Write a letter to yourself...

  • La Luna

    La Luna (100)

    New Zealand
    Dear Faith...
    Did you actually get your drivers license?
    Are you smoking your troubles away secretly everynight?
    Are you still with Brett?
    Is Dad actually alive?
    Do you have new friends
    Are you dead?
    Have you been in your first fight?
    Have you gone back to your old ways?
    Have you learnt how to trust men yet?
    Do you trust your New dad yet?
    Do you still feel like the world is crushing you?
    Did you finish and pass NCEA lvl 1?
    Please Please answer yes...
    Well Faith if you are still alive then good job if Brett left you then i congragulate you
    He was your saviour that fatefull day..
    Thankyou Brett.
    Go get revenge today if he dumped you.. his number should still be the same good luck in your quest for love somewhere.

    Faith Canales- Wolter
    Hamilton, New Zealand 9:12pm 4th March 2010.
    Oh PS Is there flying cars? IS the world still together.. okay done..
    March 4th, 2010 at 09:13am
  • violent tremors.

    violent tremors. (100)

    Dear Future Tyarna;

    First of all, I want you to read this. Even if it’s at the end of this year, I want you to read it.

    Have you went to a concert yet?
    Has All Time Low came back to Australia?
    Have you got Skins, Series 4, On DVD?
    Have you read more Manga?
    Do you still role play?
    Have you met Natalie yet?
    Are you still friends with her?
    Are you back with that old group?
    Are you still living in Cooma, or have you got expelled?
    Are you still smoking secretly?
    Have you done any more drugs?
    Do you still like those bands?
    Are you yourself now?
    Have you lost weight?
    Is your hair still red?
    Have you gotten a boyfriend yet?
    Are you doing okay in school?
    Has Zac moved back?
    How much have you changed?
    Have you punched someone in the face yet?
    Have you figured out your sexuality and are you comfortable with it?
    Are you in a band yet?
    Do you sing or play drums?
    Who’s your best friend?
    Are you still a vegetarian? I hope you are.
    Are you living with your mother or your Nan? Or has DOCS finally came and taken you away?
    Have you gotten smashed again?
    Did you go to America?
    Did you have fun!?
    Did you meet anybody famous?
    Are you famous?
    Got anything pierced? Convinced your Nan to let you get a lip piercing?
    Do you like yourself yet?
    Have you wagged a full day downtown yet?

    I hope you do everything that you said you were going to do.

    Love Yourself. x
    March 4th, 2010 at 10:15am
  • mayday

    mayday (100)

    United States

    I know how confused you were with life.
    Has much changed?
    Made any new friends? Lost any?

    Did you see Mayday again like you always said you'd love to?
    Did you see any bands? Oh, I hope you did.

    Did Gaylen move? Did it tear you apart like you know it would?
    How I hope she didn't..
    She still your best friend? What about Alana, and everyone else? Did they make the "cut"?
    Still suck at clarinet? OFCOURSEYOUDO.
    Did you get those new pair of Vans you wanted?

    Did you dye your hair anything like what you wanted?
    Get another haircut? Get rid of your hair...eh, 'problem'?
    How's your academic achievements? or lackthereof?

    Is being that extra year older as great as you thought it'd be?

    Did you get past that whole 'fake' phase?
    Have you done the weed you've always wanted to try? Gotten high? Drunk, maybe?
    Had your first boyfriend? No? LOSER. :P

    Have you lost weight?
    How's your self-esteem? Can't be any worse than it was a year ago, really.
    How's your beliefs on religion, and all that?
    Has your writing improved any? (doubt it, honey).
    Still obsessed with slash and all that yummy, gay shit?

    Did you still need a miracle?
    The most important thing:

    Stay with me, love.

    Sorry so short & sloppy! XD
    WB, bb.

    Selma, AL. 1:21 PM. March 11, 2010. Thursday.
    March 11th, 2010 at 08:16pm
  • Letterbombx723

    Letterbombx723 (100)

    United States

    Here goes! I've been waiting all year to reread this thing... I guess I'll type my responses in bold. xD
    Well hi there Rachie. Naughty

    So, at this time next year, you'll almost be 17. Dang. You grow up too fast! AGREED! *CRIES* Cry Alright, I'm done acting like an idiot, and using all these pointless smileys... :file: There I go again...

    How do you feel about growing up? College?: I'm a little more optimistic about it this year. I think I'm ready to take on the challenges. ...almost. ;)
    Do you still want to be a psychologist?: I took AP Psychology this year. Does that answer your question, me a year ago? :D
    Is your mibba username still Letterbombx723? It better be since you've never changed it before...: YES IT IS! =D
    Do you have a job?: No but I got one last summer that I held for a few months. ;]
    Can you drive?: Nope. Shall get working on that sooner or later.
    Does Derek Levine still make you giggle? :shifty : LOL. He still kind of does...I never listen to him anymore though really. O_O
    Is Vertical Horizon still your favorite band?: In fact I'm listening to them right now! =D
    Do you still have a passionate love for Maroon 5?: Well...it's not PASSIONATE, but I do still really love them. =D
    How's that crush on Corbin Bleu coming along?: Pretty dang well actually. I think he's still cute, but I'm not all hardcore 'YOW CORBIN BLEU' anymore. ;]
    Is David Archuleta still your only hope for teenage guys?: YES.
    Are you still in the craphole you live in now? Say yes to this and I'll die...: Better get to dyin' child...
    Did you grow taller than 5' 5"?: Yes! I'm 5'6" last time I checked! SO MUCH FOR CAFFEINE STUMPING YOUR GROWTH, ROFL.
    How many wisdom teeth do you have in now?!: ALL FOUR. Well you might as well say all four...got one extracted, still have my very first one in tact, the one that's not supposed to come in is trying its best to make its way and the last one is coming in perfectly straight. =)

    Okay, I guess I'm done interrogating you, future self. Be smart, stay mature, and don't be a dumbass! Good girl.

    Good luck,
    -You A Whole Year Ago.
    That's it, I'm doing this EVERY year. :D
    March 19th, 2010 at 01:20am
  • cruciatus.

    cruciatus. (455)

    United States
    To Kayla:

    First off, did you graduate? You goddamn better well have. I'm going to be pissed off if I spent all those hours studying useless stuff and working hard to get the senior exit project done if you didn't.

    Secondly, are you managing your depression? The last time we talked, you weren't doing anything stupid. It better still be that way. There's a lot of good things out there; just look for them. Because they're there, whether you think they are or not.

    Did you get back in contact with Grant? I hope you did; you need him right now. There's some things only an older brother can do for you, and you need to let him be there to do some of those things. You're not invincible; just let him help you like he's always tried.

    Please tell me you've moved past your guilt about the ruined friendship. Shit happens; don't sweat the small stuff. If you were meant to be friends with her, none of that stuff would have happened. No one's to blame; it just happened. So let it go if you haven't already done that.

    And...Just to clear things up...Avenged Sevenfold still better be your favorite band. Because they're amazing, and they've done so many things for you music-wise. So stay a good little loyal fan. ^_^

    Tell Uncle Gordie you love him every time you talk to him.

    And, how has being 18 been for you so far? You're not smoking, right? Good.


    March 19th, 2010 at 01:35am
  • Tyson Ritter

    Tyson Ritter (105)


    remember when you said that you'd change yourself for the better? Did you?
    Did you kept your promise not to hurt yourself by thinking of him?
    Do you still think of that night? Of him?
    Have you stopped taking those pills, the pills that made you happy and sick at the same time? Did you beat the addictions?
    Most importantly, have you slept regularly just for one week?
    Or did you just kept things the way the were, and buried yourself deeper in your solitude?
    What's new in your life? What are the interesting details?

    your former self
    March 19th, 2010 at 01:42am
  • please abraham.

    please abraham. (100)

    United States
    Dear Future Faith,

    Hai there! How's life being sixteen?
    Are you scared that you're about to turn seventeen?
    Are you freaking out? You're Junior year is coming to an end in a matter of a few months. OMG NO! Then, you're gonna be a senior!
    Did you get your driver's license? (Please, say you did.)
    How's your car doing? Well, I hope.
    Have you named it yet? (The car, I mean.)
    Are you still going to Gateway or have you shut them out? That'd be sad if you have, but if you have, you must give me a reason.
    Have you told him about your crush on him?
    *legasp* Are you two together? (I sure hope so.)
    Any concerts recently? Surely, you have.
    Hmm...Are you planning on doing anything in the summer?
    Do you have a job/planning to have a job this summer?
    What'd you get for Christmas?
    Have you been practicing your guitar? Any good at it?
    Still drinking energy drinks?
    Have you any clue what you're going to do with your life?
    Are you planning on seeing any of the awesome movies coming out that year?

    Well, I'm running out of questions. Sorry for the lameness of this. Haha. Oh, well. I love you and hope you're doing well.

    March 19th, 2010 at 01:48am
  • Letterbombx723

    Letterbombx723 (100)

    United States
    Hi there, Rachel.

    Holy...freaking...COW. You're almost EIGHTEEN. As in, you're almost in college. In the "real world". Heck, you're almost a legal adult...I can't believe it. And this is even a whole year ago when you were technically still 16! I guess we'll get onto the questions now...

    How is college looking to you NOW? How do you feel about growing up?:
    Do you still want to be a psychologist?:
    Can you drive?:
    Is Vertical Horizon STILL your favorite band?:
    Is David Archuleta STILL your only hope for teenagers?:
    Are you any taller than 5'6"?:
    How are those wisdom teeth coming? Did you end up having to get the bottom right one extracted? I bet so...:
    Do you still have a huge crush on Kris Allen? I BET you'll say no!:
    If you managed to keep the crush in tact still (o_O), is it still pretty much for his looks (though you still admire his personality, from what you've seen)?:
    Can you still not manage to watch his interviews or, for the most part, listen to his music for the duration of this crush? XD:
    Are you still planning on starting out at Southern?:
    Ever get a job?:
    Is Dustin still stalking you? -_-:
    How'd that health fair go last year, anyway?:
    Are you still into Michelle Branch and Josh Kelley like you were hardcore a whole year ago?:
    Is Leetrice still your best friend?:
    Are you still pretty obsessed with your iPod Touch?:
    Do you still like the names Samantha and Melanie? Random but whatevs:
    Are you still obsessed with iced coffee? In Love :
    Do you still go on Mibba? Is your username STILL Letterbombx723? IT BETTER BE!:
    Hey, how'd that AP Psychology exam go last year on May 11?! Did you even take it then after all?:
    Do you still have a 4.0 GPA? You better =D:
    How did that whole poem publishing thing go, anyway?:
    You still friends with the majority of kids from Keystone? Mainly Christian and Mary...xD:
    I bet your looks have changed a lot...now people say you look 18. How old do people say you look now that you're almost 18? XD:
    Still enjoy writing whenever you can find the time?:
    Does the song "Echo" by Vertical Horizon still resonate with you?:
    Please tell me you've gotten out of the habit of saying "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID" so much...:
    Hey, how'd that Spanish course go? Did you ever master rolling your tongue for the "R"s? xD:

    That's all I can think of for now. Stay safe, be good, and continue on the path you're on right now. You've got a bright future ahead of you, kid. I can feel it.

    -You A Whole Year Ago
    March 19th, 2010 at 01:51am
  • modern mariah.

    modern mariah. (100)

    United States
    Dear Mariah, who is totally cool and awesome,

    Hey! Guess what? It's you! From the futurepast. I just want to let you know that you turn sixteen in three more months, isn't that exciting? Oh, this is taking a while, sorry, RPing while doing this. Do you still RP? Hope so, it's so much fun. I've been doing it for... Nearly five years now. Cheese, that's a long time. Oh my gosh, did you know that Sean Connery lost his V card when he was nine?!

    He is so smooth.

    What made you so scared? Act Appalled (acoustic) by Circa Survive, classic. You better still listen to them! Oh God, and you better have a job. Pottery place? I want to work there so badly! Oh! Now it's Dashboard Confessional. Happy face His voice is amazing.

    Here are a list of bands you must love:

    Foxy Shazam.
    Dance Gavin Dance.
    Killswitch Engage.
    Dashboard Confessional.
    Circa Survive.
    A Day To Remember.

    Got it? Good. Moving on.

    Well, I hope you're feeling alright. Did you get a new dream catcher yet? You better, I fucking hate these nightmres. Old woman that were in 'Nam should not pierce people's monroes! What the hell was with the bone piercings? I could feel it in the dream, it hurt like a motherfucker. Mm, my har is clean. Cute It smells like almonds and shea butter, yum.

    Are you still smoking? Does daddy know yet? Hope not, you'd be in deep shit. Mom knows, she's cool. Please tell me you don't smoke in front of her, Vin Vin does that and she HATES it. Get Starbucks. I want some, and if I can't get it, then you should. Oh my gosh, Howard Jones. Happy face Marry him. I mean it.

    Him, or Daisy. In Love

    Well, this is all I can think of.

    Live, love, shibby,
    -Mariah mutha fuckin` Jayne.
    March 19th, 2010 at 02:23am
  • pezzie

    pezzie (105)

    United States
    Dear Eujenia,

    How are you doing in school?
    Do you live in the same place?
    Feelings on math?
    Still talk to Drew?
    Still know Taylor D?
    Do you have a boyfriend?
    Had a boyfriend?
    Seen the new Harry Potter movies?
    Get a haircut?
    What are you listening to?
    How's Madison?

    Peace! xoxo
    March 19th, 2010 at 02:31am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Dear Dru:

    Did you find the moon yet? Did you find rabbit hole? Has Daffney learned to behave herself? Do you have a bunny? Where do you live? Did you get out of Nebraska? Are you working at a hotel like you planned? How many new tattoos do you have? Are you getting sex on a regular basis? Any major depressive bouts? Any extreme cutting relapses? Any IRL friends? Any getting drunk?

    March 19th, 2010 at 02:34am
  • uarley.

    uarley. (110)

    United States
    Dear Sunday,

    Are you still clumsy? Can you form a sentence without stuttering or saying the wrong word yet? Did you ever manage to make some more friends? Are you still chasing after that fat kid? Do you still watch itsBrent, sxephil, and jefftakeover on youtube? Still love Sid & Nancy, Fight Club, Across the Universe, and Donnie Darko? Are you still not drinking sodas? Did you ever see Jeremy again? Did you have a chance to tell off Geena this year? How's your Guinea Pig? And Albert? And Snottie? Ever get any piercings? Is your room still decorated with pictures, an alien stuffed animal and a dragon? Does one of your walls still have 'Wrong 'em Boyo' written on it in chalk? Did you ever get over your irrational stage freight? Are you still loving debate? Do you still hate/love Corbin? Did Andy ever give you a ride home again? Have you talked to Woodie, considering he's graduating soon? Do you still like Lady Gaga? Been to any concerts since now? Did you go to Warped Tour?

    Are you still full of tough love? Do you go to Laura's all the time? Did you ever get your license? Still planning to move to Austin? With Laura? Did you ever get a boyfriend? Are you taking care of everything you need to? Doing good in school? Are you in community college classes? Hurt yourself lately? Are you still planning to go to Spain? Did you ever visit Seattle? Did you go on any other vacations? Do you still sit at home all the time? You better not, btw.

    Are you still not afraid to stand up for yourself? Is R.J.'s mom still addicted to pain meds and missing tons of days at her work? Are Aries and Johnathan still the cutest couple ever? How's Kayla's baby? Do you ever go to her house and help her out with it? Did you ever learn to sew properly? Ever finish that vest? Do you still wear that 'The Used' shirt? Does that white and orange kitty still hang out at your house? Are you still a messy person with compulsive clean tendencies? Does your house still have nats? Have you gotten drunk or done any drugs? Do you still have such big hopes and dreams sometimes it feels like they're choking you? Do you still have big, yet small expectations? Do you still go to youth on Wednesdays? Still talk to Jared? Ever go back to the church in Jersey Village? Oh, and does Laura still have her ears gauged?

    I hope you're still the person who tries to never take things for granted. Who, even though she gets annoyed by everyone, still tries to show how them much you love them. I hope you still care immensly for everyone in your life. And I hope you're still working on your social problems and making new friends.

    Love yourself, babe.
    March 19th, 2010 at 03:26am
  • waits.

    waits. (250)

    United States
    March 18th, 2010

    Dear Future Katie,

    First of all, I hope you have enough pictures. I'm tired of waking up in the middle of the night wondering if I have enough pictures and videos for the stupid graduation slideshow. tehe

    Did D & J move?
    How are the kids?
    Are you a Doula yet?
    Did you get accepted to Birmingham-Southern?
    Where are you going to college?
    Are you still friends with Tor and Trev?
    Are they dating?
    How's the family?
    How's the business?
    Are you scared to graduate? Only got a few months left, chickadee.
    How's your love life?
    Are you still a singleton?

    I hope that you're still the person who's self-confident, loves every little wobbly bit of herself, speaks her mind when feasible, keeps her mouth shut when it needs to be, leans on Christ and not her own understanding, and loves with all her heart. I hope your imagination is still big and your innocence intact, and I hope you still love to watch movies and read books and parenting blogs even though you're not a parent yet (are you?!) and cook things and play with your little brothers and plan dances.

    Be good, Kid.
    March 19th, 2010 at 04:00am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Dear Molly,

    Did you start at SIU and actually finish your first year? Did you pass all of your classes? Did you go back to Destin? Did Dustin and Cat go with you? Did you go to Chicago Pride? Did you meet Dana there? Did you get to meet Dru? Did you mack on her? Have you had sex again? Did you like your dreads? Did you get complimented on them? Did some people hate them? Is your grandma still alive? Does Cat have one of Scott's snakes? Does Corbin still like crystals? Has Gavin gotten better at speaking? Did you learn something new? Did you go to any more aquariums? Did you learn to scuba dive? Did you get a fish tank with salt water fish in it? How big is it? Did you fall more in love with the ocean and the things that live within it? Did you travel anywhere else? Do you still love Counting Crows? Do you still listen to My Dinosaur Life on repeat? Did you get to see MCS at Warped Tour? Did Dustin get over his obsession with Left for Dead 2? Did you ever get to play the new Mario for Wii with him? Did you find love again? What is your hair like now? Did you lose the weight you wanted to? Did Jasmin move to Texas? How's the salamander doing? Did you get any new pets? How's Star doing? Are your parents still fighting? Did you move out of their place? Did you get a job? Have you been saving your money? Are you living in a dorm? If so, do you like it? Did you get a tattoo? Was it with Dru? Do you regret it? Do you still want the oceanic sleeve tattoo? Did you get any new piercings? Do you still have your lip piercing? What gauge are your ears now? Do you still dream of Neverland? Are you still fighting for Gay Rights? Do you still go on Mibba on a daily basis? Do you still have a Twitter? Did you and Dustin ever watch the seasons of Buffy? Do you still love LOTR? Did you read John Green's new book? Did you read the third installment in the Hunger Games series? Did you like them if you did? Did you join any new websites that you like? Do you ever go on Tumblr anymore? Do you have a new laptop that runs well? Have you dyed/cut your hair? Do you still listen to Bat for Lashes? Did you buy a record player to listen to it on vinyl? Did you watch the new seasons of Dexter, True Blood, and Tudors? Did you buy any new posters? Had any surgeries? Do you still have that dark green Saturn? Did you ever figure out the problems it had with starting? Did you go to California? Is Dustin still with Kayla? Are you still friends with Rebecca and Cat? How much have things changed in the past year? What are things you've done that were left out of this?

    Stay gold,
    March 19th, 2010 at 04:27am
  • McCookies.

    McCookies. (100)

    United States
    IT'S BEEN A YEAR. Cheese


    Do you still let people call you Bob? I do, but not many do outside of the internet.
    Do you have any friends in your new neighborhood yet? XD Not really. Sort of.
    Have you lost any weight? No. According to the doctor, I weight exactly the same.
    Do you have a boyfriend yet? *sigh* No.
    Did you get into college? I haven't even gotten my ACTs back.

    Do you think you're beautiful? Not really.
    Have you hurt yourself? No I haven't. Not on purpose.
    Did Mom get you therapy yet? Yes. Con
    Your sane, right? Of course. -_- Well. I guess.
    Did Suzanne divorce your dad? No. -_-
    Does she still make you cry at night? Not so much anymore.

    Did you get good on guitar yet? Sort of. Not really.
    Can you sing and play at the same time? Not really.
    Did your hair grow back? Well. I got it cut again. I like it short.
    Can you drive? No. -__-
    Do you still talk to Rebekka everyday on AIM? ._. Yes. If not by AIM, by texting.
    Is she still your best friend? Yes.
    Does she still tell you she loves you every night? Yes. And I her.
    Has she had to text you until you fall asleep so you don't do anything bad? No, I've been pretty good.

    Are you wearing eyeliner? Nope.
    Have your stories gotten more readers? A little bit.
    Is your writing better? I would say so.
    Did you finish Boy? No. I'm a lazy fuck. And I feel extra bad that I wrote this a year ago, and Boy was in play. lmfao
    How many paintings have you done? I haven't counted. But a lot.
    How many sketchbooks have you filled? Two.
    Are you still friends with everyone on Mibba you were friends with before? No. Sad
    How's Ron? I wouldn't know. He hasn't talked to me in ages, it feels like.
    Is your post count past 1,000? No more post counts. So I don't know. Thanks Mibba.

    Do you look at Bert McCracken the same way? Yes.
    Did you finally meet him? Sadly, no.
    Did you meet the rest of them? Even more sadly, no. I really want to meet Jeph.
    Did you hug Gee yet? T_T No.

    Do you have photoshop? Yes. Wow CS4.

    Do you think you're gonna be okay now? I'm pretty sure.

    Don't forget this, okay? I didn't. Con

    --Erin, 2009
    March 23rd, 2010 at 03:48am
  • chromatose

    chromatose (100)

    United States
    dear paige,

    are you still with matt?
    have you gone back to therapy?
    are your grades better?
    is senior year better than junior year?
    did you make new friends?
    did you make new friends that you still like when you're not high?
    have you stopped smoking?
    have you thought about stopping smoking?
    is katie your best friend?
    what about nedra?
    and holly?
    did you get taller?
    did dad split up with laurie?
    have you become a better writer?
    do you still love radiohead as much as you used to?
    did you meet thom yorke?
    did you meet anyone else in a band you like?
    did you find new music?
    did you buy a new car?
    did you move out of your shitty neighborhood?
    did you figure out what college you want to go to?
    does the tv work yet?
    is the computer faster?
    was the ending of lost any good?
    are you glad american idol is over?
    do you still crack your knuckles?
    do you cry sometimes?
    does mom think you're depressed?
    does katie think you're depressed?
    is adrian okay?
    have you talked to him recently?
    are things going better between you two?
    do you think about him a lot?
    does he think about you a lot?
    does he tell you things?
    do you fuck girls?
    do you kiss girls?
    do you miss frankie sometimes?
    do you miss valerie?
    do you cry about her sometimes?
    do you wish you'd have done things differently?
    do you have a job?
    does it pay well?
    have you figured yourself out?
    how's your self-confidence?
    are you actually going to remember this?
    are you happy?

    paige, 2010
    March 24th, 2010 at 10:14pm
  • oxycontin

    oxycontin (150)


    I've been dying to know, how's life so far? Are you still happy?
    Is life finally the way you want it? Or is it the opposite?
    Did you try again? Let's hope to god that you didn't, you'd be letting down so many people.

    Are you at the same school as Tanner is now?
    Is Margaret back in Vancouver yet?
    And the biggest question is, are you three still friends?

    Did you finally tell Andi to shut the fuck up and leave you alone?
    Did you tell Sherry to mind her own fucking business and get her own opinion?
    Are you still friends with any of these people?

    How about now, what's it like?
    Did you finally lose all the weight on your shoulders?
    Can you keep your head up and not look down?
    Are you happy with the person you are now? Tell me, are you?

    Are you still seeing Leah? Has she helped you at all?
    Her counseling got you out of that rut you were in.
    I hope you're not back in it.

    What about Mibba? What's it like now?
    Has it changed? Are you still friends with those Mibbians?
    Has your writing improved at all?

    Have you gotten the new Used album yet? You better have.
    Is it any good? Do they sound any different to their previous?
    Did you go to Warped last year with Daryl? How was it?
    Did you have fun?

    And Ray, are you still friends with that kid?
    That random, spastic kid you randomly met online, that said that he's glad he met you?
    Did he reveal himself as a pedophile yet? XD
    You know he's not, but it's good to be pre-cautious.

    Are you making the grades? Are you satisfying your family?
    Are they disappointed? Do you think they're disappointed?

    I hope you're having a good time. I guess you're what? Sixteen, now?
    I hope these past few years have been the best you've had.
    And I hope you're still happy.

    Well hey, old me. This is early, but I'm gonna answer you anyway.

    Life is crap. I'm sorta happy, but I was a lot happier way back when I wrote you.
    Life isn't the way I want it just yet. I'll get there somehow.
    No, I haven't. I've been thinking of it more than usual, but I haven't.

    No I'm not. The fucker moved again.
    Yeah she is.
    No we're not.

    No, but we've left each other alone. The only time I ever talk to him is when I need more camel's.
    No, she's too... innocent for me to do that to her. She's still a judgemental prick, but she hasn't had the same life as I have, so I guess it's understandable.
    I'm still friends with Leeshi and stuff. Not Andi as much, but I still talk to Sherry at times.

    Boring as shit, depressing as shit, life's a wanker.
    Got some more, actually.
    Sort of. I can pretend to a lot better now though?
    No. Honestly, I'm not.

    Yeah, once a month. Sort of, yeah.
    Oh ho ho, I'm not just still in it, but I've dug it deeper.

    Boring as shit and it's changed so much. I hate it.
    Yeah it has. The ones that have stayed, yeah.
    Probably not.

    Yeah, yeah and yeah. I love it. It's different, but not so much that it's absolutely horrible. I'll love that band forever.
    Great, if Aiden had actually showed up. lolol they didn't, but Alexisonfire was a good alternative, I suppose.

    Nope, haven't talked to him in awhile. He's still on AIM, but he's never online. Not that I have been either, but still.

    No. But I hope to god I am.
    They say they're not, but I have this feeling that they are.

    I'm not, but it's nice to hope. Not quite, I'm turning sixteen in June.
    I hate my life right now.

    xo ted.
    March 25th, 2010 at 02:38am
  • the fiddling imp

    the fiddling imp (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Dear George,

    How are you? Do you still hate your life?
    Are you any taller? Still a redhead?
    Are you still sexually confused?
    I'm fourteen at the moment. About 4'9, bit fatter than I want to be too.
    A lot fatter than I want to be, actually.
    Do you still like that Anthony guy? Did you get anywhere with him?
    Have you seen Celia recently? Are you still friends with all the crew?
    Is Saffron still as annoying as she used to be?
    Are you still into drama and music and all that? I've just finished being a backing-singer in Drac Spac. I wonder what play you're doing at the moment?

    I've still got that stupid red hair, btw.

    I hope you're not so bitchy anymore. I hope you realise your sexual orientation.
    March 27th, 2010 at 10:18pm
  • blooming.

    blooming. (100)

    Dear Chloe.

    Are you still being homeschooled and getting good grades? Are you still overweight? Did you end up finding someone special? Do you still have the same friends? Are your parents still together? Because you're were thinking they wouldn't be. Did you end up getting a job? Or your learners? Or both? Are you still listening to the same music? Did you end up seeing 30 Seconds to Mars live? If they even came to Australia. Do you still love The Used? Paramore? Any of those bands? You probably will, it has been like 6 years after all. Anyway, do you still have the same beliefs? Do you still abstain from drinking and doing drugs? Did you end up moving house? Did the family business close? I hope a lot of those answers will be yes.

    Now for some goals for you, you flaky unreliable weirdo. Lost weight. Seriously, the ONLY goal worth making. Do it, do it, do it. :)

    Cya next year. Very Happy
    April 5th, 2010 at 09:28am
  • purplecheetos.

    purplecheetos. (100)

    United States
    Dear boy,

    I can't wait until you're in Boise again. I hope she was right and that you do kiss me next time we hang out. I also really appreciate the fact that you stayed up the past two nights till 5am with me, even though you didn't have to.
    April 5th, 2010 at 09:31am