Favorite Character You've Created

  • tom conrad

    tom conrad (100)

    United States
    Mikey Way from The Ultimate Bet

    I gave him my personality. I'm so narcissistic. :tehe:
    July 7th, 2008 at 08:34pm
  • kryptonite.

    kryptonite. (100)

    Lex Hays from Miasma
    She's pretty messed up, nothing ever seems to go right. She doesn't see anything special about herself, she blames most things that she had no control over on her existence. At the moment, she's starting to break away from people she grew up with. She looks like her mother, and she doesn't want to anymore because she's afraid of becoming what her mother was.

    I'd never want to be her, but I'd love to be as strong as she is. She doesn't seem like she's coping in her own mind, but everyone else can see that she is.
    July 8th, 2008 at 01:04am
  • pariah.

    pariah. (465)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Probably Chris, in The Youth, beacause he's not me, but someone I can really connect to. I can't believe that I actually came up with that good a character.

    He's had a terrible childhood, like everyone, and is living in fear with a bunch of other kids he feels he has a duty to look after. He doesn't know a lot about himself, and guesses a lot of things. He's street wise, and usually pretty lucky. He also has some form of OCD.
    July 27th, 2008 at 10:00am
  • Born on the Cob

    Born on the Cob (100)

    Korea (North)
    I love all 6 of my main characters equally but I think the one I'm most partial to is Zhong Cai, or Daisuke Ryuya is his alias. Mostly because I've had him the longest, I first came up with him almost 6 years ago. And he's the one I put most of myself into, the one I relate with most. He's almost like a male version of myself, but he also has some things I wish I had. Like he is a social butterfly whereas I am more reserved.
    July 28th, 2008 at 12:13am
  • whyamistillonhere

    whyamistillonhere (100)

    United States
    Alex Bennett (Echo and Lessons Learned):

    I came up with the first name, and my friend (not to mention co-author of the stories) thought of Bennett.

    Alex's personality is based off of Dr. Derek Shepherd from Grey's Anatomy. He's a sweet, charming, funny, friendly, quiet, reserved, and a pessimistically optimistic person.

    His history was thought of over the time periods of the stories. His Mother was Irish, and his Dad was half Italian (Mother's side), German, and French.

    His mother died when he was four or five years old, leaving him to become the quiet, reserved person he would. His father ignored him and hated his guts, and his older brother had to take over as the father role. Him and Max, his older brother by two or three years, were always close.

    What I love most about Alex is how he's set to be perfection, yet he's flawed. People accuse him to be perfect, and when his true flaws shine through he's ridiculed.

    Alex's biggest flaws is his quiet, reserved side. He runs away from his problems and doesn't open up to people. He does not want to put his emotional baggage on others and prefers to keep it all in.
    July 29th, 2008 at 01:42am
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Currently Villian from Villian? Yes, That's My Name. His name is unknown to myself, but as the story carries on I'm going to warp his mind into something quite horrific :mrgreen:
    July 29th, 2008 at 01:18pm
  • court jester.

    court jester. (100)

    United States
    i've only written about two characters so far, but my favorite of the two is Maggie, just because she's the complete opposite of me. She's spiteful and arrogant, hardheaded and a little trashy, she's contradicting and manipulative, and sometimes when she says yes, she means no, but when she says no, sometimes she means yes. She's complex and underestimated by everyone around her, just because of the way she acts, but also has dreams and aspirations to be something better than what she's been raised in. She doesn't let anyone stand in the way of what she wants, and she'd sooner kick a man's ass than let him push her around. She hates it when people take it easy on her or show submission to her dominance, and it's her biggest pet peeve. She's shallow and a little vulgar, but all around an interesting character...which is why I like her so much. :D
    July 31st, 2008 at 06:57am
  • Rose Red

    Rose Red (400)

    Christine from Petals In The Wind. When I started the story I never expected her to evolve the way she did. I guess it was kind-of risky, starting a story without even a physical outline, only the plot in my head. But the more I wrote, the more she evolved.

    Christine started the story as a teenager, mature for her age, but really nothing more. But into it she just... grew up and realized things that I hadn't realized myself yet. This was my biggest story yet, 247, 223 words, 504 Microsoft Word pages, and now I finally get what it means to be a real author. It's freaky, but writing her changed me. She grew into such a complex person, yet writing her was so... natural and easy. I ended up putting a part of myself in her, but she gave me a hell of a lot in return.
    July 31st, 2008 at 07:56am
  • Flynn Rider

    Flynn Rider (300)

    Jane Annabelle Garcia: We share the same last names and some of our personality traits, but she's much more stronger than I am. Mentally, Physically, and Emotionally.

    Mentally speaking, her vocabulary is much more expansive and much more complexed as my own. Unlike me, I usually use chatspeak if I want to act silly, but Jane, she uses simple words, either than shortcuts, chatting online or talking in real life. Her true mental capabilities doesn't show up until future chapters.

    To her friends and other people surrounding her, Jane has that indifferent expression, like a bored face going on. She only shows her emotions when she truly feels like. In any circumstances, she can control her feelings and reactions easily, maintaining her indifferent expression. Even if she's in a situation where half the people around her are scared.

    Also, when she is deprived or degraded, Jane usually doesn't get affected. More of actually, she only gets affected/badly hurt if someone degrades someone she loves dearly or hurts them in anyway. But further more, Jane has a sustainable emotional state and is usually calm. The only person that gives her nervous breakdowns is her father, when he gets angry.

    Physically, Jane seems to be a skinny girl, yet has some fat or meats in her. Most of the people describe her anorexic, but in truth, she can run a mile, surprisingly at her body mass, finish second or fourth in her class. Though she doesn't eat much, her bone structure is stronger than usual. Her secret? She drinks too much milk. Actually, milk is her favorite drink, she even choose milk over coffee. Her height is 5"6 ft, tall for her age at 14 and she's still growing.

    Personally, I love Jane. She's more alive too me than Alice in my other story or any other female character I've made in stories I've developed so far. Her personality and mental stability are much more developed than the other female characters I've made.
    July 31st, 2008 at 11:26am
  • Famous Friend.

    Famous Friend. (105)

    United States
    I have two characters I just totally love.

    Gavriella Cohen. -I love her because she's so pure and innocent but as the story starts evolving she's not the angel she use to be and I love it how she always tells herself things instead of saying them aloud.

    Lene Ann Smith -She's one of my favorites as well because she's half vampire and half human, and I love it how she likes to be a smart ass and plays with Edward's head, I love it how she's so emotional and evil and so strong and nice all at the same time.
    July 31st, 2008 at 07:00pm
  • LostandForgotten

    LostandForgotten (1750)

    I have two characters I just totally love.

    Gavriella Cohen. -I love her because she's so pure and innocent but as the story starts evolving she's not the angel she use to be and I love it how she always tells herself things instead of saying them aloud.

    Lene Ann Smith -She's one of my favorites as well because she's half vampire and half human, and I love it how she likes to be a smart ass and plays with Edward's head, I love it how she's so emotional and evil and so strong and nice all at the same time.
    Oh great another writer wasting their time with cruddy fan-fistion. Disgust
    July 31st, 2008 at 07:12pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    I have two characters I just totally love.

    Gavriella Cohen. -I love her because she's so pure and innocent but as the story starts evolving she's not the angel she use to be and I love it how she always tells herself things instead of saying them aloud.

    Lene Ann Smith -She's one of my favorites as well because she's half vampire and half human, and I love it how she likes to be a smart ass and plays with Edward's head, I love it how she's so emotional and evil and so strong and nice all at the same time.
    Oh great another writer wasting their time with cruddy fan-fistion. Disgust
    You know comments like that could lead to a ban. :shifty
    July 31st, 2008 at 07:41pm
  • LostandForgotten

    LostandForgotten (1750)

    I have two characters I just totally love.

    Gavriella Cohen. -I love her because she's so pure and innocent but as the story starts evolving she's not the angel she use to be and I love it how she always tells herself things instead of saying them aloud.

    Lene Ann Smith -She's one of my favorites as well because she's half vampire and half human, and I love it how she likes to be a smart ass and plays with Edward's head, I love it how she's so emotional and evil and so strong and nice all at the same time.
    Oh great another writer wasting their time with cruddy fan-fistion. Disgust
    You know comments like that could lead to a ban. :shifty
    Fine... I'm sorry then... -_-... so much for freedom of speech...
    July 31st, 2008 at 07:43pm
  • Famous Friend.

    Famous Friend. (105)

    United States
    I have two characters I just totally love.

    Gavriella Cohen. -I love her because she's so pure and innocent but as the story starts evolving she's not the angel she use to be and I love it how she always tells herself things instead of saying them aloud.

    Lene Ann Smith -She's one of my favorites as well because she's half vampire and half human, and I love it how she likes to be a smart ass and plays with Edward's head, I love it how she's so emotional and evil and so strong and nice all at the same time.
    Oh great another writer wasting their time with cruddy fan-fistion. Disgust
    That wasn't nice at all, and one of them is an Original fiction. And I personally don't think I'm wasting my time writing because I love doing so, and people who have ready my fan-fictions don't think it's cruddy at all.
    And that was just really rude of your part to be honest.
    August 1st, 2008 at 04:03am
  • doll face.

    doll face. (150)

    United Kingdom
    Fine... I'm sorry then... -_-... so much for freedom of speech...
    Freedom of speech is all very well and good when it's not hurting anyone. If you'd like to whinge about being restricted in your views, kindly take it somewhere else.

    My favourite character of mine (well, not an original character but :hand:) is probably Frank in Wings. His personality is just so contradictory to what the reader probably thinks it will, or should be. Despite his angelic appearance he's probably the most disgruntled, reluctant to do his job, sarcastic character ever, yet he's ultimately sweet and has this adorable childlike naivety, and I just love him, basically. I've always felt like my other characters have been a bit two-dimensional in regards of personality, so this is a nice change.
    August 1st, 2008 at 04:26am
  • Dasha.

    Dasha. (150)

    United States
    My favorite character to date is Charlie from Derailed.
    he was one of my darker characters and you never knew what he might pull off. I killed him off at the end :tehe: but he kind deserved it. For being a robber and a murder and all
    August 1st, 2008 at 04:57am
  • s a m i.

    s a m i. (100)

    United States
    My favourite character is Matt Riesco from Nice Bones.
    He's the main character my most complex one,
    &I've been developing him since his original version whe I was nine.

    He's a gay meth-addict and hustler from Jersey City with a dark past that now affects nearly every aspect of his life. He's emotionally volatile, hypersexual, and a total narcissist, plus the biggest asshole I've ever created. I like to think of him as the epitome of the antihero. I love talking about his character and my story because it's a great way to delve into character development, general psychology, and a lot of taboo subjects. =D

    I definitely base a lot of him off myself,
    which I think is why he's one of my favourite characters. XD
    He's got a personality very similar to mine,
    and I've given him a lot my habits, quirks, sayings, etc.,
    but still made him his own character.

    I also use him to portray a lot of what is considered "wrong" in society,
    as well as allow him to display unique concepts, different viewpoints, etc.

    He's epic rofl. XD
    August 1st, 2008 at 05:51am
  • akasagarbha

    akasagarbha (100)

    United States
    There's a couple of characters that I've been developing in my head that I absolutely adore.

    Two are from unposted, brand new stories.
    One is from Silent Boy, which is, well, not original fiction but yeah.

    Emery Gordon is the main character from "Penwielder" and I just... really love him. He's a bestselling crime fiction author but he's also just completely and utterly insane, taking fictional villains and making them come alive through him and he uses their methods to commit crimes ranging from robbery to full-on serial murder. But he's a heartbreaker too, you know, and understands how to get what he wants.

    He's still in the works, but I really do adore what he's shaping into.

    Dakota O'Dell is just a character that took form after a while. She's a "mutant", or that's what the general public labels her as. She lives with her uncle and her father due to the fact that when she was younger, demons attacked her childhood home and killed her mother, scarring her "mutated" arms with so-called "crosses". She became a supposed star when she was caught fighting quite a large devil at a young age, being recruited and such to assist in missions that dealed with the supernatural. She's the last hope of the human race as the Apocalypse is befalling the living realm and only Dakota can stop it. Et cetera, et cetera. The story and character need a little tweaking, to be honest.

    And Mikey from Silent Boy. He's my favorite Mikey ever, and when I have to kill the first story, it's going to be with a heavy heart because honestly, he's just an amazing character to me. I love his personality and how he loves his brother and just... everything about him, including his flaws. It's difficult to explain.
    August 1st, 2008 at 07:57am
  • s a m i.

    s a m i. (100)

    United States
    Excuse me if this is off-topic but--
    does anyone here really, seriously love talking&gushing about their characters?
    Everyone I know finds it weird,
    but I could seriously go on about the character Matt for days,
    as well as his main "co-stars", Luke and Kyleigh.
    I love developing his character, talking about him, seeing other peoples' reactions to him, etc.

    I'm not crazy, am I? D:
    August 1st, 2008 at 11:23am
  • fool's paradise

    fool's paradise (1000)

    United States
    Dear Manhattan.:
    Excuse me if this is off-topic but--
    does anyone here really, seriously love talking&gushing about their characters?
    Everyone I know finds it weird,
    but I could seriously go on about the character Matt for days,
    as well as his main "co-stars", Luke and Kyleigh.
    I love developing his character, talking about him, seeing other peoples' reactions to him, etc.

    I'm not crazy, am I? D:
    Hells no! I'm the same way. I love my characters, they're my babies. In Love

    I could never have a favorite character. It's like picking a favorite child.
    August 1st, 2008 at 04:18pm