Write a letter to yourself...

  • confetti boy.

    confetti boy. (100)

    Dear Eileen,

    If you're reading this it means you made it out alive. It means you're breathing. It means that after every breakdown you've had you managed to pick yourself up and keep walking. Give yourself a pat on the back and smile. You made it. You actually survived. I hope you're reading this with a sense of accomplishment knowing that you did at least almost everything you wanted to do during your last year of high school.

    I hope you're happy. I hope you're not hiding away in your room and negating everything. I hope you've stopped doing that because believe me, it's not healthy. I just hope you're okay, y'know? More okay. More okay than how you were a year ago.

    I've got a few questions for you. I hope you're satisfied with your answers.

    Did you fix things with your friends?
    Have you guys written a song together?
    Did you play your first real show?
    Did you play in every talent show and coffee house?

    Do you at least have your L yet?
    Did you actually graduate? (Please say yes.)
    Did you hold back your tears when you said goodbye to him?
    Did you get help?
    How's Mel doing?
    How's the rest of your family?

    Have you seen David Cook yet?
    Have you seen My Chemical Romance yet?
    Have you seen Switchfoot?

    Are you happy?
    Do you have a job?
    Are your dreams right on track?
    Do you still have the same dreams?
    Do you still play drums? (You better say yes, asshole.)

    I don't know what else to ask, but I hope this made you think. It's funny how the words you are reading right now belong to who you were. You're someone else now. You're older. You've graduated. You got through it all. I guess the real question is where would you like to go now? You have an answer for that, don't you? Good. Now go. Go make your dreams come true if you haven't done so already. Work hard, have fun and stick with your friends. Never ever let them go.

    Rage & Love,

    October 11th, 2010 at 09:52am
  • quinn allman's hair.

    quinn allman's hair. (110)


    you've had a rough year, but that's no reason to lose your shit, okay?
    if you can make it though that, you can make it through anything. you're made of tougher stuff than you realise.
    dad's gone, you're soon going to be homeless, your car is a pile of shit, the boy you liked ditched you and you lack the motivation to keep going right now, but at least you're a realist.
    and if you can upgrade that to full time optimist, i'll be proud of you.
    put the poison down.
    you can do this shit.

    keep going,
    October 11th, 2010 at 10:59am
  • Zakuhree Jaymz

    Zakuhree Jaymz (100)

    United States
    Dear Sam,

    Did you graduate?
    How bout college, you get in?
    Is music still your life?
    Are you in Cali like you wanted to be? Or are you still living at home?
    Did you forgive your father, yourself?
    Are you skinny yet?
    Do you have a boyfriend, a girlfriend, hell even a cat could beat some of the loneliness away, huh?
    Is Avenged Sevenfold still your favorite band?
    Are you still drooling over Zacky Vengeance?
    How big are your gauges now, mine are zeros at the moment.
    How's the tattoo/piercing collection going?
    Are you still cutting?
    Are you still straightedge?
    Have you kept your morals?
    Is Joey in jail?
    Is he even still alive?
    Did Annemarie's baby make it? please, dear god say yes.
    Speaking of God, how's that going?
    Do you even believe anymore?
    Do you even believe in yourself yet?
    If you're reading this whilst lazing around on your ass sitting in mommy's house, you better get the hell out and do what we said we were gonna do.

    please tell me things turned out the way they were supposed to.
    love, sam.
    December 15th, 2010 at 05:10am
  • mudpie.

    mudpie. (100)

    United States
    How has stuff worked out for you? Are you still in love with her? Have you told her yet? If not, I want you to that right this moment. I know you'll regret it later if you don't. What about dad? Have you been able to visit him yet? Is he still in jail? Angelita and Andrew, are they okay? I know how scared you were when that Palm Reader said one of them was going to get sick soon. But then again, he said you'd get pregnant in highschool and have three kids, but, at this rate, you're probably on the way to just becoming a lesbian. Speaking of which, have you told anyone yet? I doubt it; I know how you are. You'll always rely on what others think of you, won't you? Grow a fucking pair. Dye your hair green, dress in the craziest shit you can find, grab the nearest girl and kiss the shit out of her. Who fucking cares what other people think. This is the only life you have, don't waste it trying to please everyone else and forget all about yourself.
    Hang in there,
    December 15th, 2010 at 05:25am
  • rosewater tide.

    rosewater tide. (130)

    United States
    Dear Lyssa,

    Are you and Amanda still friends like you once were?
    Did you end up with Mr. Gorgeous? (Frank)
    How's sophomore year going, make any new friends?
    Are you still sour and curse a lot?
    Have you kept your promise?

    December 15th, 2010 at 05:30am
  • mayday

    mayday (100)

    United States
    I can't believe I remembered.

    I know how confused you were with life.
    Has much changed? everything.
    Made any new friends? Lost any? eh, pretty much have the same shitty ones.

    Did you see Mayday again like you always said you'd love to?
    Did you see any bands? of course not. this is still alabama.

    Did Gaylen move? Did it tear you apart like you know it would?
    How I hope she didn't.. No, she didn't. :3
    She still your best friend? What about Alana, and everyone else? Did they make the "cut"? yeah, they're still here.
    Still suck at clarinet? OFCOURSEYOUDO. lol duh.
    Did you get those new pair of Vans you wanted? I'm not sure what pair I wanted, but I've gotten new ones, yes.

    Did you dye your hair anything like what you wanted? still planning on it actually. I'll keep you updated lol.
    Get another haircut? Get rid of your hair...eh, 'problem'? yes to both, thank god.
    How's your academic achievements? or lackthereof? oh god I've been slacking. I hope I can still pass with straight A's though, if it's not too late.

    Is being that extra year older as great as you thought it'd be? No.

    Did you get past that whole 'fake' phase? I'm not sure what I meant even then, but I guess not, considering I'm not fully "me" yet.
    Have you done the weed you've always wanted to try? Gotten high? Drunk, maybe? hahahaha oh wow my opinions on that have changed. No.
    Had your first boyfriend? No? LOSER. :P Yes, I have actually. :) <3 Nick, 2.15.11.

    Have you lost weight? LOL
    How's your self-esteem? Can't be any worse than it was a year ago, really. um yes it can, apparently.
    How's your beliefs on religion, and all that? or the lack thereof?
    Has your writing improved any? (doubt it, honey). wtf when did I ever care about writing
    Still obsessed with slash and all that? hm, obsessed isn't how I'd put it, but all I read is drarry now so.

    Did you still need a miracle? sure.
    The most important thing:
    ARE YOU FINALLY HAPPY? not really. don't tell anyone though l o l.

    Stay with me, love.

    Sorry so short & sloppy! XD
    WB, bb.

    Selma, AL. 1:21 PM. March 11, 2010. Thursday.
    wow nikki, you suck. maybe I should write another one for next year? if this account even makes it 'til then anyway.
    I'll do that later maybe, if I remember.
    March 12th, 2011 at 10:21pm
  • KiddoOverload

    KiddoOverload (100)


    did you get together with Jannick, if so are you still together?
    did you finally dish Gitte as friend, if so did you tell her exact what hoe she is?
    have you finally found your true friends?
    are you and Maria still close?

    have you seen Good Charlotte live, if so was it amazing and did you meet Billy Martin?
    has Elliot Minor finally come to DK, if so did you went to see them?
    how's the Alex thing going, still inlove with the crazy ass?

    did you get the blue and dark brown hair you wanted?
    did you get it cut?
    is it growing long now?
    did you get the GC tattoo you wanted?

    have you got a new laptop yet?
    did you get the phone you wanted?

    have you put on weight or lost?
    have the scars gone away?

    did you get the job with the horses, if so how's it going?
    did you finally pass to the stupid tractor license?

    have you got into a fight this year?
    did you get wasted on your birthday?

    how's the training going?
    still good at yoga?
    have you finally done something 'bout the singing?

    remember to stay true, and don't lose it
    March 12th, 2011 at 10:45pm
  • the dream maker.

    the dream maker. (200)

    United States
    Hello there, future 18 year old self!

    Right now, it's March 12, 2011, 6:33 P.M. I'm listening to "Rent" just because I'm in one of those moods again (I wonder if you still do that). My birthday's in about two months, and graduation is in about three.

    Speaking of which: please tell me that the last few months of senior year weren't totally screwed up by the recent drama that's been occurring. You know, the one with the chick who twists things in her favor, and the one who just...I don't know. I don't know what to believe of her. Whatever happened to that? To her?

    And how's life without weekly dance lessons? I can't imagine not doing them anymore, but for you, it'll be about 10 months since you've had formal classes. Please tell me you didn't cry at the recital. If you do, you should slap yourself, because I'm ashamed at you. Wimp. :P

    How's he doing? It's funny how the last time I did this, I was talking about a different he, But yeah, do you still talk to him? Do you still like him? I'm thinking maybe you don't, and now you're laughing to yourself at how pathetic you were for being so crazy about this kid for this specific stretch of time. Maybe you haven't even talked to him months, and maybe you don't care right now because it's not important.

    But if you went out with him, that'd be crazy as hell, 'cause I can't even imagine it. But I don't think you did. But if you did...congratulations? Haha.

    And how was Prom by the way? Please tell me it was awesome, and you weren't awkward, and he had a great time, and you could go to the after Prom activities/sleepover.

    Did you get any boyfriends or whatever? Psh, considering the fact that I've been single for about two years, I doubt you did.

    You'd be in college right about now. Please tell me you didn't have to sell an arm, a leg, and the rights to your first born child to go to the college of your choice. By the way, I feel like I know what you picked.

    Do you still keep in touch with your high school friends? Your pre-high school friends? Did you make any more friends?

    Right, so that's enough for now. Hopefully you've change a little bit, at least personality wise...

    - Your confused, 17 year old self.
    March 13th, 2011 at 12:45am
  • outtahereyall

    outtahereyall (150)

    United States
    mellon collie.:
    Dear Juliet.

    Wow. This year for 8th grade has been really freaking rough, I know. So, as of today, here are my questions for you:
    Did you get into Central? Are you in ROTC and are you finally in shape? Did you get to do soccer or dance like you planned? Are those damn silly bandz still ~all the rage?

    More importantly, what's the situation with Lauren? At this moment, she's alive and doing better and everything's still really awkward with her. That's all right though. How are you and Coco?

    What about your GPA? This is the end of the school year, your freshman year. Did you get any awards if you made it in rotc?

    Did you see Avenged Sevenfold, any other bands? Who'd you see?

    Did you get a boyfriend? Do you still like Anton? Do you play a new instrument? What about guitar? Did you finish NaNoWriMo, and get your book's free copy?

    Do you still talk to Joey? Do you bite your nails? How many times have you gotten acrylics now? tehe Did you really not get anything for your birthday? I'm sorry if you didn't. Are you and TJ on better terms? I know things get really rough between us, but he's your brother and you've gotta love him.

    Keep in mind that you're beautiful. You may have problems with eating and you may think you're fat, but you're not. If you keep exercising and keep on it, you'll be fine. And it is okay to indulge yourself every so often, just don't let it get the better of you.

    Did you have fun being in classes with your brother, if you did get into Central? And if you didn't, did you have fun hanging out at Weeki Wachee with your friends? Are you a Hor(whore)net? Did you decide to go out for football after all?

    Now, how are mom and dad?

    I love you, Juliet. Secretly you love yourself and you'll always have someone else who does.

    past Juliet.
    wanting to add a bit more;

    hey juliet, it's march instead of june 'cause i wanted to ask you some more stuff.

    are you still RPing? did you do the 20k wave for BBB? are your parents divorced yet? are you staying in band, or leaving for ROTC? did your book get put in the library? did you go to the fair? did you get kissed? does ellerby still give you "best hugs ever?" are you a higher rank in ROTC? have you met cliff yet? are theresa and zack still together? are you still on mibba? are you still working on writing/editing as a career, even though it's not a "real career?" have you written starcatchers yet? were you nervous when people read whisperers? have you gone to a carnival yet? do you still write?

    you're such a doll, babe. remember that you're teflon girl, little chickie. you can take everything life throws at you, ingest it, and rise again. you're wonderful.
    March 13th, 2011 at 01:31am
  • disasterologist.

    disasterologist. (105)

    United States
    Dear Shannon,

    Happy march 12th, 6:07 pm of 2012 to you.
    Are you still alive? Are you still on mibba?
    Have you had a legitimate boyfriend (or girlfriend, for that matter) yet?
    Do you still not understand why I'm asking myself all of these yes or no questions when I find them pointless and stupid?
    How's your GPA? How's high school? Are you in band? Are you gonna try for wind ensemble?
    What dreadful amount of coffee are you drinking? Is the bus driver still the same douchecanoe?
    Have you lost your student ID again?
    Are you still RPing? Have you met Jo in person yet?
    What sort of music do you like? Are you still obsessed with Pierce The Veil?
    Are you still friends with Melestial Silver? How about Helen? Have you finally ditched Careena? Do you have *le gasp* new friends?
    Do you think that you were such a dork when you were this age?
    What badass concerts have you been to? Do you think that Escape the Fate show was totally lame now?
    Are you happy? Are you still "questioning"?
    Do you still give awkward hugs?
    Are you okay?

    longerlettterlater, love.
    March 13th, 2011 at 03:10am
  • biseuteu.

    biseuteu. (100)

    This looks fun, I hope i can remember this one year later Very Happy

    Hey fourteen year old me.
    You still smiling on the other side? How's high school treating you? I hope you;re healthy and happy . In Love So, let me know...
    How was graduation?
    You still got your close friends or did you lose touch?
    Did you even update your story? Or are you still the lazy ass you were one year ago? Nyam
    Have you broke your ipod yet?
    Pissed your parents off even more?
    Still going obsessive over Kpop with Tiffany?
    What books you reading?
    So tell me, did you continue with your drawing?
    Did you have a nice 2010?
    Still loving yourself?
    Writing in that journal?
    Did you remember to check back to this? Hope you did Razz

    Your 13 year old self.
    Hi younger Jessica, I miss you, I really do... ♥
    Yes, I'm still smiling, laughing, having fun and living life to it's fullest. High school's been going good, I've adjusted to life there well, and made some friends too. I'm healthy, completely healthy. Back in January I was absolutely terrified about my health but now, it's fine. :)

    Graduation was... amazing. I managed to get the art award, can you believe it? I worked so hard.. and I accomplished something that seemed just.. impossible. I remember how much I wanted it, and how many late nights I spent working towards that goal. We did it .

    I'm still close with almost everyone I've been close with a year ago, but some of them just... didn't stay friends with me. Or you could say that we just occasionally say "hi" to each other in the halls. I've still got my ipod touch with me, and guess what? It isn't broken yet. :D Sorry, still as lazy as ever. :(

    Nah, my relationship with my parents are still good, I'm happy for that. Yeah, we're still in that phase, it's weird, I'm working on some fan art right now. So that answers another question, I'm still drawing. I think right now, it feels impossible for me to ever stop, I've grown too fond of art. Books... still reading, of course. Well I can share that the most recent book I read was "The Perks of Being a Wallflower". Quite a good book, I think.

    2010 was a great year; the year I went into high school. The year I graduated. The year I met my goal. It was the best. After watching "200 Pounds Beauty", I learned to love myself. Be more like Kang Hanna... love yourself.

    Not so much writing into that journal. You see, I wish I could have warned you, because Ding took a liking to my room and thought she had the right to snoop though my stuff. She still hasn't kerned, but that's her.

    I guess I did manage to remember about this because I kept thinking about it. Like how I've been doing in a year, or how I've changed. Glad to see that I'm still me... Thanks for writing to me, younger me. :D

    March 13th, 2011 at 09:36pm
  • WhisperingWinds;

    WhisperingWinds; (100)

    United States
    Dear Alex (Kristian),
    How's life been treating you?
    Did you die May 21st, or October 21st? *xD I sure hope you didn't. Is everyone still freaked out about 2012?
    Did anything ever happen with Nick from the choir? Do you still talk to him?
    Did you ever get to go to public school? Have you failed anything? Are you going to school with Nick?
    Do you still practically worship Never Shout Never/Christofer Drew Ingle/Christofer Drew and the Shout, or whatever else he'll change the name to by then? Have you met Chris again?
    Did you get to go to Warped Tour 2011? Was it fun, if you did?
    Is your favorite TV show still My Fair Wedding? Do you still adore David Tutera?
    Did you get your braces off yet?
    Have you sang in front of people, by yourself, yet?
    Are you still a Vegetarian? Have you gone Vegan?
    How's your relationship with mom? And, how much do you see daddy?
    Is Rhia's baby alright? Is it a boy or a girl? What's it's name? Do you ever get to see it? Do you feel any different by being an aunt?
    Do you have a boyfriend? Or, a best friend?
    Are you still close with Amy? Are you and Addie closer than you used to be?
    Did you ever get to go to Florida to meet Tatiana? To Atlanta to meet Libby? Texas to meet Jailene? Pennsylvania to meet Harmony? Or, to New Jersey to meet Sami? Have you been to Joplin, Missouri?
    Can you play the Ukulele, Guitar, Keyboard, ect. Now?
    Is your favorite color still green?
    Are you living life to the fullest, and not caring what anything thinks about you?
    Are you crying yourself to sleep over boys? Please let that be a no.
    Have you lost or gained weight? How long's your hair, now?
    How's Blue doing?
    Are you still a Twitter/Tumblr addict? Do you get on Mibba anymore? Has Facebook become obsolete? Is Myspace back?
    Are you still just as awkward as ever?
    Do you still love PB&J's?
    I hope that you're still the same person, and haven't changed too much, in a year. Just remember to never think you're better than anyone else, because you're not. And, never let anyone convince you they're better than you. And, when you see somebody bullying someone else, stick up for them.
    I guess I'll be talking you later then.
    Take care of yourself, and love people without holding back. They won't hurt you, if they truly love you.
    your younger self.
    March 13th, 2011 at 10:11pm
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    Dear Kat:

    It is March 13th, 2011. It is 5:15 PM as of right now.
    I hope you're doing well. Or, you know, at least surviving. Hopefully, if you're not doing too well you're still able to laugh about it. Jeez, I hope you're able to...

    How are Kris, Dustin, Rebekah, Sonny, and Gramps? You still friends with 'em?
    Has Dustin even talked to you any more?
    How's Kris doing?

    How's your art? I know you're gonna be taking ITGS this time next year, but hold strong until your senior year when you can take AP Art.
    Can you draw anatomy worth a shit?
    I hope you've experimented with new mediums.
    Are you taking that painting class Mrs. Price mentioned?
    If so, does it offer CAS hours?
    (Speaking of CAS, how's that going for you?)

    How's your writing? I know you probably got a million more ideas since last year. Have you finished any of them?
    How many times have your read over Renny Boy. or any other stories and revised some things?
    Have you added anything to The Mighty Mosh? (I remember that promise I made to myself.)
    How many new chapter-episodes have you written of Spin?
    And how has the backstory of Spin changed? I know you've probably changed it...

    Have you killed anyone driving yet?
    Is Dad dating yet?
    Did Ryan get a job yet?
    Has he ever gotten it through his thick head that his comics are shit and are never going to be taken seriously?
    Did Grandpa publish The Ragman?
    How many people have talked crap about your awful illustrations for Beverly's Bicycle? tehe

    What kind of bands are you into?
    Do you still like The Gaslight Anthem, Cap'n Jazz, Bruce Springsteen, and the Blues Brothers? Please say yes.
    I know you go through different "phases" when it comes to music/movies/TV/books/whatever. So tell me what you're into now.
    Have you drawn any more animations?
    What's your favorite album as of the day?

    How are you and God? Hopefully you haven't been swayed by anybody to change your mind on Him.
    Did you ever break down and go to church?
    What's your view on politics?
    Has IB tried to brainwash you yet? (Have they succeeded?)

    Have you learned to accept yourself yet?

    Well, future me, I really hope you're doing well. Seriously. I know how you get when you're in a pickle. Hopefully you're coping with it by drawing and writing like you've always done; maybe you've found a new way, even.

    I hate the world right now (most of it), and I hate a lot of people. I'm pissed off at the kids in my town I'm disappointed in. "Life sucks, then you die." That's my motto as of now. When I tell people that, they think I'm some sort of cynical brat who never laughs or smiles. But you and I both know it goes deeper than that. You're a happy person. You just don't show it often, and when you do, you instantly counteract it with a pessimistic thought. But it's all in humor.

    I really hope you're alive;
    Like, Kat
    March 13th, 2011 at 10:20pm
  • chum

    chum (100)

    United States
    It's been nearly two years Facepalm
    ra ra riot:
    Hey Zoe -

    I hope you're doing okay. How are you, truthfully? How's everyone?
    I'm better than I've been in awhile. There are still stupid things that bother me, like they always did, but I'm working past them and it's been okay.

    How was SLTP? Amazing.
    Did you make any friends? (I really hope you did.) No, not really.
    How's Dylan? And Kyle, of course. They're okay, I guess. I haven't seen either of them since November.
    Are you and Dylan still friends? Yeah, we are, though it's tentative. We're drifting apart and we both know it. It was inevitable, I guess.
    What about Gigi, and Miranda, and Jane? Gigi doesn't look at me anymore. She's changed. Miranda and Jane are still my best friends, along with a cast of others.
    Is Jane really moving? No, she never did, though her house was for sale for a few months. They eventually decided to just stay put.

    You're going to be a freshman, are you scared? I was. I was more terrified than I have ever been. I cried before I got on the bus on the first day of school.
    You shouldn't be. I know.
    You have friends, right? I've made a ton of new friends. I really have. It's fantastic.

    Were you class secretary, or class anything? Class secretary in eighth grade.
    What were your superlatives? Unsurprisingly, I was voted "Best Writer." I got "Most Likely To Succeed," too, which I definitely didn't expect.
    Did you go out for drama, or did you choose soccer? Soccer.
    What about cross country and basketball? I ran cross country but might as well not have. I hardly went to any of the practices and ran in two or three meets. Basketball was--and still isn't--my forte.
    Do you still talk to Helene? Helene doesn't acknowledge me anymore, though I sit beside her in two different classes.

    Did Miranda ever get over herself? Yes. She did. It took her awhile and some tough spots, but she did.

    How's your relationship with Mom and Dad? Strained, but good.
    The boys? As good as a sibling relationship could be.
    What was Tyler's first word? He hasn't had a first word.

    Did Hopper ever mellow out, or is he still a jackass? He's still a prick, but a prick that I love. He's like the twin brother I never had.
    Did the rest of the guys finally realize how mean he is, or did the girls finally start being nice to him? I got rid of the girls who made me act rude towards him and realized that he wasn't all bad.
    Was Mrs. Ventresca your homeroom teacher again? Yeah, she was.
    Who replaced Miss Dawley, and who taught math? The man who replaced Ms. Dawley changed my life, as did the new math teacher. Mr. Manfredi and Mrs. Hawkins were their names. They made me realize a lot about myself and
    How's Mr. Petkis? Old and balding, presumably. He's probably playing golf somewhere right about now. He retired at the end of eighth grade.

    Whatever happened to Panic? Ryan and Jon left. We cried, remember? Brendon and Spencer kind of found new members. They have a new album coming out this month.
    Did you go to any good concerts? No. On the way to Warped, you, Kyle, Dylan and Dan P. were in a car accident. You got a concussion and didn't sleep for days.
    Meet anyone famous? Nope!

    Did you find the confidence I've been searching for? Hmm? Yeah, I think I did.

    I hope you're doing all right,

    March 13th, 2011 at 11:15pm
  • fairyfeller

    fairyfeller (1655)

    United Kingdom
    Dear future!me;

    How did the AS exams go? Did you pass? I hope so. How are the A2s going? You had better work hard on them.

    Did you manage to finish the Veins trilogy, and are they still your favourite? And did you get any ideas for other blood-vessel related stories? Did you write any more Whose Line fics? (Is Whose Line still your fandom?)

    Are you still in contact with people? I hope so, I don't want to lost contact with anyone. If you have, go talk to them on facebook. Now. Do it.

    How is your brother doing on his course? Is he still at it or has he given up?

    I hope you're still writing loads.

    So, uni stuff. Did you manage to fill out all the ucas stuff? Any offers yet? Did you go for writing courses or photography courses? Or maybe a mixture of the two? Any offers back yet, or interviews? Don't start slacking.

    Okay, I'm going to bed now. I hope I'm happy when I next read this.

    March 13th, 2011 at 11:40pm
  • Letterbombx723

    Letterbombx723 (100)

    United States
    It's been a WHOLE YEAR...AGAIN! Time sure does fly by quickly... responses in bold!
    Hi there, Rachel.

    Holy...freaking...COW. You're almost EIGHTEEN. I KNOW I DON'T BELIEVE IT EITHER O_O As in, you're almost in college. In the "real world". Heck, you're almost a legal adult...I can't believe it. And this is even a whole year ago when you were technically still 16! O...M...G...I was 16 when I wrote this. O_O I guess we'll get onto the questions now...

    How is college looking to you NOW? How do you feel about growing up?: College is looking optimistically in a sense, actually. It's gonna be bittersweet, of course, because there's the whole transition thing back to a public school system... I still don't want to grow up, but I'm somewhat excited to give college a try. I hear it's fun.
    Do you still want to be a psychologist?: Yes ma'am! Either a psychologist or something with the Spanish language.
    Can you drive?: No, but word has it this summer is gonna be your lucky break...
    Is Vertical Horizon STILL your favorite band?: My favorite ENGLISH band, yes. I'm all about Reik now - a Spanish band WTF?
    Is David Archuleta STILL your only hope for teenagers?: Yessir.
    Are you any taller than 5'6"?: Yes! 5' 6 1/2"! :o
    How are those wisdom teeth coming? Did you end up having to get the bottom right one extracted? I bet so...: Actually, got the bottom left one extracted (of course - that happened a few years ago), two top ones are in perfectly and the bottom right one is in half way...but I don't think I'm gonna HAVE to get it extracted.
    Do you still have a huge crush on Kris Allen? I BET you'll say no!: LOL...go figure, I think it's pretty much gone! In some pictures I think he looks somewhat like a vampire. :o
    If you managed to keep the crush in tact still (o_O), is it still pretty much for his looks (though you still admire his personality, from what you've seen)?: ...I think it'd be for his looks if it were still in tact.
    Can you still not manage to watch his interviews or, for the most part, listen to his music for the duration of this crush? XD: Actually, I've recently listened to his entire CD just fine. Even saw how he proposed to his wife, and was fine with reading it. Even thought it was cute!
    Are you still planning on starting out at Southern?: Yes.
    Ever get a job?: Nope.
    Is Dustin still stalking you? -_-: LOL actually, no! Got a new phone service and email and all that so he doesn't contact me anymore.
    How'd that health fair go last year, anyway?: Didn't go to it! Shocker, right?
    Are you still into Michelle Branch and Josh Kelley like you were hardcore a whole year ago?: I LOVE their music still, and Josh Kelley is coming out with a new album next week, I believe. But BOTH artists switched to country within the past year... W-T-F
    Is Leetrice still your best friend?: Kind of. We don't really talk too much anymore.
    Are you still pretty obsessed with your iPod Touch?: YES.
    Do you still like the names Samantha and Melanie? Random but whatevs: I do! Melanie jumped the list, though - it's my favorite name now.
    Are you still obsessed with iced coffee? In Love : ...how'd you know what I was about to drink?!
    Do you still go on Mibba? Is your username STILL Letterbombx723? IT BETTER BE!: YES AND YES!!! :D
    Hey, how'd that AP Psychology exam go last year on May 11?! Did you even take it then after all?: I took it! AND I GOT A 5! It was on May 7, one day before my birthday. The experience was amazing...I was so nervous, but I got that 5. I get to jump right into developmental psych at college because of my score. :D
    Do you still have a 4.0 GPA? You better =D: Yesss!
    How did that whole poem publishing thing go, anyway?: I got published in "Endless Horizons: Serenity's Song". I didn't make any money off of it, but the book is really nice and it's an experience I won't soon forget.
    You still friends with the majority of kids from Keystone? Mainly Christian and Mary...xD: Bahaha yes! We talk all the time on Facebook.
    I bet your looks have changed a lot...now people say you look 18. How old do people say you look now that you're almost 18? XD: OMG... I was actually told that I look SIXTEEN. WTF?! But it was Greg, so...what can you say about that?
    Still enjoy writing whenever you can find the time?: Siiigh. I just don't have that creative spark I used to have...
    Does the song "Echo" by Vertical Horizon still resonate with you?: Yes. It really, really does. I don't want to be just another echo.
    Please tell me you've gotten out of the habit of saying "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID" so much...: LOL...I did!
    Hey, how'd that Spanish course go? Did you ever master rolling your tongue for the "R"s? xD: OMG I finished with like a 97.6%! I'm obsessed with Spanish now. I'm in Spanish 2 now and my teacher actually COMPLIMENTS me on my accent W-T-F

    That's all I can think of for now. Stay safe, be good, and continue on the path you're on right now. You've got a bright future ahead of you, kid. I can feel it. D'AWWW. Ya make me blush!

    -You A Whole Year Ago
    March 19th, 2011 at 12:51am
  • Letterbombx723

    Letterbombx723 (100)

    United States
    Why hello, Rachel! Here's the third letter you've written to yourself on March 18. I hope you continue doing this for a long time because it's so awesome to see how much you've/I've grown from year to year. Here are your questions for 2012, College Chick. ;)

    You're EIGHTEEN now. How was your birthday? Did you cry? :'( :
    What did you get for your birthday?:
    ...oh my GOSH you'll almost be NINETEEN by this time next year. How do you feel about that? Last year of being a teenager...:
    College! How is that going?!:
    Did you ever get your license?:
    A job, or workstudy?:
    A car?:
    Do you still wear that necklace your mom and uncle got you for your 16th birthday? You better have worn that on your first day of college...:
    For the third year in a row, is David Archuleta still your only hope for teenage guys?:
    I'm curious... Do you have a boyfriend?:
    Have you had one since you started college?:
    How's that iced coffee addiction treating you?!:
    How do you feel about growing up?:
    Do you miss Keystone?:
    Do you miss homeschooling?:
    Are you majoring in psychology?:
    How's that obsession with the Spanish language coming?! You're making empanadas tomorrow, you know. ;) :
    ¿Entiendes esta pregunta?:
    Do you still talk to Lee?:
    What about Greg? Baha...:
    Allen? A large portion of me hopes to God you answer no to this one.:
    How about your friends from Keystone? You BETTER still keep in touch with them.:
    For the third year running, are you still Letterbombx723 on Mibba? YOU BETTER BE.:
    Are you minoring in Spanish? As you can see, your 17-year-old self is amazed by the thought of you in COLLEGE. Where did the time go...:
    Oh, did you finish Keystone with a 4.0 GPA?!:
    Are you happy?:
    Are you still super close to your mom? If this isn't a strong yes, I will kill you. No, seriously, I will.:
    Just so you know, right now, Rebecca Black is HUGE :gigglesnort:. Does anyone even know who the heck she is now lol?:
    Do you still hold a special place in your heart for the song "Echo" by Vertical Horizon?:
    Are you still into Vertical Horizon and Reik?:
    Are people still freaking out about December 21/23, 2012?:

    Okay, that's probably way too many questions so I'll stop now. Rachel, you've come so far in life and I'm sure you're doing splendidly in college. Your first year is almost done! Of course, I can't see into the future, but I have so much confidence that you're doing just fine. Now, take this next year and prove me right. ;)

    You A Whole Year Ago
    March 19th, 2011 at 01:09am
  • Narzisse Narcosis;

    Narzisse Narcosis; (150)

    Dear Nikki,

    What made you think he'd be any different than any other guy you've had your heart broken by? Was it the fact that he's a rockstar? Well, honey, you know just as well as I know that those boys are absolutely nothing but trouble. You know he's not coming back. Why are you letting yourself get attached to him? Stop it! Seriously! You're killing us! If you really must pine over someone, then go back to pining over Marilyn Manson; at least, he is unattainable and your worst nightmares may never unfold at his hands.

    What about your dream?! We're going to be a best-selling author. We're going to live in Los Angeles in a decent-sized apartment. We're not going to let ourselves fall head-over-heels for some man with a pot-belly either. (Because we both know that pot-belly just grows and grows and grows as it's gobbling up your potential.) We don't need no stinking poop-factory screaming brat, either! So why are you letting biology have its way with you?! Fucking stop it! Enough's enough!

    March 20th, 2011 at 06:51pm
  • waits.

    waits. (250)

    United States
    March 18th, 2010

    Dear Future Katie,

    First of all, I hope you have enough pictures. I'm tired of waking up in the middle of the night wondering if I have enough pictures and videos for the stupid graduation slideshow. tehe

    Did D & J move?
    How are the kids?
    Are you a Doula yet?
    Did you get accepted to Birmingham-Southern?
    Where are you going to college?
    Are you still friends with Tor and Trev?
    Are they dating?
    How's the family?
    How's the business?
    Are you scared to graduate? Only got a few months left, chickadee.
    How's your love life?
    Are you still a singleton?

    I hope that you're still the person who's self-confident, loves every little wobbly bit of herself, speaks her mind when feasible, keeps her mouth shut when it needs to be, leans on Christ and not her own understanding, and loves with all her heart. I hope your imagination is still big and your innocence intact, and I hope you still love to watch movies and read books and parenting blogs even though you're not a parent yet (are you?!) and cook things and play with your little brothers and plan dances.

    Be good, Kid.
    Dear past Katie,

    Yes, you had plenty of pictures. XD Maybe not many pictures of this year, but enough picture regardless.

    D & J did not move. They have the house up for sale.
    The kids are awesome, Nate's a little devil, but they're good.
    We are not a Doula yet, unfortunately. Still studying, though.
    We got accepted to Birmingham-Southern, but we're going to Judson, girl! Be psyched!
    We are not still friends with Tor, and I haven't talked to Trev in months. It's been hard for you this past year. You lost a lot of friends, but you gained some too.
    Nope, they're not dating. And you're not either. You're happy with that, though.
    Family's great, and the business is better. You hate your job, though.
    You are totally and completely ready to graduate. Not scared at all. Just psyched.
    Love life is terrible, and yes, you're still a singleton. Sorry about that.

    Basically, we're just the same. Just a little wiser, and little more street savoir-faire, and little beaten and battered from the ride.

    Keep on keeping on.
    April 4th, 2011 at 04:48am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    give dru peace.:
    Dear Dru:

    Did you find the moon yet? Did you find rabbit hole? Has Daffney learned to behave herself? Do you have a bunny? Where do you live? Did you get out of Nebraska? Are you working at a hotel like you planned? How many new tattoos do you have? Are you getting sex on a regular basis? Any major depressive bouts? Any extreme cutting relapses? Any IRL friends? Any getting drunk?

    Just stuffed ones.
    Same place.
    Yes. You also smoke weed now.
    April 4th, 2011 at 07:29am