
  • wxyz

    wxyz (240)

    Aland Islands
    Daughter Monster:
    @ TwistedByTheStars
    I love talking about the paranormal too; but nobody seems to be interested or just thinks I'm being a freak xD
    Three in the morning is the demonic witching hour. When I was 13, I saw the Exorsism of Emily Rose, and that's where I first heard of it. I come from a religious family, so things like Satan and Lucifer you just don't fuck around with. A few weeks after seeing the movie I would have dreams about that scene where the priest is in his jail cell and sees Lucifer, and prays to send him away, except it was me in the cell. I would wake up at exactly 3:00 AM (throughout the movie, the characters wake up at that exact time as well) and feel a presence, like something dangerous and terrible was hovering around me. My lower back goes stiff when I feel threatened, and that's exactly what was happening. It happened for maybe three to four nights in a row. And then once when I was 11, I was left alone in the living room while everyone was in bed, and I heard a noise outside. I went to go see what it was and I saw two red dots, like eyes, for a split second. Somehow it's always 'evil' spirits that I seem to be encountering. It could have been foreshadowing to something, because I ended up being fascinated with practicing satanism and witchcraft when I was 15.
    There are many variations of what is considered "witching hour", such as the hour after midnight, and exactly 3:15am. How would one differentiate scary shit that happens at midnight from scary shit that happens at 3 or 3:15? What makes one significant and the other not? Plus, I would argue that seeing coloured dots for a split second in the dark is most likely down to the biology of the eye.
    April 15th, 2013 at 04:59pm
  • Daughter Monster

    Daughter Monster (150)

    United States
    @ Alex; periphery.
    You have a point. But when you're 13 and you've JUST seen a movie with all of this freaky shit happening at 3 AM, it tends to rile you up a bit. Also, I was not in the dark. The lights in the house were on, but looking out the window I saw two red dots in the darkness. I'm not saying they were eyes, I'm just open to the possibility of spirits and demons existing.
    April 15th, 2013 at 05:04pm
  • Johnny Ringo

    Johnny Ringo (100)

    I've had some weird shit happen to me. My grandmother's house is definitely inhabited.

    Whenever my family goes over there, we all get grumpy, and fight, and yell. Generally, the atmosphere is depressing. I hear heavy footsteps creaking in the hall at all hours of the night. I've taken pictures in that house, and most come out with orbs or puffs of smoke in the far corners (even pictures of me from ten years ago). I've had someone stroke my back when I was getting to sleep. My sister has seen (twice now) a tall black figure run through the yard during the night. Grandad claims to have seen a little girl in the hall. My grandma puts this all in the closet and says that it's impossible - a preacher's family used to live there.... That's what worries me.

    In the first house I lived in when I moved to Vegas, there was definitely an evil presence. I got so depressed, and my brother started having horrible night terrors, and my sister claims to have seen a really huge, black figure sitting in the computer chair in the middle of the night. She also claims that one night she woke up and there was a huge red eye peaking out at her from the closet.

    So yah. Some weird shit. I don't watch horror movies, and I don't mess around with satanic and demonic things. They scare the fuck out of me....
    April 26th, 2013 at 01:00am
  • pixiedcupcake20

    pixiedcupcake20 (100)

    United States
    Uuhhhmmm so I had a thread locked because I also wanted to talk about UFO sightings, as well as different "religious" beliefs for those of us whom of which have our own beliefs and don't follow a religion. Not just ghosties. Hermph.

    P.s. My first ghost experience I saw and talked to this one spirit when I was turning 4. I still feel spirits, and see shadow people. Sometimes I will hear a spirit.
    April 27th, 2013 at 07:05am
  • nymph

    nymph (100)

    United States
    There's this property on my street that's really old, and I'm pretty sure it was built before world war II. It's this massive section of land, but the house on it is a tiny farmhouse that would've made sense before all the big new houses were built in the area I live in. The property belongs to someone, but no one lives on it and they won't built anything on it because they inherited the land, so they don't really want/need it. So basically it's just this creepy old house that is falling apart, and you can see the empty inside because the windows are easy to see through. I was teasing a friend and telling her that the place was haunted, because it honestly looks like your average haunted house. We decided to go there with flashlights to look around a little bit, and I hadn't realized how big the land was until then. We kind of poked around until we decided nothing was there, but then we saw something moving in the house. I shined my flashlight in there and there was clearly an old man in there who yelled at us to "git". Needless to say we freaked the hell out and booked it out of there.

    The next day we were talking about it and wondering who would go to the house at that hour, and we decided that it must've been the person who owned the land. I mean, he was clear as day. We agreed that there was nothing haunted there and we were just caught trespassing, but then I saw the old man again (several times). Both times, I only saw him for a split second. We had searched the house before and it was empty, but he kind of just appears. It's kind of freaky, but I don't want to mess with it.
    April 27th, 2013 at 10:02pm
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    Okay, so, I get easily scared but I'm not a beleiver in paranormal stuff; however, recently there have been very weird things going on in my house that not only I have noticed, but also my mom and brother (he's 18, so he's not a toddler).

    It first started with me waking up feeling that a tall, chubby shadow was watching me. I woke up screaming and saw the shadow but then I cleared my vision and there was nothing there, so I thought it was just a nightmare.

    Then my mom started having all her cleaning stuff misplaced. First a bottle of clorax that was lying on the floor; she leaves for upstairs and when she goes back down the bottle was placed neatly on the right place. This happened again with other things.

    Then my brother feeling like he's being watched when he's sleeping. My dog reacts to it also and starts barking at odd hours, but she's only alarmed the first bark and then it's as if she recognizes the shadow and goes back to sleep.

    Now we have like an understanding that there's something there. It keeps opening my parents' door to their room every time they close it or turning my bro's TV on.

    It started when I announced that I was getting married, so my mom thinks it might be my grandpa.

    Is there a way of knowing if we're not going crazy, or if this thing is real and if it is, is it harmful?
    May 6th, 2013 at 09:38pm