Homosexuality (and Everything Else)

  • kafka.

    kafka. (150)

    United Kingdom
    Kurtni Reznor:
    Ars Poetica.:
    You know most homophobes, don't usually pick up a gun and shot gays
    That isn't the only way to ruin a life. I know you didn't say it was, but I think it's needed to point that out. You don't have to physically harass someone to harm them.
    I was talking strictly about the article posted above. I meant that most homophobes don't act as radical as the boy in the story and that's why I think that homophobia isn't the only issue.
    Hate and fear are destructive feelings by nature and they harm people in many ways.
    March 4th, 2008 at 02:14pm
  • Amanda Palmer.

    Amanda Palmer. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Kurtni Reznor:
    Ars Poetica.:
    You know most homophobes, don't usually pick up a gun and shot gays
    That isn't the only way to ruin a life. I know you didn't say it was, but I think it's needed to point that out. You don't have to physically harass someone to harm them.
    I personally agree. A homophobe doesn't have to kill, or physically harm someone, to hurt them. I guess I have strong views on this because, Well I'm not gay I date girls and guys but, I guess I probably am a big biased. But the point is, homophobia is not right in any way. Something as small as someone yelling 'fag' in the corridor at school, can hurt someone badly in ways that the person offending them might not realise.

    And for people who have said to me in the past, that homophobia is more a fear of homosexuals, well I have read a lot, and I have read quite a few things where it has almost been proven that homophobia is more Disgust, rather than an actual fear. And I'm sure there is probably some exceptions, but I'm talking about homophobes in general.

    Why should anyone have the right to tell you who you should, or should not, fall in love with? It's been said so many times before, that love is love, no matter who it is. You wouldn't tell someone that the fact that they are dating someone of a different religion is wrong would you? Because in society, that would be considered a bad thing to say. But homophobes can get away with it much more easily, for the simple reason that many many people disagree with homosexual love.

    Overall, I believe people should just try to be more open minded about homosexuality, or if they can't, they should at least leave them alone.
    March 6th, 2008 at 06:19pm
  • Haley.Siska.

    Haley.Siska. (200)

    gay rights are good... i have gotten beaten up becuase i stood up for one of my best gay friends
    March 8th, 2008 at 12:18am
  • opium den mother.

    opium den mother. (550)

    Anyone hear about the Gay Iranian boy who is currently seeking asylum in Britain because he is gay, and doesn't want to go back on fear of his life?

    His boyfriend//lover was killed over there for being a homosexual and sodomising.

    I personally think it's horrid...

    but yeah.
    March 14th, 2008 at 02:13am
  • Garry_Way

    Garry_Way (100)

    United States
    ^ I have not heard about that, but I heard about the 14 year old boy who got killed for asking another boy classmate to be his valentine.

    I get a lot of crap for being bisexual. I don't feel I need to chose.
    March 14th, 2008 at 02:23am
  • opium den mother.

    opium den mother. (550)

    ^^ Shocking and disgusting.
    March 14th, 2008 at 02:28am
  • Leroquent.

    Leroquent. (100)

    United States
    I believe that The Big Kahuna on the Seventh Floor doesn't mind it. Sure, it's not the way he planned, but it's not like everyone on the face of the Earth will be gay someday. Homophobia is more of a sin. Besides, we have a population problem anyway. :file:

    And as for 'why did God make gays?', humans were born with free will. God doesn't control us, so he played no part in the conversion to homosexuality.
    March 17th, 2008 at 09:02pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    I was talking to a friend today and she said she got into a fight with someone in one of her classes because she was saying something about homosexuality and he made a noise or something so she asked him if he was a homophobe. I think she said that he said that being gay was not right, and she told him that he was wrong and that there is nothing wrong with gay people.

    When she told me this story, I looked from both points of view and responded. "Well, okay, but in his point of view, maybe being gay is wrong." Then she proceeded to say that she didn't care because he was wrong. I told her that was her opinion. She disagreed and said that it was fact. I told her that it wasn't a fact because homeosexuality and whether it is right or not is an opinion, not a fact.

    It just kind of bugs me when someone tells someone else that they are wrong about something when it's based only on their opinion. I think I'm like this because I've been told I was wrong before about my opinions and told that it was a fact that I was wrong, but it was really just the person's opinion.
    March 17th, 2008 at 11:23pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Double Post.
    I believe that The Big Kahuna on the Seventh Floor doesn't mind it. Sure, it's not the way he planned, but it's not like everyone on the face of the Earth will be gay someday. Homophobia is more of a sin. Besides, we have a population problem anyway. :file:

    And as for 'why did God make gays?', humans were born with free will. God doesn't control us, so he played no part in the conversion to homosexuality.
    I agree, and it really bugs me when certain people of different religions say "Gay people are all going to hell."

    It says in the Bible that in God's eyes every sin is the same. So a lie is the same as murder in God's eyes. A sin is a sin, no matter how great or small the world judges it as. So, in God's eyes, a homosexual is no worse or better than someone who disobeys their parents or someone who steals a piece of bubblegum from a convenient store.
    March 17th, 2008 at 11:27pm
  • Leonore Paisley

    Leonore Paisley (200)

    United States
    The Fantasy:
    I was talking to a friend today and she said she got into a fight with someone in one of her classes because she was saying something about homosexuality and he made a noise or something so she asked him if he was a homophobe. I think she said that he said that being gay was not right, and she told him that he was wrong and that there is nothing wrong with gay people.

    When she told me this story, I looked from both points of view and responded. "Well, okay, but in his point of view, maybe being gay is wrong." Then she proceeded to say that she didn't care because he was wrong. I told her that was her opinion. She disagreed and said that it was fact. I told her that it wasn't a fact because homeosexuality and whether it is right or not is an opinion, not a fact.

    It just kind of bugs me when someone tells someone else that they are wrong about something when it's based only on their opinion. I think I'm like this because I've been told I was wrong before about my opinions and told that it was a fact that I was wrong, but it was really just the person's opinion.
    I said that because I base my opinions on fact, while he put no thought into it and ate some words someone fed him. I see no validity in his opinion. There is technically nothing wrong with anyone who is gay or a lesbian. :file:
    March 18th, 2008 at 04:01am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    And as for 'why did God make gays?', humans were born with free will. God doesn't control us, so he played no part in the conversion to homosexuality.
    Except people don't choose to be gay. [With the except of some lesbians who were sexually abused by men.]
    March 19th, 2008 at 03:58am
  • oxford comma.

    oxford comma. (200)

    United States
    God doesn't control us, so he played no part in the conversion to homosexuality.
    How do you convert to homosexuality?
    March 19th, 2008 at 04:48am
  • Megan Christ.

    Megan Christ. (100)

    United States
    I have absolutely no problem with gay people.
    I think they're pretty awesome. :]
    But since I live in a town filled with rednecks, racists, and narrow-minded people, they just love to discriminate them.
    I mean, I know I can't change their views on things, but I just get so sick of listening to it everyday.

    My school was having a blood drive today and my friend told me that they wouldn't let this one guy donate blood because he was gay. :/
    March 19th, 2008 at 11:58pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    My school was having a blood drive today and my friend told me that they wouldn't let this one guy donate blood because he was gay. :/
    That has nothing to do with your school. It has to do with the Red Cross's donation policies.
    March 20th, 2008 at 12:19am
  • Leonore Paisley

    Leonore Paisley (200)

    United States
    druscilla; dormouse.:
    My school was having a blood drive today and my friend told me that they wouldn't let this one guy donate blood because he was gay. :/
    That has nothing to do with your school. It has to do with the Red Cross's donation policies.
    Why would their policies discriminate against gays?
    March 20th, 2008 at 04:31pm
  • The Lovecraft

    The Lovecraft (500)

    Leonore Paisley:
    druscilla; dormouse.:
    My school was having a blood drive today and my friend told me that they wouldn't let this one guy donate blood because he was gay. :/
    That has nothing to do with your school. It has to do with the Red Cross's donation policies.
    Why would their policies discriminate against gays?
    Probably because there's this myth : Gay people have more chances to have veneric diseases. It was almost true 20-25 years ago, but I think it has no veridicity today.

    Sorry to cut in like that. :oops:
    March 20th, 2008 at 06:18pm
  • RememberMonday

    RememberMonday (100)

    United States
    They (the gays) should be able to adopt, marry, basically anything that a heterosexual person gets... They are HUMAN! so shouldn't they get the same rights? It's like saying, white people, or black people, or hispanic, or what ever can't adopt just because... !
    I honestly am heterosexual but i have very strong philosiphies and i'm stuburn...
    but a child who gets adopted, wether is be in a hetero couple or a homo couple they will be happy, because they get a home where they are feed, sheltered, and loved! it doesn't matter what the parents sexual intrests are!
    March 22nd, 2008 at 04:03am
  • bewareofdogs

    bewareofdogs (1350)

    United States
    I totally agree with you (author of this thingy).

    I have 5 gay friends, 3 straight friends, 5 bisexual friends, and 1 friend who is willing to fall in love with anyone weather it be of the same sex of a different sex a transvestite a drag queen whom ever.
    The fact that I have so many friends of different orientaions I have a very excepting view. I'm heterosexual I love men, but I still believe that gays SHOULD be able to marry, that gays SHOULD be able to raise children (if anything they're going to do, they're going to brainwash the kids into thinking that gays are really cool people and not the devil's spawn they're known as).

    If my two friends who are dating (guys) want a kid, that kid is going to have the GREATEST dad's anyone could ever have. And I know that they would NEVER do ANYTHING to try and make that kid gay. What happens happens. I've heard stories of kids who have gay parents but are totally straight!

    March 22nd, 2008 at 11:24pm
  • eighteen inches

    eighteen inches (200)

    United States
    ^ Discriminating against gay people is the same family as racial discrimination.

    Would you tell a white person to get over their fear/hatred of black people? Asian?

    It's not something you get over. It comes with educating about homosexuality, experiencing gay people, etc. There's generally an underlying issue [parents who were strictly homophobic, a religious group, things like that].
    March 23rd, 2008 at 07:02pm
  • kafka.

    kafka. (150)

    United Kingdom
    It's rather different from racial discrimination.
    Until 1992 it was still considered a mental disease by WHO and Freud has some pretty strong arguments that it is. And we believe everything else Freud said.

    You are allowed to dislike homosexuality and you are allowed to think it's a wrong thing, as long as you don't discriminate gay persons.

    I dislike and disagree with expressionism, but that doesn't mean I hate or bash every other expressionist painter.
    March 23rd, 2008 at 07:20pm