
  • Tom Hiddleston

    Tom Hiddleston (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I still skip meals, and lie to people that I have eaten. But it's nothing like I used to be.
    Just one step at a time I guess.
    July 6th, 2008 at 06:47pm
  • Heartstrings.

    Heartstrings. (100)

    Michael Way:
    I still skip meals, and lie to people that I have eaten. But it's nothing like I used to be.
    Just one step at a time I guess.
    Steady and slow wins the race they say.
    It's okay Nae.
    As long as you're working towards it, putting in the effort,
    that's the one that means the most. That's the things that counts.
    July 6th, 2008 at 06:50pm
  • what the chipmunk?

    what the chipmunk? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Valo Ink.:
    If anyone gets round to this, what can I do about my hair?
    Mine fell out after a while...
    A huge factor is fat consumption. I didn't really eat fat so, erm, yeah... also, protein, I think? I didn't really eat that, either...

    To be honest, if you're starving yourself, your hair is going to be crap. It's kinda traumatic, I guess, because I know it falls out like... wow. I lost half my hair in four months and, well, I have thick hair to begin with, but I remember someone commenting on how fine it was after it had stopped falling out and started to look alright again. But there were visible bald patches. It was like straw.

    To save some, I didn't wash it.
    I'd recommend you find supplements... pre-natal should be quite good, but the ones that could possibly do some good would be pricey. Look around a health shop for something to do with falling hair, there will be something and I'm guessing it will be expensive, but it could help.

    However, I really recommend you eat properly. :D
    July 6th, 2008 at 07:55pm
  • cheeky slag.

    cheeky slag. (100)

    United States
    Valo Ink.:
    If anyone gets round to this, what can I do about my hair?
    I take prenatal vitamins
    it helps your hair growth and your nails be a whole lot less nasty and don't pretend they aren't.
    July 8th, 2008 at 06:38pm
  • Philophobic

    Philophobic (100)

    United States
    I don't eat normal sized meals too often but when I do, I get horrible stomach aches. Does anyone else get those?
    July 9th, 2008 at 04:57am
  • what the chipmunk?

    what the chipmunk? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I don't eat normal sized meals too often but when I do, I get horrible stomach aches. Does anyone else get those?
    This is like a Q&A thread...

    I screwed up my digestive system a bit. I never used to really eat, but then when the re-feeding process began, my stomach didn't really want the food. I'd be in pain and it would come back up, unintentionally.

    Also, later on, I had this massive problem where any time I tried to digest anything (because what was once anorexia evolved into food thief meets toilet bowl), I just... couldn't, it wouldn't digest. I'd throw up unintenionally.

    It got better... a lot better. I think the key is to just... eat.
    You can't eat a big-arse fried breakfast when you're used to half an apple at a time, your stomach will hate you. You have to gradually work up, maybe avoid a lot of harder to digest proteins (such as meat) until your stomach can definitely handle it...

    The re-feeding process is meant to be slow...
    But it's a huge inconvenience if you physically can't eat (or digest) as much as everyone else.

    To be honest, if you don't really eat much, then eat a normal meal every now and then, your body probably won't get used to it and you can bet the stomach pains will stay. :-|

    That's another overlooked complication of eating disorders: horrible stomach fuck ups. Like, I've had (and still have... ) a few digestive problems, but the obvious is that if you don't eat as you should, you're going to kill the system that has to process it all.
    July 9th, 2008 at 12:07pm
  • the lover.

    the lover. (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Michael Way:
    I still skip meals, and lie to people that I have eaten. But it's nothing like I used to be.
    Just one step at a time I guess.
    Me too. I used eat ice berg lettuce out of bags instead of meals when I was home and about two bowls of dry cereal a day. And when it came to Heights and Weights at school I drank three litres of sparkling water to make myself look heavier because water weight is the easiest to lose.

    It's been three years, but now I eat at least one proper meal a day.
    July 9th, 2008 at 02:11pm
  • Tom Hiddleston

    Tom Hiddleston (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ^ I do the lettuce thing!
    My mum just thinks it's because I like lettuce... I do, it's just so filling so I don't have to shovel all the fatty stuff my mum makes in me...
    July 9th, 2008 at 06:42pm
  • Norma Jeane

    Norma Jeane (100)

    United States
    Mmm. This is very triggering.
    When you talk about skipping meals,and how all the horrible facts that comes from anorexia. It's so easy to get sucked into and obessive over that one single word then you shorten it to Ana. Then Ana starts becoming your friend, and she helps you get better. Ana loves you and makes you get smaller and smaller. Then you start getting depended on Ana. You don't want to let go of Ana. Ana is your best friend and all you need. Then Ana lets you down, and she makes you sick. But you still go to Ana because you love how simple and challenging it is to just get one size smaller.
    And everytime you go on the scale, you see you gained half a pound then Ana starts screaming at you, "YOU FAT PIG. YOU FAT PIG. HOW CAN YOU LET YOURSELF GAIN SOO MUCH." So, you have you to loose more and more weight.

    For me personally, I've became so intrigued by the beauty of destroying yourself.
    I don't know if I wrote was too personal. Yeah, I'm a bit screwed up.
    July 11th, 2008 at 10:57am

    BEEWILD3R. (100)

    United States
    I don't eat normal sized meals too often but when I do, I get horrible stomach aches. Does anyone else get those?
    The same thing happends with me. I think it might be because, on my part, I used to eat bigger meals. But then I suddenly stopped eating those bigger meals, and my stomach shrunk (so to speak). Now when I eat big meals, I get stomach aches because my body is so used to that lack of food.
    July 11th, 2008 at 11:07am
  • kafka.

    kafka. (150)

    United Kingdom
    It's so easy to get sucked into and obessive over that one single word then you shorten it to Ana. Then Ana starts becoming your friend, and she helps you get better. Ana loves you and makes you get smaller and smaller. Then you start getting depended on Ana. You don't want to let go of Ana. Ana is your best friend and all you need. Then Ana lets you down, and she makes you sick. But you still go to Ana because you love how simple and challenging it is to just get one size smaller.
    And everytime you go on the scale, you see you gained half a pound then Ana starts screaming at you, "YOU FAT PIG. YOU FAT PIG. HOW CAN YOU LET YOURSELF GAIN SOO MUCH." So, you have you to loose more and more weight.
    Y'know that scared me because it sounds rather like schizophrenia than an eating disorder.
    July 11th, 2008 at 03:31pm
  • what the chipmunk?

    what the chipmunk? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Mmm. This is very triggering.
    When you talk about skipping meals,and how all the horrible facts that comes from anorexia. It's so easy to get sucked into and obessive over that one single word then you shorten it to Ana. Then Ana starts becoming your friend, and she helps you get better. Ana loves you and makes you get smaller and smaller. Then you start getting depended on Ana. You don't want to let go of Ana. Ana is your best friend and all you need. Then Ana lets you down, and she makes you sick. But you still go to Ana because you love how simple and challenging it is to just get one size smaller.
    And everytime you go on the scale, you see you gained half a pound then Ana starts screaming at you, "YOU FAT PIG. YOU FAT PIG. HOW CAN YOU LET YOURSELF GAIN SOO MUCH." So, you have you to loose more and more weight.

    For me personally, I've became so intrigued by the beauty of destroying yourself.
    I don't know if I wrote was too personal. Yeah, I'm a bit screwed up.
    I found that pretty interesting...

    I never had a 'friend' or... anything. It was very much an obsession, but mainly with food. It's meant to be all "food is the enemy", but maybe I'm a shitty ana or something, but it really wasn't... food was... I had some stupid, obsessive romance with it.

    I really was a terrible ana, though, I hate both celery and carrots ;-)

    (^ awful attempt at joke)

    It really was all I thought about, but I just couldn't... eat it. It was so easy to lose weight, and calories... oh, calories. I was a walking calorie book, still am to some extent. I was a vegan for reasons not to do much with animals (partly, but, y'know... friends can't try and make you eat if you can't eat most things, so... and yeah, I wore animal products and stuff like that, so... crap vegan, you see), and... wrote food journals, obsessively weighed any morsel I had planned, cried over Kit Kats, had nightmares about buffets, loved supermarkets, honestly didn't think about anything besides food.

    So yeah, just wanted to say...
    I found that interesting. I know all that ana goddess shizz, but I never knew people actually thought of her... then again, anorexia is very screwed up, so... hey, starvation eats your brain. :mrgreen:
    July 14th, 2008 at 11:45pm
  • Yelloh

    Yelloh (350)

    United States
    I think it's because of the media.
    July 15th, 2008 at 12:45am
  • what the chipmunk?

    what the chipmunk? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I think it's because of the media.
    I think that probably plays a role...

    Don't you love how in any given trashy women's magazine, there'll be all these conflicting messages on weight? She's too fat, she's too thin, blah blah blah.

    Funnily enough, I don't pay much attention to magazines (never buy them, anyway, and stuff like Vogue scares me slightly... ¬_¬), could care less about fashion, don't watch TV and get most of my media fix from (rock, mainly) music.

    However, I really hate all that real woman bullshit...
    Whether you're emaciated or obese, if you have the right genatalia, you're still a real woman.

    According to "anti-anorexic" messages (turn the page to see who's gained half a stone in the world of celebs), I'm not all that real (but realer than I could be... ) Last time I checked, I exist and, oh my - I happen to be female.

    ^ The last paragraph may make little sense
    July 15th, 2008 at 12:58am
  • Philophobic

    Philophobic (100)

    United States
    Does anyone have a "thinsperation"?

    July 15th, 2008 at 01:34am
  • vagina.

    vagina. (150)

    I just watched a show on BBC 'I'm a Boy Anorexic' it was.... interesting.
    July 18th, 2008 at 05:42pm
  • ChemicallyImbalanced

    ChemicallyImbalanced (1365)

    Why was it interesting?
    July 21st, 2008 at 06:33am
  • what the chipmunk?

    what the chipmunk? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I just watched a show on BBC 'I'm a Boy Anorexic' it was.... interesting.
    I decided to YouTube it...
    Yet another bloody documentary about Rhodes Farm.

    It's funny, 'cause all those kids were from miles away. I was only 20 miles or so away from the hospital I went to, yet they couldn't keep an eye on me due to being too far away, or something? They had a follow-up for five weeks, and by the end I'd lost 3 kilos but they were like "well, we need to discharge you completely now". Fair enough, I guess, considering the NHS is thin on resources and all that, but...

    I guess it did involve a lot of travelling as it's a bitch to get to by tube (even though it's not actually that far at all) and my parents don't have a car... also, my dad couldn't get time off work and they never understood that. Citylink don't care about these things and it's easy as piss to find another 27408248 van drivers, also, y'know, he really couldn't afford to lose his job... mother on dole and all that. :roll:

    But I digress. I think it was a nice documentary, and proves Rhodes Farm pwns Merlin Ward.

    Food behaviours...
    I think we had a secret competition over who ate the weirdest.

    Honestly, I want to develop my own approach to treating eating disorders and set up my own clinic. Plan, yeah?

    For me, personally, a huge help was making decent friends and trying to remove self from dodgy relatives and let go of things. My life is far from ideal, but I detach myself from it and, well... go out every now and then, spend too much time in own world/on Mibba.

    I got sick of being treated like some poor little hungry victim, a lot of the nurses lacked brain cells, the only decent staff were the occupational therapist and this one doctor who was very frank about everything when she needed to be. Anyway, rant over...

    At least I got treatment, a lot of people aren't lucky enough and die.
    July 21st, 2008 at 06:39pm
  • soprano

    soprano (100)

    United States
    I've 'healed', but still don't feel comfortable with my body :(
    July 24th, 2008 at 03:04am
  • avalon.

    avalon. (150)

    United Kingdom
    I'm actually scared of becoming anorexic because I saw what it did to my best friend. She was doing really well in school and in the end she had to quit school because she missed out on too much and they weren't too sure if they wanted her anymore (She was in sixth form). After I found out, I started to eat lunch again and I promised myself that I would eat properly. Six months later and I only eat half of my dinner in the evening. Yeah, it's better than nothing but I'm still scared because I saw what it did to her.
    July 25th, 2008 at 12:56pm