Mibba Heroes

  • I want to give each of you a separate post ...
    outlining why you are my heroes ...

    remember that conversation?

    sometimes you just need to talk, sometimes all you can do is listen.

    do you remember?

    you're my heroes.
    March 24th, 2008 at 04:02pm
  • Fuck, i forgot.

    adora68. I'm not sure if she really goes on the forums, but she's the best story commenter/reviewer i've ever had. Amazing. :cute:
    March 24th, 2008 at 04:05pm
  • Dujo. :file:
    March 24th, 2008 at 04:18pm
  • The Way [Isa], of course. She's really an amazing girl.
    Leonore Paisley [Jasmin], definitely. Not only is she pwnful in real life, but she's an amazing writer as well.
    Ready Explode [Elena], obviously. She's the second on my top friends list. She's a great friend and always makes me feel super special!
    My Chemical Romance [Blue] has always been one that I thought was really cool, very pwnful.
    gcway [Geovina] because she's just so awesome and is very, very nice.
    And the rest are Leroquent, GOD, Mindfreak, Dru, Phantasmagoria, fleBAG, and Sheepy. :D
    March 24th, 2008 at 05:37pm
  • Isa inspires me a ton. More than a ton.
    ^Molly^ [The Fantasy] is an awesome friend, and shes a great person to talk to. :arms:
    Dru is an amazing writer. It's like, ridiculous.
    And like, everyone.
    March 24th, 2008 at 09:56pm
  • Peter Petrelli.:
    Petey, Spazzy Mcgee I mean Ryan, Pj, & anyone else who's stood up for me been my friend and generally just been there.
    March 24th, 2008 at 11:55pm
  • Laceration Gravity/Kay Eff See: You know I can't live without you. ILYSM In Love And like I said before, you can leave, you can tear my heart to pieces or even move to the other side of the world, but for the love of the FSM don't you dare die! Or I will come and kill you. Understand? :cute:

    Runaway Therapy/Emily: Haha one of the few reasons I come onto Mibba forums. Awesomest person to talk to and welcomed me pretty damned good when I first joined :arms: One of the original banners!

    Life is but a dream/Fairy: She's in Australia atm and we all miss Fairy :arms: Another original banner and reason to go onto Mibba forums. One of my favouritest Mibbians ever :arms:

    Korynn: Not quite sure what her username is atm...But oh well another awesome Mibbian and fellow banner :arms:

    Crowley: I've only ever spoken to them once but their layout inspired me to go back to the drawing board and make mine better. Now me loves my layout and I've now warmed up to the idea of becoming a web designer...

    Dujo: Nuff said really.
    March 25th, 2008 at 12:25am
  • Dujo: He puts up with all our shit, and has created a home for a huge happy family.
    Dru: She's a strong person, one of a few people that prove you can get over whatever negativity life throws at you.
    Steph: My best friend, my wifey, my long lost 4 1/2 year younger twin sister. One of my favorite people to talk to, hang out with, or even think about. :arms:

    -Any of the Mibba staff: For putting up with all of our shit, for doing your jobs well to keep Mibba a happy place. You guys are the reason all of us here are sane, and keep wanting to come back here.

    I don't have many true heroes, and I couldn't explain why, but I do look up to a lot of people here.
    March 25th, 2008 at 12:38am
  • Mibba heroes? Oh bullock's, this is going to be long.

    That man is my god. By making mibba, he gave me life.
    The only place I can call my home. He works his ass off
    for this site and pays. I'll forever be thankful to this guy.

    My best friend, my lesbian lover, my kayla. I'm sure you all know her, she's got skill droppin' from her head. She once took my depressed self out of confessions. Yeah, I remember it now,
    Me : I wish I had friends on this site.
    Kayla :I'll be you're friend.
    ...and happily ever after. I've got to say, I wake up for this idiot every day.
    Damn, she's going to see this. Oh well, I should take this time saying I WUNT YO BABIES K@yL@@@2!!!~!~!!!
    Really, I'd go lesbian if she was my next door neighborand I'd spy on her everyday.

    Erin, she is fucking devoted. She flicks me off on web cam, but I don't
    give a damn. Who else steals internet everyday to go on Mibba?
    No one. nada. I love her. She's a super k3wL SE.

    KIIA, YOU DOG. She made me go on forums for the first time ever. I mean, I wouldn't know these things existed,
    if it wasn't for her. She's the coolest gal in all of Finland. She makes me happy.

    Katieeeeee. She understands me. We get along.We act like
    five year olds.
    She's crazy and I love it. In Love She made me be unafraid of my n00b like self.

    Ash, this girl cares so much about others that she barely remembers to go to sleep. She checks up onme everyone. She's like a bird.

    I'd like to list some people for the life of my fingers....
    Andi, Shannon, Dru, Sheepy, Mel, Jo, Jimmie, Em, Liesel, Emilee, Jess, Kris, Erin, Brittany, Mikey....and some other people. :XD

    All those kids that pore their heart out on the confession thread, having that be the only place they can let our their feelings. All those kids that constantly go on WAYT, day and night. WAYT being the only place their slightly social and talkative. The WAYTers that go on coffee staying up all night to talk to people. The kids that have a lost of posts on this site. The ones that aren't afraid of n00bs. The ones that are kind with open hands.

    ALL THE MIBBA STAFF for keeping my shelter alive. They just...Hail.
    I know I'll never be one, for I am not worthy of such a title. :tehe:
    But...oh my gods...I'm seriously alive because of you angels.
    I would list every single staff member but I think I'll get screamed at by Dujo, or someone.

    March 25th, 2008 at 02:08am
  • Korynn ; she is the first person I ever really made friends with on here. I can talk to her about anything. She always knows how to make me smile, no matter what :armsArms:arms:
    March 25th, 2008 at 04:01am
  • kay soVONNY.

    Se might not be a hero to you, but she is for me.

    Vonny's that cool kid who never had to follow a mindless trend to fit in. She was, and always is, herself. She is an individual who never lost her loyalty for anything she loved.

    There were times when I'd complain to her heaps, bore her out of her mind with my endless ranting/depression/obsessive talks, or probably annoy her but she always stuck with me. She's one cool kid and doesn't realise how truly cool she really is. [well, she might, 'cause she's just plain obnoxious :file:]

    She got me into some really cool stuff and her happiness is infectious.

    Vonnifer, you are my hero. :cute:
    March 25th, 2008 at 10:26am
  • So many people have said Isa already, and I have to add to that number. :tehe: She writes amazingly well and was the first Mibbian to make me tear up with her writing. She's so scfnosfuhd nice and friendly and started KTF, which at one point, got me started in the mornings. It means so much to me, as does she.

    Ally. Ally, with her now-gone cancer, I was scared to death for her and she got me praying again. I don't think I've ever prayed so hard for anything else. She's so young, yet so strong and her vocabulary puts mine to shame. :tehe:

    Um. Um. Um.

    Fatma, my personal Gerard Way.
    Ash, my angel.
    Dujo, no explaination needed.
    Mikey, because he's so fucking amazing, in every way possible.

    I feel like I'm forgetting some people.

    Friends and heroes are different; adrisole isn't the same as respect.

    IAY all, just know that.
    March 25th, 2008 at 12:13pm
  • There's so many and I just know I'll forget someone but I'll add a more detailed post later. :cute:

    All the WAYTers and Confession thread posters.
    March 25th, 2008 at 01:07pm
  • Kay um how is Miss Bobard not on here yet?
    [Right now she's Bob N. Bryar.]
    Errr yeah, not much to say about this girl.
    'Cept that she's awesome.
    And really sweet. [And she thinks she's scary but isn't.]
    That's basically all I'm gonna say.
    March 25th, 2008 at 01:13pm
  • life is but a dream / Fairy: My bestest best friend. She's awesome and lovely and always, always there.
    Korynn; Hospital / Cray-la / Cray / Kor / Korynn: She's one of the reasons I'm still here and still bother to go on the forums. She's always there for you. ILY
    Laceration Gravity / Kay Eff See: Sian. She's aweeesome, and another of the reasons I still bother to go on the forums. She gets excited over little things and just generally makes life a lot brighter.
    Donks2000 / Donkey: Charlotte [tehe.] She's lovely lovely lovely too. And she's a-ma-zing at layouts. :cheese: Gracias for being there too.
    Maddie: I can't remember her username. :tehe: Still, she pwns. ily Maddie, you'll be okay in the end. She has style, that girl.
    Leroquent / Evaaa: You cannot deny that she has serious style. Just...everything about her radiates awesomeness.
    Jess[e]: Because she's still on the way to 2000 posts, regardless of saying she'd get there4 2 nights ago. She's always online late as well, so there's always someone to talk to.
    Chelseaa: Because she's always there too. In that really subtle way, she's really caring and she knows if you're not feeling so good.

    In groups, to everyone who ever spread the love, everyone who drunk gallons of coffee so they could stay online all night, to all the original banners, who welcomed me and made me feel part of the family.
    ILYSM. :arms:
    March 25th, 2008 at 03:00pm
  • You want a list?

    Isa. Druscilla. Mikey. Anneliese. Alice. Alice. Katie. Marlee. Kristen. Liz. Emma [RL too] Jack. Ash. Kirby. Emilee [ x like a bajillion] Victoria. Billie. Mikey. Kelly.

    And anyone else who forgot me.
    March 26th, 2008 at 08:09am
  • hero n. (pl. heroes) a man admired for his courage, outstanding achievements, etc.

    There aren't people on here I would really consider to fit the definition of a hero. However, there are people I look up to, who inspire me...

    Firstly, Anneliese. She's a nerd. But, she is one of the only people I've met who likes the same things as me that being Green Day and Doctor Who. She helped me to "win" my exams, in some form or another. She at least made me laugh during one of them. I don't know. She's just very awesome. She's the one person who will listen to a band I recommend. :mrgreen:

    Then there's Dujo. I know, he made Mibba and all that..blah blah..But, he helped me make my own website. He sort of inspired me to study computer programming. I mean, I would have chosen to study it anyways, but seeing him have made GSB, Mibba and various other websites made me go "YEAH! That's what I want to do." ..He's also somebody to annoy on MSN. :file:

    March 26th, 2008 at 08:43am
  • Die; She never ceases to amaze me. She's always so encouraging to people even when she's going through stuff herself. Some of the things that she has gone through and stayed positive is incredible. She always sticks up for herself despite the fact that she might get in trouble for it.

    She's one of the greatest people I've ever known.
    March 26th, 2008 at 03:28pm
  • Also, Lenna. She gave me advice on how to find the boas for the show in May :tehe: She's a strong girl; I love her to death. :arms:
    March 26th, 2008 at 05:20pm
  • I don't do heroes. But she most strongly resembles a hero.

    Kristen. Because she's the only person I know who doesn't get sick of my need to talk about things that lots of people think I should be over by now. Because she believes in my happily ever after and is damned determined I should get it. Because she loves me unconditionally and because she never lets the fights drive us apart.
    March 26th, 2008 at 06:35pm