Write a letter to yourself...

  • Hi there Shannon,
    So.. june of 2012, i'm expecting a reply, although judging by my habits i'll probably have moved onto another website by them. still. how's high school? did you make wind ensemble? did you fail algebra? are you still writing? did you ever get to meet anto or josie, or did you move on to new internet friends, or *le gasp* real people? have you kept in contact with jack and celeste and cali? are you still the virgin of virgins? have you had any boyfriends or girlfriends? what sort of music do you listen to? what fantastic shows have you been to? how's helen? do you think i'm the dweebiest of dumb young things? have you given up on maintaining a decent level of physical fitness?

    stay strong and be beautiful.
    jet'aime, shannon.
    June 13th, 2011 at 02:12am
  • Danny Hampstead:
    Dear Jordan,

    Wow. Can you imagine that you'll be getting ready to go off to college by this time next year? Is the thought of actually having to leave home for that long still scary, or are you looking forward to the experience? Are you still hell bent on doing a Study Abroad program, or are you just going to intern locally? How does dad feel? I'm sure he's going to miss you. Especially since he's going to have to take care of the cat. Oh, and did you pass Russian and German? I will be really pissed if you didn't. But I'm sure you'll pass them just fine. After all, you're doing tres fantastique avec Francais. (If you can't understand that, I'll be really disappointed in you.) While I'm on the topic of languages, did you do well in A.P. English? I know how much you like Kosiba as a teacher, and I hope she challenged you enough. You definitely needed it.

    How did graduation go? Did you get any honors? Did Liz and everyone show up? Did mom come? I hope they all made it. I know how happy it would've made you. Also, did you make it to see Liz, Karen, Sarah, and everyone else graduate? And Anthony as well? I know that you were looking forward to both.

    And speaking of Liz and the gang, how are they? Do you still talk to Liz? Well, of course you do. After all, she's been your best friend for almost twelve years. I'm sure it's not going to stop anytime soon. What about Sarah? Karen? Colin? Do you talk to any of them anymore? I know that you really miss talking to Sarah and Karen. Especially Karen. I hope that you re-connect with them and keep the connection open this time. Oh, and have you talked to Ashleigh at all? How is she? Are you still planning to cut her loose after you graduate? I know that will be hard for you because the two of you practically grew up together, but you can only take so much. And did she actually manage to get her G.E.D., or did she just quite school all together? It honestly wouldn't surprise me if she did. She's already half-way there now. Anyways, like I said,I wouldn't be surprised if you do cut her loose. But I'm still holding out hope for your friendship. At least, for now. After all, she's practically family.

    And speaking of friends, have you managed to talk to Patrick at all? You need to keep in touch with him. After all, he was a good friend to you. The least you could do is return the favor by talking to him, even if he's off to college in the next month and a half.

    Oh, and how is Erin? It's been a while since you two have talked. Are you still planning to make a pilgrimage to meet her in person? And if you did actually meet her, how did it go? I'm sure she's not much different in person than over the 'net.

    Anyways, have you been talking to mom more? What about Makenzie? I know you miss her a lot. It's only normal to miss your little sis, especially when she's growing up so fast that it makes your head spin. Speaking of them, how are they? Is mom still with him? I hope she isn't. She deserves someone so much better than him. And if she did leave him, did she move back to Plainwell? Is Makenzie's dad still being an uptight ass? I don't know why I asked, because he probably is. He's never changed.

    Back to talking about college...

    Which one did you make it into? Marquette? Alma? DePaul? Was it any of those, or did you go somewhere else? Are you going to major in Foreign Languages and learn all the ones you planned on learning, or did you change your mind again? I hope you didn't change your mind again. That would be a nightmare! And your poor school counselor!

    I'm pretty sure that you're still as open-minded as ever, so I'm not even going to ask about any of that. But did you ever make it to a protest supporting gay rights? You've been planning on that for some time, so I hope you make it to one. And I hope you still plan to join a GSA club, or something along the lines of it, when you get to college.

    Are you still a Mibbian, or have you become too busy to bother? Do you still write stories that are mostly fan-fiction? Are you still hung up on slash? I bet you are. I know how much you love that stuff. Has your writing changed at all? Not that it was bad to begin with. (Okay, it was. But that was a long, long time ago. So let it go.)

    And last but not least, I have some odd-ball questions for you that I couldn't group together.

    Do you have your driver's license yet?
    Do you still have your car?
    How is Alyssa's baby? Is he healthy and cute? And are they still together or not?
    Do you have a job, or did you never get one?
    How's the family?
    Do you still complain about all the things that you can't control?
    Did you go camping again with Scot and Jenny? Did you hurt yourself this time?
    Did you see My Chemical Romance or Green Day like you wanted?
    Did you get your tongue pierced yet? (You've wanted that for a while.)
    Have any tattoos yet?
    Are you going to learn to play the piano?
    Did you take those sign language classes? If you did, did you pass and was it fun?
    Did you go to prom like you said you would?
    Did you actually go and see one of Plainwell's shows, like you wanted to last year?
    Did you go to an MDA camp with dad?
    Do still want to be a surrogate mother?
    Still like all those bands? (I hope so.)
    And most importantly, how are your knees? Do they still hurt, or are they getting better?

    Anyways, that's all I have for you. (Yes, I know it's a lot. But you're a complex person who asks a lot of questions.)

    But all I really want you to do within the next year is keep your goals; and reach them, obviously. Get into college. Pass Russian and German. And continue both. But most of all, have a good senior year. The rest would just be a big, happy bonus. (Oh, and seriously, learn how to play the damned piano. You hate not playing an instrument anymore.)

    See ya next year! (You better answer all these damned questions!)

    - Jordan
    (I know it hasn't quite been a year yet, but whatever. Doing it now before I get too busy.)

    --- --- --- --- ---

    Dear me,

    Y'know, I'm two months away from moving and I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that I'm leaving. The though of leaving home is both kinda scary, yet exciting, because I'm still going to be in-state, but far enough away that I'll miss everyone.

    Yes, I still want to do Study Abroad. Actually, where I'm going to college, I'm required to do two, so.... yeah. Fun times lie ahead. Although, I wouldn't mind interning in Chicago or New York. That would be kind of fun.

    I'm not sure. I think once I'm gone, he'll miss me. I know I'll miss him after a week or so.

    By some miracle, yes, I passed Russian German. Although, I ended up dropping out of the second semester of Russian. It was just too much. And yeah, I did alright in AP. Almost failed the first semester 'cause I didn't turn stuff in on time, but I had one-hundred percent throughout the entire second semester, so I did alright.

    It was hot during graduation. I mean, ungodly hot. But it doesn't help that it was in the middle of the day. And no, I didn't get any honors, but I did graduate with a 3.3 GPA, so.... not bad.

    No, they couldn't make it. Too much going on. But I did get to see them and Anthony graduate.

    They're good. All are busy preparing to go to college and all that fun stuff. And of course I still talk to Liz. Not as much as I like, but still... it's better than nothing. No, I don't really talk to everyone else as much.

    And yeah, I've talked to Ashleigh (ironically, she's in the living room at the moment). I don't know how she's doing. She won't talk about it. But I'm not sure about cutting her loose once I move. I don't want to, but I might have to.

    Haven't talked to Patrick at all, and I probably won't.

    Erin is the same. We're talking more, which is a plus. Although, I'm pretty sure it's just because we're both out of school. Haven't met her yet, but I yes, I still plan on making a pilgrimage to meet her in person one day.

    Yeah, I've talked to mom and Makenzie a lot more. Actually, I've been spending a lot of time with them lately. And yeah, mom is still with him, unfortunately. She's talking abotu moving back soon.

    I decided to go to Alma. It's not too far away, but not too close, either. And I really like it there. And yes, I'm going to major in Foreign Language. Actually, I'm going to double major in French and German. And eventually, I'll take ASL classes at CMU.

    Didn't get to go to a protest, but I did go to a Pride Festival with Will. It was super fun, even if I did chafe the insides of my thighs.... And yes, I'm still planning to join the GSA club at Alma.

    Of course I'm still a Mibbian. I'm never to busy to not be one. And yes, I still write fan-fiction and I'm still hung up on slash. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it. My writing has changed a little bit, but not much. But I'm writing mostly Frerards instead of Rydons (I still haven't figured out why...).

    Yes I do. Got it in January.
    I do! And it runs pretty well. Except when it decides to stall.... Grr
    Josh Jr. is doing good. He's cute, but spoiled. And I have no idea if they're still together or not. All I know is that Josh is pretty much a dead-beat baby daddy.
    Sadly, I never got one. I think it's the whole summer birthday thing.
    The family's good. Dad got a girlfriend. She's really nice, and she has four kids. They really love dad. And from what I hear, they really like me, too. So it's all good.
    Yes, of course I still complain about things I can't control. It's my thing.
    Nope. And I don't think I will, either. Going to the Metro for the big one eight. So it's safe to say that I won't have a spranged ankle for my birthday this year.
    Sadly, no. I didn't get to see either of them. But I did see Panic! again. And it was so much better this time around.
    Nope. Tongue isn't pierced yet. I think I might hold off for a while.
    Not yet, but Grandma is paying for my first one. It's her birthday/graduation present to me. I'm so excited.
    Eventually, I will. Just have to find the right time to learn.
    No, I didn't. I couldn't get into them. But I'll be talking ASL in about a year and a half, so check back then.
    Yes, I did! I went to my prom and Plainwell's. Both were fun, but I liked the second one better.
    Nope. I didn't have the time or the money.
    No. I really wanted to, but I think the Michigan chapter is dead.
    Of course. And I have some new ones that I like. (Fun, for example. They're awesome.)
    And the knees are getting better. They don't hurt as much.

    Sincerely, your present self.
    June 21st, 2011 at 08:39pm
  • charmed.:
    Dear Ashley,

    How was your junior year?
    Did you get the GPA you wanted?
    Are Adam and Gaga still your favorite?
    Has MCR released their new album? Did you like it?
    Have you seen The Used in concert again?
    See Gaga and A7X with Marie?
    Did you finally get your license?
    Did you make a mess of your love life again?
    Did you survive? Or did you live?
    Have you gotten back in contact with Faith?
    Are Omar, Maggie, Sam, and Marie still your best friends?
    Did you finally move on?
    Are you still a Mibbian?
    Ever get your focus back on track with Dreaming in Water Colors?
    Get the nose piercing you wanted?
    Still want to go to Concordia University?

    We let a lot slip by this year. Let's not do it again.

    - Ashley
    Dear past me,

    I'm a little behind on this, but oh well.

    My junior year was okay. Not the best it could have been, but it was alright.
    I didn't get the GPA I wanted, but I still got a really damn good one and it was close to what I was striving for.
    Still loving Gaga and Adam, but I'm not as heavy in those fandoms anymore. I'm not heavy in any fandom actually.
    MCR did finally release the new album and it was beautiful.
    Didn't see anyone in concert. For a whole year. It's kind of weird to think about, actually.
    Yeah, I got the license.
    My love life has never been this messy.
    I survived. I'm still too scared to live.
    Still haven't talked to Faith.
    Omar, Sam and Maggie are still my best friends. Marie and I aren't as close.
    I did. I finally moved on. It's a strange and wonderful feeling.
    Somewhat. I don't come on here as often.
    Not at all. The story has completely changed too.
    Not yet. Slowly getting Mom to consider that one.
    Not anymore. Kind of clueless as to where I want to go, actually.

    Sincerely, present me
    June 21st, 2011 at 08:54pm
  • Rachel; Battlefield:
    How is college going? Are you keeping your grades up? Have you made a lot of friends? Have you forgotten your old ones?

    How is your family doing? Is mom all right? Do you call her a lot? I'm sure she had it rough when you left.

    Are you in shape yet? How is ROTC going for you? Do you like it?

    Is it weird, being on your own? I know you're not totally alone, but you get my point.

    Are you still into hockey? I guess you will be, but as much as I am now? Do you still read all of your Dragonlance and your manga, or did you give up on them when you went away?

    Are you any more organized now? Are you eating better?


    I did pretty sucky the first semester, but the second semester was better. I made TONS of friends, and I never forgot my old ones.

    Mom's doing good. She didn't take it nearly as hard as I did when I left. Things got a little rougher around Brit, but it's not too bad.

    Haha, no. I'm working on getting it together. ROTC's a blast! So much fun, and everyone's like a family.

    S'not weird at all. I made so many friends, it was easier to transition.

    I am still obsessed with hockey. I still read my Dragonlance and manga. Also, we love Doctor Who now. It's awesome.

    I wish I was more organized. I'm trying to eat better.

    So, life is basically the same. You do love Penn State, though. It's awesome.
    July 3rd, 2011 at 03:20am
  • Dear Ashley,

    So I know right now you're in this place where you're really confused about everything, but just think, this time next year you'll be off to college. You'll finally be able to start shaping your future the way you want it to be. Which university did you end up settling on? Are you still pursuing film? Where is Sam going? Did Omar make it to college? Did your step-dad help pay for college? Or did Mom have to get in contact with your dad? If so, how did that work out? Did you get enough scholarship money?

    Did your senior year turn out well for you? I hope so. I know how rough the past three years have been on you. Was your schedule easy enough to manage? Did the anxiety get you down again? Did you have any depression episodes? Are you still having those chest pains?

    Did you stick to not having any relationships this year? I know right now you just want to focus on school and not worry about having a relationship back at home once you leave for college. If you didn't, why was that? Did you meet someone worthwhile, or did you just get lonely?

    What were your most memorable moments from summer 2011 and your senior year? What was your favorite class? Did you go to prom? What was graduation like?

    I know you're strong. I know you can do great things. I hope everything was as good as it could possibly be.

    July 3rd, 2011 at 07:54pm
  • Dear Piers,

    How was therapy? Do you still go? Are you on testosterone yet? If you are, what changes do you have? Have you visited our friends back in Middletown yet? Did they accept you as a boy?

    What about Mom? Do we like her any more than now? Do we even get along with her? How was she about you taking testosterone, if you have?

    How are guitar lessons going? Started that band yet?

    And what about Drama? Are you on lights or stage tech?

    Did you ever start playing hockey?

    Have you told any of your new friends about being trans? Do you want to? Do you like anyone as much as we like Ali right now? Do you have a girlfriend? A boyfriend?

    Are Joe and Trey still together? Did Chloe and Alan work things out? What about Danie and Tom? Are they still going strong?

    Are you still writing? Still listening to music? Have you seen more concerts yet?

    Do you like it better at IHS? Or do you still miss M-town like I do?

    I hope all is well for both our sake.
    Piers ;)
    July 4th, 2011 at 06:36pm
  • fingerprints.:
    Dear Vee;
    Hows it going? Still a ginger midget? I sure hope so!

    Get into sixth form? Do you still talk to the few decent people from school (claire,
    georgia, meg, danny...) and are the bitch still being cunts? Have you kicked their heads in yet? I honestly wouldn't blame you.

    Still hanging out with the Kendal lot? They're the best friends you've ever had, they respect you as a person so I really hope you are.

    Still going out with Ewan/Got a new boyfriend? Or are you single again? Have you been wreckless with your kisses?

    How is it going with Fluffyboy? two years? Or have you finally got together? Has he admitted to liking you?

    What are your favourite things now?

    Still talking to ALi? (I sure as fucking hell hope so!)

    I don't know what else to ask really, so I'm just gonna give you a little message.

    The previous year has been hell, getting kicked out of school, parents divorcing (ish) and the whole thing with fluffyboy, but I can say it's been the best year ever. You've made some amazing friends this year (Lez, AJ, Micky, Eddie, Zak, Johnny, Zoey, Jamie, John, Bench, Matt, Bailey, Zaphia, Scott, Joe, Josh, Maxwell...) and you've made your enemies, but what the hell. You've really branched out, some would say you became wreckless, but I'd say you've became alive.

    I just hope 2010/2011 is even better than this year, but try and stay out of trouble.
    It's been almost a year:
    Yes, still a midget! Not ginger though!

    At QKS sixth form, made loads of friends (thank goodness!) I still talk to Meg, Georgia and Claire a bit from my year at Dallam, everyone else? Not so much.

    Yes still cunts, but at a reasonable level where I don't have to kick their heads in...

    I'm still hanging around with them - but I don't respect them and they don't respect me. They have a lot of flaws, and I guess I do too.

    Yes :3 15 months on Friday!

    Fuck him. With something painful.

    True Blood. Superjail. Scott Pilgrim. Lots more xD

    Yes, but not as much as usual Sad

    And as for the friends...
    Yes. Yes. Yes. Eh. Yes. No. No. Yes. Yes. Eh. Yes. Yes. Eh. Yes. Yes. Eh.
    July 4th, 2011 at 10:25pm
  • soul.:
    Dear Future Rebecca,

    Hey there. Uh, it is 1:23 A.M. and it's Saturday. Woo~ It's summer, so you know I've contracted insomnia. Oh, and The Downtown Fiction was playing, but it shuffled to A Bird A Sparrow. But, anyway, onto the questions.

    How's everything with Chris? Did you ever find out if he liked you? He probably didn't, cuz he's wayyy out of, er, my league.

    Did you ever go to New York during this present summer or at all?

    How was sophomore year without Meghan? Wendy hates your guts, but it's okay, you don't need her. Made any new friends? Or none at all?

    Have you at least finished your "Losing Rita" story? I know how, uh, you like to slack off and not write. But you atleast better finish that story. It has potential.

    Did you pass the FCAT? Is it even still there? Has Math gotten easier for your pea-sized brain? Hehe~

    Are you even still a memember on Mibba? You better be. Because I'll kick you right in the gut if you're not. Don't forget about this site, you hoe!

    Alright, the most (in)famous question of all time, have you gotten that boyfriend you keep whining that you'll never ever get? I'll never know.

    Are you out of Robert Morgan and going to that school that Meghan went to?

    Speaking of which, are you still friends with Meghan? Do you still hang out with her?

    Get that Learner's permit, byttheway. You NEED to drive.

    Are those braces off by any chance? They better be, they're fucking torture.

    Oh, and have you made any new guy-friends? Because you know how shy you get around them boys. Ha hah.

    This took me like, 15 minutes to think up and then type down the questions. I hope everything's gonna be fine throughout this year. Don't do anything stupid, or anything that can kill you. You need to answer up all these questions. But I really do hope everything will be alright. I'll answer these on July 3rd of next summer. It'll be a whole year, just don't forget!

    --Love, Past Rebecca. The short, raging teen hormones girl that doesn't even have the courage to talk to that guy at the beach. The one you nicknamed Yahtzi. Ha hah.

    P.S. Did you ever get to meet Yahtzi, again? You better have. :}
    Well this is late by one day, but it's okay.

    Um, I never found out if he did like me and I honestly don't care anymore. He's stupid and somewhat nice but what was in my head. That kid is just...but anyway, no.

    YES! I went to New York and I love-loved it. It was wonderful and asfkejbvlksdsdknadgkjgfd, I am so moving there when I get older.

    Sophomore year was good, I didn't need Meghan and Wendy was in, like, 3 of my classes. How ironic. I made a couple new friends. *coughJavicough* It was a nice year. Really boring, though.

    Hah, I deleted that story a couple of days ago. It had 1 subscriber, but then I lost them 'cause I never updated, so I was like 'What's the point?'

    I think I did. It was a bitch. Stupid Math. I passed Reading, though.

    I'm not as active as last year, I changed my username and everything just went downhill from there. Feel free to kick my gut, now.

    Nope, I'll stay a virgin forever~*~* loljk. I don't want romance in my life right now (lies) I gotta study and get a good GPA.

    I did get the Learner's Permit, but I've only driven like 5 times. How sad.

    Soon, the funny thing is if they hadn't broken a month ago, I'd have them off by now. Whoops.

    I've never seen Yahtzi. Oh well, maybe if I go to the beach again. Ha hah.
    July 5th, 2011 at 12:00am
  • Dear Amy,

    So. Should be summer of 2012 when you read this. Are you working back at the hostel again this year? Or did you get that job in Hamley's?

    You've been living by yourself for a year now. Do you still live off super noodles and cheesy pasta from Aldi? Can you even afford that or is it just bread and water? Please, please, please tell me you have a kitten. Is it called Disco or Simba? Or did you cave and get a puppy instead?

    You better have got that tattoo. If not, why are you sitting here reading this, go get it done! Now! And you've gone on holiday by now, surely? Please say Paris. Or Texas. Or both, preferably. Please say both. Are you still pale and ridiculous looking? Still wearing the same pair of ripped and tartan jeans? What's your hair doing now?

    How's the first year of your drama degree gone? Is it more difficult? Did anyone from RSAMD get in? How are you coping without Saturday classes now? You still meet up with the guys, right?

    Any more gigs to report? Festivals? Stalking, per chance even?

    Do you still get panic attacks and cry and have nightmares? Has therapy helped, or the pills? Is there anything at all that has helped?

    How much has changed in a year? How much can change?

    The ever hopeful,
    July 5th, 2011 at 01:40am
  • Megan;
    are you still obsessed with Asking Alexandria? Danny, James and Ben?
    did you ever go to warped?
    did you find true love during sophomore year?
    ever get over Kenzer? speaking of him, did he break up with Ashley?
    are you still friends with Raechel, Taylor and Rachel?
    does mom still live with you? dad still alive?
    how's Reese, did he have another surgery?
    pleasepleaseplease tell me you still hate country music, otherwise i might kill you.
    ever get braces? what about those extensions? what's it like to be sixteen? ever get your permit? a job where you wanted? ehh, there's so much more i could ask you. but i'll hold back.
    July 5th, 2011 at 05:26am
  • teahead.:
    it's been a year :3

    imma write another.


    how are you? can you believe you're going to be a junior soon? and all your friends are going to be seniors? wow. yep, time flies. interesting friend situation, though.

    lots of people have graduated. miss em? i hope so. totally. more interesting details there too. our group is so disjointed.

    how's liz? has she been keeping her promise (if you even remember what it was)? it's okay if she didn't. hah, nope, but thats okay because i love her so much it doesn't even matter. she's my best friend.

    how's abi? she's doing... okay.

    in case you forgot, your tastes have changed so fucking much. you're such an indie hipster. you listen to no-name bands and the beatles and bob dylan. you love bob, he's your favorite. good god, i know. fuck me, i'm such a hipster.

    you took all the green day and my chem and all that off your ipod recently. you've changed. for the better, i think. whatever. me too.

    you still friends with ashley, joey, avery? college friends? zach, erin, liz? do you webcam chat with college friends? hope so. eh, yes, of course, not really. hahah.

    see you in a year! tehe

    <3, elena.
    DO I DARE WRITE ANOTHER? yes, of course.

    dearest elena,

    17, eh? how's summer? road trips? lots of driving? don't wreck the car.

    in case you don't remember, your "band kid" group is severely falling apart and it bothers the shit out of you and you're fed up with all of them.

    did you do fed challenge in place of band? i really really really hope you did. also, how'd your grades go? hope they're good 'cause you're applying to colleges in july 2012.

    still partying? excited for spain? how was it?

    you're changing a lot these days. liz and jackie are you best friends, kate is too, and you're picking up all these weird new interests and friends. you hang around riverside a lot.

    PLEASE tell me you did not get that shitty teacher for US II. please. and regardless of whether you did or not, i certainly hope you kept your friendship with your old teacher. it was good times sophomore year, just in case your memory is totally wiped out.

    also, please tell me you've been to some good concerts!

    lovelovelove, elena.

    p.s. i hope you're still vegan. two years!
    July 6th, 2011 at 05:14am
  • Dear Luna,

    I decided to wright again for next year. Just because I liked doing it the first time, and maybe at this time next year you'll be interested in what it was like to be fourteen year old you. Maybe.

    How was freshman year? Was it as bad as you thought it was going to be? Please tell me that it's at least better than Middle School was. Oh, how was it having exams in every subject this year? Did you do well?
    Freshman year was okay. The high school is a lot better than the middle school. But you know you're not one of those people who likes going to school, and that's not something that's changed. Exams actually went great, you even got a 92 in algebra.

    How was the Muse concert? Have you been to any concerts since then? And what about the Rocky Horror show? How did your Columbia costume turn out? Did Ember go with you dressed up as Magenta?
    The Muse concert was the best night of our life. You had your heroes right in front of you, and they were amazing. You even got Citizen Erased, for the first time in the US since '07. You also went to see 30 Seconds to Mars in February, which was also fun.
    RHS was fantastic as well. You and Ember did go dressed up, and you're Columbia costume came out pretty good, despite looking different from the one in the film. And thanks to these nice older people in the front, you got upgraded to front row seats. At the end you even got pulled on stage to do the Time Warp.

    I dare ask, do you have a boyfriend? I won't be surprised if you say no.
    As expected, no.

    Am I still on Mibba? It's weird to imagine myself as not being here, but I guess that if I wasn't, you wouldn't ever read this letter. Actually, knowing me, I might come to the forums just to read some silly letter that I wrote myself a year ago.
    You're still here. But I think you're right, that I would have come back to read this anyway, if it came to mind (but we know it probably would, out of nowhere).

    How is the writing going? Did you finish NaNo again this year, if you even participated? And what about the drawing? And then there's cello, of course. I'm guessing you still play, but you never know.
    The writing's going alright. You still have that problem with having confidence in what you write. You did finish NaNo, despite having to make a mad rush at the end. I plan on doing it again this year. The drawing's going okay, I guess. Same for cello.

    Did you ever cut your nails, or even trim them a bit shorter? I know I can't bear to part with them now, despite that want I have to learn guitar. Maybe someday I'll want it bad enough.
    The nails are very much the same.

    Do you wear makeup?
    Nope. Well, sometimes at home when I get bored, you know. But for some reason I always wash it off, unless it's for a costume (like RHS) or something like that.

    What about friends? I know that I asked the same thing last year, but do you know who your true friends are? Or maybe you've even made some new ones? What about all of the friends that went to different schools, like Paige and Erin? Do you still talk to them?
    I don't know, it's all quite confusing. But you did make some new friends, and you still talk to Paige and Erin.

    Do you still sit outside when the summer day is ending and wait for the stars to come out, one by one?

    I know that things haven't been great lately. Maybe it's better now, I don't know. But don't give up on yourself, or the people around you. Don't be afraid to talk to people. Try to pick up some self-confidence, and I know it's hard, but please try to stop repeating those negative messages to yourself over and over again. Keep fighting to get yourself where you want to be.

    Your past self.
    -15 year old you.
    July 19th, 2011 at 03:18am
  • Double. Facepalm So I guess I'll just use this for letter #3...


    Yeah, I'm gonna do another one of these because I rather enjoy it. tehe

    Dear Jacquelyn,

    So, you're sixteen now. How's that going? Have you gotten a job this summer? Are you working at a license, anything ~exciting like that? I guess I might as well ask how sophomore year was, while I'm at it. Any idea of what you want to do for major at college? It's actually time to start really thinking about that, isn't it? Also, still single?

    Are you still on Mibba? How about tumblr?

    Did you ever get to go to England with your cousin? Are you gong to France next year with the school? What was it like, if you did get to travel? Was it what you dreamed of? What was it like to fly on an airplane?

    Has the sixth Muse album been released yet? How did you like it? Are you going to another one of their concerts in the foreseeable future? This is probably a longshot, but maybe you already have? Have you been to any other band's concerts?

    How have you changed? Has anything changed for the better? Are you happy? You know how I get pessimistic about stuff like that/ But hey, I guess you, future me, are the only one who knows. You've just got to keep trying.

    -15 year old you.
    July 19th, 2011 at 03:58am
  • Takanori Matsumoto.:

    Hi. It's me. Well, more specifically, it's you from the past; roughly a year ago, if you can remember. You remember freshman year of high school, right? When it was all new and lovely and your friends kind of sucked but you had a fresh slate? You get that again this year. Granted, you're a second year college student, but you get my point. You get to live on your own, you'll most likely get to work at the Echo, and you'll still have that old car that you call Christine. Well, hopefully (and just on a side note - remember to check her oil, because the last time you forgot, you nearly exploded your engine).

    And you've had an okay summer, yeah? This summer, guess what you got to do? You went to Chicago. Just you and a friend. And you saw Miyavi-san live. Still listen to him? Met him yet? Seen another of his lives? He was amazing. You were pretty close to him (twenty feet or so, by my estimate). And you had the night of your life in that tiny venue. That's something you really shouldn't forget this year, especially when shit gets rough.

    And GazettE. Seen them yet? Met them? Sent out Takanori-san's letter? It's a pity if you haven't. That could be your in, you know? You could get a trip to Japan out of that; he's a nice guy, as far as you know, so what the heck? Send it. And...don't forget that band, hm? They've done a lot for you, and they've gotten you through hard times, and they'll help you through times that are even worse. They've kept faith in you (in their fans), so keep on truckin' with them. Even though I know I don't have to tell you that. You love them, and you love him. So. Don't give up.

    Oh. And. I know it's an incredibly touchy subject, but how are things with Mom? Because look. I know she's tough to get along with, and she screws with you a lot. But I also know that she's the first person you call when things get rough. So moral of the story: fix it. It'll be hard, but you can do it. She loves you, even if she doesn't always show it. Don't lose faith in her, either.

    And lastly, be happy. Be happy and go for whatever you can, and dammit, don't forget who you are. Your identity is everything, you know?

    And Erin? Do me a favor.

    Don't forget me.

    - Taka.

    P.S. - You can too finish The Crimson Lotus, so don't give up on that, either.
    Hey there.

    So, for one, you should be proud of me because I remembered, and you know how forgetful I can be. And you should also be proud of me because I got through the last year- be prepared, girl, because it's gonna be hell. Fall semester turned out to be a bust- grades turned out worse than ever, and I didn't even really get to enjoy the Echo, but at least I have friends up there, right?

    Ugh, and don't even get me started on Christine. I mean, it's partially my fault, but either way, she's still sitting in the driveway, undriven for about two months now. And just a PS on that- it really does suck having to drive your parents' cars all the time, so if you get a chance to change a few things about the last year, wen it gets to about February, try to check Christine's coolant, okay? Really, this leak is more trouble than it's worth, as is waiting for it to be fixed.

    And no, I still haven't forgotten about Chicago. That night kind of got me through the hell that was fall semester. That single picture I took at the live has been the wallpaper on my phone for almost a year now, and it's seriously one of few things that makes me happy. But seriously, there are a few things to be grateful for. Wrote a bunch of really great articles (don't listen to Joanne for a second, okay? Your writing is absolutely not shit, and you should have stood up to her to begin with), and guess what? You started on Legends.

    And I know you've been aching to start it, so I'll tell you even better news- six chapters are finished. All of this writing, though, has earned you tendonitis, so be careful with that and take painkillers (you'll have a splint for it eventually.)

    Also, you'll be very happy to know that GazettE is still a very huge influence in my life. They still mean the world to me, and, well, they were the first people I thought of when I heard about the earthquake & tsunami in Japan (you'll find out eventually; it's a bit hard to write about, though I'm sure you understand.) So yeah. No worries there- they're still getting me through everything, and they're not going anywhere anytime soon.

    Just a few tips for you though, if you ever get a chance to change anything:

    1) Please try not to freak out so much when Ruki loses his voice. It turned out to be nothing serious, and he's okay now, and trust me I know that you love him, but he's a strong guy. He'll be okay.

    2) Take care of yourself. Sleep, eat, stay hydrated, write, listen to music- do whatever the fuck you have to to make sure that you're happy. Don't let mom or Harmony or anyone else get you down- don't give a fuck what they think, if that's what it takes. Trust me, caring about yourself a bit more really won't hurt you.

    3) Stay calm when the earthquake hits Japan. Everyone you care about- and I mean everyone, so don't start asking about so-and-so from such-and-such band- is absolutely fine, and they come together rather quickly to heal their country.

    4) Do not- and I'm serious about this one- push anyone away, especially Sam. She's your really good friend, and she's always there for you, so do your best to understand that sometimes you're beyond help but it's nice and respectful to open up and rant anyway- because trust me, she's more than fine with it, and she'll tell you if she's not. Trust me, Taka, you're about to find out who your real friends are, so do not give them up for anything.

    As for Mom, well. I really don't know what to do anymore, but I think having a nice friendly relationship is a lost cause. Some of it is, admittedly, my fault, but she's still pretty horrible and it's kind of gotten worse. But that's the least of your worries, sadly enough, and I don't know how to tell you this, but I think I have to: your dad has cancer. It's stage four, and it's pretty serious, but I think it'll be okay. He's been a fighter so far, and he's still Dad, so he'll be okay- or he'll pretend to be even if he isn't, because that's how he is.

    And even though I'm pretty sure that he'll be okay, don't be afraid to cry (trust me, a good couple of weeks were all tears and not a whole lot else.) It's hard, but you have people behind you, and you'll get through it, even if it feels like you can't.

    So...keep your chin up. This last year's been hard, and really hellish, but somehow, I think it'll be okay. I mean, obviously, I can't make any promises, but if it's not okay, I'll be seriously surprised.

    So. Um. Yeah. There you have it.


    - Taka, 2011
    July 20th, 2011 at 09:50am
  • Dear Daniel,

    Do you still love Glee? Do you still cry over nostalgia and fallout boy and fueled by ramen? Do you still remember My Chemical Romance? Are you still dating Ryan? Have you two even met yet? Do you have a binder and more boy's clothes? Have you come out to your family yet? Are you alone? Do you and Nicole still fight? Do you still miss your mom? Do you still have that empty feeling inside of you? Are you still obsessed with Tumblr? Do you finally live alone? Are you worth something? Is everything okay now? Are you happy? Did Chris Colfer get a boyfriend? tehe Has Darren Criss still ruined your expectations in men? Is the Glee fandom still a fandom? Or did we just kill ourselves over fighting? Stay strong, future me. I don't wanna be depressed in 2012. So you better get help, okay? Stay handsome. ;)

    Love, past me.
    July 20th, 2011 at 10:38am
  • ignr.
    July 20th, 2011 at 10:57am
  • Hey there, Sierra.

    How's it going? Did you get to go to Maine? How about those plays? You didn't mess up, did you?
    Oh, jeez, is that brother of ours any less annoying? I kind of doubt he is, but hey, it never hurts to ask.
    How about our parents? Are they still being stubborn?
    So how did Production 1 go? Did you fail it?
    How's Aleysha? You two still friends? I hope you are, she's one of my best friends ever currently and I hope that hasn't changed.
    So, how did your Sophomore year go? Making any cool new friends? Are you still really good friends with everyone? Did you get in a fight with any of them?
    So, you're going to be a Junior, right? Good luck. I sure hope you're sticking with church and stuff. I also hope you're going to FC this year again too. It really helped you.
    Are you still apart of mibba?
    Are you any different from me? Has something changed you?
    I seriously hope you answer these questions and don't procrastinate. You're really bad at that.
    Alright, so you probably wanna hear your goals now, huh?

    First, stick with the church, don't quit. I know Karen is annoying, but look how much more happier you are now!

    Second, stick with drama, it may get tough and you might wanna quit, but don't let that mean woman of a teacher (if you have her) get you down.

    Third, stop chewing your nails! Ugh, you have no idea how much it annoys me that I still chew my nails. Just stop. You look ridiculous and I think I'm going to tell everyone to smack me if they see me biting my nails. Either you're going to have some bruises (because they will not hit you lightly), or you're going to stop.

    Fourth, try to at least attempt to do your hair each morning. I know, it's hard to wake up early enough. It's also really hard to do all of your hair seeing as it's very long and thick, but please, at least try. Maybe you should chop it off? Yeah, surprise everyone and cut it short. Try to do one or, even better, both of those options.

    Fifth, try and write more often. It helps.

    Well, I'm gonna leave this here and hope you check up on it in about a year.

    Your fifteen year old self.
    July 20th, 2011 at 11:11am
  • Dear the Dahnie of 2012,
    Or do you still call yourself that? Dahnie, I mean. Do you still think your smart? Do you regret not skipping that grade when you got the chance? Is Felix still around? Do you still have to take the green pills? Are you even alive?! Right now I'm in Chicago, remember that? You didn't like it much. Too crowded for your taste.
    Have you seen Matthew G? If so, how is he doing? Do you still love him? Or do you hate him now? Do you still think about him every day?
    Do you still like The Joker and hate Kesha and Katy Perry? Is your hair cut short again? Do you think I'm a moron? Are you sad, or are you happier now? Do you still live in Michigan? Have you met Joey or Jakob A. yet? Have you went to your first concert yet? Do you have any friends? I feel like my life is passing by too quickly, God didn't make the days long enough.

    ~Dahnie of 2011
    July 28th, 2011 at 05:31am
  • mr. mojo risin:
    Dear Alex,

    okay this is lame but here goes.

    1.Are you still thinking about Daniel?
    2.Was that last day you spent together the last day you've seen him?
    3.Are you gonna graduate early?
    4.Have you quit smoking so your teeth won't get any worse?
    5. Did you get to see that Led Zep tribute band again?
    6. Are you in a band already?
    7. Are you even good at playing?
    8. Are you uh, dating anyone?
    9.Did you make new friends at your new school this year?

    lame ass questions. can't think of anymore. so I'll check this shit in a year and see what's up. Cool

    oh mah goodness, a fucking year has passed since I put this shit up here? fucking hell. well here we go.

    1. oh my god, who is that again? XD uh, no.
    2. uh, yeah.
    3. maybe, maybe not. hopefully i am, but i'm still graduating so fuck it.
    4. pfff, no.
    5. i just did yesterday man, good shit.
    6. hahahaha, no.
    7. eh, you could say i'm at least alright.
    8. no.
    9. yes, but they graduated already.

    hahahaha oh my god, i haven't changed for shit.
    July 30th, 2011 at 05:09am

  • Hi Valerie,

    You're eighteen now, huh? Wow.
    Is it everything you thought it would be?
    How was San Francisco? Did you enjoy it? Still interested in living there?
    Did you get your driver's license yet? I know you really wanted to get it after turning eighteen.
    Are Gracie, Gretchen, Murphy, Zooey, and Katy still around? I hope so.
    Do you still have that strange crush on Kesha?
    Have you gotten contacts yet, or is mom still forcing you to wear glasses?
    Did you ever buy more dresses?
    Do you still want to be a vegan?

    Gosh, that was a lot of questions.
    I love you, Valerie. Never forget that. You are strong and beautiful, and never let anyone tell you otherwise.

    my seventeen year old self.
    July 30th, 2011 at 06:28am