids + poetic description phase in their writing. I hope, oh god XD
    December 31st, 2011 at 10:15pm
  • Exit Wound;

    Exit Wound; (100)

    The only two I ever posted, when I was like 13-15... One was about Gerard being a drug dealer and his relationship with an OC, and the other one was about Gerard being a perv with an adolescent OC. It was just so bad and...hormonal. I'm still embarassed.
    January 1st, 2012 at 02:00am
  • requiem.

    requiem. (205)

    United States
    My worst stories are the ones I wrote when I first started getting into writing.

    Like back in the old FOB days, I wrote a story about the girl who found out Pete Wentz was her father. Now I look back and I'm like "what was I thinking when I even thought of writing that"?

    I wrote a semi-decent one about a girl that falls in love with her step-brother and have to keep their relationship a secret from their parents.` But it's one of my worst compared to how I write now.

    I wrote one about a girl who was bulimic and her boyfriend and friends were trying to save her and stop her eating disorder. That one was pretty okay. I did all of my research so I knew I had most things right. My writing style back then just wasn't as good as it is now. So again, that seemed terrible. Good plot, but writing wasn't that great.
    January 11th, 2012 at 01:11am
  • Takanori Matsumoto.

    Takanori Matsumoto. (150)

    United States
    my worst story is beyond embarassing. it was this multi-fandom thing that just makes me cringe whenever i think about it. i was big on naraku, so all the inuyasha characters were in it, as well as the members of green day, a group of my friends and me, and a guy i thought was really hot shit. i think there were more celebrities in it, too (oh cher Facepalm), but it was just. a clusterfuck of bad.
    January 13th, 2012 at 06:12am
  • youth and whiskey.

    youth and whiskey. (415)

    United States
    oh deer god, my worst story was my first story. It was an incredibly shitty Andy Biersack fan-fiction back in '09 when he was Andy Sixx. Oh god. It was so bad. He transferred to a high school where he met this girl named Alessandra (terrible attempt at a self-insert) and they fell in love, they got drunk one night, she got pregnant, flew to England with her best friend, had the kid, years later when Black Veil Brides got huge and Andy was back in town around the time Alessanra was, Urias (his son, about 5 years old) sees Andy in the candy aisle at a super market and freaks out because he loves Black Veil Brides. Andy thinks Urias looks familiar. Alessandra comes looking for Urias, sees Andy, they reconnect and she tells Urias and Andy that they're father and son ALL IS WELL AGAIN and they get married. the end.

    lmfao Though I can say it's the only story I've ever finished - it was 28 chapters long.
    January 16th, 2012 at 05:41pm
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    It is my most successful story and the one I wonder why I even wrote other than to sell out. Its called Second Heartbeat.
    January 31st, 2012 at 03:57pm
  • dreadlocks

    dreadlocks (100)

    United States
    Erm, the first story I wrote...when I was eleven.

    It was a Cinema Bizarre fan-fiction, about four chapters long and about a girl several years younger than all the band members who magically was not only at their concert with a backstage pass, but also somehow fell in love with Strify within the four two hours of knowing him.

    Also, somehow this under-aged girl was at a bar with them drinking xD

    Ah...back when I wrote horribly for fame on Quizilla.
    February 3rd, 2012 at 03:39am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    My very first story: A Cho Chang/Harry Potter story. It was absolutely horrid and I literally had no clue what I was going until I was doing it. Stories with no direction rarely end well.
    February 4th, 2014 at 03:47pm