Write a letter to yourself...

  • Dear Caitee in a year from now,

    First off, are you still on Mibba? Or did school become too busy and you never came back?
    Did you do as well in your HSC as you hoped?
    Did you get into the Creative Arts (Creative Writing)/Communication and Media Studies corse at Wollongong uni?
    Did you keep all your subjects for the HSC?

    Are you still friends with David, Jackson and Nick?
    Are you still friends with Ellie, Lisa, Caroline, Irene, Brooke, Michelle and/or Ashleigh?
    What about the other guys and girls?
    Have you made new friends?
    What about Daniel? How are you two?

    Have you lost weight?
    Are you more active?

    Have you found someone special?
    Did you get a boyfriend at all in the past year?

    Did you end up getting glasses?
    Have you got a job?
    Have you got your P’s?

    How’s your singing going?
    What about guitar?
    What music are you into now? Any new bands?
    Are you still obsessed with Paramore, Green Day, FOB, FTSK and NeverShoutNever?
    What about musicals? Still obsessed with them?
    Been in any lately?

    Have you finished Join The Band?
    What else have you written?
    Have you written a song?

    How are you with your sexuality?
    Have you talked to anyone about it?

    How did RENT and your last MAD Night go?
    How did the rest of yr 12 go?

    Did you go to anymore concerts?
    Have you met anyone famous?

    Have you made a decision about your beliefs?
    Are you and others happy with that decision?
    How much of that decision was influenced by Paramore and Christofer Drew?

    How many posters do you have now?
    Have you got your nose pierced yet?
    What about a tattoo?

    Have you done anything I wouldn’t be proud of?

    But most importantly, are you happy?

    No Day But Today

    Love yourself a year ago (5/4/2010).
    April 5th, 2010 at 10:37am
  • Dear Jess,

    How are you? How did the job/apprentice go? It will be over by now because of the one year contract, but I'm sure (fingers crossed) you've been given a possible job with them...or at least in that department somewhere else.

    Of course I have to ask whether you're still going strong with the boy? I'm pretty sure you definately will be, and I really really hope you are because I can't even begin to imagine how much that would hurt. I don't want to dwell to much on the love life because I believe that will be as perfect as ever, although I wonder if you're still as paranoid about him leaving you? You shouldn't, because he's a really amazing boy. I don't think he'll ever hurt you, at least never on purpose.

    Do you still listen to all kinds of music? Do you still tingle when you listen to certain songs, and can movies still make you cry ridiculously? Did you know last night you watched Dear John and you said 'That's a DVD film.' If you do buy it on DVD, when you one day read this in the future...watch it. :)

    I wonder if you've moved out of the house yet. I wonder how Kat and everyone else is doing. How are mum and dad? Do you still feel like they are a bit disapointed in you?

    Did you get that tattoo done that you've wanted so desperately? Did you get it with George? I mentioned him earlier but just how is he? I love him so, so much I couldn't bear the thought of anything ever happening to him- and I just know you couldn't either. Do you still pray every night about his health and other peoples- people you don't even talk to anymore? Even though I'm not sure whether we believe in anything up there?

    Have you finally lost weight? You've been so desperate to get slimmer, but I have to wonder. Maybe you just need a bit more willpower. But, even if you're not, remember being a few pounds overweight is really not the end of the world.

    This is getting long, and this is a little weird...writing to myself. It's nice though, and afterall I am stuck with myself for a long time as yet. :)


    Never give up and always love life.

    April 18th, 2010 at 09:24am
  • Dear future me,

    How's the Mrs. doing? I wish her the best, hope you guys are happy and things are working out better than they are now. Still talking to Chris? I know it'll be harder to see eachother cus of the whole college thing and all...

    I hope you're alive and well, both of you. Just two more years and you'll have your place. Lookin forward to that wedding night, she sure is somethin....very proud of us mate, definatly scored. Well, I'd best be off...


    Past me.
    April 18th, 2010 at 09:32am
  • Salad Fingers.:
    Hey Spence,
    Have you settled on a name yet, or are you still throwing up between Max/Zepha/Muis/Spencer/DaizyMay/Annabella/Jordie/Dawson/Lily? I hope you sort it out soon, because it's confusing as hell for me.
    Did you ever end up piercing your tongue webbing?
    Are you Marilyn Manson's bassist yet? Do you still even want to behis a bassist?
    Have you gotten famous?
    Did you become pretty?
    Is your hair back to it's natural colour, or is it beyond recognizable?
    Did you ever actually end up asking J out?
    Do you still have insomnia?
    Have you told Sarah? Lisa?
    How was the Alice Cooper concert? Did you manage to sneak around back and get his autograph?
    Is Leah still alive? Please, let her still be alive and breathing.
    Are you comfy with your curves? Do you still have curves?
    Do you still go on Mibba at 2 AM?
    Are you still drinking pineapple water with Grace?

    I hope you've gotten better, Dawson. Seriously. Or at least picked a mother fudging name. Preferably one that suits your gender.

    Vindictiveness aside, I really hope things have gotten better for you, kid. One name or twenty, I really want this future of ours to be all okay.

    Love, Max.
    Okay, wow.
    Yeah, we settled on a name. We're sticking to Daizy.
    Nope, no tongue webbing piercing. But our belly ring got ripped out. Fun, yes?
    This next question makes me want to go back in time and kick your ass. Did we actually want to be Marilyn Manson's bassist? We planned on being their bassist? Facepalm Goddamn. Obviously, we're not. But yeah, we still want to be a bassist. We're doing alright at it.
    No fame. Why did we expect to be famous, again?
    Eh, we didn't 'get pretty', we just got over the fact that we're not. We're awesome like that. File
    We don't know what our natural hair is anymore. We know that it was brown, but we honestly can't remember it. We're blonde again, by the way. We're making the fringe purple tomorrow, though. Because we're pissed off at Lisa.
    No clue what's going on with J.
    Not sure if we've got insomnia, we've just got higher priorities than sleep.
    The Thing got involved, Lisa was told by default. We pretend that didn't happen.
    OhGosh the Alice concert was amazing. We were part of the mosh-pit that wasn't meant to be there, got fake-bled on and held hands with someone who we're still not sure if they were male or female. We didn't get his autograph, but man it was amazing.
    Leah is still alive. Still sick as hell, but breathing.
    Eh, we're ignoring them at the moment. Just pretending they aren't real.
    Yeah, we're still on Mibba at 2AM. XD. We're still on the computer until three, then reading until four-ish, and then we sleep. Sometimes.
    We see Grace every Wednesday. Wednesdays are Grace Days. No more pineapple though. We've learned from that experience.

    It's funny, I never expected to still be on Mibba long enough to answer this. But it turns out we have, and that's pretty rad.

    Well, our future is there, there isn't anymore speculation about that. We're gonna be alright.

    Love, Daizy.
    April 18th, 2010 at 09:50am
  • Has been a year, how exciting!

    Alison of the future!
    Dropped out of uni yet?
    DON'T. Gawd.

    No, I didn't. Haha.
    Told her yet?
    How'd it go?

    Nope. And we will never talk about this EVER EVER AGAIN. EVER.
    Do you still see people from school? (If you don't, shoot yourself. Those girls are the best people you will EVER know.)
    I do! Thank God. I would die if I fell out of contact. Honestly.
    Have you decided how to finish Ringing in the Sane yet?
    Yes! And I finished it, thank you very much. It was sad. Sad
    Finished any of your books yet? Please have written at least one!
    Er, well. I did NaNoWriMo, so I suppose yes, but none of the others. I am making good progress on Simon and Will, though. :) And Ravens is confusing me with the plot and I need to work out a lot of it so I'm leaving it alone for now.
    Have you seen the second season of Heroes yet?
    Yes! And as a matter of fact, I was watching the second half of the third season today. Cheese It's very good.
    Do you still miss physics?

    Yes, goddamn. Physics was so so so good. And I miss seeing people every day at Mater...I think yes, I do miss it. But not as much as I used to.
    Learnt piano yet?
    Naw. Thinking I might learn to speak German instead.
    Has the band played a gig?
    Haha, yeah, about that.
    Seen Green Day live again?
    Twice, as a matter of fact. And it was beautiful.
    Is Life in Technicolour still the greatest song ever written?
    No, but it's still amazing.
    Does Romeo and Juliet by the Killers still make you so happy and sad at the same time?
    I haven't listened to that song in ages! But yes. Yes it does.In fact, I shall listen to it right now.
    Still think Mike Dirnt is the sexiest man on the planet?
    Hmm, that's a toughie. George Pettit is vying for top spot at the moment.
    Do you still like Imogen Heap?
    Why yes :D And I saw her live a few weeks ago. She is going to be my spouse someday.
    What about Alice in Wonderland?
    Indeedy. I bought a beautiful edition of it from the US actually. LEatherbound, yespls. Happy face
    Perks of Being A Wallflower?
    Cheese Yes.
    The colour green?
    Obviously, haha.
    Have you gotten a job yet, you lazy bum?
    Yes, since August. :D
    Still in love with the bloons picture?
    I don't know what that means D:
    Have you felt as happy as you did when you saw Coldplay/Green Day/Alexisonfire?
    Are you happy?
    Indeed. :D
    April 19th, 2010 at 12:48pm
  • Dear future Phoebe,

    First off, congratulations for completing your school certificate! Get many band sixes? You are now a year eleven student, and so much closer to graduating. I hope the subjects you have chosen for your senior year are going well, and that you regret none of your choices (even, dare I say it, accelerated Chemistry). When I wrote this to you, it was the eve of term two, 2010 and I know you were dreading going back to school. To be honest, I don’t blame you... You had just seen a different, more enchanting side of the world and the prospect of returning to that hellhole was as appealing as sticking six inch daggers into your eyes. I know it’ll be difficult to go back to a place where no one ever smiles or waves at you, but you can get through it. You’re strong like that. And don’t worry about your anger- it will pass, if you let go. Anyway, I hope by the time you read this, things have changed for the better.

    The three things I most wanted to achieve in 2010 were as follows:
    - Get fit and healthy (including maybe dropping a few kilos).
    - Come top in English Advanced.
    - Renovate my dollhouse into a suitable home for my action figures. XD

    Tell me, how did you end up going with all that? Hey, if you got at least one out of three, I’m impressed. We both know how hard goals are to meet. By the way, I hope you are enjoying your giant Torchwood boxset and Ianto action figure. Perhaps you persuaded Mom to buy some of the books too. I hope you did! And I really, really, REALLY hope they didn’t fuck up too badly with series four. And if they did, well... You can just block it out and pretend Torchwood ended half-way through Day 4 of COE. I know that’s what I’d do, and me being you, I know you’d do that too and oh God, I think I just gave myself a headache.

    Anyway, I hope 2010 shaped up for you. And remember- no matter what shit happens now, you still have university to look forward to. I’ll make sure of that.

    Lots of love,

    Past you.
    April 19th, 2010 at 01:02pm
  • Dear future me,

    How's it going? Decided how you're getting out of here yet?

    Are you still dealing with the step-dad? Has he changed at all?

    Are you on your way to graduating? Please don't tell me you failed any classes.

    Have you decided where you are going to school and what you are going for?

    Did he convince you to go to Hamilton?

    Did you make yourself get in shape? Oh God, I hope you're still dancing. You better be.
    And if you quit singing I'm going to come back from the past and shoot you. It's the only thing you've got going for, please don't give up on it.

    Do you still talk to the same people? I sure hope you didn't lose the people that are close to you. Some of those kids are the best people you will ever know. Don't screw that up.

    I hope you didn't screw up your life. Not that a sixteen year old, which you'll be in a year, like you can screw up too badly, but I don't want our life to be ruined because of something you did.

    How did it end up with that guy, David? Did you ever see him again? Did you listen to Aaron or randomly blurt out something, because we both know how often that happens. I hope you didn't do something wrong because you got nervous. Gosh girl, you need to work on that paranoia.

    Did you get to meet your favortie band? Have you gone to any concerts in the past year? Did you convince mom to let you see Faber Drive and The Latency? If you did, how were they?

    Are you even still a Mibbian? Did you ever get to meet any of the awesome people you met on Mibba? I sure hope so.

    Anyways, I hope it isn't as awkward reading this as it was writing it.

    Past you.
    April 19th, 2010 at 05:03pm
  • Hey, future me. Weird

    So. Hi. This is awkward.

    Do you still procrastinate like crazy? How is college going? I hope the year isn't stressing you out like this year has. Have you made any decisions about your future? Have you read any mindblowing books lately? How about films? Do you still write?

    Also, I sincerely hope that you've had your first kiss by now, and that is was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I hope you had fireworks and butterflies and that weird leg pop they keep talking about in The Princess Diaries. I hope you don’t regret it and that the person you kissed isn’t a douche.

    Oh, and I really really really hope that you’ve seen My Chemical Romance and Gorillaz live.

    Keep smiling!

    Love, me.
    April 19th, 2010 at 07:33pm
  • Dear Ally of April 20, 2011:

    You know everything I am thinking of right now. You've known too many things for so long.

    Do you still remember the most important ones?

    Do you still reminisce nostalgic moments before you sleep? Do you still wish you could find out who and what killed President JFK? Is Seinfeld still the best show on the planet? Is Desperado by The Eagles still your favorite song?

    What about comic books? I hope you're still in love with them, and still in love with writing about them--they're fun and lovely and amazing, you'll surely adore them for the rest of your life.

    Is your collection of action figures still intact? And how is the condition of your room--any new pieces that have been in addition?

    Is James Jean still your favorite artist/the greatest man in the universe? Did he come back to Manila, and did you get to meet him a second time? If he did, did he hug you again? Did you get something signed by him? Did you chicken out again?

    How are your drawings and your portfolio coming 'round?

    Do you still write on your blog?

    How are you, now that Annetta's been in Singapore and is now living there permanently? Do you feeling lonely at times?

    Do you still have a fear of commuting alone?

    Has anyone you loved gone to Heaven yet?

    Does the idea of life still worry you?

    And have you learned how to like yourself at least a little more?

    Whatever you've been through this year, you'll make it, I'm sure. Don't lose hope, don't lose faith, and don't try and run away from life when it despises you the most.

    Take care of yourself.

    -- Ally

    P.S: A year isn't that long after all, now is it?
    April 20th, 2010 at 12:53pm
  • Dry Ice:
    Hey Hannah,

    Do you still like him?
    Did you and him go out ever?
    s your favorite band still MCR?
    Did you still want to be a Meteorologist?
    Does that one girl still call you names?
    Any other guys like you? Naughty
    How are your grades?
    Do you still want to go to UCLA?
    How are you doing in school?
    Getting any A's?
    Does Grandma J. Still Hate my guts?
    Have I fallen back into depression again?
    Did any jerks leave school?
    Are you writing more stories?
    Is Coke Zero still your favorite soda?
    Are you still Vegetarian(you better be!)?
    Are you still on Mibba a lot?'
    How many friends do you have?
    Has Grandma S. gone to a psychologist yet?

    March 18, 2009

    P.S. See you in a year :)
    Oh my god this is really late, but oh my gosh I've changed this past year.XD

    Yeah, I still like him, 12 year old idiot.
    Haha, nope.
    My second favorite band Weird Green Day is my obsession now
    Sort of, but more of a crime scene investigator.
    She hasn't bothered me that much this year.Crazy
    Haha, I doubt it.lmfao
    My grades are improving.Weird
    UCLA, yes
    P.E. tehe
    Yup.Cute She ain't my grandma anymore.
    Not recently.
    Not really.Sad
    A good group of friends.
    Grr Nope.

    Wow.XD lmfao File
    April 21st, 2010 at 03:28am
  • April 20th, 2010

    Hey babe,

    To start off with the questions first:

    1. Can you now go to the mall without getting all panicky about seeing J?
    2. Are you still "best friends" with Vicks?
    3. Whatever happened to the trip to Ireland/Spain/whatever? How was it? Did you go?
    4. Is your hair still red?
    5. Did you cut your hair?
    6. How's the face?
    7. Hows the body?
    8. Veva feeling?
    9. Psychologically feeling better?
    10. New friends?
    11. How's Mia?
    12. Do you still hang out with Josh, Damaso, Danny, Father, last year seniors in general?
    13. Are you still in SJA? What happened with your grades?
    14. Are you still writing?
    15. Get any boyfriend? XD You know this question was coming up.
    16. How's Oscar DC? Weird
    17. Today was a rough day. Today was the day we read the letters to my mom. How's everything now? Did you talk to her? What happened?
    18. Is Nina okay still?
    19. Mom?
    20. Did you ever get to finally choose a college? XD
    21. Dad?


    Now for the actual letter.

    Look future me. Right now, we don't have it all too well. Veva died. We read the letters. And we really need change. So please tell me we at least got that. Please.

    Past you.
    April 21st, 2010 at 03:50am
  • Dear Hannah,
    1.Are you still afraid to be bold?
    2.Did you ever go out with Chris?
    3.Did you ever begin to become a photographer?
    4.Has your writing improved?
    5.Are you still planning to travel Europe?
    6.Have you had your first kiss yet?
    7.Did you stand up to everyone?
    8.Are you finished being shy?
    9.Are you getting out of the house? Making something out of yourself?
    10.Do you still admire The Beatles?
    11.Did you paint your room blue & green? fill the whole room with posters yet?
    12.How about this, did you move from that crummy old town?
    13.Is mom in good health?
    14.Do you still carry your iTouch around? or did it get lost?
    15.Did you experience heart-break? or still waiting for a boyfriend.
    16.Do you still cringe when you drink Coke? or did that awful taste disappear?
    17.Are you determined to write a novel? or did you forget all about that.
    18.Is Jordan,Sunny and Shelby still your friends?
    19.Are you happy? or are you still depressed.
    20.Is dad still being strict? Or is he letting you have more freedom?
    21.Is Carol still living with us? Did you have a mega-fight with her already?
    22.Did you stop boy-cotting Avatar?
    23.Did your never-ending procrastinating come to a stop?
    24. Most importantly:Are you enjoying life?

    Now I must wait twelve months or so XD
    June 8th, 2010 at 11:36pm
  • Dear Ash,

    Do you still believe?
    Are you still a dreamer?
    Are you happier?
    Have you made a bestfriend yet?
    Did you get to meet Paramore like you swore you would?
    Do you have 1,000 followers yet?
    Are you still fat?
    Are you a hipster now? I know you always looked up to them, you shallow fuck.
    Did you get into honors english?
    Did you fail spanish?
    Do you still like her?
    Are you crying right now like you were crying when you wrote this?

    I hope that the last year was wonderful and that you got to do the things you've always wanted to do. I hope that your daddy is home and that Barrie is happy and that Ally is okay. I hope Kelly is still your friend and Briana is nicer to you and that your life is happier. I hope you're hear next year to read this. I hope you remember how you are right now. I hope that you haven't changed too much. I hope you still love lacrosse and Paramore and love and I hope that you get your angel bites.

    I hope that you still hope like you did last year, because that was the one this that kept you going.

    Hey, Ash, did you make it?

    June 8th, 2010 at 11:52pm
  • Dear Andy (again),

    Are you still going by this name?
    How'd that damn Academy play turn out?
    How's Academy this year?
    Friends, do tell?
    And how 'bout college?
    Narcissus, tell me all about him, hm?
    Cinema Bizarre?
    Did you reach 1000 cranes yet?
    How was FIT?
    You working?
    Star of David? I Can Shine? The Reincarnate Gardener?
    Cut your hair, y/n?
    Tattoo plans?
    Anything else good?
    Avoidant, passive-aggressive, histrionic narcissist?

    K, have fun this year. Con

    June 9th, 2010 at 12:01am
  • Dear Ashley,

    How was your junior year?
    Did you get the GPA you wanted?
    Are Adam and Gaga still your favorite?
    Has MCR released their new album? Did you like it?
    Have you seen The Used in concert again?
    See Gaga and A7X with Marie?
    Did you finally get your license?
    Did you make a mess of your love life again?
    Did you survive? Or did you live?
    Have you gotten back in contact with Faith?
    Are Omar, Maggie, Sam, and Marie still your best friends?
    Did you finally move on?
    Are you still a Mibbian?
    Ever get your focus back on track with Dreaming in Water Colors?
    Get the nose piercing you wanted?
    Still want to go to Concordia University?

    We let a lot slip by this year. Let's not do it again.

    - Ashley
    June 9th, 2010 at 12:27am
  • Dear me,

    So, you've just finished your first year at uni, huh? The big question at the moment: did you make it to Cambridge? How did real freedom suit you? Did you go off the rails or are you still reasonably sensible?

    I hope you made friends. Tell me the names of your friends? I would like to meet them! I wonder what they will be like. Are you close? Does it matter? Are any of them boys? Right now I don't have many friends that are guys but the ones I do have are pretty cool. Remember them? Do you go to parties and get drunk with your friends?

    How long did it take you to get over Lizzie? Did you win the break-up game? Did winning make you a bad person? Please don't tell me you got back together with her. But no, I think you're smarter than that. Who got another significant other first? If it was her, I wouldn't worry, bb. She's a slutty whoreface! :D This was the stage at which you were really angry at her because she was being a cow. Thinking about that, did she ever stop? Do you talk now? Did you ever explain to her how you felt? Did she appreciate how hard it was for you?

    Are you over that squeamishness now? Can you read her letters? How do they make you feel when you read them? Have you been to a munch? Tasted vanilla? Is it as dreary as you think it would be now?

    How's the sexuality going? Kissed a boy yet? Any other girls? Right now you're not even thinking about sexuality because it's too confusing to try and label. If you've worked it out, I am glad. But at the same time, don't try and force a label onto yourself. Being you is the most important thing.

    I really hope that you and Jay are still friends. If you haven't spoken in a while, go call her right now! I don't care that it's 1am; leave a message. Do it. She's a weirdo, yes, and maybe she ended up annoying you. But right now she is being awesomely understanding. You owe her. Did she make any more friends? Gosh, is she going out with anyone? Attracted to boys or girls right now? Had a sex change? Wants one? Cut her hair off?

    What kind of music are you into right now? Right now: FOB, Paramore, P!nk, MCR, Lostprophets, Green Day, etc. Did you find any "cool" bands? What's your most played song on your ipod? Right now it's... -checks- Still White Destiny. Wow, how embarrassing, even now! But second is Sugar. I hope Sugar has overtaken it in a year! Have you been to a "proper" gig yet?

    Did Siân ever come and sleep on your floor? If not, WHY NOT? If yes, did you take her to a crazy uni party like you promised? Does she think you're cool yet? Does she still tease you about having a bedtime? Did you initiate her into Team L yet? Have you met up with Ellen yet? Has Jess worn her sparkly leggings out in public?

    How did the summer nano with Eleanor go? Did you win? Did she? Was it a pile of rubbish that should never see the light of day? I really want you to win, honey. You can do it! Do you write now? I hope you do. You could be brilliant with practice. Don't give up on your dreams just because they're impractical. Sure, get a boring job. But never forget to dream.

    Are you still a good person? I hope you don't have any regrets. Just remember that you should always be nice to people. Remember that Plato quote? "Always be kind for everyone is fighting a hard battle." You have a badge with that on. It's in the little round blue box on the right shelf above your desk. Do you still live your life to this code? If you are worried you are no longer a good person, go and get that badge. Remember that Mrs Morris gave it to you and remember how kind she was. Remember how kind everyone was to you when you first split up wih Lizzie. When you are kind to peopke always, your life will be good, I promise. Not always pain-free but definitely worthwhile.

    Did you get diagnosed? Do you still think you need to?

    I just hope you're happy.

    June 9th, 2010 at 12:33am
  • YO future Sian ;D

    Sooo, the IB is finally over! (I say 'finally', but I know you're going to miss it.)
    I'm so curious to know where you applied to, where you got in...

    I want you to remember that, whatever's happening now, you're pretty happy... back here. Your friends are amazing, you love school, and you couldn't ask for a better family.
    Here's a list of people you'd damn well better still be fronds with: Jess, Isa, Alex, Ellen, Roz, Cessie, Hannah, James, Nick...And I'll update this when i'm awake.

    Right now, you're still being affected by things. I really hope that when you read this, you've learnt to put them behind you once and for all, and that you've gained a sense of... self.

    Let's see... Right now, you love Queer as Folk, Kuroshitsuji, Bones, Glee, Family Guy, Russell Howard... And music-wise, you love My Chem, Adam Lambert, Papa Roach, Avenged Sevenfold, The Used, Radiohead... etc :D

    And you're going to see Green Day next Saturday! And you're having a sleepover tomorrow, you've booked your driving practical exam, you've just finished EoY exams, you've got started on researching for your EE... (which you're actually pretty excited about! :D)

    Basically, as I said at the beginning, you're happy right now. Everything's going okay :)

    This summer... Did you meet some new people? Get your EE done? How were Sonisphere and Leeds? :D
    I hope you've been sticking with guitar and piano... though my guess is that the latter has not been on your list of priorities ;D

    Did you revise enough for your exams? I really, really hope you did.

    And I also wonder if, as you're reading this, you're thinking 'Ah, so naive, so young...'

    How was Christmas? Canada, right? I hope you made the most of your time :D

    I hope you're happy, well, safe, and making the most of your new found freedom!

    June 11th, 2010 at 02:04am
  • Dear Cassie,

    You know my attention span is too small to write a long letter and you know that there'sonly one question that really matters to you right now...

    Did you meet them? Weird

    June 11th, 2010 at 03:27am
  • dj daynjuh.:
    Dear Jamie,

    Did you ever get the guts to confront Steve about your feelings?: Yes.
    Did he do anything, if you did?: No.
    Did you ever get to be in a relationship with him?: No.

    Have you lost your virginity yet?: No.
    You'll be 17, 18 in 3-4ish months by this time next year.

    Have you lost that weight you wanted to?: Yes, but its back.
    Are you interested in any other boys?: Two.
    Does Steve still flirt with you?: No.
    Are you two still friends?: We try.
    If you're more than friends, how long have you been like that?: N/A

    Are you still overly jealous?: Mos def.
    Do you still over think things?: All the time.
    Are you doing as bad this year in school as you were last year around this time?: Graduated. Con
    Do you have any enemies?: No.
    How about Kaleigh, is she still your best friend?: Not really, no.

    I hope a lot of these things are good.

    -Yourself, March 18th 2009
    Fuck this sucks.
    June 11th, 2010 at 03:31am
  • Liebe Katie,

    These questions won't be in any specific order, hope you don't mind.

    Are you still chewing on everything you can get your hands on? Staples, pins, rubber bracelets, etc.? Have you begun another relationship? What about school; still failing at History and English? How's German going? Still know more than the rest of the class?

    How're things with Mom, still fighting a lot? And Madison? How are Dad and Brenda; they married yet? Mor eimportantly, is Brenda living in Jersey yet? How're Mercy and Cathi?

    Oh! How's Xaviar? Ya know, Nina and Gerald's son? And Beck, and Livi, and Chloe, and Sophia? How about Anthony, Jadyn, and Jazzi? You seen them recently?

    How're your wifeys? You still talk to any of them? Have you gotten any new ones? What about husbands? Naughty

    Have you finished any non-one-shots? Is chapter 31 posted yet for WNtd? Started any new stories? Get into Creative Writing class?

    Have you continued your at-home/online Welsh lessons? Do you know any words in it? Or have you started another language? How are Kiara and Jaimie and Madison's German lessons going?



    Katie, 2010.

    P.S. - Have you gotten your permit yet?
    June 11th, 2010 at 03:55am