Bullet For My Valentine.

  • I met Padge, Moose and Jay on a train yesterday. lmfao

    I don't know how I manage to get into these situations! Twitch


    What happened was that a band called Caesar's Rome had their album launch party at a venue called Hobos in Bridgend. I'd been humming and harring about going to that gig ever since it was announced because of a few reasons, but the morning before, I decided to just screw it and go anyway. It was going to be a busy night and you can't book advance tickets for this venue, so I wanted to make sure that I'd be able to get in so I got a train that would get me to the venue for 20 minutes before doors, as opposed to just when the doors opened. So I got the 7:12 train rather than the later one (the gig was a late one, didn't start until 8). And let's just say I made the right decision!!!

    When I got onto the train, I was looking at the floor and not paying much attention. And I noticed a name on one of the bags stored in the luggage compartment said "Jason James" and I had a bit of a giggle to myself that somebody on the train had the same name as somebody from Bullet. XD

    And then I sort of looked up and I could see Jay and Padge sat a few seats ahead of me! I sort of collapsed onto a seat two rows back from them, kind of shaking a bit (okay, a lot).

    I spent the next ten minutes wondering whether I should approach them or not, and then I thought "screw it, I'll never get this chance again! And nobody will believe I was on the train with them unless I get a photo!" so I nervously went over and I saw then that Moose was there too! My legs were kind of shaking a bit and I asked if they would mind if I got a photo with them. And they said they wouldn't mind at all, so we all traipsed into the bit between the carriages and I got the conductor to take the photo.

    First photo he took, Jay had his eyes closed so demanded another photo. XD The conductor told Moose off for standing in the wrong place so that he was cropping himself out of the photo LMAO. Unfortunately when he took the second photo, it was blurry.

    I'm not sure which I prefer. The first is a better photo of Moose and Padge, but the second is a better photo of Jay and me (Padge looks so confused in the second one!) but is blurry. Jay made fun of me for being able to tell it was them from the backs of their heads and we all sat down again.

    Then when I had to get off at Bridgend, we all went back into the bit between the carriages to get off the train and we were speaking again. They were all saying how glad they were to finally be going home, and Jay said "I don't know whether to have a coffee or a cold beer when I get home!" and Padge and Moose were both telling him he had to have a beer (alchies that they are!) XD And then I asked them when they'd be coming to the UK, and they said in November! Which is bloody years away, but I guess it's better than nothing.

    On the way out of the station, Moose and Padge ploughed through the exit of the station, but Jay held back and held the door open for me. What a gentleman! XD

    By the way it was fucking amusing how light Padge travels! Jay and Moose both had these massive cases like the ones you take on aeroplanes, and Padge had a little tiny thing that was about a fifth of the size! XD

    I have the non-blurry photo in my photos on here :)
    February 28th, 2010 at 12:24pm
  • Awwww wow In Love Those guys, you seem to describe them exactly how I imagine them tehe

    I'm so unbelieveably jealous and happy for you at the same time :D When you text me I literally went around for half an hour going NAT'S ON A TRAIN WITH BULLET OMFG.
    February 28th, 2010 at 08:59pm
  • Aww I'm glad they met expectations!

    I was on the train for about half an hour with them, so you must have gone round for the exact time I was with them. tehe

    I do wish that it had been you instead of me though, because you totally deserved to randomly meet them more than me. Arms

    By the way Padge was whinging about the coffee at one point, too. "One pound bloody fifty for this crap!" I think I met a rare sober Padge!

    EDIT: Omg they'd better do this for Fever.
    March 1st, 2010 at 12:41am
  • Haha! Bless tehe

    Naw, I would have been a mess and wouldn't have had the courage to say hello, probably XDD

    Ha! For The Poison rerelease they done a signing in Oxford Street, not at midnight but still. I queued for 8 hours. XD

    I remember that signing, the SAF one, I wanted to go but no one would go with me and I was too scared to go alone (I totally would now XD)
    March 2nd, 2010 at 09:44am
  • Well I very nearly didn't. It took some persuasion from Nina (Ashlee Simpson) for me to go and do it, and I just thought that I'd never get a chance like that again so just had to seize it!

    Aww well there's next time. :D I'm pretty excited for the new album now, I can't decide whose album I'm more excited for out of Bullet and FFAF. tehe Padge asked me if I liked the new song and when I said it was awesome, their faces just lit up bless them XD
    March 2nd, 2010 at 09:56am
  • Oh my God you got to meet them on a train?! I am so jealous! That's just... wow.

    I feel so silly just dropping in here and making random comments. College needs to stop bombarding me so much. :/
    March 3rd, 2010 at 06:45am
  • I did! tehe Talk about random and good timing! I was surprised to see them travelling on the train to be honest, I would have thought they'd have been driven back or something so it was nice to see that they were still grounded. XD

    Don't feel silly :D
    March 3rd, 2010 at 11:18am
  • That is really cool that they took the train. I can't think of many bands that really would have fucked with a train given the option to be honest. Though that may be because there aren't many passenger trains around here...
    March 4th, 2010 at 07:28pm
  • It was a direct train so they didn't need to make any changes. So it probably made sense for them to get it rather than faff about with driving and having to take a car, etc.

    It was so surreal to get onto the train and just see them! Incredibly random. tehe It's going to be my claim to fame XDD

    Edit: Album artwork:

    March 4th, 2010 at 08:50pm
  • Ahh I heard begging for mercy yesterday and I immediately loved it :D I like the album artwork too. It's interesting :D
    March 6th, 2010 at 10:14pm
  • Is that the official artwork? I haven't been online in a few days and feel all behind tehe
    It's interesting though Think Not what I expected. I thought they might change the logo again too, but I guess not. XD

    Did anyone pick up their Kerrang cover mag? I only read it at a friends house last night, didn't seem to be a terrible lot about the album (though I was reading quickly and was very tired). The most interesting information I seemed to find in it is that Matt is going to be a daddy in March and has just bought (another) ridiculously expensive car, Jay's expecting his second child and Moose and Padge have started a clothing company! So new things going on all round.

    March 7th, 2010 at 02:30pm
  • I think so. I remember stumbling across it on their website. XD

    Yeah, me too. It's quite interesting artwork. Reminds me of the area where this is set, especially at 3:15.

    I read it in Smiths, since I can't afford it right now. I didn't seem to find much about the album either, but I did think that all the little bits of news were so sweet!
    March 8th, 2010 at 09:36am
  • Awesome, I saw it last night on there Cute I can't help but think they could have got something a little.... better? Not in a bad way, but like it's quite rough and not perfectly edited... I mean they probably went for that effect but still, I was expecting something different XD

    They don't exactly have the most impressive cover art on any of their albums imo. I think the Four Words covers were my favourite.

    Yeah. Cute It was more an interview on the band than the new record... which doesn't make much sense but I guess there's not much more to tell until it comes out.
    March 8th, 2010 at 05:04pm
  • I do get what you mean. It could have been a lot better. I think I prefer it to the other album artwork though, not sure why. Perhaps my subconcious is just screaming "Juneau" at me. XD

    Aye, yeah. Was still interesting to read, though. :)
    March 8th, 2010 at 06:38pm
  • I disappeared D:

    Uh, I like the new video, it's good. Cute
    I really fail at describing today, I literally just said the same thing about wato's new album >__>;
    March 15th, 2010 at 01:24pm
  • So I heard Your Betrayal on my local radio station the other day... I was grinning like an idiot. :)
    March 17th, 2010 at 05:49am
  • tehe

    This is the right tracklisting. It was announced about a week ago but just incase anyone wants to see it/again ~

    1. Your Betrayal
    2. Fever
    3. The Last Fight
    4. A Place Where You Belong
    5. Pleasure and Pain
    6. Alone
    7. Breaking Out Breaking Down
    8. Bittersweet Memories
    9. Dignity
    10. Begging For Mercy
    11. Pretty On The Outside

    It's completely different to the rumoured one I posted on the last page XD
    March 17th, 2010 at 11:31pm
  • Sorry I haven't been here recently. :s

    The video is good, yes. I'm really looking forward to the album and I hope they'll release UK tour dates soon.

    It's not too long until Fever is released now! I'm really excited, because I could do with some decent new music. There's been a couple of releases I was really excited for this year, but they've all disappointed me. I know Bullet will be different though, especially from the songs that I've heard so far from the album. :]

    EDIT: Bullet seem to be doing a Fever listening party at the start of April. Bet you can't guess what country it's being held in... wait
    March 29th, 2010 at 11:19pm
  • tehe @ the listening party. Someone on the new forums was all raving about it and I was like stfu ¬__¬

    Sorry I never replied, I kind of.. forgot. Shifty

    I've got the preorder bundle Cute They finally got one, it's not as good as last times but it's something.

    I'm seeing them on Monday!! Well with any luck. They're playing a 'secret' free show. I'm worried about how many people are going to turn up, but the wristbands are available from 8am, so I'm hoping some of the people who signed up or something won't actually get down there for that time... I don't know >__> I've seen A LOT of people on myspace going 'oh im so skipping school for this'... so if people are in school I'm assuming they cba to get to London at 8am. You never know. I'm being judgemental here ;P

    And shows before, when I usually get there, there's only been 100 or so people in front of me and I get there about lunch time. So... I'm not sure how it's going to go. A friend of mine I see at bullet shows is going though, and she'll probably be there from a silly hour of the morning, so I will shamelessly jump in with her if I get down there at like 5 or 6 and there's already a mahoosive queue ¬__¬ I'm really all up in the air about it, I have no idea what to do or what time to go or anything D:

    BUT this means I'll probably get to meet them :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
    April 19th, 2010 at 04:57pm
  • It's okay. :]

    I'm going to have to go out and buy the CD, since I can't get stuff posted to uni accomodation, since people nick my post. :/ So I'll go and buy it from Spillers or HMV. What's the preorder bundle like, out of interest?

    Yay for you seeing them on Monday! Wow I'm happy for you. I'm sure you'll get in, fingers crossed that you'll meet them as well because you really deserve to properly meet them. <3

    Now we just need to get some UK dates. Grr I love these guys but I wish they'd at least announce some dates, considering that their album is released next week.

    I keep beating myself up about missing the Spillers signing. I don't know why. I know I had a better day in Hereford than I would have done if I'd gone to the signing (it was my mum's birthday and she was spending the weekend there so I went to see her there since it's not too far), but I'm still kind of miffed. I keep telling myself that I met them on the train and that was better, but I guess I'm just pissed at the fact they're in the UK for a change and I missed my only chance to see them for a while. I think I am looking into it too much but idk.

    Fever is sounding bloody brilliant, by the way! I'm currently on A Place Where You Belong. Not sure about that one (Think) but how good is Fever (the song)? Either way, I'm looking forward to having a physical copy of the album.
    April 21st, 2010 at 03:53pm