Favorite Character You've Created

  • The Way

    The Way (1400)

    So, whether we write original fiction or fan fiction, there are characters we attach ourselves to, not just because we put a lot of time and effort into writing their stories, but because they're our creation... our 'babies.'

    Tell us about your favorite original character, or if you write fanfic, the story in which you love that character the most.

    How did you come up with their names? Their habits? Their histories? Their way of thinking? How much is based off you?

    Does it pain you when you make them go through bad stuff in the story? Have they becomes voices in your head?


    And, why are they your favorite?
    April 25th, 2008 at 10:47am
  • traceuse.

    traceuse. (350)

    Felix Preacher from The School Of Self Destruction is my favourite.
    His mindset can be eerily like my own sometimes.
    Jess picked his first name for me, from the Premier's Reading Challenge book list. I chose his last name after watching Hot Fuzz. All the townspeople have names like that.
    In my mind, he looks like what my little brother's probably going to look like by the time he's 17. Somehow that makes me kinda protective of him, even though I put Felix through some really crappy situations.
    April 25th, 2008 at 11:09am
  • chrissie.

    chrissie. (250)

    Kari Wilson from Making it Difficult and Every Sigh and Scream We Make is my favourite character I've ever created.
    She's... basically everything I wish I was. I don't mean fucking Gerard Way, but I mean with her confidence and beauty and stuff. She's gorgeous and smart and talented [in my mind] and yeah, I'm totally jealous of one of my own characters.
    Kari came from the dream I had that I based the whole concept of MID off, and that's all her name was, and I just pulled Wilson from my ass.
    Her history is much like Gerard's in the story, and that's one of the reasons they get along so well and she empathizes with him.
    April 25th, 2008 at 12:37pm
  • Jepha Howard.

    Jepha Howard. (500)

    United States
    Ainsley May from His Personal (Lover) Assistant.
    I don't throw OC's in my Frerards much anymore. I mean, there basically has to be a few OCs that they encounter now and then, I think, but, I made Ainsley like...a main part of the story. But I made her almost everything I wish I was. She's sweet, yet sarcastic. She's a bit messed up, but she hides it, and she's caustic, but, behaves.
    April 25th, 2008 at 02:45pm
  • The Rumor

    The Rumor (365)

    Great Britain (UK)
    The Singer out of Mislaid and Irretrievable.
    I poured my heart and soul into him.
    April 25th, 2008 at 03:27pm
  • Lightning Zap

    Lightning Zap (150)

    Vic from And If Your Heart Stops Beating.
    She's a tough chick with a soft side, and is very protective of Frank and Gerard (she's their body guard). She always finds herself in awkward situations with F&G and she's the girl that every fan wishes to be. I wish that I was like her, and a lot of my readers wish they were like her too :D
    April 25th, 2008 at 03:36pm
  • Cannibal

    Cannibal (100)

    I'm in the process of mapping out a brand spanking new story and I think my favorite character out of everything I've ever written is going to be Michael, for he is going to be so pure with virtues above our own, yet so murderous he'd do anything to keep his mission safe.

    I love him already and he only has bare bones.
    April 25th, 2008 at 05:04pm
  • Chemical Heart.

    Chemical Heart. (150)

    Madelyn Way.
    In my head, she's such a well rounded character with a well developed personality. I enjoy writing her, although sometimes she confuses me because she's confused her self half the time. She's ditzy, and far from perfect. But she's also great in other ways.

    Another of mine is Del. She confuses the living daylights out of me when I write because she's complicated and very moody.
    April 25th, 2008 at 05:54pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Billie Jo.
    The girl.
    I love her so much.
    She was my first time writing trans and I loved her surrounding storyline.
    April 25th, 2008 at 07:24pm
  • AbiAdore

    AbiAdore (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I really liked Noel, Sonny's older brother from Today (which I have recently discontinued). Scenes with him were just so fun to write, because he was so sarcastic and sullen, and he was kind of a dramatist too. I thought he was a little bit deliberately depressed, but he wasn't whiny, he just... thought too much. He loved his little brother to pieces and had such a blind admiration for his unemployed, would-be artist, slightly screwy Dad, and he was just... yeah, I just loved writing him, becase he was like an onion. Many layers. And kind of sour, in a pleasant way. But when it gets to the point when the only reason you want to continue a story is because of a secondary character who is in less than half of the scenes and hardly carries any plot, it's a bad situation.

    Edit: To be honest, I think it's just been overtaken by James, from James. (It's not just me being unimaginative, I've got a kind of series going, all these oneshots different characters which are like different sides to my personality, like white light through a prism, most of which cancel each other out.) It's a little bizarre, seeing as how he's a mass murderer and all, and I suppose he can be seen as quite a frightening character, but he's not. I think he's just not very good at dealing with things - he's a little bit of a hermit and he thinks about things too logically. He's got depression - officialy, he's not all 'I want to kill myself, my life is so terrible', he doesn't recognise it for what it is, he's just living such a boring, unfulfilling life that it's completely numbed him. Well... not completely.
    I'm not even sure I can explain why I love that character. I just do.

    I also really like Lucille, from the oneshot of the same name. I love the glamourous and charismatic persona she has made for herself, like armour. She's a little bit tragic, but you would never know to meet her at a party, even if you watched her all night, as people often do as long as she is in the room. She's so damn vunerable. And she was inspired by and written to one of my favourite albums, so I kind of hear that whenever I read it back to myself.
    April 25th, 2008 at 07:26pm
  • villain.

    villain. (160)

    United States
    Linnea Wentz. She's just ... my alterego. Once, Arianna and me went through a whole day without saying our real names and just calling each other Linnea and Max. Linnea is myself, except Linnea leads a far more interesting life, deals with more issues than I do, has a twin brother, lives in Chicago and is prettier than I.
    I just lovelovelove writing as Linnea, it never bores me to write a chapter of Let's Burn Our Dreams Into The Skyline. I actually don't know how her name came about actually. Arianna just IMed me and asked what I wanted my character's name to be, and Linnea was the first thing that came to mind. I think the name suits her though.

    I'd much rather live in my head with Max and Peter than live in reality :tehe:
    April 25th, 2008 at 08:34pm
  • Laceration Gravity

    Laceration Gravity (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Corinthian Dunwick. It's just a name that I would probably use to label myself. Not only have I described her with such intensity of how I'd like to see myself, I've been brutally honest when describing her flaws. It could have torn me apart...

    But it ended up pretty well. :cute:
    April 25th, 2008 at 10:13pm
  • the celestial teapot

    the celestial teapot (150)

    United States
    My favorite original character is Jenna, from one of my original fiction stories, and even though she is from the worst story I've ever written EVER, she's my favorite, she's based on me some, and in the end she ended up as the person I'd like to be [although I'm quite content with how I am now], she's generally a pretty good character. She used to be my coping mechanism, if something bad happened I thought about how she would have handled it, it was quite pathetic really. Her habits were strange, her fears totally irrational, but both of those were different from my habits and fears, didn't want her to be a clone of me. Her way of thinking is a lot more sarcastic then mine. She is, literally, the voice inside my head.
    April 25th, 2008 at 11:26pm
  • What's in a name?

    What's in a name? (100)

    My favourite fanfic character is Shawn (go figures huh? :XD ).
    The stories aren’t posted yet (believe it or not, they’re gonna
    be prewritten) but I’ll start posting at least one of them very soon.
    I have two stories and he’s a bit different since in one he’s 20
    and in the other he’s 26/27. But I can’t choose in which story
    I like him more.

    The one where he’s 20 I like because he’s my age and it’s the
    first time since as long as I can remember that I’ve written
    about a character my own age. They’re usually older or younger.
    I like it because I can think “I’m twenty, how would I feel,
    what would I think, what would I do?”. I’ve discovered that
    it makes the writing easier when I’m in the same place in life
    age wise as the character. :XD

    The one where he’s older I like because he just amuses me.
    The character makes me smile a lot. My characters usually
    are rather depressing to write about. So yeah. It’s as simple
    as that. :XD

    Since it’s fanfics I didn’t really come up with any habits or history.
    I just forged through lots and lost of video interviews on
    youtube, picked up a few things here and there.
    Like Shawn’s habit to sort of play with his fingers
    when he talks. Or that he always uses the word “so”.
    I didn’t make it up, I just gave the character traits
    that Shawn actually has.
    I make up things that seem like they could fit though
    just to add on to the character.

    I don’t know how much is me. In the majority of the cases
    I don’t put anything about myself into the characters purposely.
    Maybe a bit of Shawn’s nervousness in on of the fics is
    from me. I can get anxious when talking to certain persons,
    persons that for some reason would make me feel insecure.
    But the way his nervousness is expressed is nothing alike how
    I would express it.
    Someone who really knew me would probably be able to answer
    this question more efficiently. x ]

    It doesn’t bother me to put my characters through misery.
    In fact, I don’t think I have a character that I’m not cruel to. :XD
    When I’m particularly mean to them I feel a bit sorry.
    But I know writers who make happy things happen to their
    characters simply because they feel guilty about
    putting them through misery. I’d never do that .Like I
    didn’t end “Unfamiliar Eyes” all sappy. I could have
    since I was so cruel to Gerard. But that would just have
    ruined everything about the story. I did feel sorry for
    him though. Poor thing.
    I think I don’t really mind because they are so troubled
    already. They’re tormented souls and they’re just used
    to misery. What difference does one more hardship make?
    They’re already damaged beyond repair anyway.
    But I do feel really bad about a few things that are gonna
    happen to Shawn (some bad things are gonna happen to
    him in both of my new stories). And I think it’s because
    he’s not like my other characters. He’s just not as damaged
    and twisted. He’s not twisted at all. A bit damaged, a bit
    heartbroken and a bit self-doubting, but not dark or twisted.

    Why Shawn is my favourite character is because he’s just so
    much fun to write about. He’s different from all my other
    characters. He’s just less dark. Or more like, not dark at all.
    He just doesn’t have the same pained and troubled mind as the rest.
    And therefore his personality, and his body language and facial
    expressions, calls for a slightly different kind of imagery.
    I just like the way I portray him I guess. x ]
    April 26th, 2008 at 01:07am
  • Spaztastic

    Spaztastic (640)

    United States
    I have many. xD

    Jazmine 'Saz' Jones (Americana). I loved her so much because, first of all, she has a flaw that many characters don't have on here. She has a speech problem. All her 'J's sound like an 'S'. That's why her name as such, and how she got her nickname. Her way of thinking is somewhat like my own, same with relationship with her parents. She was my first well developed character - with a none cliche personality and flaws, even in her thinking process.

    Drake 'Link' Henderson (Americana). He's childish and a joker. He's kind of like the laid back, badass type of kid. Many of his personality traits are what I'd like in a boyfriend - sweet, quiet at most times, and knows how to have a good time. Link's personality is based off one of my best guy friends. When I created his fashion sense, I based it off John Lydon's. I really don't know why. Lol. Fit his personality, I guess. He's my favorite character in that entire story.

    Jake 'J.D.' Davis (The Blackest Years). He was introduced at the end of Americana (my readers to TBY don't know that since Americana was posted on INO and just recently I posted it here. They won't find that out until the end) and I really just randomly chose his name when I made his character. The J.D. part didn't come into play in Americana's sequel where his history is sort of shown when his friend calls him Juvenile Delinquent - and that is where the J.D. came from. He's much like Link is many ways. He's less of a badass, though and more on the sweet quiet side. He's my all time favorite guy character. He was the mysterious character at the beginning of the story since he was introduced, but the main character didn't know who he was - just saw him around. (I had him like that because I thought it was seductive xD) Even though he had a great tragedy happen when he was young, he never really let it show through. He was strong and doing that because he knew the past was done and couldn't be changed. If you read the story, or the last two or three chapter, you'll see how much of a sweetie he is. I would die to have a boyfriend like him.

    Leslie Beckley (The World Set On Fire). She's my mind, basically. The way I think now she does and say in the story. She's my more vocal side. I chose her name just by thinking of English names. Heh. Leslie was the only pretty girl name that came to mind. Her history is based off what England (mainly London) was like during the late 1960s through the 1970s. After all, that's when the story takes place. Her looks are mainly like mine - hair, make-up and style will all be the same when she's 15. The main reason I love her is because she's me and she lives in the time era and place I dream of living in.

    Dahlia 'Fluke' Mendrickson (The Blackest Years). She is my all time favorite character. She's also my first fully developed character. I loved writing to her story because it was interesting and mysterious. She's seductive, though she doesn't always realize it. I didn't even realize she was until after I finished the story. Haha. All the bad things that I wrote her going through pained me. Fluke was apart of me while I was writing that story - actually, she is me. An early teen Spaz, actually. Her family history, relationships and actual thoughts are many I use to have. Her habit/flaw of not letting go of the past and dreading on it so much is exactly how I used to be. I picked Dahlia as her name because originally, her nickname was going to be Black Dahlia to describe her past - like Black Dahlia Murder. The nickname I gave her once I posted it I got from a Radio Personality who's no longer on the air.
    I miss writing her story, that's why I can't wait until I do a re-write and post it again.
    April 26th, 2008 at 04:23am
  • Bells.

    Bells. (365)

    New Zealand
    I love Louisa from Life Under The Tombstone. The story is crappy and incomplete, but I just love Louisa. She's not the main character, but she's linked closely with her. Louisa is beautiful and seen as perfect, but she's actually from the Underworld (long story there) and nobody knows it and she is sent to destroy Victoria, but she ends up falling in love with her and then instead, destroys her master. I like her because she shows how love can affect the way you think or act. She's not based on me and we do not see how she thinks, because the story is written in first person from Victoria's point of view, but I love love, so... I just wanna show how strong it is.

    K, that was very crappily written. Please excuse me.
    April 26th, 2008 at 04:33am
  • ciarmione.

    ciarmione. (100)

    Ahreya Savvens. She has the two traits I love the most in a person. Her unfailing love for her friends, and her courage to stand up for herself. The story revolves around those two traits. Because even when fate tried to separate her from her friends, and someone evil tried to take away something that means a lot to her, she continued fighting for her friends and herself, even if it meant rising from the dead. *oops*

    I think if a character possess something you want and adore, and the character is able to show it often in the story, you'll learn to love that character so much. No matter how hard and confusing it is to write about her, you'll continue loving the character.
    April 26th, 2008 at 10:57am
  • The Way

    The Way (1400)

    I love Jared Arthur Way. He's Gerard and Lyn-Z's second son and he was named to ironically mimic his dad's name. Even his nickname, 'Jay' is a reflection of Gerard's 'Gee.' He looks up to his father immensely, but at the same time he subconsciously wants to break free from the mold Gerard started. Painting is like breathing for him, and it is what he is most known for doing. Regarding his art, he compares himself to his dad constantly, so no matter how many awards he receives for them he still doesn't feel good enough. It is in music that the 'rebellious' side comes out. He plays violin, piano, and a bit of drums, none of which Gerard even knows. He talks like a British guy from the 18th century, or kind of like Dorian Gray [from Oscar Wilde's The Portrait of Dorian Gray], but that's my fault, even if I was only trying to make him sound sophisticated and older for his age.

    He's had a great childhood, and had a good relationship with his older brother, Aiden Way, until Aiden grew up and realized their mother favored Jared more, which made him hate both of them. Jared never really wanted to hate Aiden, and the strained fights he has with his mom frustrates him, as well as his dad's constant absence.

    He has been in love with Charlie McCracken since the day he saw her, the same day he got his first violin, so he even named it after her. He was three.

    His best friend is Dick Wentz, who is his complete opposite, and though their relationship puzzles many people, even themselves, Dick brings out a different side of Jared, close to the one he was before.

    He had the same party-boy ways as his brother as he got older, and meddled with vices as much as anyone would, but when he slept with Shay Urie-Ross he realized fucking random girls can break people, so he became the more secluded, quiet, and mysterious guy he is now.

    I made him seem like the perfect guy that any girl wants - dedicated, says the right words, charming and sweet - but that's his biggest flaw. He feels everything too much, too deeply, and it's hard to turn him back from it. This also makes him have terrible anger issues - he bottles it all up until he just explodes, and he throws quite a tantrum.

    I'm attached to this guy. Sometimes I wish he was real, hehe. It's odd, it's kind of like he became another person inside of me, and when I write him or RP him, I'm not talking... he is. He just comes out on his own sometimes.

    Wow. That's like a character sheet I just did. :XD
    April 26th, 2008 at 11:34am
  • sketch.

    sketch. (355)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Neve Cullen, from Don't Tell Me I Can Make It On My Own.

    She's completely messed up, but at the same time she's got both feet on the ground. She's a bitch, but she would take a bullet for certain reasons. She's felt inadequate for years, thanks to her parents constantly comparing her to her brother, Nathan.
    To Neve, family are just a pain in the ass. She only had one real friend- though that will change soon in the story.

    She's got all the textbook self destructive habits- cutting and drinking, taking drugs, making herself sick, etc. Her self harming goes further than just making herself bleed. She folds up small pieces of plastic and swallows them, because she knows it'll be harmful to her insides. That's how much she hates herself. It's ironic, because she hates herself violently and yet won't let anyone else put her down. She's full of Fuck You's.

    Oh, and she's welsh. :tehe:

    Yeah, I'm very attached to her. I love this girl. She's the kind of girl who'll spit in your coffee and tell you an honest opinion, but she's also just a kid who is really hurting inside. She's a lot stronger than she herself realises. :cute:
    April 26th, 2008 at 12:33pm
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Milo from Holy Trinity.
    Too many characters of mine are called Milo :XD
    Most of the time he's like what I'd be like if I was a man, aside from when he's doing unrealistic things.
    I kind of regret making him the character that everything bad has happened to, but it was either that or he was going to be the first main character death and I didn't want to lose his immature remarks or the chance to develop his relationships with Jet, Damon and later Eden.

    Oh and James from Merrek, I created him when I was nine and he's kind of developed in my head as I've grown up, his morals and way of thinknig are the same as mine.
    April 26th, 2008 at 01:52pm