Pro-Ana and Pro-Mia sites.

  • Off-subject a little but..I've searched and cannot fnid any threads for supporting pro-mia/pro-ana, but are there any?
    And if not, would it be acceptable for the mibba forums? (and where, if so)
    April 22nd, 2008 at 11:32pm
  • Olisykes.:
    Off-subject a little but..I've searched and cannot fnid any threads for supporting pro-mia/pro-ana, but are there any?
    And if not, would it be acceptable for the mibba forums? (and where, if so)
    Well, if you support them then you say so here...
    Or do you mean you want to start a pro-ana/pro-mia thread where you share tips and stuff?
    April 22nd, 2008 at 11:41pm
  • I have changed my views on them since my previous post which said I did not suppost them but after looking at them and seeing what they are all about, I think it's fine if you're into things like that.

    I'm not the one who wants to start the support one, that for my friend Rian who hasn't been able to get on the internet recently. I would like to start one for recovery so people here can help others get back on track to being healthy.

    edit: Not that i'm going into recovery anytime soon..
    April 22nd, 2008 at 11:48pm
  • I don't think that starting a pro-ana/mia thread would be against the rules, but...
    Most pro-ana/mia sites are full of tips and tricks on how to fast/loose weight fast, and just a few [I think I saw one] are about recovery. Because pro-ana/mia sites are not supposed to be about recovery in the first place.

    Yet some sites are nice, people are friendly and you feel loved. That's partially why it's so tempting.
    April 23rd, 2008 at 04:13pm
  • Dark.:
    I don't think that starting a pro-ana/mia thread would be against the rules, but...
    Most pro-ana/mia sites are full of tips and tricks on how to fast/loose weight fast, and just a few [I think I saw one] are about recovery. Because pro-ana/mia sites are not supposed to be about recovery in the first place.

    Yet some sites are nice, people are friendly and you feel loved. That's partially why it's so tempting.
    It's this unity of likeminded souls, misunderstood by the rest of the world, blah blah blah... almost romantic, perhaps? But there's a very nasty undercurrent to it all... eating disorders become competitive, it becomes normalised, you're all hurting each other more. In some ways, I link it to gangs of kids who go around causing crime... you're all a unity and feel so rejected, so you group together and feel it's right, when it's not.

    Also, a lot of the people sucked into pro-ana are young and easily impressionable. They really don't understand that anorexia is a mental disorder and that no, you can't stop it after a while...
    April 23rd, 2008 at 04:48pm
  • oh and when I said I won't be recovering anytime soon, it's because there's nothing to recover from.
    April 24th, 2008 at 08:06pm
  • Dark.:
    I don't think that starting a pro-ana/mia thread would be against the rules, but...
    I think creating a thread meant to encourage habits that can severely harm you would violate board rules. :shifty
    April 24th, 2008 at 09:11pm
  • I think we all get self concious about our bodies and our weight but I would never ever dream of letting this type of site affect me.
    Yes, they can definitely be very alluring but they are still ridiculously sickening.
    Supporting them is madness.
    December 5th, 2008 at 04:35pm
  • i defy you stars.:
    I think we all get self concious about our bodies and our weight but I would never ever dream of letting this type of site affect me.
    Yes, they can definitely be very alluring but they are still ridiculously sickening.
    Supporting them is madness.
    They're pretty... suck-in-able, I guess is my word.
    I was on them a lot when I was writing "To the Bones". I didn't start puking again, but I came pretty close.
    They're like an obsession that gets stuck in your head.
    But... maybe that's just for girls/boys who used to have them.
    The one site I favored did have a disclaimer up warning me that I would be triggered, so...
    December 5th, 2008 at 07:32pm
  • Kurtni O'Hara:
    I don't think that starting a pro-ana/mia thread would be against the rules, but...
    I think creating a thread meant to encourage habits that can severely harm you would violate board rules. :shifty
    So it freaking should be. Encouraging that kind of stuff shouldn't be spread to Mibba. Mibba is a place of salvation to many, me being one of them. Mibba is a *place where I can go to get away from things that make me feel like I'm not good enough, thin enough, pretty enough.

    Mibba's definition of beautiful makes me feel good about myself because here you don't have to be thin to be beautiful. You just have to be yourself. :cute:

    * Yes, I am aware that Mibba isn't actually a place. :lmfao
    December 6th, 2008 at 10:27am
  • In the Middle Ages girls were anorexic as a religious choice. To defeat the need for food or something like that... Supposedly it made them 'holy,' or they were respected more. I don't really remember. I wrote a paper on it in 6th grade.
    December 6th, 2008 at 05:29pm
  • druscilla; contrast.:
    They're pretty... suck-in-able, I guess is my word.
    I was on them a lot when I was writing "To the Bones". I didn't start puking again, but I came pretty close.
    They're like an obsession that gets stuck in your head.
    But... maybe that's just for girls/boys who used to have them.
    The one site I favored did have a disclaimer up warning me that I would be triggered, so...
    That sorta made me wanna hug you.
    December 6th, 2008 at 09:17pm
  • crack cocaine:
    In the Middle Ages girls were anorexic as a religious choice. To defeat the need for food or something like that... Supposedly it made them 'holy,' or they were respected more. I don't really remember. I wrote a paper on it in 6th grade.
    Yeah, but pro-ana sites are hardly about starving yourself to get closer to God/defeat human needs... I can hardly see someone in the middle ages being all "the thinner is the winner".

    Have you heard some of the pro-ana mantras? They're... wonderfully dodgy.

    Pro-ana as pro-ana is a joke, but pro-ana can border between support for those who choose not to recover... then again, that sort of pro-ana usually takes a high amount of offense at the usage of ana.

    Anorexic elitism and all that. That's somewhat scarier than pro-ana because it's... sicker. It's really sick.

    Pro-ana seems more naive than anything else, in the 'light' sense it has in my brain. The thinner is the winner and photoshopped models make me not eat that extra doughnut, yes.

    But it's very suck-in-able, yeah. Very much so. It's hardly the best place for someone with low self-esteem and dodgy body image to find themselves.

    Anorexia isn't fun, isn't pretty and you'll be too cold and 'fat' to wear that bikini. Also, you won't have any tits. But, yeah... it's all... dodgy.

    I want to say they shouldn't be allowed, but I don't know where to draw the line between pro-ana and pro-recovery and sickness and... I don't make sense.

    The 'light' and friendly idea of pro-ana is both misleading and naive. I don't like it. However, now it's so publicised and most people have some idea of what it is, so... I guess it could remain there forever. And I'm contributing to the problem by typing this. The more we go on about it, the more people will go searching for it... so the bigger it becomes, really.

    It's like with knife crime. I think the media contributed to the problem by not shutting up about it.

    /probably rambled
    December 7th, 2008 at 02:59am
  • druscilla; contrast.:
    The one site I favored did have a disclaimer up warning me that I would be triggered, so...
    I've come across two that have a disclaimer like that, kind of like:
    Some images, links text and thinspiration may be considered triggering in nature.

    Alot of them also say that if you don't have an ED, then it's not a good idea to go onto the site.
    December 7th, 2008 at 05:03am
  • ChemicallyImbalanced:
    Alot of them also say that if you don't have an ED, then it's not a good idea to go onto the site.
    Most of the ones I've seen also say something about how if you are seeking help or consider yourself a victim of an ed or if you view anorexia or a bulimia as a disorder that you shouldn't view the site because it will trigger.
    December 9th, 2008 at 12:46am
  • I'll be perfectly honest. I've never had an eating disorder, and i've certainly never had anorexia or bulimia. I have, however, been on pro-ana websites (partly out of morbid curiosity, partly for research for a story) so i've seen what they're about. I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of opinion on the internet, I do believe we should have the right to believe what we want... but these sites perhaps abuse it. At the end of the day, anorexia and bulimia are bad for you, and I don't think it's fair to encourage victims of these disorders and almost compete with them. If the website intends to help a person recover, that's okay, but otherwise, they just seem very very sick to me.

    Should they be allowed? Maybe not. Can we stop them? No. The internet is a piece of paper which everyone gets a space to write on, and anyone can read what you have written and take it as they like.
    December 9th, 2008 at 09:54pm
  • I'm anorexic. And pro-ana. I made my own pro-ana site. Because, when I was starting, these sites were all I had to help me feel better. They taught me how to deal with the cravings, and when I started losing weight, I felt so much better. At first, before I got help from the sites, I hated myself more even for smelling food. It was ridiculous. But the pro-ana sites helped me deal with my feelings and since, I have gotten thinner and healthier and feel so much better.
    They shouldn't be banned, they're hope for us.
    December 22nd, 2008 at 02:18pm
  • the ketchup punch:
    Yeah, but pro-ana sites are hardly about starving yourself to get closer to God/defeat human needs... I can hardly see someone in the middle ages being all "the thinner is the winner".
    Well, that was a slightly misinformed comment. I think that the only people who can understand us is people like us. For me, I don't fast because "the thinner is the winner", I do it because I am a revolting weight, and I want to test my own mental discipline. I control my food, rather than letting it control me. I do it to defeat my human needs, which are otherwise unnecessary.
    December 22nd, 2008 at 02:23pm
  • LingualRegurgitation:
    I'm anorexic. And pro-ana. I made my own pro-ana site. Because, when I was starting, these sites were all I had to help me feel better. They taught me how to deal with the cravings, and when I started losing weight, I felt so much better. At first, before I got help from the sites, I hated myself more even for smelling food. It was ridiculous. But the pro-ana sites helped me deal with my feelings and since, I have gotten thinner and healthier and feel so much better.
    They shouldn't be banned, they're hope for us.
    Hope that will kill you someday.
    December 22nd, 2008 at 06:21pm
  • druscilla as a dime.:
    I'm anorexic. And pro-ana. I made my own pro-ana site. Because, when I was starting, these sites were all I had to help me feel better. They taught me how to deal with the cravings, and when I started losing weight, I felt so much better. At first, before I got help from the sites, I hated myself more even for smelling food. It was ridiculous. But the pro-ana sites helped me deal with my feelings and since, I have gotten thinner and healthier and feel so much better.
    They shouldn't be banned, they're hope for us.
    Hope that will kill you someday.
    As harsh as Dru may have just sounded, she is infinitely correct.
    Have you ever heard the saying "Mia hates you but Ana wants to kill you"? I know that anorexia and bulimia are mental disorders, but getting thinner isn't making you healthier. It may seem it, but trust me on this one. It isn't. To you, looking in the mirror and seeing that you are half the size you once were might be good, but to anyone else it's just going to cause worry. I sat and watched my best friend starve herself. I saw her smile when she told me that she'd eaten less than half the calories that she was meant to. And I fear that I may have to watch that all over again. Pro-ana and pro-mia sites may seem like they're helping you. But, similar to what Dru said, they're helping to someday kill you.
    December 22nd, 2008 at 09:55pm