Original Fiction vs Fanfiction.

  • ghosthorse

    ghosthorse (100)

    United States
    ^ I see a lot of original fiction stories on Mibba; there are plenty, but a majority of them aren't very well written as a whole. I do agree that fanfictions labeled as original are "annoying", but that is the authors greed or ignorance. I've found few original stories on Mibba to be entertaining, and the same with fanfiction. Between Mary Sues and bad plot development, there is barely a win.

    I write both OF and FF, and I love them both to death. I didn't know what fanfiction was until I started up on Quizilla, but I originally started out writing original stories way before I got hooked up to the Internet. I nearly do take offense because I am not a fanfiction writer who mislabels their stories, nor am I a person who will write a fanfiction just to get ratings. I write fanfiction for movies/books/television because I see a plot loop I can use to my advantage, and when the original plots of the movies/books/television change, it keeps me on my toes as a writer to deal with keeping a story as close to the original plot line without going into something completely absurd.
    July 19th, 2009 at 06:03am
  • soft rains.

    soft rains. (100)

    United States
    ^ I see a lot of original fiction stories on Mibba; there are plenty, but a majority of them aren't very well written as a whole.
    I don't think that's true. Sure, some aren't written well, but the majority of the genre is pretty well written as a whole.
    July 19th, 2009 at 06:32am
  • ghosthorse

    ghosthorse (100)

    United States
    ^ I see a lot of original fiction stories on Mibba; there are plenty, but a majority of them aren't very well written as a whole.
    I don't think that's true. Sure, some aren't written well, but the majority of the genre is pretty well written as a whole.
    Yeah, I shouldn't have said majority, but I still don't see a lot of them that are very, uh, 'original'? When I look for OF, I typically find a story where all of the characters are based off of deviantART photos of teenagers and where the characters are what is referred to as 'random'. It's very seldom I find an original story that has been tweaked and tweaked until it's at a point where it is what I consider amazing. I find it bad form to have photos as descriptions, and to have twenty year olds speaking like nine year olds. I don't think everyone is a bad writer, I just must be looking up OF at the wrong time. There are several authors who write OF here that I absolutely love, and they spend time on their stories and don't rely on photos or Mary Sues.
    July 19th, 2009 at 06:41am
  • Siriano;

    Siriano; (100)

    United States
    Really good OF is hard to come buy. Sad
    Sad cause that's what I like.

    I'm not against fanfiction (in fact I'm jealous that other people can write it while I suck at it) but I find something refreshing in OFs. :cute:
    July 19th, 2009 at 06:43am
  • astroz0mbie

    astroz0mbie (160)

    United States
    The thing about fanfiction, for me, is that I honestly don't care about the people it's about most of the time. I'm much more interested in the music than the person. There are several artists that inspire me, but rather than write about them, I use the effect their music has on me and turn it into something else.
    July 19th, 2009 at 06:51am
  • dr. faustus

    dr. faustus (1070)

    Really good OF is hard to come buy. Sad
    Sad cause that's what I like.
    I wirte OF and I disagree slightly. They both have pro and con's, I think. Writing FF isn't a habbit for me, and I'll always be a OF writer, because I connect more to those than anything. So I've been told, I write well-written stories and my OF and FF kind of seemed the same :tehe: The only reason I started writing FF was to make a point that OF does get over looked. Same writer, just writing about different things.

    You just have to know some people/ where to look (talking about on Mibba).
    July 19th, 2009 at 07:26am
  • mackenzie.

    mackenzie. (100)

    United States
    The Next Messiah:
    As far as OF's being the only things published, I'd bet that if the really good fanfic writers on here just changed the names of their characters and tweaked their stories just a little bit, it would get published all the same.

    There isnt really a lot of different between a well written OF and a well written FF.
    And at that point, why wouldn't the FF writer just change their characters names and tweaked their story that extra bit? (At that point I presume they wouldn't be considered a FF writer anymore) I'd much rather have a cliched OF than a FF any day.
    But that defeats the purpose of writing FF, as you said.

    I understand you like OF a lot more, and you write those. But, coming from someone who writes OF and FF, I think it is kind of elitist to shoot down every fanfic just because FF is more widley recognized and has a wider fanbase on mibba.

    All I am trying to say is that there really isnt too much difference between a FF and an OF. Both of them have the exact same things. One of them just features characters based off someone who is actually living. And, I think a lot of fiction authors base their OCs off people they know anyways. I honestly dont see a difference.
    July 19th, 2009 at 08:27am
  • Rocket Queen

    Rocket Queen (405)

    I write both OF and FF.

    I think it all depends on the writer and how well they can actually write which determines how an FF is going to turn out. I think alot off FF gets a bad rap because there are terrible writers out there representing it; young teens who just want to write about their fave band and not caring how the writing is. Somehow they end up with 10 stars and hundreds of comments, while the rest of us work on actually developing a good plot, characters, etc..
    July 19th, 2009 at 09:38am
  • astroz0mbie

    astroz0mbie (160)

    United States
    I don't like that people tend to avoid reading OF online because if they wanted to read it, they'd go buy a book. That's a crappy excuse. Just because it's published doesn't mean it's good. Look at Stephenie Meyer, and loads of other authors. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of writers on here who could out write any two bit published author.

    To be honest, there is no real difference between reading it out of a book and reading it on Mibba. Maybe those books are little more refined due to the editing process, but those books can be just as shitty as any common fanfiction.
    July 19th, 2009 at 03:46pm
  • exterminate.

    exterminate. (105)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I love to write both. I love to read both as well, I mostly write fanfiction and most of my original fiction isn't posted on the site because it's not very good, but that's beyond the point... I like both for completly different reasons, and I think it takes a good writer to be able to write either OF or FF well.
    July 19th, 2009 at 04:05pm
  • Rocket Queen

    Rocket Queen (405)

    Maybe those books are little more refined due to the editing process, but those books can be just as shitty as any common fanfiction.

    It definitely depends on the writer.. like I said before. At least in my opinion anyway. :cute:
    July 19th, 2009 at 05:51pm
  • paper sirens.

    paper sirens. (100)

    United States
    Personally I like orginal fiction because most of the plotlines for fan-fic is overdone. Plus there's way to much fanfic in my opinion, and they're all about the same bands.
    The thing I like about orginal fiction is how you can completely make up a character and how you're not really limited by anything.
    That's why I prefer original fiction, too. There are so many fanfics on here that I can scarcely find original fiction. It's in every genre, even those I wasn't expecting fanfiction to be in. And I don't even like most of the bands people write about.
    July 19th, 2009 at 06:33pm
  • Soare

    Soare (100)

    United States
    I really can't choose between the two.
    I really like original fics. It's creativity. It's something I won't forget.
    But what attracts me (and others, I believe) to fanfiction is because the subject is something we, the readers, are familiar with. It's something we're interested in. And it makes us happy :)
    But I don't like Mary Sues (obvs.) who can randomly do amazing things and whatnot.
    There's not a lot of general fics, and I don't know why.
    People tend to fantasize about romance... so I guess, yeah.

    I've written fanfic, mostly. With original fic, I always feel like the characters I've created are stupid :/
    July 19th, 2009 at 07:31pm
  • the envious.

    the envious. (100)

    United States
    I don't think I can choose.
    I've had this account for about nine months now.. I've written only fanfiction on this site. I think it is easier to write then original fiction because you've already got the main characters and maybe the plot of the story.

    But original ficition is deffinatly great if it is written right. I found one good original fic on here.. It was written so well I couldn't stop reading. x] But then I couldn't find the story name.

    But I agree with the people who say that there are way to many fanfictions on this site. Not enough originals.
    July 19th, 2009 at 08:26pm
  • DragonxFox

    DragonxFox (100)

    United States
    I don't like that people tend to avoid reading OF online because if they wanted to read it, they'd go buy a book. That's a crappy excuse. Just because it's published doesn't mean it's good. Look at Stephenie Meyer, and loads of other authors. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of writers on here who could out write any two bit published author.

    To be honest, there is no real difference between reading it out of a book and reading it on Mibba. Maybe those books are little more refined due to the editing process, but those books can be just as shitty as any common fanfiction.
    That's very true. And I agree, some FFs are good, and probably really could.
    Yay for reference of Stephanie Meyer in a not so good way.
    July 19th, 2009 at 10:14pm
  • SabasaurusRex

    SabasaurusRex (100)

    United States
    The Next Messiah:
    The Next Messiah:
    As far as OF's being the only things published, I'd bet that if the really good fanfic writers on here just changed the names of their characters and tweaked their stories just a little bit, it would get published all the same.

    There isnt really a lot of different between a well written OF and a well written FF.
    And at that point, why wouldn't the FF writer just change their characters names and tweaked their story that extra bit? (At that point I presume they wouldn't be considered a FF writer anymore) I'd much rather have a cliched OF than a FF any day.
    But that defeats the purpose of writing FF, as you said.

    I understand you like OF a lot more, and you write those. But, coming from someone who writes OF and FF, I think it is kind of elitist to shoot down every fanfic just because FF is more widley recognized and has a wider fanbase on mibba.

    All I am trying to say is that there really isnt too much difference between a FF and an OF. Both of them have the exact same things. One of them just features characters based off someone who is actually living. And, I think a lot of fiction authors base their OCs off people they know anyways. I honestly dont see a difference.
    I wouldn't call it elitist :| I never told anyone to stop writing FF because it's the absolute worst form of writing. I'm just stating why I'm not fond of it.

    I'm not necessarily shooting the authors down, either. They're entitled to write whatever they'd like. However, if an author is willing to create their own plot line and whatnot, why not create a character at least similar to the actual person?

    And yes, just about every OF author bases their characters of off someone who's living - it's inevitable. You're right on that, and the fact that OF and FF are similar.

    The difference is that FF authors take renown (sometimes not so renown) characters instead of creating their own. Being an OF writer myself, I do sometimes take traits from other people I know and morph them together. I formulate names that I think would suit them and I create a mental picture. FF writers have that all done for them.
    July 19th, 2009 at 10:35pm
  • SabasaurusRex

    SabasaurusRex (100)

    United States
    I don't like that people tend to avoid reading OF online because if they wanted to read it, they'd go buy a book. That's a crappy excuse. Just because it's published doesn't mean it's good. Look at Stephenie Meyer, and loads of other authors. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of writers on here who could out write any two bit published author.

    To be honest, there is no real difference between reading it out of a book and reading it on Mibba. Maybe those books are little more refined due to the editing process, but those books can be just as shitty as any common fanfiction.
    I whole heartedly agree.
    July 19th, 2009 at 10:37pm
  • DragonxFox

    DragonxFox (100)

    United States
    I'd definitely have to say original fiction for a couple of reasons.

    1) Most people on this site strive to stand out from the crowd and be heard. (that's a generalization - I could very well be wrong) Writing fan fiction is definitely not a way to stand out. It's merely following the masses of people who do it.

    2) I also prefer original fiction because that's what gets published in the real world. I've always been more of a realistic person, and while fan fictions may be fine and dandy for a quick read, it's not the stuff that's typicallypublished. (If there are any FF published, I'd be curious to know)

    3) I strictly write orignal fictions stories simply because I feel like I'm stealing another author's hard work to make my job easier. Because of that, I miss out on many readers, comments, subscribers, etc.

    But that's a price we OF writers pay, eh?
    So much truth in that :coffee:
    July 20th, 2009 at 01:36am
  • paper bag.

    paper bag. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'd definitely have to say original fiction for a couple of reasons.

    1) Most people on this site strive to stand out from the crowd and be heard. (that's a generalization - I could very well be wrong) Writing fan fiction is definitely not a way to stand out. It's merely following the masses of people who do it.

    3) I strictly write orignal fictions stories simply because I feel like I'm stealing another author's hard work to make my job easier. Because of that, I miss out on many readers, comments, subscribers, etc.

    But that's a price we OF writers pay, eh?
    -I think thats a rather close minded generalization. I mainly write and read fan fiction, and many peices can and do stand out above all other fan fictions and indeed original fictions as outstanding pieces of work. i don't believe that because we write fan fiction we will not stand out as authors. In fact if we are noticed through the sheer number of other fan fictions, surely that makes fan fiction work all the more notable?

    -I don't understand that point, what exactly about fan fiction is stealing another authors work?.


    Personally, i'm all for both sides, if it's well written and has a good i'll probably fall in love with it. :tehe: Original fiction or Fan fiction. But I am primarily a fan fiction writer. It's where my inspiration lays.
    July 20th, 2009 at 01:49am
  • SabasaurusRex

    SabasaurusRex (100)

    United States
    paper bag.:
    I'd definitely have to say original fiction for a couple of reasons.

    1) Most people on this site strive to stand out from the crowd and be heard. (that's a generalization - I could very well be wrong) Writing fan fiction is definitely not a way to stand out. It's merely following the masses of people who do it.

    3) I strictly write orignal fictions stories simply because I feel like I'm stealing another author's hard work to make my job easier. Because of that, I miss out on many readers, comments, subscribers, etc.

    But that's a price we OF writers pay, eh?
    -I think thats a rather close minded generalization. I mainly write and read fan fiction, and many peices can and do stand out above all other fan fictions and indeed original fictions as outstanding pieces of work. i don't believe that because we write fan fiction we will not stand out as authors. In fact if we are noticed through the sheer number of other fan fictions, surely that makes fan fiction work all the more notable?

    -I don't understand that point, what exactly about fan fiction is stealing another authors work?.


    Personally, i'm all for both sides, if it's well written and has a good i'll probably fall in love with it. :tehe: Original fiction or Fan fiction. But I am primarily a fan fiction writer. It's where my inspiration lays.
    For you first remark:

    That's why it's a generalization. For the most part, I believe there are only a few FF that stand above the rest.

    I agree. If your FF stands out above the numerous amounts of FF, then yes, that is notable.

    However, I think it's even more notable if you write a good OF, considering there are lesser numbers of that sort.

    For your second remark:

    That's my fault. I failed to clarify. I meant for people who write FF based off of published novels.
    July 20th, 2009 at 02:11am