Homosexuality (and Everything Else)

  • I don't find anything wrong with homosexuality at all. Gays, bis, lesbians, or whatever you want to call them, are people, too. Just with different fancies when it comes to gender. Big deal.

    I watched one episode of Degrassi, where the character Paige refuses to admit that she's either bisexual/homosexual because her brother already is gay and she's "supposed" to give her mother (or was it her parents?) grandchildren. That sort of thing is what some parents don't like about their kids being gay/bi. It also proves that they don't think there's always adopting another child. Sure, they aren't flesh and blood, but you'll love them either way, right? Right.

    I don't think there would be that much bashing on homosexuality, etc. if people only took the time to actually try to comprehend/understand it. Love is love, whether it's a boy to a girl, a boy to a boy, a girl to a girl, a girl to a zombie, or a boy to a goat. The last two are just because I'm feeling like having something random in this. Smiley
    March 23rd, 2008 at 11:22pm
  • Taking Back Summer.:
    Love is love, whether it's a boy to a girl, a boy to a boy, a girl to a girl, a girl to a zombie, or a boy to a goat. The last two are just because I'm feeling like having something random in this. Smiley
    And since you felt the need to be random, I'll have to feel the need to reply.
    Girl/zombie. I'm all for necrophilia if the person gave permission for their corpse to be used in such a manner, otherwise I think it's wrong because they don't have permission from the person to use their body in such a way. It's rape of the deceased.
    Boy/goat. Animals cannot consent to sex, therefore it is rape of an animal and I don't feel rape of anything should be allowed.
    March 24th, 2008 at 01:40am
  • Dru, you crack me up.

    The suicide rate for young gay persons is three times that for other teens.

    Honestly, I'm pretty sure it's obvious.
    March 24th, 2008 at 12:36pm
  • The only homosexual people I have a problem with are the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.
    I have a problem with them because they continuously, openly/outrightly mock the Catholic church, its beliefs and its practices. I believe in treating all religions with respect and the SPI's disrespect for that which is sacred is disgusting.
    March 25th, 2008 at 02:23am
  • ^ Well, that's a problem with a group of homosexual people, not homosexuals beceause of their sexual preference.

    I have problems with some people of all races, genders, and sexualities. :file:
    March 25th, 2008 at 02:46am
  • March 25th, 2008 at 03:15am
  • I don't believe in god, so for me homosexuality is not a sin.
    And I'm bisexual by myself, so I find homosexuality normal.

    I think homosexuals should get the right to adopt children. Children need their parents, and I think it's so unnecessary to say children need mum & dad, not mum mum or dad & dad, because there's a lot of single parents and kids who live in orphanage. I think some kids would have better life with homosexual parets.

    And yeah, I think homophobia is illness and you should get some treatment with it. You know, it's not normal to be afraid of different people.
    March 25th, 2008 at 04:27pm
  • ^ Yes, it actually is completely normal to be afraid of different people. It's just like being scared of the dark; you fear what you don't know. And I won't even get into the idea of 'treating' someone for their beliefs.
    March 25th, 2008 at 04:31pm
  • andine:
    And yeah, I think homophobia is illness and you should get some treatment with it. You know, it's not normal to be afraid of different people.
    I don't think it's an illness. Anything with 'phobia' on the end is simply regarded as a fear and people don't get treatment for other kids of fears, such as a fear of spiders or something.
    I think acting homophobic is sick and wrong, just like any other kind of discrimination but that's just a person treating other people badly; I don't think there's something wrong with them mentally.

    I don't know if homophobia is the best term for it though. After all, I doubt most of them are actually 'scared' of gay/lesbian people; they just dislike them.
    March 25th, 2008 at 06:21pm
  • ZooZoo Magee:
    The only homosexual people I have a problem with
    the endless.:
    ^ Well, that's a problem with a group of homosexual people, not homosexuals beceause of their sexual preference.
    Thank you for reiterating what I previously said, I really appreciate it.
    March 25th, 2008 at 08:59pm
  • ^ I was just saying that that's not homophobia, because your reason to dislike them isn't their sexuality. It wouldn't make a difference if it was a homosexual or heterosexual group.

    I was agreeing with you . . . :shifty
    March 26th, 2008 at 12:01am
  • ZooZoo Magee:
    The only homosexual people I have a problem with are the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.
    I have a problem with them because they continuously, openly/outrightly mock the Catholic church, its beliefs and its practices. I believe in treating all religions with respect and the SPI's disrespect for that which is sacred is disgusting.
    But its perfectly ok for the Catholic church to say horrible things about homosexual people and disrespect them?
    March 26th, 2008 at 04:41am
  • Kurtni Reznor:
    ZooZoo Magee:
    The only homosexual people I have a problem with are the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.
    I have a problem with them because they continuously, openly/outrightly mock the Catholic church, its beliefs and its practices. I believe in treating all religions with respect and the SPI's disrespect for that which is sacred is disgusting.
    But its perfectly ok for the Catholic church to say horrible things about homosexual people and disrespect them?
    The Catholic church's beliefs state that homosexuality is wrong. I do not understand how that is "horrible," or "disrespectful."
    March 26th, 2008 at 07:09am
  • ZooZoo Magee:
    The Catholic church's beliefs state that homosexuality is wrong. I do not understand how that is "horrible," or "disrespectful."
    I don't think outright telling a homosexual or group of homosexuals that they are going to burn in hell for being gay is very respectful...

    (Note 1; I know that's not what you said.
    Note 2; I'm not saying that all Catholic(s) church(s) do. :shifty)
    March 26th, 2008 at 07:58am
  • Serena Vox:
    I don't think outright telling a homosexual or group of homosexuals that they are going to burn in hell for being gay is very respectful...

    (Note 1; I know that's not what you said.
    Note 2; I'm not saying that all Catholic(s) church(s) do. :shifty)
    (I am focusing solely on that first sentence.)
    Non-agreeance with a religion's teachings does not give one license to treat that which is considered sacred in such an irreverent manner.
    Despite the fact that we have freedom of expression in the United States, I do not believe it is right to disrespect any religion--regardless of its teachings-- which is what the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence do, which is the group of homosexual people I have a problem with.
    March 26th, 2008 at 05:06pm
  • ZooZoo Magee:
    (I am focusing solely on that first sentence.)
    Non-agreeance with a religion's teachings does not give one license to treat that which is considered sacred in such an irreverent manner.
    Despite the fact that we have freedom of expression in the United States, I do not believe it is right to disrespect any religion--regardless of its teachings-- which is what the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence do, which is the group of homosexual people I have a problem with.
    Edit; I don't agree with what they've done, no. No one person or organization should have to put with disrespect over petty disagreements.
    But not all homosexuals disrespect religion or it's teachings though.
    There are those who just keep to themselves. Not even bothering with it, nor even questioning.
    Just as there are those who will openly respect their opinions, regardless if the fact that they don't agree.
    And there are those who will actively participate in Church or consider themselves a specific religion, even despite the fact that they are gay.

    So similar to what you said, non-agreeance with homosexuality does not give them the right to treat homosexuals the way they do.

    The Church shouldn't even worry about it instead of telling people the things that they do when they aren't in agreement with the teachings. In other words, I am saying two wrongs don't make a right.
    It isn't any more just for a homosexual to disrespect a church or their teachings as it is for a pastor or anyone affiliated with the church to tell a homosexual blatantly, rudely that they will burn in hell, even if they've done nothing wrong except be open about their homosexuality.

    I say live and let live.
    March 26th, 2008 at 05:23pm
  • ZooZoo Magee:
    Kurtni Reznor:
    ZooZoo Magee:
    The only homosexual people I have a problem with are the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.
    I have a problem with them because they continuously, openly/outrightly mock the Catholic church, its beliefs and its practices. I believe in treating all religions with respect and the SPI's disrespect for that which is sacred is disgusting.
    But its perfectly ok for the Catholic church to say horrible things about homosexual people and disrespect them?
    The Catholic church's beliefs state that homosexuality is wrong. I do not understand how that is "horrible," or "disrespectful."
    You can't honestly believe that is the only thing the Catholic Church and Catholic Church leaders have said about homosexuality. :mrgreen:
    March 26th, 2008 at 07:25pm
  • This may just be extremely random, but am I the only lesbian who doesn't like the term "lesbian"?
    I see posters that say "...bi, gay, lesbian..."
    Wait, are we not gay? I wasn't aware that there was differentiation between male and female homosexuals.
    March 26th, 2008 at 08:43pm
  • Pondie:
    This may just be extremely random, but am I the only lesbian who doesn't like the term "lesbian"?
    I see posters that say "...bi, gay, lesbian..."
    Wait, are we not gay? I wasn't aware that there was differentiation between male and female homosexuals.
    I don't mind the term lesbian, but I don't mind saying "I'm gay" either. I also don't mind the term dyke, but I hate lez and lezzy, especially when the speaker is straight.
    March 26th, 2008 at 08:50pm
  • Pondie:
    This may just be extremely random, but am I the only lesbian who doesn't like the term "lesbian"?
    I see posters that say "...bi, gay, lesbian..."
    Wait, are we not gay? I wasn't aware that there was differentiation between male and female homosexuals.
    I actually happen to like the word ''lesbian'' because it comes from the Greek poet Sappho who lived on the island of Lesbos. She was one of the greatest antic poets and wrote poems about her women lovers. Sapphic is also a synonym for lesbian. I also think Cattullus, an other antic poet, referred to his lover as ''my Lesbia'' in his poems. I think it sounds poetic.
    Lesbian means strictly gay women, while gay might be used for both women and men or strictly men.
    March 26th, 2008 at 08:59pm