
  • happilyappled

    happilyappled (100)

    Adam Lazzara:
    There's definitely some paranormal aura in your life. Good luck (:
    Mine are just simple. I used to have a spectrum walking by my side, everywhere I went. It was when I used to deal with witchcraft, actually. It was a male; I couldn't see him everywhere, but I saw it when I looked in the mirror, and even then his image was still foggy. I think it was cool because it wasn't a threat or a sign for good luck, or anything. It was just there; cool.

    And I remember this one time I was sleeping, laying on my side, and I felt the duvet being pulled up as if someone was laying down behind me. There was no one there, though; at least, there was no body against mine. And later that night, I woke up to the duvet being pulled down, as though they were getting out of bed. I don't know if it was paranormal, or paranoia, but I could never find a reason for that thing.

    And animals are really sensitive to these things. Especially cats, as according to some random belief, they see through their alpha vision. I guess it means they have a third eye, or something; I can't exactly tell. No one can deny that cats can be really creepy, sometimes.
    September 2nd, 2009 at 01:12am
  • CyFi

    CyFi (100)

    United States
    druscilla is alice.:
    One night I woke up and there was a demon in my room.
    I guess I won't be sleeping tonight...
    September 30th, 2009 at 10:58am
  • CyFi

    CyFi (100)

    United States

    Anyone know the legend of Bloody Mary?
    If not, it's if you go into a bathroom anytime past midnight and say, "Bloody Mary" three times, a spirit named Mary will come out of the mirror and kill you.
    When I was about five or six, I was in the bathroom with my mom and two cousins, and my cousin Sam looked in the mirror and said, "Blood Mary" three times, and I felt like someone had entered the room. >.<

    One time I was going pee and I saw a shadow on the wall. The shadow looked like a small girl, around the age of four, in a dress, dancing.

    My grandpa died in my bathroom. One night when my friend slept over at my house, we tried to contact him. It was October 15, exactly a year after he died. I said, "Papa we miss you.", and recorded everything. We were listening to what we had recorded, and I could clearly hear his voice, saying, "Jess."
    I know it was him, but it still scared the crap out of me.

    I'm always on the computer at about midnight, and there's a small hallway-type-thing where the computer is. Someone could walk through it, and I'd literally be touching arms with them. I usually never have lights on either. I just sit there. In the pitch-black room.
    I was listening to music and I heard a growling noise. It was odd though. I have two dogs, but they were both in my mom's bedroom with her. I looked around, just to make sure, and I didn't see any animals.
    I heard the growling again.
    It sounded literally demonic. There was no way to describe it. I immediately turned three lights on and looked around again. There was nothing. But the room has been freezing cold ever since, and for several nights I heard the growling, and breathing, at one point.

    About the hallway thing - it was about a week after the growling and such when this happened. I was on the computer, and I saw a woman walk past me. She had long black hair, and a black dress. I didn't see her face. She stopped, looked at me, and continued walking.
    I was like, "wtf." I wasn't scared, I was confused.

    My house. Is fucking creepy.
    September 30th, 2009 at 11:45am
  • blooming.

    blooming. (100)

    So, for about a week, my Mum has been looking for her reading glasses. She couldn't find them, and finally gave up and went and bought another pair on Thursday.

    Friday afternoon I was walking down our hallway and passed a picture frame that was leaning against the wall, on the floor. I saw her old reading glasses hanging from it, and I just kept walking. But Friday night I went and grabbed them and asked my Mum if they were the ones she lost. She was surprised and confused, she asked where they were and I told her. She looked at me and was like "I didn't put them there, why the hell would I hang them off a picture frame?". Thursday night was the 7th Anniversary of my Grandmothers (My Mum's Mum) passing. My Mum thinks she put them there so my Mum would go and buy another pair, because the old ones were falling apart.

    No one else in my family put them there. Shocked
    October 4th, 2009 at 06:35am
  • Fake your own death

    Fake your own death (200)

    United States
    I remember this one day my sister lost her keys after having a party. We looked everywhere for them, and couldn't find a trace of them. And she has a lot of key chains so they aren't that hard to miss. After she spent 80 dollars on a new set, we were sitting in the kitchen, looked over to the wall by the staricase that leads to the basement, and there, hanging on the hook that had a small calender on it, were her keys. Mind you, I was looking straight in that direction earlier that day and didn't see them. Werirdness
    October 4th, 2009 at 09:55am
  • boychild.

    boychild. (100)

    I remember for a long time ago, when being at my friend's place. She were living in this shed - they had fixed it with heat, toilet, and all that for her to have it as a room a bit from the house - and when we needed food, we went into the house.

    One time, when her parents was away, we were a couple of people sleeping in the shed, and I had to go in to the house to get food. When passing by one of the small rooms - I don't remember the use of it - I saw something greenish from it, and I went back to look a bit closer.

    A man is standing there, just a normal man, slightly oldish, maybe around the fifty-ish, with this kind of greenish light around him. He didn't do anything, just stood there, while I was close to panic, then he did a slight nod, and turned around and left, just walking through the wall and being gone.

    I forgot about the food, and went back out to the shed, not saying anything and sat down on the couch. My friends asked what had happened, but I didn't say anything, still in shock and scared they'd think I was crazy. Then my friend said something about "green" and I looked up. The same friend then wondered if I had seen the "green man".

    It turned out we have been four people seeing him. We have no idea who he is, why he showed up, or what he really wants, but he never did anything but to just look at the people seeing him, always standing in the same room.


    A while ago, I was baby sitting my cousin, he's nine months old now, and I had to leave him alone really quick for a short while to get his bottle - and some water for me. He had been really fastidious the whole day, only wining and crying, or just sleeping, and for those few times I had to leave him really quick, he had immediately started to cry.

    I remembered my friend telling me once when her baby had acted that way, and she had to leave, that she said (just randomly and out of nowehere, she can't remember why saying it) "Can you please entertain him when I'm gone?" - she was alone in her apartment.

    I decided to do the same, saying "Can you please make him stay calm while I'm gone?" Not hoping for much, I leave still. After a while, I hear my cousin give out sounds, though it's not crying sounds, and I go back to the living room. My little cousin is sitting with his back to me, laughing, and reaching out for someone above him, as if wanting to be lifted up.

    Maybe it's just baby acting, but it was kinda creepy - but in that good way, you know? - still.


    Another thing, being about my friend (she was high, so maybe that's explenation for it, but I thought I'd mention still). She was holding up her cellphone, and she swore she saw this greenish kid of shadow moving through the air towards her phone, and she said "I'll get a text now," and a few seconds later, she got a text message.
    There was many people around her, hearing her say that, and seeing that the message came afterwards she had said that. Also to be taken in consideration, is that she apperently hadn't been texting with someone, but took the phone up to check the time.
    October 5th, 2009 at 02:07pm
  • Resolution

    Resolution (100)

    United States
    I guess this fits in the paranormal category...

    My uncle passed several years ago. He was a musician and really loved music. I can't remember a time where he didn't have a guitar in his hands. One of his favorite bands was The Who, and at his funeral one of his good friends played Behind Blue Eyes.

    One day, my mom and I (and I think my sister) were driving home from my grandmother's house, and Behind Blue Eyes came on the radio right as we passed a cemetery. I pointed it out to my mom and it turned out that it was the actual cemetery that he is in. It was pretty creepy.

    Also, my Aunt and cousin were in the car arguing over whether or not they should make pudding pie (which my uncle loved) when they got home. While they were arguing Behind Blue Eyes once again came on. They said that at that moment they decided to make the pie.
    October 6th, 2009 at 02:05am
  • Mayhem's Lady

    Mayhem's Lady (110)

    I don't know if its Paranormal, but more than one occasions, I'll suddenly pause for no reason and wait. Then, things will happen. Like car swerving across the road, loud crashing noise from outside...
    October 6th, 2009 at 10:40am
  • the god of thunder.

    the god of thunder. (300)

    United States
    I have a ton that would make you go o______o but those will wait.

    XD the other night I was down in my kitchen.
    and I heard somebody peeing in the bathroom above me.
    but everybody was asleep when I went up in the middle of it.
    October 22nd, 2009 at 04:01am
  • blooming.

    blooming. (100)

    Yesterday I was walking down the hall, and one of the drawers from my Mum's jewelry box flew out and my deceased Grandmothers diamond bracelet fell onto the floor, it was the only piece of jewelry that flew out. But I'm pretty sure the drawer came out because of me walking past, because it happened again later that night as I walked past, but all the jewelry fell out this time.

    October 25th, 2009 at 04:35am
  • ThePiesEndure

    ThePiesEndure (115)

    ^That's really weird...
    October 25th, 2009 at 05:43am
  • grimoire.

    grimoire. (100)

    United States
    Has anyone ever used an Ouiga board?

    I got one and I plan on using it on Halloween, but I've been told that I shouldn't.
    October 30th, 2009 at 03:58am
  • CyFi

    CyFi (100)

    United States
    Has anyone ever used an Ouiga board?

    I got one and I plan on using it on Halloween, but I've been told that I shouldn't.
    O_O Yes. My friends and I used one once.
    Scared. The. Shit. Out. Of. Me.

    Don't do it, man. Don't do it.
    October 31st, 2009 at 03:06am
  • It's In The Blood.

    It's In The Blood. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ^^ I've done them loads of times and found them hilarious and utterly unfrightening. It very much depends on what you expect. If you go expecting to encounter something dark and scary and bad and have a bad experience, maybe you will. I mostly just played supernatural versions of It and danced the Time Warp when I did ouija boards.
    October 31st, 2009 at 03:16am
  • grimoire.

    grimoire. (100)

    United States
    ^ That's what I heard. You get what you expect from them.

    I still don't know whether to do it or not...
    October 31st, 2009 at 03:43am
  • It's In The Blood.

    It's In The Blood. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Well, it's really up to you, sorry =P

    I found the ouija board one part amusing, one part irritating, and one part boring. It really lost its appeal after the third or so time I used one.
    October 31st, 2009 at 12:29pm
  • blooming.

    blooming. (100)

    Aren't Ouija Boards really dangerous?

    My sister did one with her friends, back in the 80's. They skipped school and went to a friends place, they pretty much ended up getting thrown around the room, and my sister ran out of there.

    My Dad also did one when he was a teenager, he won't talk about it. But he has told us a little bit of what happened, apparently his friend started talking in a voice that wasn't hers, like she had been possessed by something evil.
    November 1st, 2009 at 05:32am
  • It's In The Blood.

    It's In The Blood. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ^ No. They're not.

    As I said, it's really whatever expectations you take to it. For instance, I don't believe that people who have "passed on" (or whatever they are) have the power to harm me in any way, and so I was never harmed. I do believe that if you let them in they can play mind games, and that angry spirits can drain the energy of a room (which happened - everything went cold and I almost passed out, but it was easy to get rid of the "spirit"), but I also believe you can "banish" them fairly easily.

    Just don't do an ouija board with anyone with drastically different expectations to you, because that'll affect it too.

    I was "possessed" :| Apparently my eyes changed, and I my voice didn't sound like me anymore. All I remember was this feeling of pleasure and energy.

    Not really that scary.

    Though perhaps if there was a much higher level of psychic energy or whatever you want to call it the results could be stronger.
    November 1st, 2009 at 02:09pm
  • blooming.

    blooming. (100)

    It's In The Blood.:
    ^ No. They're not.

    As I said, it's really whatever expectations you take to it. For instance, I don't believe that people who have "passed on" (or whatever they are) have the power to harm me in any way, and so I was never harmed. I do believe that if you let them in they can play mind games, and that angry spirits can drain the energy of a room (which happened - everything went cold and I almost passed out, but it was easy to get rid of the "spirit"), but I also believe you can "banish" them fairly easily.

    Just don't do an ouija board with anyone with drastically different expectations to you, because that'll affect it too.

    I was "possessed" :| Apparently my eyes changed, and I my voice didn't sound like me anymore. All I remember was this feeling of pleasure and energy.

    Not really that scary.

    Though perhaps if there was a much higher level of psychic energy or whatever you want to call it the results could be stronger.
    Oh, that sounds fair enough. It makes sense.

    I also heard you have to say a chant to open the circle and you have to make sure you close the circle when you're finished, is that true?

    I should probably do some research...
    November 2nd, 2009 at 08:14am
  • It's In The Blood.

    It's In The Blood. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ^ Well, I believe you have to close the circle. I do it by saying "goodbye". That works well enough for me =P

    If you don't close the circle, I believe the spirits are still there, and can still come through. But there's plenty of scientific evidence saying ouija boards are bull, so you really need to draw your own conclusions.
    November 2nd, 2009 at 03:52pm