Mibba Heroes

  • Katie.
    This girl deserves a post of her own because she's just so amazing.
    She's not very well known on here, but her username is ColorMe:Weird and she's an amazing person.

    This girl wrote fornication and nudeness in my yearbook and things have just gotten better since. She's my best friend, my guardian angel, my protector, my everything. Without her, I would certainly not be typing right now, I'd be under six feet of dirt. I wouldn't be anything like the person I am today, even if I was alive.

    She continually amazes me with how much she can put up with me, even when I'm being whiny. She's the best friend anyone could ever ask for.

    March 22nd, 2008 at 10:28pm
  • The only person who mentioned me and probably the only person who'll ever mention me.


    I don't deserve her and I never will. She'll never know how sorry I am or how much I really love her.
    March 22nd, 2008 at 10:31pm
  • Blue.

    Because she gets it.
    March 22nd, 2008 at 10:31pm
  • You know, thinking about it now, if I took the time to list every single hero I have on here, it would take me all day.
    And I hate to think I may have left people out, but, they should know, in their hearts, that they mean everything to me.
    Every single SYFer, Every single KTFer, every single writer that I couldn't match up to, every single friend whose saved me when I'm down.
    I may not have mentioned you by name, but trust me, I mean you to. In Love
    March 22nd, 2008 at 10:32pm
  • Kristen.

    Not just because she said me.

    But because she gets it, too.
    March 22nd, 2008 at 10:32pm
  • Cray-la. Because she's always there. Because she knows what to say. Because she's generally on my side, and has no idea how much better that makes me feel.
    Fairy, because she's overcome so much.
    Dru, because she stands up for what she believes in.
    Isa, because she puts up a strong front, even when she doesn't feel like it.
    Carcinogenic [Elizabeth, I think], because her writing is inspiring.

    Every single STL-er. Because I love you more than I can convey, and you make every single day worthwhile.

    Actually, now I think about it, every single Mibbian. Every single one, simply because you stand up for who you are, you stand up for other people, and every single one of you is a hero in their own way.
    March 22nd, 2008 at 10:37pm
  • I don't really have an individual person I look up on Mibba. I think everyone here is kind of a hero in their own way, and in whatever they do.

    Most people just don't realise it yet.
    March 22nd, 2008 at 10:39pm
  • Flu Rescent.:
    I don't really have an individual person I look up on Mibba. I think everyone here is kind of a hero in their own way, and in whatever they do.

    Most people just don't realise it yet.
    I agree.

    But... Cray, Em, in fact everyone on the banning thread. Because I don't think they realised how much I love them.
    Blue, because she's so strong and I know she can get through anything.
    Kristen, because if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't know about mibba and I would still be a myspace whore. XD
    Emilee, because everytime I think of her, I think of how dedicated she is and I remember just how much I love my hero.
    Isa, because those short, messages she sent meant the world, because she gave me what I needed. Reassurance. And she's so inspirational! Gosh.
    And Lizzy. Because she's my awesome, and makes me feel better about anything. She always knows what to say.
    And... you know, every author and every person on mibba, Because we are all in this together.
    At least, I hope.
    March 22nd, 2008 at 10:55pm
  • Dujo, for making this awesome place we call Mibba. :file:

    Susmita (Phantasmagoria), Ripley and Adrienne (Heart.Shaped.Box) cause they're my best friends on here, and I love them. Susmita's my lover, Ripley's my slash writer and Adrienne's my porn-writing buddy. :tehe:

    The Admins, Mods ('Specially Vonny cause she likes art and is an awesome drawer :tehe:) and all the other Story Editors ('Specially Sardonic Grin. She's rather good. :file:).

    Erin, Alice and Fatma for being totally awesome WAYTers, and everyone else on the WAYT, new and old, you're all awesome.

    In regards to writing (by username so you can know them), I have to say Ripley, Heart.Shaped.Box, Carcinogenic, Smashed Pumpkin, Harmony77uk, Bastard Son, Tainted Seance, Roonil Wazlib, Spaztastic, and many others...

    Everyone who was ever on my top friends (There's not enough room to fit everyone there).

    And... Yeah, I'm probably missing people.
    March 23rd, 2008 at 12:02am
  • Pretty much all the S Y, F people

    March 23rd, 2008 at 12:15am
  • I don't really have a specific one, but I do think that everyone is a hero in their own way; I agree with Flu Rescent.

    And if I listed all of them it would take awhile because everyone on here inspires me.

    I think you're all amazing. :arms:
    March 23rd, 2008 at 12:20am
  • A hero is such an interesting thing to be.
    Because after looking over people listed...
    Sometimes it's good to look up to what you think a person is, to inspire yourself and define your values.
    Even if they're not quite as great as you probably think they are.
    March 23rd, 2008 at 12:46am
  • Kristen, because, before Mibba, we went through a lot together. Late nights staying up, doing nothing but talking; she always had something positive to say to light up my day. I miss her waiting for my updates, even pestering me for them. I miss it all. But...it's technically gone now. At least I have the memories.

    Jude, better known as Reverse Osmosis., for just being there and giving me a chance. Before we even knew each other well, she listened to everything I said. We're perfect together. One day, I'm gonna meet her and thank her. And be the little sister she never had, and the assistant author she expects me to be in the future.

    Disenchanted., or Silvia, for just being...so fucking amazing. So supportive, so lively; so just...gah! Especially since she called me on my birthday.
    In Love

    Silent_Wolf13, or Felicia, for just being a great friend online and in real life. I miss her in school...

    Jepharee, or Heidi (with a z), and die romantic., or Vanessa, for being great, as well. <3

    Phantasmagoria and skank. for being really...just go for it, y'know? (:

    Beezelbub., MCArmyWife, zodiac., Kerard...
    Love their stories.
    In Love
    March 23rd, 2008 at 01:11am
  • Serena,

    Without a doubt.

    It's her mountain.
    March 23rd, 2008 at 04:20am
  • All of the mibbians

    Buuuut if I had to name them...

    Donkey - is sitting next to me. My best mate in the world and I couldn't live without her, she just seems to make mibba a lot more interesting......

    And get pwned :cute: ILY DONKEY In Love

    Emilyyyyy - welcomed me properly into mibba and without her, I would've never gone on the banning thread :cheese:

    Kor - Wrote an amazing story that made me cry and deserves to be a mod :cute:

    Fairy - Is pwnful. Nuff sed.

    Isa - Doesn't know me but inspires so many including myself, so I thought I'd better mention her :cute:

    Mindfreak. - The first ever story I read on mibba Wow Amazing, sure to be a published author one day...
    March 23rd, 2008 at 05:04am
  • So many. Too many.

    Jackky, for being my inspiration
    Ash, for being my angel
    Dru, for being my god
    Kristen, for being the most amazing girlfriend in theknown universe
    Jan, for Adrisole - it'll happen, I promise
    Sharona, for Describing THIS
    Alice 1, for always making me smile (You're beautiful. Really)
    Alice 2, for being my psychologist
    Kayla, for being my first, and best, WAYT friend, and for sticking by me, no matter what
    Marlee, for humbling me, and for keeping me sain
    Steph, for letting me complain to her when she had so many of her own problems to work through

    Anyone who has ever recced me
    Anyone who has ever read my stories
    Anyone who has ever changed my life
    Anyone who has earner a review from me (It's a really, really prestigeous thing)
    Anyone who defended me when my template was stolen
    Anyone who wants to bring me back from the dead

    You guys are Saints, and you're Heroes. I love you so, so much.
    March 23rd, 2008 at 05:18am
  • Mikey. Because next to Pete Wentz, he's the only reason I'm still alive.
    And because I don't have anything better right now.
    And because he's always there... even if I have nothing to say.
    And because he knows just what to say and when.
    And because I love him.
    For being inspirational, even if he doesn't know it.
    For inventing the best word ever.
    For finally being an editor.
    For putting me before him even though he shouldn't.
    For making me happy when I needed it that one night.
    For being my boyfriend and no one else's.
    For being Mikey.
    March 23rd, 2008 at 05:36am
  • (sigh)
    March 23rd, 2008 at 06:55am
  • The admins, mods and other story editors for doing their part to make mibba what it is.

    Fatma, most definitely, because she's always kind and amazing to talk to. She makes me smile and laugh because of her sense of humor and always is so optimistic. Her writing is beautiful and poetic. She's my geegeekins and I'm her billeh. I luff her. In Love

    Mikey, because he's an amazing, kind, caring, beautiful person. He's also incredibly smart and funny. Even if he doesn't think it, he inspires me.

    Jack, for always making me feel better when I'm down. For being so strong throughout everything. And for being hilariously funny. :tehe:

    Kayla [sullen riot] and Liese for being such dedicated GD fans. And for being so welcoming when I first started venturing onto WAYT. They are so nice.

    Kayla [Mindfreak.] for being the best damn frerard-writer here. And for being a hilarious WAYTer, herself and for her kindness.

    Die and Sneki for their wicked senses of humor. For always being kind and for being helpful.

    I have many, so I'll list the rest [they are by no means any less important]; Sheep, Vinz, Susmita, Erin, Erin, Jenni, Chel, Ash and the WAYTers. All of you are kind, caring, funny people.
    March 23rd, 2008 at 07:42am
  • omgno: Almost all the regular wayters, because they're so nice.
    + my buddies Steph and Kaisha and sarah. I met them all here and they're so nice, too :con: They're so amazing In Love
    March 23rd, 2008 at 08:22am