
  • ^Be careful though. There are different BMI's for adults and teenagers. You don't want to get them mixed up.
    June 27th, 2008 at 12:34pm
  • Philophobic:
    I have Anorexia Nervosa.

    My BMI(body mass index) is 16.21 and it's supposed to at least be in the 18's and even that is under weight. I feel like I eat loads and loads of food but I actually only eat a bite. I also am always thinking about my weight, even when I'm watching a movie or hanging out with friends.

    My mom diagnosed me, she's a doctor. I developed it two summers ago. I thought I had finally gotten rid of it by the time school started again but, thats when I relapsed and it was really bad. I went back to only eating one meal a day or only 150 calories a day.

    Now, I'm also back to always being sick. I've been sick for the past week and a half and I've taken all sorts of medicine. One upside to being fairly thin is that I rarely get my period or, I only have it for two days. I'm not saying thats a good thing though because, I'm really weak all the time and even weaker when I have it.

    I know that there's more to Anorexia than just not eating. It's also caused by a "mental disorder(thats what my mother calls it)" that tricks you into thinking you eat so much or makes you keep thinking you need to be thinner.

    I really think that people shouldn't be crude and mean to people that have Anorexia Nervosa. I mean, it's not entirely their fault because once you get pulled into a pattern of only eating once a day, it's fairly hard to break and for me it was quite painful as well. The worst is when you see pictures of Nicole Richie or girls in the locker room who are really thin and they get all of the boys and the attention and everyone loves them. It really gets you to start thinking, "I will never be skinny enough but I might as well become as thin as possible."

    I just thought I should share my story, thoughts and my knowledge. :tehe:
    That's a lot like me.
    Mine developed kinda slowly, I just began to cut down my calorie intake, barely realizing it. Eventually it got really bad, I'd eat around 300 calories on good days, and then go for two days without eating.
    I realized it was getting out of hand, and I've never liked the idea of an eating disorder, so I tried to force myself to eat. It worked.
    Until recently.
    Now I'm back to fasting, which isn't smart, but it makes me feel 1,000 times better about myself.

    I hate people who look at anorexia like it's a choice.
    It's a disease.
    June 28th, 2008 at 02:07pm
  • When I was 14 I was admitted to a hospital in Leeds because I had anorexia nervosa. I've accepted myself. I still see myself as fat... But I've learnt to accept my body as my own. I don't want to be someone else now.

    Sometimes I forget to eat, and I lose weight really quickly. But my friends, family and Ben all know what I went through, so they remind me to eat. I'm lucky to have the amount of support I do.
    June 28th, 2008 at 02:24pm
  • You start focusing on dieting and then you lose control you are so focused on that goal and what you eat you cant help it.
    its a disease, a disorder. It's a horrible one, and I feel sorry for people who have it.
    However I don't shame them or anything like that. But sometimes you just get so involved.
    i would know, I am trying to lose some weight at the moment.
    July 1st, 2008 at 08:05pm
  • I keep thinking when I look at food, 'If I don't eat it, I might lose weight.'
    I have kinda started to skip a few meals and I'm getting scared at what might happen.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 10:53pm
  • ^ How often do you skip meals, though?
    I mean, I skip a couple of meals a week under the impression that it might help me lose a little weight, but it doesn't effect me at all. Saying that, I don't suppose it would. It's just me being odd.
    If you eat like one meal a day, though, I might get a little worried.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 11:02pm
  • I skip breakfast and lunch on most days of the week and maybe even dinner. I drink a lot of water and fruit juice instead of eating.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 11:05pm
  • Oh, wow. You should probably not skip every meal. Maybe breakfast, because I know a lot of people who do that, but it's probably not healthy to skip that many.

    Rather than not eating at all, would you consider cutting down the meal sizes? Maybe like just halving what you would usually eat. That would really help you lose weight, and would be a lot healthier.

    July 3rd, 2008 at 11:09pm
  • Mrs Jack Skellington:
    I skip breakfast and lunch on most days of the week and maybe even dinner. I drink a lot of water and fruit juice instead of eating.
    Fruit juice is actually really bad. It has tons of sugar, and that sugar will just get stored if you don't eat anything else.

    Like someone else said, try cutting down the size of your meals, or skipping snacks during the day. If you don't eat at all, your body will go into famine mode and, when you eventually get really hungry and binge, which will probably happen, it'll store that all immediately as fat.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 11:13pm
  • Mrs Jack Skellington:
    I skip breakfast and lunch on most days of the week and maybe even dinner. I drink a lot of water and fruit juice instead of eating.
    If you're going to skip a meal, skip dinner. I wouldn't skip breakfast if I were you, it makes you more able to gain weight from whatever else you eat or drink that day.
    July 4th, 2008 at 07:40am
  • ^
    You shouldn't skip breakfast because then your metabolism will become really slow and you really won't be able to loose any weight.
    And juice is evil. Rather eat the whole fruit than the juice because that way you'll eat fiber -that will later on digest and burn calories in the process- too and the calories intake is smaller anyway - you can eat a glass of juice made from 4 or 5 oranges, but I don't think you can eat 4 or 5 whole oranges.
    July 4th, 2008 at 09:33am
  • Anorexia sucks.
    I'm now 98lbs and my hair is falling out in bloomin' clumps.
    July 4th, 2008 at 09:07pm
  • There's a girl in my class who is super skinny and she thinks she's fat. She's not anorexic but I'm kinda worried.

    It can sometimes just be for attention. But sometimes it's something a bit more than that, isn't it.
    July 4th, 2008 at 09:12pm
  • Torden:
    There's a girl in my class who is super skinny and she thinks she's fat. She's not anorexic but I'm kinda worried.

    It can sometimes just be for attention. But sometimes it's something a bit more than that, isn't it.
    People say that, "oh i'm fat" when they know they aren't.
    I hate it!
    July 4th, 2008 at 09:29pm
  • If anyone gets round to this, what can I do about my hair?
    July 4th, 2008 at 10:50pm
  • people may not become anorexic just because they want attention or want to be skinnier.
    sometimes it comes from stress.
    I have been anorexic for more then one reason and I am still going through it.
    I like how it feels when i dont eat for a long time.
    I wouls suggest you not go anorexic/buliemic.
    sometimes people say they will only do it for a certain amount of time but it ends up going on for a loner.
    and I have to come to realize it doesnt only effect you, but also your friends and family.
    July 5th, 2008 at 04:13am
  • Lottie Armstrong.:
    If anyone gets round to this, what can I do about my hair?
    START EATING! :tehe:

    Uhm, seriously, take green tea pills and drink a lot of milk.
    I think that should help.
    July 5th, 2008 at 08:58am
  • ^^^I agree with Philophobic. Get help and start eating vitamins, green tea pills, and milk.
    July 6th, 2008 at 12:01am
  • CardiacArrest:
    ^^^I agree with Philophobic. Get help and start eating vitamins, green tea pills, and milk.
    I wish it was as easy as it sounds.
    July 6th, 2008 at 06:16pm
  • Valo Ink.:
    ^^^I agree with Philophobic. Get help and start eating vitamins, green tea pills, and milk.
    I wish it was as easy as it sounds.
    Nothing is ever easy dear.
    But you gotta try.
    :arms: Good luck to you though.
    I'm actually not anorexic. But I feel sorry for people who are.
    I used to be bullimic though.
    I wanna help people. They say that first, we have to change the way we think. We have to learn to love ourselves because that's the hardest step.
    July 6th, 2008 at 06:44pm