
  • Harmonious Vision.

    Harmonious Vision. (150)

    United States
    I absolutely LOVE CATS.

    I have 3, 1 indoor (he's a Sphynx, so he's hairless) and 2 outdoor (a dark tabby and an orange tabby). My indoor kitty, Purrkins, hates winter and water, Floppy (the dark tabby) loves sleeping in my flowerpot on my porch, and Squeakers (the orange tabby) is fat, lazy, and scared of everything. :3
    September 12th, 2013 at 01:20pm
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I used to have a cat. Her name was Bischano. We got her when we lived in New York but when we moved back to California, we had no choice but to move into a place with a no pets policy, so we had to give her to my step-dad's parents. But she has a better life with them anyway, they can afford more for her than we could.

    She was cute, she was pure white and she loved her little red cube. We bought her a little red cube when she was a kitten and her favorite thing to do was launch herself at it from across the room. She'd get a running start and dive into one of the openings. She always loved it when someone dangled something in the top hole of the cube, she'd always try to grab it and pull it inside. She was really active and always loved playing. She loved climbing things, I often found her climbing our curtains. tehe Trying to get to the top was another one of her favorite things, though she always fell before she could reach the top. :3

    Her favorite place to sleep was with me. I always kept my door open a little so she could come and go as she please. When she was a kitten, she could get off the bed as she pleased but when she wanted back up, she'd always sit by my bed and meow until I picked her up. C: She was a sweetheart and she really loved being around people.

    I kind of miss her. I don't see her a lot anymore since she lives back in New York now.
    September 21st, 2013 at 09:23am
  • colibri

    colibri (150)

    I'm going to post an update, because the last time I posted I still had my kitty Rufus (he went missing a year ago. I have suspicions that a lady in my neighbourhood stole him from me. She did once before, and I barely got him back from her. I tried to reach her to see if she had him, but she never replied to me. She totally has him. I know it. UGH. It makes me so angry. I miss him so much every day. I just hope that he's spoiled and happy and loved. This lady has like TEN cats already. People in my neighbourhood have said she took their cats before, too. Effing SERIAL CAT ABDUCTOR). I'm going to move on.


    This is my little darling Adrian. He's pictured alone and with his best friend. Adrian is REALLY bad. He likes to fight with the other kitties and never leaves them alone. Of course, they always beat him up because they're older and he's young. He needs to get neutered soon. He's been bothering everyone because he really needs to... you know. He's a little irritant. I love him so much, though. The very first day I got him, I made a little bow tie for him (second picture) and took him out to the fair with me. He sat on my shoulder a lot as a kitten, and he really loves attention, so he would sit on my shoulder and we would walk around everywhere. People went MAD. He was an adorable little thing. I'm pretty sure he's part Siamese. He has blue eyes and the colouring of a Siamese. He loves kisses and hugs and everything nice. He also likes to hug with his dog. His dog and him are inseparable (much to the chagrin of my dog, who really does love Adrian, but sometimes gets sick of him. Adrian is attached to him because he grew up with my dog coddling and worrying over him all the time).

    I forgot this one:


    I REALLY want to post about my Mort again, but I don't want to spam. I'm just going to show one picture. I swear. Just one.


    There's my majestic little angel boy. Ooooh I love him so much.
    March 5th, 2014 at 10:25am
  • ptvjaime

    ptvjaime (1600)

    United States
    I love cats. Cats are perfect.
    Especially munchkins.
    March 10th, 2014 at 04:21pm
  • superhellaswagil

    superhellaswagil (100)

    United States
    I love, love, love cats. More than almost anything else in the world. I have two - Nellie and Sophie. Well, three, if you include my mother's cat, Biscuit. I would be utterly alone and probably sad all of the time without my Nellie belly to cuddle with at night, and Sophie's a spunky little, outdoors-loving cat who provides much entertainment...although Sophie is a rather demanding little thing (aren't all cats, though?) who will walk around meowing at us until we let her outside. Nellie, on the other hand, only goes out once in a while and prefers to be perched in a window in my bedroom. Cats are the best.
    March 19th, 2014 at 05:23am
  • hearts;

    hearts; (105)

    United States
    I have three cats. Gwenyvere is the mom, Golem is her son, and Gia is her daughter. Momma cat hates me, for reasons unknown, but Golem is a big lazy cuddle monster.
    March 26th, 2014 at 07:40pm
  • yin yang.

    yin yang. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I have a cat called Baxy, but I'd love a Mainecoon tehe In Love
    April 11th, 2014 at 08:47pm
  • ScenePrincess

    ScenePrincess (100)

    United States

    Enjoy a picture of my fur babies c: We have: White kitten(booger), Grey kitten(Puff Daddy), Black Kitten 1 (Buckwheat), and Black kitten 2 (John Snow). Best litter I've ever raised! So docile and cute! Btw, Boogers eye is fine, she squints a lot due to the buildup of eye boogers, hence the name. But we do keep it cleaned! It looks much better now!
    August 5th, 2014 at 09:04am
  • Anchor and Hope.

    Anchor and Hope. (200)

    United States

    So, this is Mason.
    He came into my life at a really bad time, I had just been diagnosed with kidney disease. The people who owned his momma turned her loose and didn't think about how they were going to manage to care for five kittens. The girl sent me a picture of all five kittens, and I fell in love with the scrawny kitten on the end. The next day I met her in the parking lot of Petsmart and picked him up. He was squealing like a little banshee while he crawled all over the place.

    It was love at first sight.

    He is my whole heart. He makes every single day better.

    I hadn't had him home 30 seconds and he was hanging from a bar stool (with one claw, none the less). Then and there I knew I had to name him after my favorite FMX rider, Mike Mason. It's been three years and he is still a little wild man. He always keeps me on my toes and he always keeps me laughing. He has the longest tail and sleeps curled up against the back of my neck with his face buried in my hair.

    I tell him every single day that I love him more than the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky and I totally mean it. He saved me.
    September 2nd, 2014 at 06:31am
  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States

    I met Midnight when I was about 7 years old. My grandmother lived in this townhouse complex and there were these people who lived in the house in front of us. The man had about four other cats and Midnight was always the one that got out and enjoyed being more of an outdoor cat than anything. She got into our house one day when I was helping my uncle with his room down on the first floor. Crawled under the couch & wouldn't get out. I was the one who coaxed her into my arms. I still remember it like it was yesterday.

    A few years down the line -- when I turned 10 -- the man in the house across my grandmother's was moving out. Literally what he did was take his other cats and just move away while abandoning Midnight in this complex so she became a stray. A lot of people fed her and cared for her, but my grandmother took her in.

    She's not my cat, let me just say. She just has a big impact on my life. All the times I managed to lose faith in myself or just go through my periods of chronic anxiety and painful depression, Midnight was always there for me. It's been a long, rough life for the both of us but her time is coming to an end. She really doesn't have that long of a life left. Midnight and I shared a lot of things together. I talked to her and she listened. I never had a pet before so I guess I like labeling Midnight as just mine.

    We both lived a sad, lonely life but always had each other. I hope that at least when she does die, she knows that she was never alone. Because I was there.
    September 2nd, 2014 at 07:32am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    We've always had a cat. The longest we've ever gone without one was...five years, I think. Our most recent addition to the family is Marceline. She's grumpy and not exactly the cuddling type, but I love her anyway. Lol.


    September 13th, 2014 at 09:35am
  • n. josten

    n. josten (1270)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    @ Mrs. McCarron
    Cutest cat ever, oh my god. In Love
    We've always had a cat as far back as I can remember. It was Reggie for a long time, then Cookie and then we took in a stray that managed to get into the house--however, because he was wild to start out, he eventually ended up getting out by a window and we've only seen him every once in awhile running around outside. I have a decent amount of outside cats (because we're suckers for them), but I don't consider them "mine," but I do love them lots.

    The ones I stay in the house with me that I claim are PB, which used to be short for Powder Butt, but he grew out of that as he got bigger so we call him Peanut Butter or Peebs or sometimes even Prissy Bitch when he's being a spoiled brat. He makes people hold him like a baby, cradled and on his back.

    Then Silver, who is my baby boy and I love him so so so so much. He was the first cat that ever loved me back the same way I loved him and he's the size of a small dog, I swear, but he's the sweetest thing and he plays "mama" with kittens all the time. I've never seen anything like it.

    And last but not least, Gacha and Guen! These two have a soft spot in my heart because their mama got sick when they were just tiny babies and they couldn't eat yet so we had to feed them out of bottles and droppers.
    September 28th, 2014 at 03:46am
  • hangsang.

    hangsang. (210)

    I have two kittens. One is named Toothless (from HTTYD) and the other is Mocha.

    Back at my mom's house I have another cat named Kracker. I love all my babiesCute
    November 19th, 2014 at 06:34am
  • Pandora7

    Pandora7 (100)

    United States
    My baby girl is BigCityDolls Smokieeeyes, or Gypsy Bleu as her previous mom called her and just call her Gypsy or Gypee, monkey , Gypperdean, excreta. She is a pure bred seal point Ragdoll. She came to live with my boyfriend and I this past October. When my mom told me one of her coworkers sisters needed to rehome her cat because she had moved and her senior dog hadn't taken the move well and was picking on Gypsy. While she wouldn't have removed Gypsy from her home unless she had someone willing to love her, she also recognized that it wasn't a good situation for Gypsy and as a young cat she would take rehoming much better than her older dog.And I get it she had had the dog for 10+ years and Gypsy for only about 6 or 7 months.
    As soon as I saw a photo of her I was in love. And the boyfriend and I had both grown up with pets so not having something furry to love was hard. We were happy but we knew we something was missing.
    Gypsy is everything we could have hoped she could be she fit in with us so well. She only hid for about the first 3 hours in the new apartment and she warmed up to us super quick. She is the most playful little shit. She doesn't like to sit on laps but she likes to be in constant eye sight of at least one of us. She's smart too. She has reasoning abilities. She has learned to sit for treats and fetch. She knows when I'm sad and tries to cheer me up. She quickly became the boyfriend and I's raison d'etre.
    June 12th, 2015 at 07:01am
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    I just recently adopted my first kitten, and man, she can be a handful. I didn’t plan on adopting any pets until after I moved out of my parent’s house, but my sisters found her cowering in the ditch in the middle of a big storm. She was super young, and I could literally fit her in the palm of my hand, so we would up taking her in “for the time being”. We planned on finding her a home when she was old enough, but she got super attached to me, and after about a month we decided this was the right home for her. So now she’s my little fur baby, :).

    I named her Robin, since I’ve always pretty much idolized Robin Williams since I was old enough to know he was. She was really aggressive when she first got here, and freaked out by everything, but after about two or three days she was doing a lot better. She’s pretty well adjusted now, and we spoil her way too much with cat toys. She’s pretty good with our other pets, too, besides our oldest dog. She loves our younger dog, and for the time being she and my rabbit really like eachother, although I don’t think that will last.

    She’s super affectionate, too. She loves following me around the house, falling asleep on people (she likes to sleep on her back, all sprawled out, it’s super adorable), giving kisses, and hugs, too! Anytime I walk into the room and she hasn’t seen me for awhile, she stands up on her back legs and puts her arms up until I pick her up. Gah, I love her.

    Here's a picture of her in one of her more unusual sleeping positions.
    July 6th, 2015 at 01:13pm
  • solo sunrise

    solo sunrise (260)

    Neutral Zone
    Okay. I got a cat about three months ago:

    This is Cinnamon.

    But then she quadrupled.

    Little Cinnamon.


    And, finally, Darth.

    They're all afraid of the birds (I have three) and they love to knock stuff over. We might keep whichever one is left after two people have taken kittens. They have very distinct personalities.

    This is also the first time I've had a cat, so it's all pretty new to me. I kind of knew she was pregnant, but I had no idea what to expect. They were fun when they were little, but they're getting out of control (my mom and I live in a one-bedroom apartment).
    August 9th, 2015 at 01:08am
  • Unown

    Unown (190)

    United Kingdom
    @ penchant.
    Haha Robin is adorable! I like the way she sleeps; cute! Are those Pokemon bed covers? I used to have those! I miss them, they were the best bed covers ever.

    @ enigma codes.
    They're all so adorable! Beautiful coat colourings and patterns. In Love
    October 22nd, 2015 at 09:00pm
  • solo sunrise

    solo sunrise (260)

    Neutral Zone
    @ Xiaholic

    We kept Ewok and gave the other two away. I'm sad to say that Little Cinnamon (who was renamed Megan) got killed by a dog. Darth's new name is Hercules.
    October 22nd, 2015 at 11:48pm
  • sabrina's auticorn;

    sabrina's auticorn; (100)

    United States
    I LOVE cats. Seriously. I get so excited when I see them, and I have to be their friend. <3 I own a very weird and wacky cat myself. She's definitely one of a kind, but she fits in well with our odd family though. Her name is Yuna. She was named after Yuna from Final Fantasy X/X-2 because of her heterochromic eyes. ^^ I'm not sure what kind of cat she is, but she's white with some black spots on her.

    Here's a video I posted of her being adorable. X3 She was meowing at me for treats.

    I also used to have another cat named Simba, Simmie for short. He was NOT like Simba of the Lion King at all! He was a total fraidy cat and got spooked by every little thing. However, he became diabetic, then he went into a diabetic coma. We had no choice but to have him put down. :c

    This isn't him, but it's actually a clear spitting image of him. I don't have any pictures of him on my laptop or Facebook. :c
    October 27th, 2015 at 01:45pm
  • wstyd

    wstyd (100)

    United States
    When I was 4 I named my runt shitzu Kiki. Like kikis delivery service. She was so small she could fit in your hand! Now she's old and senile but I love her
    She's so sweet. I also have two guinea pigs. One is Mogli like the jungle book and the other is Jiji, named after kikis cat :))))),
    December 29th, 2015 at 01:22pm