Weight Loss

  • Gravity Thrill

    Gravity Thrill (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I've deciding I want to loose some wait but I have an unstoppable sweet tooth and so it's really hard to cut down on that sugary crap. I do enough excersize to not gain wait, but not enough to loose any.

    Any wait loss tips or stories?
    Any one have the same or similar problems?
    April 17th, 2008 at 08:58pm
  • pulmonary archery.

    pulmonary archery. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I have similar problems. I would really like to lose weight, but I feel like I've been the same for like the past year or so, with no change at all.

    I've tried fitting extra excercise into my routine, but it never really seems to make a difference :/
    I also have a slight addiction to crisps rather than a sweet tooth... and this habit that if I have a full plate of food at dinner, I will eat most of it rather than stopping when I've had just enough.
    I suppose that doesnt help me much. I need to work harder XD
    April 17th, 2008 at 09:06pm
  • harlequin.

    harlequin. (100)

    United States
    I rode my bike today :cute:
    It made me feel so good.

    I'm to lazy to do any other form of exercise, and I seriously need to drop some pounds :/
    April 17th, 2008 at 11:36pm
  • Toasty.

    Toasty. (100)

    United States
    Sad I always want to lose weight.
    But lately, I've been walking around this park, where it has this HUGE pond and a hiking trail. =D
    It's really fun.
    I lost a few pounds, too. :cute:
    April 18th, 2008 at 12:27am
  • lady america.

    lady america. (200)

    United States
    I've been doing half an hour of DDR every night.
    ... too bad I can barely beat songs on Basic.

    Once I get my flat bike tire fixed, I'll ride that.
    April 18th, 2008 at 12:49am
  • villain.

    villain. (160)

    United States
    I used to try and do 100 (or 200, depending on the day) ever night, but I haven't done that in a month.
    Hopefully I'll be more ... active now that it's Spring and warm outside.
    My problem with food is... I basically have no self-control. I'll eat like four slices of pizza and then 5 minutes after I finish it kinda hits me that I probably should've only eaten one.
    April 18th, 2008 at 01:19am
  • Where's Adalia?

    Where's Adalia? (100)

    United States
    ... and this habit that if I have a full plate of food at dinner, I will eat most of it rather than stopping when I've had just enough.
    Same. I've done that for as long as I can remember. I'm trying, but it's an awfully hard habit to break. ._.
    April 18th, 2008 at 02:08am
  • skank.

    skank. (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Don't go on weight. Because muscle weighs more than fat. You'd be better to go on if your clothing is feeling looser.

    Find a form of exercise you enjoy. Like, my mom works in a gym. I despise gyms, but I take my ipod and go on walks instead, because I like just listening to music and thinking.

    As for food, it's more about the amount you eat than what you eat. You can eat chocolate and sweets, just don't eat too much. If you're the kind of person who always wants more (like me) I'd suggest cutting it out completely.

    Iunno, I've been losing weight over the last few months, though I haven't really changed much about what I eat/do. Except breakfast.

    That's another thing. You should eat something big for breakfast, medium for lunch, then small for dinner. My mom says that's what you're supposed to do, and yeah, she knows her shit. :coffee:

    This comment is way too long. :file:
    April 18th, 2008 at 02:16am
  • Chemical Heart.

    Chemical Heart. (150)

    There is a saying; eat less, more.

    I constantly struggle with my weight, and I find it hard to find time to exercise because of my job, and school. Because I'm in my final year of school and my job can be slightly stressful, I find myself really really tired half the time. I only usually get time on the weekends when I finally get a break from everything.

    But an easy way to find time to exercise is do 30 minutes infront of your TV at night or something. You can do small exercises, and just do that at least 4 times a week.

    And with food it's all about will power. When I'm hungry, I try and drink water- and you need to drink a lot of water, it actually fills you up and keeps you hydrated. Then limit your servings for dinner, breakfast and lunch. It's hard to do but it was suggested to me to begin using small bread and butter plates to put my meals on, I did that and eventually now I have some idea of portion control and I don't always eat everything on my plate.

    Plus, the slower you eat food, the more time your brain has to process that you're full.

    When I was 15, I went from being obese and lost 15kg over 10 months. I still need to lose more, but it works when you put your mind to it. I admit it that it's hard to focus on losing weight sometimes.
    April 18th, 2008 at 02:43am
  • Suffocating Hearts

    Suffocating Hearts (100)

    United States
    I think at our age, skank.'s right about the weight thing.

    For exercising though, I've found that instead of trying to commit yourself to some workout routine, try something like walking or riding your bike. Every morning before school I spend 3-4 minutes walking my dachshund mix, and then I walk her after I get back from school (which is like an extra 6-10 minutes), it's not a lot, but once you get into a rhythm like that, you can start doing more. It's easy for me to walk around outside for a half hour if I'm not really thinking about it, so texting a friend, bringing your dog along or listening to an iPod are all things to keep you moving.

    Along the lines of food, don't make yourself eat more than you need. I learned in elementary school that often, when you feel like you're hungry, you're really thirsty, it's weird. But try drinking a glass of water or something before you eat, it helps. Not everyone can snack on fruit and veggies all day (I know I don't), but just try and moniter what you eat.
    April 18th, 2008 at 02:54am
  • let me go.

    let me go. (160)

    Juice is what kills me. Every time I go to the doctor I weigh a little more than last time, but the weight gain is slowing down because I stopped drinking so much juice. He always yells at me when I tell him about my cranberry juice addiction. Most people wouldn't think juice would effect weight as much as food, but that's my problem. Damn those sugary juices. Try drinking Crystal Light or water instead of soda and juice. Maybe it'll help. Good luck.
    April 18th, 2008 at 02:57am
  • Jepha Howard.

    Jepha Howard. (500)

    United States
    Never stop eating completely - like Fasts - They fuck with your brain.

    Yoga. I lovelovelove Yoga, and it's a calming excercise, as well. (I'm the freaky kid who does yoga :XD)

    Cut out like, all your juices and soda. It actually really works, plus it clears the toxins in your body, so I've heard. 8) And if you hate just regular water - Vitamin Water is a good substitute, because while it's not completely calorie free, it's got a lot less.

    At dinner, just kinda cut your portions in half, maybe, or skip out on seconds. And with the chocolates and stuff, since you have a sweet tooth, try and avoid them all week, then reward yourself to like...a piece of cake or something on Saturday.
    Also, during the week for snacks, the 100 calorie popcorn is actually a great substitute. As are pretzels, and the 100 calorie snack packs. xD

    Don't go by pounds, stones, etc. Go by BMI. There's different sites where you can calculate it on, for free, and it's easy to do. xD

    Hope this helps a bit.
    April 18th, 2008 at 04:17am
  • Coin-Operated Angel

    Coin-Operated Angel (600)

    United States
    I've been trying to lose weight too.

    I've cut down a lot on my diet already, but mainly, I'm trying to cut down on garbage now (which is hard when it's summer and your parents want ice cream every night). I don't eat the school food, and I'm starting to eat an apple or banana for breakfast every morning on the walk to my bus stop.

    I need to start exercising. Now that the weather's nice, I'll probably go on a lot of walks with parents. Friends too. Bike rides are also on the list (even though I no longer have one).

    As long as we do it healthily, i wish us all the best of luck! :cute:
    April 18th, 2008 at 04:17am
  • RENT.

    RENT. (150)

    Swap sugary foods for like dried fruit and stuff.
    It still had sugar and tastes sweet but it's good sugar and it wont be as bad for you :)
    April 18th, 2008 at 05:26am
  • Fake your own death

    Fake your own death (200)

    United States
    I fluctuate between 130-135, but my hieght is like 5'5-5'6 so I guess it's normal. I -want- to be 120, but everyone is arguing against me with that.

    Like Chels, I have a problem fitting in exercising because of school and work. Some days I dont get home until 5:30 from school, and I am too tired to exercise. So what I try to do is have a slim fast for breakfast, something small like a grilled cheese sammich for lunch, and whatever I want for dinner. For snacks I have those 100 calorie snatch packs which are amazing!

    My problem is soda and Wendys- I am trying, slowly, to replace water with seltzer and then replace that with water again. I usually can go like three weeks without soda before getting the taste again. As for Wendys, I am replacing my Jr Bacon Cheeseburger which the grilled chicken wrap which is good.

    I can't give you advice because I don't know what would work with you, but I think you should portion control. Instead of having a whole bag of chips, get those 100 calorie snack chips. Instead of soda, drink seltzer, instead of candy have grapefruit. Work out as much as you can to, because it really helps. I really wish I could work out more but I get too tired >_O

    And this post is so long XD
    April 18th, 2008 at 06:28am
  • Fish Camp

    Fish Camp (150)

    United States
    I weigh a lot, but most of it's muscle.
    Like it's kind of embarrassing to say how much if you don't know me in person, because in person it doesn't look like fat.

    But let's put it this way. I row, and I seriously considered loosing 15-20 pounds to become a lightweight rower - which would be good because I'm too short to be a heavyweight but I guess I'll survive.

    I have to watch what I eat a lot, but I tend to slip up more often than not...

    Like...my school sells really good crappy food.
    April 18th, 2008 at 06:48am
  • Sensual Violation

    Sensual Violation (100)

    I'm trying desperately to lose weight and most of the time I'm quite good although if I have friends who are eating I generally binge with them that puts me off for a while.

    I exercise quite a bit but I'm always very self conscious about it. I have brothers who if they see me using the treadmill or anything, they'll start laughing and stuff.

    My parents are really awkward and unsupportive as well - although I think for them it's slightly unintentional.

    I have to say my weakness if bread, though. I binge on it all the time and I think that's what screws up my diet as I've been trying to stay on the 'core' diet which has bread as bad.

    It's really hard to monitor when I go out to eat as well as there's so many ingredients that aren't on my food list and it's annoying having to work around it.
    April 18th, 2008 at 12:35pm
  • angels and ghosts

    angels and ghosts (100)

    I have a zillion kinds of nuts in the house which I try to eat when I'm hungry.

    And I don't ever bring money to school, because then I'll buy something from the canteen which is badbadbad D=
    April 18th, 2008 at 12:41pm
  • Bells.

    Bells. (365)

    New Zealand
    Technically, don't eat when you're simply bored. Don't eat when you're full and when you're eating, just tell yourself to stop when you know you've had enough, but you still want more. -sigh- I also have weight problems.
    April 18th, 2008 at 12:58pm
  • Sensual Violation

    Sensual Violation (100)

    ^ I think that's one thing that I have to try and pay more attention to.

    Like, if I make dinner I'll make half of what I usually eat and then I sit around wishing there was more even though I know I'm not hungry.
    April 18th, 2008 at 02:49pm