Dreams and Nightmares

  • My dreams always feel so real! I keep having dreams with a guy I've never met before in them. I've never gotten a good look at his face, but I feel like I know him. But in my dreams, we end up together, either making out or even doing The Deed. They aren't bad dreams, but they kind of freak me out in a way.
    And once I had a dream I was in love with one of those chili people on the kid's menus at Chili's. Too weird?
    March 11th, 2011 at 05:35am
  • I keep on having dreams where I buy Pokémon merchandise Shocked perhaps it's a sign XD
    March 13th, 2011 at 03:09pm
  • For the past couple months I keep having this dream where I start the zombie apocalypse. Shocked
    March 13th, 2011 at 07:33pm
  • The dream I had today was that balloons were falling off the sky but they were directed towards me while I was in a highway somewere just walking,lol weird.
    March 13th, 2011 at 08:22pm
  • My dreams are either freaky, or just plain weird. I used to get nightmares when I was younger, but now they rarely occur, besides these recurring zombie apocalypse ones.

    Once I dreamt I was being chased by these two guys with guns at a party and everyone, even my family, was totally unaware. I left the party and somehow appeared in an alternate universe. I escaped atop an icecream truck. The person to pursue me was my best friend, who immediately saw me, gun in hand. We chased for a while until we reached a circular area which was ringed with severed baby heads then the dream ended.

    The dream that followed had something to do with me blowing up Alberta...
    March 20th, 2011 at 05:51am
  • I had a dream that Brendon Uire and I were hanging out and I killed my ex and he said it was all okay and I woke up.
    March 22nd, 2011 at 06:39pm
  • I had a dream over spring break where me & a guy in my theater 2 class were making out in a hallway at our school and no one was around... till one of my old teacher's magically appeared out of no-where and didn't believe me when I told her "I fell on him!"
    March 25th, 2011 at 04:20am
  • Recently I've been having a lot of dreams about Jersey Shore. It's been crazy, I mean, it's like I'm dreaming about them every single night or something. I like it though because I'm in love with the show. tehe
    When I had my accident Friday night, I dreamed about crashing twice on Saturday. It was like I was reliving my accident. I didn't like it at all. Sad
    I wish I dreamed about my parents more often, I miss dreaming about them. Whenever I do dream about my mom it's always negative, meaning it's always about her being high or leaving me to go get high. It sucks because I have a lot of good memories about her, yet I don't dream about the happy part.
    This morning/last night I had a dream about Joe Jonas and Nick Jonas. In Love We were in the hotel type thing with all of his family. I went into Nick's hotel room, but it was more like his bedroom. It was really odd, I got to look all his stuff. tehe Then Joe happened to get really wasted, like so wasted he was throwing up in the restroom and defecating himself. Shocked Yeah, now THAT was weird. Weird But I took care of him, then we were a lovey dovey for awhile. Then their mom Denise (it wasn't their actual mom though, but in the dream it was supposed to be) told me they had to leave at three in the morning so I started to look for Joe in all of these rooms (my grandparents happened to be in one of the rooms, actually) and then I ran back to her to ask what room Joe was in and she said in ten (which happens to be my favorite number). However, by the time I ran back to room number ten he was already gone. Sad I actually tried to swim across a lake type thing to get to him and Freddy Krueger was in there. Weird But I just said "I know how to get rid of you... I DON'T BELIEVE IN YOU!" and he disappeared. lmfao The entire time Joe's mom Denise tried to flag the tour bus down but she was unsuccessful. Then it was like weeks later and he pulled up to the hotel with Camilla Belle in his green truck. Ranting But as soon as he got out he saw me, started crying and I jumped into his arms. (Yeah, kind of cliche but that's how it happened.) Overall, it was a pretty awesome dream. tehe
    March 29th, 2011 at 07:15am
  • I just had a dream that I was back in my hometown, and was looking for Melody, an old ex of mine. I didn't find her, but I did bump into Crystal... not the same Crystal I usually think about, though, not the ex that is usually on my mind, but the girl I met before her that I had a crush on that never went anywhere. I ran into her. She smiled and me and sat next to me at a table near the old high school cafeteria. We had a pretty good conversation, but then she said she had to go, that she had class to get to. I said I did too, for some reason, and said I had to head back to Santa Cruz. We both implied that we would see each other soon on even "friendlier" terms sometime soon, though.

    Now... usually the dreams I remember are complete nonsense, and entirely ridiculous, but this one... I think it has meaning, like it's trying to tell me, or warn me about something that's going to happen in the real world.
    April 20th, 2011 at 07:20pm
  • I tend to have really vivid but really stupid dreams. Like an incredibly realistic dream I remember the majority of... but it's about stealing some Oreo Cakesters from a Walmart I spent the entire weekend in... Lame. haha.
    April 22nd, 2011 at 08:58am
  • leaf's wierd:
    I just had a dream that I was back in my hometown, and was looking for Melody, an old ex of mine. I didn't find her, but I did bump into Crystal... not the same Crystal I usually think about, though, not the ex that is usually on my mind, but the girl I met before her that I had a crush on that never went anywhere. I ran into her. She smiled and me and sat next to me at a table near the old high school cafeteria. We had a pretty good conversation, but then she said she had to go, that she had class to get to. I said I did too, for some reason, and said I had to head back to Santa Cruz. We both implied that we would see each other soon on even "friendlier" terms sometime soon, though.

    Now... usually the dreams I remember are complete nonsense, and entirely ridiculous, but this one... I think it has meaning, like it's trying to tell me, or warn me about something that's going to happen in the real world.
    Sounds like it could have something to do with loose ends creeping up on you after some time... like, the fact that you liked her but nothing ever happened so in the back of your mind you may still be a little curious about what could have come of it so it's appearing in your dreams in this way.
    April 22nd, 2011 at 09:00am
  • Saddest dream: I haven't seen my grandmother for years since I moved abroad, and she's been diagnosed with Parkinson's and is steadily getting worse. Since my grandmother practically raised me until I was seven, we're really close. So, in my dream, I finally got to see my grandmother again in eleven years. Except, she was leaving on a train, with the idea that we would never see each other again. I guess it was symbolic for me of her passing away, and she smiled through the window and told me to be strong as the train left, and I stood on the platform crying until I woke up D:

    Most intense dream: I have these super-bloody action/crime dreams quite often. This one time, I dreamt about an old man who was cheating on his wife with a teenager. The wife walked in cheerfully on the old man screwing the girl, and, with a bright and unaffected smile, she calmly stabbed her husband in the head. The teen ran out screaming, and she held her husband in her arms (who was still conscious) and the two confessed their love for each other back when they were young, and then she yanks the knife out and stabs herself over and over again, and in the dream she does it behind a white curtain, and the curtain was eventually engulfed in blood. It was kind of poetic, but also felt as if it was cut right out of a horror movie :S

    Most disgusting dream: There were three people (call them A, B, and C). A wanted to kill B, and C wanted to protect B. So, A stabs B in the back with a dagger and C in a panic stabs A in the side with an axe, and B eats his dinner while getting stabbed. The thing is, somehow they don't die immediately upon getting stabbed, and don't feel any pain either, so they tore out their weapons and mechanically and repetitively stabbed each other. As B swallowed his meal, he had his mouth open and the blood just leaked out of his mouth like a waterfall. And, each time C tore his axe out of A's waist, chunks of flesh came falling out as well. Eventually A's waist was hacked away, so basically it was his upper chest sitting on top of his legs, and somehow he was still functional and stabbing B.

    Most horrifying dream: every freaking second of the dream was a famous segment of one of the dozens of horror movies I've watched, and the worst part was that I was always the main female lead having the shit scared out of me. No, actually, the worst part was that I was always "waking up" from the nightmare, except I never did, because each time I woke up I was just in another horror scenario. I guess the most memorable scenes were from Ju-On (kid ghost in the blanket, and the girl without a jaw), Shutter (the long hair pooling out of the sink), The Exorcist (I was possessed and stabbing my own vagina with a pencil), and Suicide Club (the scene with Rolly, except I was in the bag getting raped and stabbed and suffocated to death).
    April 22nd, 2011 at 11:51am
  • I keep having really explicit sexual dreams. The last one I had, it was with somebody I didn't even know and don't even remember seeing his face. The ones before that, I had sex with three of my friends in one night. The horrible thing is that they're awfully realistic and take place within my house.
    April 23rd, 2011 at 11:33am
  • I had a dream yesterday while I was napping in the afternoon... it was really strange, I can't quite remember the circumstances but either everyone was being killed or just dying, and everyone was fighting to survive/not get caught by this illness or murderer or whatever.

    It got to a point where there was only me and my boyfriend left, in this huge mansion like house. I remember I think I took poison - or accidentally ate/drank something that was contaminated- and I tried to spit it out but it was too late. I was lying down and I was dying, and my boyfriend was leaning over me and kissing my face and holding my hand.

    Then I woke up, still half in the dream, and was confused when my boyfriend was sitting at the desk instead of over me on the bed. When he noticed that I was stirring, he looked over at me and held my hand, as my arm was (coincidentally) stretched across the bed towards him... and then a poster fell ontop me and I completely jolted out of my dream state, haha. Strange.


    I had two really distressing dreams last night, I was literally crying through the entirety of both of them.

    First one was based around my mum disowning me. I'm not sure if she tried to kill me, but she drugged me to get me out of the way, and told all my family (on her side, anyway) that I couldn't see any of them - which is nearly everyone considering I don't know my dad. I went to stay with my cousin, as he is middle ground in my family (he's related to my father and distantly my mother) and he was trying to solve what was going on. The dream ended with us getting on a train, to who knows where. Oh, and my mum also killed my pet cat (who's actually been dead for 6 years anyway) with cocaine. She had been serving it in drinks and she hoped to ruin me by getting me addicted (and, killing the cat). I don't even.

    Second dream was based around my boyfriend leaving me, with threats of killing me and saying he never loved me. I couldn't get my head around him being like that because I kept having flashbacks of how cute he is in our relationship, the happiest moments between us - and he is genuinly the nicest and calmest guy in the world - and then I'd realise he wasn't with me anymore and it hurt like hell. However, at the same time I didn't believe he was really bad - I thought someone else had made him leave. After a crazy turn of events which featured the odd Twilight reference, a scene from Harry Potter (literally, a scene - it was being filmed), and Super Mario ? blocks being the norm around the town and being key to the conspiracy surrounding my boyfriends disappearance.... I think it turned out that he had been killed, but it got fuzzy around the end. It was very emotional though, I was crying like, everyday. Then I woke up.

    My subconscious hates me at the moment. Or maybe I shouldn't eat chocolate before bed....
    April 23rd, 2011 at 11:48pm
  • The other night I had a dream about Mark Wahlberg. We were just laying on the floor cuddling and kissing. It was magical. He's so fucking gorgeous it's unreal. In Love
    I had a terrible nightmare the other night, I was falling in a grave and I couldn't breath. I was like in the vortex thing and I could hear air just blowing. In the dream I woke up but I couldn't talk, I wanted to scream for someone but I just couldn't. Then I just woke up. I didn't even want to move.
    Then early today I had this dream about a cat eating mouse. Facepalm Also, I was dancing this weird dance and I was dressed in a Hogwarts like uniform.
    Also, I had dream about a friend of mine and she was trying to have sex with me and give me drugs. lmfao

    ...I obviously have a lot of issues. lmfao
    April 26th, 2011 at 06:48am
  • I had a dream last night that I was playing Connect Four with Mark Gatiss (except it was Connect Five).
    April 28th, 2011 at 04:14am
  • I have this friend, Cat, and she and I have never really met. We met about three years ago, via IM, and we're really close now. We tell each other a lot. We consider ourselves best friend, despite the lack of physical contact. We had a really nice conversation the other day, and I've been thinking about her ever since.

    The other night I had a dream about her. She went to my school, and made fun of my long hair, but she had like these weird highlights. I made a comment like, "Look who's talking with YOUR hair" and then suddenly, she had purple pig tails. Wtf. I was very confused. I woke up like wtf.
    April 28th, 2011 at 05:51am
  • April 28th, 2011 at 01:23pm
  • I had a dream last week that I was walking down a long, white hallway, while holding hands with a short, blue goblin. I don't even know what that's supposed to mean!
    OMG NO!
    April 28th, 2011 at 01:57pm
  • I just dreamed that I found a toy walkie-talkie in a box in my attic, and when I used it I got in contact with a guy named Diego.
    Somehow, we got dating because he was kinda hot. But he wanted me to do my school homework and learn all the stupid math lessons -.-' (I haven't studied math in three years...)
    His sister was a crazy blonde who wanted to rescue the animals and went running after some horse she saw in the street.
    Then with my walkie-talkie I went in the past and I saw Diego when he was like 5. He had lined letters on the carpet and they spelled out Claire - so his mother said he would marry a girl named Claire. (My name isn't Claire at all.)
    Then I saw him in a bookshop when he was a teen and he was kissing his sister and calling her Claire. So I was like, "Let's go back to the present!" and pushing them away from the shelf to read the magazine covers.

    ... That's when I woke up and wondered why I always have the weirdest dreams -.-'
    April 29th, 2011 at 01:13am