Pro-Ana and Pro-Mia sites.

  • December 23rd, 2008 at 12:30am
  • I used to have a thinspiration girl printed out and taped to the inside of my folder as well as the Thin Commandments. I found them on a pro-ana site when I was doing research sophomore year.

    My eating disorder was never anywhere near as bad as other people's. I threw up and I exercised and I tried to fast, but I was never as "in danger" as other people. I didn't have the "discipline" to be anorexic so I was bulimic instead.

    I'm recovered. But when I went on the sites to do research for "TTB" I almost relapsed. Not because I felt fat. Just because these sites are programmed to do that to people.
    December 23rd, 2008 at 06:37am
  • emily.:
    the ketchup punch:
    Yeah, but pro-ana sites are hardly about starving yourself to get closer to God/defeat human needs... I can hardly see someone in the middle ages being all "the thinner is the winner".
    Well, that was a slightly misinformed comment. I think that the only people who can understand us is people like us. For me, I don't fast because "the thinner is the winner", I do it because I am a revolting weight, and I want to test my own mental discipline. I control my food, rather than letting it control me. I do it to defeat my human needs, which are otherwise unnecessary.
    By "people like us" do you mean anorexics or pro-ana site users?
    December 23rd, 2008 at 08:44am
  • druscilla as a dime.:
    I used to have a thinspiration girl printed out and taped to the inside of my folder as well as the Thin Commandments. I found them on a pro-ana site when I was doing research sophomore year.

    My eating disorder was never anywhere near as bad as other people's. I threw up and I exercised and I tried to fast, but I was never as "in danger" as other people. I didn't have the "discipline" to be anorexic so I was bulimic instead.

    I'm recovered. But when I went on the sites to do research for "TTB" I almost relapsed. Not because I felt fat. Just because these sites are programmed to do that to people.
    I have a book of thinspiration. They're just pictures that I've printed out from a site and stuck in.

    Some sites that are Pro-Ana are more support groups with others suffering from the same thing than telling you that you should throw up and starve yourself.

    I think that probably made me worse. I don't go on it anymore.
    So I don't know, I don't think they should be allowed.
    December 23rd, 2008 at 09:13am
  • December 23rd, 2008 at 10:20am
  • emily.:
    Well I'm pretty sure Lucy had fairly severe anorexia, so I don't think her comment was particularly misinformed.
    An interesting information is that -Christian- Orthodox believers fast as "an exercise of discipline" - more or less, theoretically it's a way of purifying yourself and gaining the primordial innocence.
    Fasts take up about half of the year.
    And of course there are more levels to them - usually you just don't eat any kind of meat/dairy product, then you only eat a certain dish, then you only eat a little, then you don't eat anything - although "black"/strict fasts that are longer than a day or two are not recomended ^-^.

    There are many ways to lie to yourself either that you don't have an eating disorder or that you're not one of those fools who starve themselves to death just for something as shallow as physical beauty. No, no you're doing it for all the right reasons.
    December 23rd, 2008 at 12:20pm
  • ^The Christian fasting doesn't just involve starving. It should be paired up with prayer. There are also many kinds of fasts, not just with food. Like restraining yourself against the TV/computer, or going out, etc.

    So that logic about using fasting as an excuse is very flawed.
    December 23rd, 2008 at 01:06pm
  • The Way:
    ^The Christian fasting doesn't just involve starving. It should be paired up with prayer. There are also many kinds of fasts, not just with food. Like restraining yourself against the TV/computer, or going out, etc.

    So that logic about using fasting as an excuse is very flawed.
    Well it depends, the orthodox fast is rather strict -shrug-, and you can refuse food or at least eat little and foods that are poor in calories -salads and such- and say that it's because you're just fasting.

    A lot of people fast here and most just do the food part of the fast anyway, oh and they don't swear during fast, but that's it.
    December 24th, 2008 at 11:59am
  • Considering anorexia and bulimia can kill you, I don't think those sites should be allowed.
    but there is that whole freedom of speech thing so the only thing we can do is ignore it and hope that our loved ones/the people we know don't get influenced by it if ever coming across it.
    December 24th, 2008 at 06:48pm
  • I understand the support aspect in that they are suffering the same thing, and therefore feel they can talk to and "support" each other without being ridiculed.

    But at the same time, most of those sites premote eating disorders. Otherwise healthy girls go on those sites and end up coming away eating disordered. They pretty much teach people how to be anorexic/bulimic.
    December 24th, 2008 at 07:15pm
  • If they should be allowed, which I agree with freedom of speech, then they should be held accountable and be sued if they result in the death of someone.
    December 25th, 2008 at 03:18pm
  • druscilla; star.:
    If they should be allowed, which I agree with freedom of speech, then they should be held accountable and be sued if they result in the death of someone.
    Should they be charged with murder or just assisted suicide?
    December 26th, 2008 at 12:11pm
  • kafka.:
    druscilla; star.:
    If they should be allowed, which I agree with freedom of speech, then they should be held accountable and be sued if they result in the death of someone.
    Should they be charged with murder or just assisted suicide?
    I'm not sure. Not assisted suicide, but I'm not sure if murder is appropriate either. I was thinking something between murder and manslaughter.
    December 26th, 2008 at 08:47pm
  • druscilla; ever.:
    If they should be allowed, which I agree with freedom of speech, then they should be held accountable and be sued if they result in the death of someone.
    How would you ever be able to prove they resulted in a death?
    December 29th, 2008 at 11:08pm
  • Kurtni Von Teese:
    druscilla; ever.:
    If they should be allowed, which I agree with freedom of speech, then they should be held accountable and be sued if they result in the death of someone.
    How would you ever be able to prove they resulted in a death?
    Communication between the site and the deceased.
    Some ana-mia sites have message boards and whatnot.
    December 30th, 2008 at 09:23pm
  • I honestly don't think they should be legal. I kind of understand the freedom of speech argument, but there should be a limit to that. When someone's life is in jeopardy, I think that's far more important than freedom of speech.
    December 31st, 2008 at 03:44am
  • druscilla; delilah.:
    Kurtni Von Teese:
    druscilla; ever.:
    If they should be allowed, which I agree with freedom of speech, then they should be held accountable and be sued if they result in the death of someone.
    How would you ever be able to prove they resulted in a death?
    Communication between the site and the deceased.
    Some ana-mia sites have message boards and whatnot.
    Yeah, but in a court room there would be no way to prove the site was what actually caused the death. Not saying I disagree with you, I just don't see a realistic way to make them accountable, unfortunetly.
    December 31st, 2008 at 06:07pm
  • Kurtni Von Teese:
    Yeah, but in a court room there would be no way to prove the site was what actually caused the death. Not saying I disagree with you, I just don't see a realistic way to make them accountable, unfortunetly.
    I think a good lawyer could do it.
    December 31st, 2008 at 06:23pm
  • druscilla; delilah.:
    Kurtni Von Teese:
    Yeah, but in a court room there would be no way to prove the site was what actually caused the death. Not saying I disagree with you, I just don't see a realistic way to make them accountable, unfortunetly.
    I think a good lawyer could do it.
    Well, in France there already is a law that punishes ""incitement to excessive thinness by publicizing of any kind." with a 35 000 euros fine and two years in prison, and with the 45 000 euros and three years if a death due to anorexia can be linked to the site -so I suppose it might not be impossible to prove.
    December 31st, 2008 at 07:30pm
  • These definitely should not be allowed.

    My ex-boyfriend was extremely bulimic. He could not get halfway through a meal without going to the restroom. His father and I had to hold him in his seat at a public restaurant once.

    I went to his house and got on his computer to get on MySpace. His dad doesn't like him on MySpace, so I was deleting it from the history so he didn't get yelled at and I found several pro-mia support groups in the history. I went and looked further and he had been on at least two or three pro-mia sites...daily.
    January 1st, 2009 at 03:24am