Sex Education

  • I think parents should give their kid ~the talk
    But then again, the school needs to teach them what parents don't know everything about
    Such as certain STD's that people don't think about and the side effects that could come from the diseases

    Especially if a kid can't go to their parents with sex questions
    It would make it easier for them just to learn it in school
    May 12th, 2008 at 04:58pm
  • At my school, and in Romanian schools in general, there is absolutely NO sexual education. If kids are lucky, their biology teacher, or their principal teacher may talk a word or two about sex like... twice a year.
    It's necessary, but from what I've heard in my highschool, kids are pretty well-informed. Though I accidentally heard a conversation between two girls from a professional school and I wanted to teach them a Sex Ed lesson right in the middle of the street.
    May 12th, 2008 at 05:57pm
  • i like the Frankie Boyle joke:
    "Sex education at my school was muttered warnings about the janitor"
    May 13th, 2008 at 01:13am
  • The only thing I know about sex are some STDs, methods of birth control, what a guy has, and what a girl has. In my opinion, this is not enough. Confusion leads to fear. Like me, for example: I am afraid of sex and masturbation. :tehe: I don't blame schools, but if I had been taught more, I wouldn't be as scared. Most schools basically say, "If you have sex, you'll get herpes!" Or they just say, "Don't have sex!" Schools need to teach more so that the next generation is more educated. If schools taught more sex education, I'm sure the percentage of teen pregnancies, STDs, and dropouts would decrease.

    By "methods of birth control," I mean that my school taught abstinence and abortion.

    Our world is changing, and we are relying on education to guide us. If a person isn't educated enough about sex, they could make a bad decision. An educated person could do the same thing, but I'm sure the likelihood would be less.
    May 13th, 2008 at 03:41am
  • Yeah, about schools saying "Don't have sex."
    They don't say that here. Abstinence is not promoted, and I have this supposition that that's because they know kids will never listen to that, so why waste their time...
    When we do talk about sex, we're told to use protection and avoid one night stands, but they never mention abstinence, really.
    May 13th, 2008 at 08:24pm
  • also, have you ever noticed that the most reluctant teachers to talk about are biology teachers?
    All the ones I've ever had have been the most prudish people I've ever come across - they can't even say sex, penis, vagina, hahaha, it was so funny watching how uncomfortable they were, especially when I was willing to use the proper terms!!!
    May 13th, 2008 at 10:56pm
  • Elegant Rubble:
    also, have you ever noticed that the most reluctant teachers to talk about are biology teachers?
    All the ones I've ever had have been the most prudish people I've ever come across - they can't even say sex, penis, vagina, hahaha, it was so funny watching how uncomfortable they were, especially when I was willing to use the proper terms!!!
    None of my biology teachers were anything like that..:shifty
    May 13th, 2008 at 11:38pm
  • We were supposed to have it this year (in the 10th grade) but the Ministry of Education canceled it. I think we'll take it in the 12th grade :shock: also, I think the sex ed will be covered in the health class. by the way we never had a health class before. :shock again:
    May 15th, 2008 at 10:38pm
  • :think: We're having symposium about sex and all. :tehe:

    Luckily, it hits us hard on head, especially the sickness whatsoever you'll get, we'll totally be scared. And like, stare into nothingness for hours. :XD

    Abstinence is promoted. :coffee:
    May 17th, 2008 at 02:03am
  • Atm I'm getting taught sex ed in Health class. We got to all go up to the white board and write everything that we associate with the words "Penis, vagina, sex, sexuality, etc" and I was disgusted to see how little some people actually knew about homosexuality.
    Nobody wrote anything up on the part that said "sexuality" apart from me. I wrote every different sexual orientation I could think of.
    They definitely don't teach us much about sex. What about the lesbians etc that may be in my class? What if they want to know how to have sex when they have a girlfriend or whatever, because they aren't sure? (My school is girls only)
    We only get to hear the rumors that spread around school.
    May 18th, 2008 at 03:05am
  • I think the worst sex ed is at private schools. I used to go to a Christian school that only taught us about abstinence when most of the kids had been sleeping around since the seventh grade. I understand that it is a religious school and all but I do believe they should still teach us about condoms and birth control instead of thinking we'll believe everything they say and go with abstinence because obviously that is not going to happen with most of the kids. All they ever tell us about condoms is how unreliable they are and practically try to scare us out of sex rather then educate us.
    May 18th, 2008 at 03:12am
  • I really think that schools need to go into a lot more detail. A lot of parents don't give their kids the talk, or they give the talk but they don't go into details because they find it to be an awkward topic. I mean, it's not like giving us a little more sex education would hurt anyone.

    But like previous people have mentioned; it'd be better if they just gave us the facts and that's it. Not try to mold anyone's opinions or anything.

    I mean, I practice abstinence, but some of my friends don't. & A lot of them do not know all of the real facts that they should/need to know.
    May 18th, 2008 at 04:41am
  • I have my own little pun: "I have a no-sex ed class."

    And it's completely true. My school teaches all of the bad things, and even said that a girl is a slut if she has more than three partners. They act as if it's the girl's decision all in all. No talk of contraception[The condom companies are "out to get us and our money"] no talk of homosexual sex. Only STDs, STIs, and preggo talk.

    They're trying to scare us into abstinence, and I think it's fucking wrong, and it pisses me off because it is a religion based practice. I feel like I'm not learning, and to be honest, I'm going to have a group of people and I pass out condoms in the hall to say "fuck you" to the system. Yeah, I'll get suspended, but I don't really care.

    Kids need to be learning, not being talked down to.
    May 19th, 2008 at 12:07am
  • We don't really have sex ed.

    I think we've had one lesson talking about different condoms and lube (she passed round a bottle of warming lube for us to look at...) and thats about it that was taught.

    We watched like, 2 videos on underage sex, and the only time they mentioned homosexuality was when talking about AIDs. I think it was rather stupid, I think they should teach more about sex, and different sexualities at my school.
    May 19th, 2008 at 04:35pm
  • Sex is a beautiful thing.
    We should be educated about it. Not have it censored.
    May 25th, 2008 at 04:07pm
  • ^ Though through the media, it isn't exactly presented as 'beautiful'.
    May 25th, 2008 at 07:40pm
  • Spiderine.:
    ^ Though through the media, it isn't exactly presented as 'beautiful'.
    Maybe not.
    But have you ever experienced it?
    I have and thats what it was, beautiful.
    May 25th, 2008 at 11:46pm
  • My highschool doesn't even have sex ed. You have health class for one semester, and they only barely talk about sex. Talks more about STD's and how to avoid them, and also talks about periods and reproductive organs and shit.
    May 26th, 2008 at 06:01am
  • I go to a catholic school and we are only taught about abstinence and how it's the only way to go. They don't teach us about STD's or any form of contraception.
    Unfortunately my Mother took it upon herself to tell me about that. :roll:
    May 26th, 2008 at 12:29pm
  • My classmates can handle the technical stuff, like how everything works.
    It's the corny little videos that drive us into fits of giggles.
    May 28th, 2008 at 06:41am