
  • Careless Whisper.

    Careless Whisper. (310)

    United States
    Love. Hate. Tragedy.:
    a few less people with AIDS.
    You'd think a few less would be a lot better than "a lot more people with AIDS". :shifty
    Okay, so I lied.One more post. hah.

    A few less would be better than a lot more, but none at all would be best.
    Legalized prostitution would spread AIDS more than it already is.
    March 18th, 2008 at 01:09am
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    Love. Hate. Tragedy.:
    none at all would be best..
    How do you purpose to do that?

    And to be quite honest, if you choose to become a prostitute or use the services of a prostitute, you have to be aware of the risks you're taking when it comes to STDs.
    March 18th, 2008 at 01:17am
  • Fentoozler

    Fentoozler (100)

    Until they find a cure, HIV/AIDs/STI's are pretty much going to stick around. They don't just come from prostitutes.
    March 18th, 2008 at 01:30am
  • Umbrella Pwnage

    Umbrella Pwnage (250)

    United States
    Can anybody actually give something that would show why[/y] we should legalize it?
    All people are doing is saying why we shouldn't and then others are contradicting the arguments, yet know one has any sort of a pro to the situation.....
    March 22nd, 2008 at 03:59am
  • Fentoozler

    Fentoozler (100)

    ...Wouldn't the contradictions be pros?

    -Better control
    -Age limits, which means, we'd probably see less underage prostitutes. We'd still see them but I bet there would be less.
    -Less abuse from pimps
    -More money for them instead of most of the cut going toward the pimp.
    -Chance for less prostitution related crimes because it would be more professional
    -Better control of AIDs/STDs/HIV. They'd probably be forced to take regular tests.
    -Probably a lot less drugs involved.
    -Safer for prostitutes.
    -People would have better knowledge of what they're doing and what they're getting themselves into.
    -It's..well..their bodies.
    -Stripping, Posing half/full nude, soft/hardcore porn are all legal and are pretty much the same. They don't fake in most porn films - they are having sex. Why should it be legal to videotape and sell the tape of two people having sex and turning a profit, but not legal for two people to have sex and make a profit out of it - without a videotape.
    March 22nd, 2008 at 04:11am
  • Umbrella Pwnage

    Umbrella Pwnage (250)

    United States
    ...Wouldn't the contradictions be pros?

    -Better control
    -Age limits, which means, we'd probably see less underage prostitutes. We'd still see them but I bet there would be less.
    -Less abuse from pimps
    -More money for them instead of most of the cut going toward the pimp.
    -Chance for less prostitution related crimes because it would be more professional
    -Better control of AIDs/STDs/HIV. They'd probably be forced to take regular tests.
    -Probably a lot less drugs involved.
    -Safer for prostitutes.
    -People would have better knowledge of what they're doing and what they're getting themselves into.
    -It's..well..their bodies.
    -Stripping, Posing half/full nude, soft/hardcore porn are all legal and are pretty much the same. They don't fake in most porn films - they are having sex. Why should it be legal to videotape and sell the tape of two people having sex and turning a profit, but not legal for two people to have sex and make a profit out of it - without a videotape.
    The thing is it probably won't be true for a lot of those things mainly because there will probably be pimps who will still keep full control. Only it will be harder to see if they are actually being just.
    Nobody wants to get tested every day. At least not the vast majority. It would be humiliating going into a clinic everyday.
    Pimps would just lie about paying the prostitutes and threaten them if they say anything.
    It can't really be professional. It's still girls standing out on the street at night waiting to get picked up. So the crimes would be just the same only it would be more 'socially acceptable.'

    I really think we should go back to when nobody would even think of doing something like that.....
    March 22nd, 2008 at 04:25am
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    ...Wouldn't the contradictions be pros?

    -Better control
    -Age limits, which means, we'd probably see less underage prostitutes. We'd still see them but I bet there would be less.
    -Less abuse from pimps
    -More money for them instead of most of the cut going toward the pimp.
    -Chance for less prostitution related crimes because it would be more professional
    -Better control of AIDs/STDs/HIV. They'd probably be forced to take regular tests.
    -Probably a lot less drugs involved.
    -Safer for prostitutes.
    -People would have better knowledge of what they're doing and what they're getting themselves into.
    -It's..well..their bodies.
    -Stripping, Posing half/full nude, soft/hardcore porn are all legal and are pretty much the same. They don't fake in most porn films - they are having sex. Why should it be legal to videotape and sell the tape of two people having sex and turning a profit, but not legal for two people to have sex and make a profit out of it - without a videotape.
    Because pimps are such cooperative, law abiding citizens, I'm sure they'll comply with every law and regulation set!

    At any rate, you don't know any of that, you have no proof or evidence, you're doing a bunch of guesswork. And you're completely ignoring all the negative factors. Prostitution allows human trafficking to thrive. Any "career" that puts other human beings in the 21st century slave trade path does not have the right to be legal. I see that it's their body and they have every right to do what they wish with it, but your right to do what you want stops when what you're doing hurts other people.

    Not to mention, what about the girls who are prostitutes because they feel they have no other options? No one should be put in a position where they have to have sex to survive, but it happens everyday. What are you saying to them? Making it legal makes the career acceptable, and there goes all of the aid trying to help them.
    March 22nd, 2008 at 02:15pm
  • Rick Astley

    Rick Astley (100)

    I live in a place were prostituion is legal. No shit. Melbourne, Australia. Look it up.

    I'm not quite sure what the contraints on prostitution are, but I'm pretty sure that it's limited to brothels and pre-arranged escorting. Like, if you're trying to work a corner you can get arrested.

    We don't actually have a big problem with it here, though. I think it's working well. Because brothels work in co-operation with police and such for their own sake. The brothel abides by the law ect, and and police give them all the help they need. Because of this co-operation, brothels don't hire anyone under the legal age or with STIs (I actually think you can be charged here if you sell a sexual service whilst carrying an STI.) In return, the police, as I said, look after thr brothels, like removing drunks, vagrents, ect, as well as making sure to keep as many prostitutes off the streets as humanly possible. That means less competitiors for the brothel.

    As for child trafficking and such... well... it's nearly three in the morning. Next time.
    March 22nd, 2008 at 04:46pm
  • Fentoozler

    Fentoozler (100)

    ^Haven't you heard of escort services? It gets rid of pimps, it's safer for them. So, no, I'm not doing guesswork. In an escort service, they call you so you aren't standing out on the street - more professional. And I have yet to hear of any human trafficking in escort services.

    How is it hurting other people?

    There's nothing embarrassing about going to the clinic everyday. You're supposed to get checked everytime you have sex anyway.

    The aid trying to help them? You mean ridiculing them and beating them? Putting them in prison for trying to support themselves? That definitely makes them feel better. On top of prostitution, lets add more to their criminal record. Some people don't have any other option. I mean, it's pretty bad if Mickey Dee's won't hire you. People always say "well they could do something else" about anything related to the sex industry or even about homeless. Minimum wage doesn't pay the bills. I have two jobs and I'm barely making ends meet. "They could've gone to school." Not everyone has the brains or money for that. Maybe that's why they're turning tricks - so they can have money for school. Not everyone is lucky enough to get scholarships and that phrase "if you want it bad enough you'll get it" is a load of bullshit. You can want something all you ..want.. but it doesn't mean you'll get it.

    How do you know it'll lead to human trafficking? Where's your evidence from that? Because it happened in the past? A lot of things happened in the past that could happen today but aren't. You don't know that's going to happen either.

    It's a job. Nobody grows up saying "I want to be a porn star! or a stripper! or a prostitute!" But sometimes that's where life takes you. Not everyone has the same options.


    I realize you didn't say half the things up there but it's a lot of people's arguments.
    March 22nd, 2008 at 04:55pm
  • Fentoozler

    Fentoozler (100)

    The ^ was meant for Kurtni not Rick
    March 22nd, 2008 at 04:56pm
  • Umbrella Pwnage

    Umbrella Pwnage (250)

    United States
    ^Are brothels really going to help that much? Pimps are still going to do it illegally. No pimp is just going to say 'Oh no! I need to find another job now!' They will just keep they're prostitutes and entice new ones to come in.

    And there are places the prostitutes can go to get help. Such as Standing Against Global Exploitation (SAGE). So no having them go to jail isn't the only help we can give them.

    There are other jobs they can get. Not only McDonald's but they can be cleaning ladies or gardeners. The place where my mom works the cleaners make more money than she does!
    March 24th, 2008 at 11:15pm
  • Missand

    Missand (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It should be legal. It's the oldest proffesion in the world. I have so much respect for prostitutes because not all of them do it for the same reasons.
    April 9th, 2008 at 09:23pm
  • DriftingSunset

    DriftingSunset (100)

    United States
    I think illegal prostitution is stupid. If prostitutes are obviously desperate for money, so isn't it wrong to send a prostitute to jail? You should be giving them a warm meal and clean clothes and somewhere decent to live. Maybe even counseling. Prostitutiion should be legal.
    April 9th, 2008 at 09:53pm
  • you're a star

    you're a star (100)

    Why should it be legal? You're selling your body to someone else. Why Shouldn't that be frowned upon.

    And No offence, but making prostitution legal will not make the aids rate drop any. People who aren't even selling their body have aids. There isn't much help now, so how will the rate drop if it's legal? Please explain.

    Life is never that bad, that you have to sell your body. Their are so many organisations that would help if life was really that bad for someone.

    I have respect for them, but no. For so many reasons it should not be legal.

    Fentoozler - What does having money have to do with going to school? School until university is free. You can get a decent job with your 12th grade education. So what the hell does money have to do with going to school? You don't need to go to collage to be successful. I agree you don't know where life leads you, but you have more than one opportunity to do something good with your life. And the whole smart thing, what the fuck does that have to do with going to school? Huh, I'm pretty sure going to school, makes you some what smart. Smart enough to get a decent job. Don't say these girls/guys didn't have the opportunity to make their life right, because everyone does at some point. They just chose the wrong one obviously.
    They have millions of people willing to help them. There is no logical explanation why it should be legal.
    April 10th, 2008 at 06:57am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Why should it be legal? You're selling your body to someone else. Why Shouldn't that be frowned upon.
    It's your body.
    And you can give it away. Why shouldn't you be able to sell it?
    April 10th, 2008 at 07:19am
  • sunflowers.

    sunflowers. (300)

    United Kingdom
    Why should it be legal? You're selling your body to someone else. Why Shouldn't that be frowned upon.
    Porn is frowned upon and that's still legal. And I can think of a good long list of things that are frowned upon but still legal.
    I think illegal prostitution is stupid. If prostitutes are obviously desperate for money, so isn't it wrong to send a prostitute to jail?
    While I think prostitution should be legal, that one comment is a bit iffy. Muggers and shop lifters are obviously desperate for money but we don't make that legal for them do we?
    April 10th, 2008 at 06:55pm
  • Your Mom

    Your Mom (250)

    United States
    In my opinion, prostitution should be illegal. I mean, it's just basically some girl who can't pay the bills on her own or has a boyfriend that makes her do it or probably doesn't even have a complete college education fucking some desperate dude. Sorry, but that's just what I think. Although there might be a chance that some of them are college educated...doubt it, but it's still a possiblity.

    But, yeah, they should know the risks of it, and if they don't, then they're going to have to suffer the consequences. :file: And if they fucking want to sleep with some dude for quick cash, then let 'em. Still doesn't make it right in my book, but I don't rule the earth (although I wish I did :mrgreen:) so whatever the hell I say isn't going to change everyone's opinion on it. It's their bodies, their lives; we don't have a say in what the hell they do, whether we encourage it or discourage it.
    April 11th, 2008 at 02:23am
  • the endless.

    the endless. (100)

    United States
    ^ You said that it should be illegal, but then you said that we don't have a say in what the hell they do. Clarify?

    And you didn't say why it should be illegal. Isn't it worse for some girl who can't pay bills or is forced by her boy friend for it to be illegal? Because they could get punished for something that wasn't really their fault?
    April 11th, 2008 at 02:29am
  • Feeling Failure

    Feeling Failure (350)

    United States
    Of course it's immoral!

    I'm with Piccolo the Great. Christian standpoint.

    As far as legal goes, I think prostitution is wrong. Sex is supposed to be something special, not something you can buy like a cheeseburger,

    However, I also agree to live and let live.

    If people want to whore themselves away, then that's them.

    I don't think it should be legal because it's encouraging the wrong thing, however, I do think that laws andmoral standpoints are different as well.
    April 11th, 2008 at 02:43am
  • the lover.

    the lover. (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    People say that prostitution should be illegal but there are still people who sleep around and there are people who simply have a lot of relationships. Making prostitution illegal would probably lessen the numbers of people with STDs but eventually, it'll rise again.
    It's like outlawing being able to choose your profession. You can tell someone not to have sex with other people for money but they probably wouldn't listen to you. There's a reason why a lot of people are prostitutes and that's money. Whilst it's easy for someone who doesn't have to worry about their financial status to say that prostitution should be illegal, imagine being broker than a stock and not having enough money to pay for housing, food or means to maintain personal hygiene.

    If someone wants to fuck for a living, then they should be allowed to without to having to worry if they're going to get busted for trying to keep themselves alive.
    April 11th, 2008 at 02:44am