Write a letter to yourself...

  • AFineFrenzy

    AFineFrenzy (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Dear Alice,

    Did Vicky come back, like she was supposed to next year April?
    Did she stay?

    Did you ever manage to up your grades in English coursework?

    Do you remember that right now you had so many ideas for stories but you didn't have the time to start them?

    Do you still have 20 stories on Mibba? Or do you have more?

    Did you get a job?

    Did Rob ever ask you out? Are you still disgusted?

    Have you had anymore protests?

    Are you still on Frankie Number Two? Gee-Bear? Mikey?

    [x]Alice, 7:04pm, Monday 19th May 2008.
    May 19th, 2008 at 08:05pm
  • petalhee.

    petalhee. (100)


    Hi, what's up? I guess that's the first question. So, did you like your junior year? Were the people in there as bad as you thought? Did your friends ditch you? If they did, did it suck? Did it hurt?

    Did you kick ass in Statistics, or did you get on Juggabear's nerves? I heard she's a very horrible person, but a good teacher. Did you get screamed at by any teacher?

    Do you still like Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Metro Station, etc.? Do you still listen to "Saturday" over and over again until you feel like your ears are gonna fall off from too much FOB?

    Onto more important questions... Are you happy? Is your emotional state better? Oh, and do you have a boyfriend? If you do, are you happy with him? Does he treat you well? Does he love you? Do you love him? Have you kissed him yet? If so, when?! How?! But, if you don't have a boyfriend, is someone dropping hints?

    Speaking of dropping hints, does JJ do that still? Speaking of JJ, did you dance with him at prom, as he had requested? SPEAKING OF PROM, did you even go?! If you did, who was your date and did you have a good time?

    I think I'm done now. I hope I'll get mostly positive things. :) For the two of us.

    -Mama Miaaaa. :)
    June 4th, 2008 at 06:16pm
  • petalhee.

    petalhee. (100)

    Ugh. Sorry. Double post. :(
    June 4th, 2008 at 06:17pm
  • Jepha Howard.

    Jepha Howard. (500)

    United States
    Dear Kor,

    I'll start by the obvious, are you dead yet?
    Did you go to summer school, and get to tenth grade?
    Did you meet Dreya like you were planning on this summer?
    Did you get Breaking Dawn, despite your mother's hatred for the fact that you read Eclipse three times?

    Is Tay okay? What about Nick?
    Are grades okay?
    Are you still on mibba?
    Did you meet Ali, or talk to Ali?

    Is everything okay, or is everything still a mess?
    Are you a walking zombie, or is there some colour in your face?

    Remember to stay strong, and let the old Kor come through the little cracks and holes in broken Kor. You'll get through it, I know you will. I have faith in you.

    June 4th, 2008 at 06:20pm
  • James Sullivan

    James Sullivan (150)

    United States
    Dear Ali;

    Ha! Future-self - how much of a fuck-up are you now? After everything I'm doing for you now, you better be living you life to the fullest, bitch.

    I've got a few questions for you:
    Are you still madly and completely in love with Sasha?
    Everything on board for that trip to see her? (best make sure Molly's gay uncles are okay with it.)
    How she doing?

    Is she still in love with you?
    Go talk to her.

    How's Kor? Talked to her lately?
    Go talk to her.

    How about Beej? She doing good?
    Go talk to her.

    How's Vicey? She still with Emmy? How she feelin?
    Go talk to her.

    So - updated anything lately? Best work on that.

    Smoked anything?

    Shot up anything?

    Snorted anything?

    Drank anything?

    Best not.

    I've gotta ask - are you keeping up in school? You know junior years is important. You fail this you fail at life. (thats not a joke.)

    Are you still a deathbat? Jimmy still the one?
    How about The Used?

    Don't forget them.

    Keep going.
    It gets better as the years roll on.

    One more year.

    June 4th, 2008 at 09:19pm
  • o rly?

    o rly? (150)

    United States
    Dear future self,

    So...Sam. Sammi. Dispy. What do they call you these days?
    Holy fuck, you're 16. Driving yet? Have a job? Raking in money to pay for your concert "addiction"?
    Still weird?
    Still wondering?
    Still struggling?
    Still executing the "your mom" jokes?
    I sure hope so.

    Have you met anyone new? Anyone special...?
    Ever get a chance to touch Caleb's [sweaty] hair? :tehe:

    Is the music still as loud?
    How many songs do you have now?
    Still have that full folder of music going?
    Was your music taste shitty or going strong, do you think?
    Ever learn that guitar? Improve your voice?
    Everything you said you would?

    Is Mom still half a bitch?
    Is "Asia" still half an a-hole?

    Do your friends still love you?
    Do you still love them?
    Who do you love now? What do you love?

    Done anything radical lately?
    Piercings, colorings, what?
    Does your look on the outside finally match you on the inside?

    Did you read that journal?
    Did you forget this letter?
    Are you exactly who you thought you'd be?
    Are you still all here?

    your face.
    July 2nd, 2008 at 08:04pm
  • ella vator.

    ella vator. (100)

    United States
    Future me,

    How was junior year? Do any drugs?
    Give up? Drop out?
    Meet anyone new? I hope you're not the anti-social bitch you were when you wrote this.
    Still not sure if you want to go to college or not?
    Did you join theatre?
    Still talking to Chad? God, I hope not.
    Still hanging out with guys who are a bad influence?

    You're sixteen now. Got a job? Car? Can you even drive?
    Still dating him?
    Are you happy? You better be.
    How's your new school? Did you get lost on the first day?

    Ever get your lip pierced like you wanted?
    Still wasting time on Mibba? Did you officially give up on Myspace?
    Find any good bands to listen to? If so, what?
    Friday ever bother you anymore? You better know what I'm talking about when you read this.
    How was July 4th? Text him like you planned?

    Did you grow your hair out and dye it four different colors?
    Did mom let you get contacts?

    Do you think I was on crack when I wrote this?


    Your fucking face.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 03:47am
  • Fake your own death

    Fake your own death (200)

    United States
    So Jenni,

    Did you get into Baruch? Are you out of Staten Island like you planned?
    Are you well on your way to being published yet? Did you finish Editing Cherry Soda Boy?
    How about your other stories, did you finish Dear god, The Rose Epitaph, Nanashi II, Have Kids. How is that going by the way?
    Are you still on Mibba? A story editor? Still friends with Sara, Chels, Nikki, Isa, Marlee, Dujo, and the rest of them?
    Still Mibbian Famous?

    Did you get a boyfriend finally? Better yet, are you dating Nikki? Did you get to meet her? Did you kiss her? I hope you got the chance to.

    Did My Chemical Romance come back to you? Did they put out their new CD? Is it good? Go on tour? Did you see a new show? Is Gerard still with Lynz? Is he alive still?

    Did you go completely insane yet? The voices take over? Are you totally none existant anymore? Are you still there, then?

    What job do you have now? Are you making enough? Are you living? At all? Still?

    How many shows did you go to so far? Are you still friends with Toni Ann a littke and did you ever steal youur My Chemical Romacne setlist back? Get the druumstick for your sister? You're almost 21 now....how is it?

    Love, your past.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 03:59am
  • if you're a trout

    if you're a trout (100)

    United States
    Dear Catie

    You sure as hell better not forget about this letter.
    Are you still obsessed with them? Did you ever get to meet them?
    Are you still a Mibbian? Is she still your best friend?'

    Do they still fight? I'm helpless and confused right now, I don't know what
    to do. Hopefully you will. Are the divorced yet?

    DId you ever meet Arianna? How is she?

    Rags? Is she still your best friend?
    Go call her. You sure as fucl remember her number.
    But, in case you're still the fuckhead you tend to be,
    301 --- ----

    Are they still your favortie boys? [Pssh, you know who. You better know, and they
    better be.] How was the concert?

    I hope things have gotten better at home, I hope that asshole is long gone.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 04:30am
  • the celestial teapot

    the celestial teapot (150)

    United States
    Dear me,
    How's 9th grade? Are you actually trying or do you not get it? Have you already made a fool of yourself and ruined your entire high school reputation? (I'm sure you have but I thought I'd be polite and ask.)
    Are you still a fool? Are you still a fool for her? Is she still more important than anything else? I want her to still be there. And if you've hurt her.....well, I guess I can't do anything about it...
    Are you still...well, you know? O.K? I hope so. I don't want to go through that ever again.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 04:42am
  • peachy.

    peachy. (150)

    Dear Brooklyn,

    This is it, I guess. High school's coming up. Are you scared? Are you sticking with Ross? Or has Lanna talked you into Eastwood?

    How's Andi? You guys still friends?

    Are her and Gee still together? What about Galen? How is he, still calling him Gee to piss him off, or has he accepted it? Do you guys still walk home sometimes?

    What about the Sketches? How are they doing? Sequoia? Mel? Michelle? Ashi? Morgan?

    Evan? Do you still love that God foresaken boy? Does he love you back? Have you gotten your chance to kiss him yet? Has he accepted himself yet? Does he still care? Are there any new scars or red marks? Please say no.

    Lanna, Danny's one year has passed, what happened?

    Still into Blind Melon?
    Still play your music too loud late at night?
    Still love David Bowie? When was the last time you and Evan sang Ziggy Stardust in French class?
    Did Green Day put up the new album? How was it? Did you even bother to buy it?
    And Panic At The Disco, did you get to see them?

    What about Mibba? Still love it? Did you convince Sequoia to join yet? How many new people are you talking to? What's your post count, it's only like 103 right now?

    Did you ever figure out why you were having those awful mood swings? What was it?

    Did you get to go to the beach last summer with Andi and Galen and Quoia? Did you guys have fun?

    Are you and Meghan still close? Do you still hang out after school at Drew Park and write stuff on the jungle gym?

    Do you still like to sing?

    How's Frank? Ever start talking to you again? Still have his necklace?

    What did you do for your thirteenth birthday? Was a blow out? Was Evan there?

    Did you ever go through with that story about Autism?

    And your legs, are they cleared up? Are you still cutting?

    Is your nana still sleeping with Bryan or did his wife find out? Did you ever get to meet him? How did he introduce himself?

    Are you still friends with Claire? Or is she still being a leech?

    Do you miss Jaya? Ever hear from him? Or Zac or Braden? Ever see them again? You loved them so much, they were like your big brothers.

    Are you still harsh?

    Are you nice?

    Who do you love?

    Who do you like?

    How many times has Evan hugged you since the last day of school?

    And Colin, did things work out?

    What was Galen's birthday like? Did him and Andi kiss?

    And Andi, did she like her exchange partener?

    Did you ever record that CD with Galen and Annika and Quoia? You should if you haven't.

    Did you learn how to play guitar? Do you love it?

    Do you love yourself?

    Brooklyn. xoxo
    July 3rd, 2008 at 04:57am
  • let me go.

    let me go. (160)

    Hey you,

    Have you failed in being a successful high school student yet?
    Have you lost weight?
    Are you the way you want to be?
    Does Lord of the Rings still make you cry?
    Do you still know all the words to every song he's ever written?
    Have you told your uncle about your career choice, or lack there of?
    Have you lived your life the way it should be?

    Amanda better still be your best friend.
    Jesse better still be your hero.
    You better have finished that story.
    You better have found a way to thank your hero.

    And most of all, you better have kept fighting off your demons.

    July 3rd, 2008 at 05:06am
  • Frankee

    Frankee (150)

    New Zealand
    Dear Frankee,

    So, you'll be 16 in a few months. You should even have your restricted if you bothered getting your learners in December.

    Is everything okay?
    Are you living in Hamilton yet?
    If so, are you still friends with Faeryl, or Brian and Sebastian?

    Did you make everything between you and Danielle okay again?

    Was Panic At The Disco amazing? Did you get your first kiss?
    Did you meet them?

    Did I have fun with Erin? Did I meet her again? Do you have everything you want? Do you both?

    Have MCR come back?
    Has Green Day released an album?

    Did you buy that Green Day flag you always wanted from MyMusic?

    Are you happy?
    Have you changed your name to Frankee oficially? :finger:

    July 3rd, 2008 at 06:26am
  • chrissie.

    chrissie. (250)

    Hey future Chrissie!
    How's it goin' over there in '09 land? :tehe:
    Is your hair still pink, princess? or have you changed it again?
    Are you still going on Mibba every single fucking day like an obsessed person?
    Are you okay? With everything?
    Do you still have the same friends - Mibba and real life?
    -Name some friends you've made.
    -& some you've lost.
    Do you think your writing has improved?
    Have you grown up?
    Have you lost anyone close this last year?
    -Is your dad still alive?
    Have you lost that weight you meant to? [knowning myself, I haven't.]
    Have you kept or lost the faith?
    Do you still cry watching the notebook?
    Is your face movie still the Little Mermaid?
    Has your favourite band changed?
    Are you Mibba-famous yet? :tehe:
    How many more bands have you seen live, oh princess?
    Have you met your hero?
    Have you had a good year?
    Are you still as close as ever with your mother?
    Have you tried any drugs other than weed yet?
    Did you pass year 10?
    Did you decide to keep going with school,
    or drop out like you planned?
    Do you still think you need to see a shrink?
    Do you have any more piercings like you planned?
    Still crushing on the same person? [or at least the same type of person? :XD]
    Do you have a real life yet?
    Have you figured out where you belong?
    Did you have your first real kiss with a boy yet?
    Kissed another girl yet? :XD
    Lost your virginity?
    How many times did you get drunk?
    Did you get what you wanted for christmas and your birthday?
    How's being sixteen?
    Did you get your Ls?
    before your brother? :XD

    -I guess you're reading this now, future Chrissie, and wondering:
    Holy fuck, how could I have been this immature?
    Well guess what! Blame mum.
    All her fault.

    See you around, Chrissie,
    -Love Chrissie - 2:47PM, 3rd July, '08.

    -Ps. How do you spell your name at the moment? :XD
    July 3rd, 2008 at 06:47am
  • the surgeon.

    the surgeon. (200)

    Hello 15-year-old me.

    How are you holding up?
    How's being 15? Good?
    Who are your friends now? (mibbians and RL)
    I'm doing ok. I've been getting more friends on mibba now - Molly, Amanda, Rowan, Ashley, Naomi...it's fucking awesome.
    Are you still friends with them? I fucking hope so.
    What do you think of Edward Cullen? Are your favourite books still the Twilight series?
    Do you still like Angels and Airwaves? You better. Seriously.
    How are things going with Nick? Right now, I'm good friends with him, maybe a little more, but we aren't going out.
    Is Joune still your friend? I fucking hope not...I'm so sick of her. She's so immature and annoying. I bet she's still like that in '09. Right?
    You still love MCR, right? Forever and always. Does Ilia still love them too? I fucking hope so. Does he still talk to you? I don't think he will. Right? He barely does now.
    How's the social life going? Crap, like usual? I seriously currently only like Kat and Helena. They are the best. But Kat can be too flirty with guys. OH, how is that going for you? Like, boys and stuff?
    Do you still HATE your class to bits? I hate them a lot. Always fucking keeping us in at break. Wth. Not fair. Do you still like Melanie? She's not bad. A little too gothic, but not bad.
    How're things with Helena? Is she your friend? Or do you dislike her now? I still admire her. She...rocks. Do you still fucking hate Savia's guts? And her bitch of a sister? Remember how Marian used to flirt with Nick when she KNEW Nick liked me? And Savia did that too! Please tell me you don't like them.
    How was the Twilight film?? I hope it was good...the trailer didn't look too bad. Edward was...In Love. Was it a disappointment?
    Do you still go downtown with Basil, Nick and Joune? Who do you hang out with now?
    How'sSpike Treasure/Jasper doing? :cute:
    Is 3rd form harder than expected? I think it's gunna be a little tough...I don't know. Is Mrs. Stavrou still nice?
    Do you still like photography?
    Do you still have future plans on becoming a songwriter (and possibly singing them)? Do you still want to be people's Gerard Way?

    Goals that I want to achieve by the time I read this:
    -Have gone out with a boy (excluding Nick).
    -Paint my room.
    -Make good friends with Helena.
    -Have STAYED on mibba.
    -Built confidence in myself, and what I wear.
    -Buy awesome and Original clothes. Have my own style (sorta).

    Ok, that's all. :cute:
    See you around then,
    July 3rd '08.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 11:35am
  • pulmonary archery.

    pulmonary archery. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Dear Amy+1 year.

    Hows everything going with you now?
    Did mum have a boy or a girl? What are they called?
    Did you have a good lunch with Jen?

    Hair still short? Clothes still black? Band shirts still present?

    Have a good 18th? Get slaughtered with Jen? I hope you did, you really deserve an awesome party. Finally legal to drink, so enjoy it. ;D

    So, what are you doing with your life now, did you get into college or did you choose uni?
    Did Swansea accept you, or did mum not let you go in the first place?
    What did you get in your A Levels last year? Do you think you done well in the exams this year? I wish you luck!

    How did that gig go, the one when you saw Escape The Fate finally? Did you get to meet Max, or did you see him at all? I really hope you did.

    Do you have a job yet? I hope you do, so you can buy all those nice things you want before you get into debt. You deserve all those nice Alex Pardee prints and a new guitar.

    Do you still speak to him, at all, or is there something more? After the nicknames and stuff, it would be cute if you did. But whatever, these things don't always work out sometimes, hun. :arms:
    What about him too, whatever happened between you two?

    What about any other gigs that you've got planned; have you finally seen all the bands you want, or are there still some to come? I really hope you enjoy your fourth bullet gig, and I hope you've already been to a fifth!

    Are they still together? Does she still treat you like shit and lie like there's not tomorrow?
    Hell, are they still together, either! It's been a year and a half now, did they make it to two? Do you think they'll be together forever? That would be so amazing.

    How big are your gauges now? And did you ever get that tragus piercing? I know you were only thinking about it, but I think it would go well with your other cartilage piercings, you know? Do you plan on getting you lip pierced this summer, or is mum still against it? I really hope you get to do that.

    Have you met anyone new, or are you still sticking with your old friends? Now you've finished school, are you still afraid of your future, or are you prepared? Have you said all your goodbyes? Are you ready for your new life, now? Will you miss them? Do you remember when you felt like crying as you wrote that last paragraph?

    Are you finally happy with yourself? I hope with all my heart that you are. I really really do.

    Good luck in everything.
    Love, Amy xoxo
    03/07/08. 11:11am
    July 3rd, 2008 at 12:11pm
  • sullen riot.

    sullen riot. (100)

    Hey, future me.
    How are you?

    Where are you living now? Still in the apartment, or have you moved back to the house? How's Dizzy? Got a new dog?

    How are you doing in school? Did you get into Extended math like you hoped? English teacher as good as Ms Pugh? I bet not.

    Did your dreams about some new kid coming that was into all the same stuff as you come true? I hope it did. If not, are you doing okay?

    Still best friends with Al? Are you still resenting her (at least a little bit) for being better than you at everything? I hope you got rid of that image.

    Did you tell I that you liked her? Do you still like her? What happened in Project week with her? If not, how's your love life doing? Got any special someone on your mind?

    Are you still talking to Bailey? Be good to her, she's been good to you. You tend to forget that sometimes. Are you still on Mibba? Still talking to your best friends? Never lose contact with them. Don't drift apart, they've saved you more times than you can count. Have you met any mibbians?

    Are you still into Green Day? I bet you are. Did your Our Rage, Our Love dreams succeed? Did they release their new CD? Did you get to see them in concert? You deserve it.

    Who are you now?Do you totally hate the old me? Have you changed, for better or for worse? Do you regret anything you've done in the past? Have you come clean with yourself? Do you still miss the Summer of 07 to bits, or was the Summer of 08 better?

    I hope you're doing well.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 12:43pm
  • xbrokenxscenex67

    xbrokenxscenex67 (100)

    United States
    Dear meself,

    I know, that now that you're reading this you're probably questioning me...our intellegnce. Well I've just got a few questions for you future self.

    Did you ever find out just what the bloody hell is this- ; used for?
    Did you finally get tell that bitch Natalie off?
    Have you gotten over your Tokio Hotel obsession?

    Did you finally learn how to play the 3 guitars that you...we have/had?

    Are you still madly in love with *Insert name here*?
    Yea, I know you know who I'm talking about,
    don't deny it, we are still after all one.

    Have you finally come to accept the fact that you can never be British even though you love to say bloody and other common British slang?
    I bloody hope not, because, that would just be plain horrible.

    Did you ever learn how to drive without crashing the bloody car in a tree?
    No. I didn't think you would.

    How, was the 10th grade treating you?
    Wait, no erase that. How is Ludden treating you?
    Hope, not the same as the other 3 schools we went to.
    Or did you transfer again for the 4th time?
    That's what I thought.

    Do you still wanna act and become famous?

    Have you finally beaten that God awful song on Guitar Hero?
    Yea, I didn't think so.

    Do you still like Amber Pacific, Bright Eyes, Armor for Sleep, MCR and the likes?
    You better do, or else I'm gonna bloody kill you.

    Have you finally quit smoking those bloody fags?
    You know their bad for you right?
    Then why the hell do you still do them?
    I hope you havn't moved on to drugs.
    Have you?
    You bloody well hope not.

    Do you still love saying bloody as much as you do now?

    Well, that'll be all for the questions I got for you.
    Now we'll move on to the goals. Great ain't it?

    Right now, let's start.

    Goal #1:
    To be an A+ student, and have me parents be proud of me for once.

    Goal #2:
    To finally have enough courage to tell Amber I like her.
    And if you already did that, then a good, hardy congrats to you.

    Goal #3:
    To stop breaking those hearts.

    Well, that's all I got for you.
    It would be weird if I put down 'love you' right?
    Just a wee bit narssicist right.
    Alright then.

    Good day to you
    ~You [July 3rd, 2008]
    July 3rd, 2008 at 12:56pm
  • ward-o

    ward-o (150)


    Did you fall in love yet?

    - Aimee
    July 3rd, 2008 at 01:21pm
  • angels and ghosts

    angels and ghosts (100)


    Are you any better at music? Did you take that elective? Are you still doing French?
    Did it end? How did it end? What do you think of him now? Do you still like him? Did it happen like you thought?
    Do you have any friends? Are they really your friends?
    Do you still hate yourself, are you thinner now, how much more fucked up are you?
    Have you done anything?

    Did you ever beat Kieren? Who got Dux?

    Are you still writing? Does it still look like crap to you?

    Do you still like My Chem, Panic, Taking Back Sunday just the same?

    Are you still even on Mibba? Are they still your friends?

    Are you still unimportant enough for lowercase letters?

    July 3rd, 2008 at 01:34pm