Dreams and Nightmares

  • I had this disturbing dream this afternoon.

    I wasn't me... I was this male with light brown hair. I had never seen his face before, and my "partner in crime" was this dark haired man. There was this evil Marilyn Manson who was warning us about this apocalypse. He said that we had to pretend to hate each other, then shoot each other with flares. We then had to get into a hospital; he said something else but I can't remember. So I got on my broomstick and started flying through the rain. My partner was on the ground, so I fired and I hit his eye. His eye turned into a glowing Mad-Eye Moody sort of eye. Then, he shot me in the neck. I flew down towards my partner and we staggered towards this house. We knocked on the door and this lady answered. We asked if we could use her phone to dial 911, but she said that our injuries weren't bad enough to go to the ER. I started running up and down these industrial stairs in pain.

    I woke up sweaty.
    December 19th, 2010 at 05:42am
  • I dreamed that I was in Florida- one of the warm tropics, with my family and
    Jack and this kid named Vlad, and a bunch of kittens. That part is a minor
    relevance, because all they did really was try to scare me, and the kittens were
    extremely playful and beautiful, with gray paws stretching to my back.
    I do remember, though, that I was dating this twenty-one year old Asian man.
    He was an actor, and I think that made his actions a little... dramatic? xD
    He was sweet. But cocky. And I think our relationship was an accident.
    Because he went to meet my grandma, and she looked right at me as he
    talked to her, and asked me if I really wanted to be with this guy, and I just
    tried to find some way to say "No," for you were still extremely present, but I
    didn't want to upset him, and so I got the heck out of that dream! XD

    And then, in an unrelated dream, you were back on mibba, on the TT one.
    And you had updated all of your things- stories to read, poems, journals,
    and you even had a video. You said something about your voice being in it.
    And I was SO happy, and then I started wondering if I was asleep. And I said,
    "If I'm asleep and I realize it my brain won't be able to play the video." And then
    I realized it couldn't be a dream. And then I lost sight of the video. And woke
    up. It was sad, and it was my fault.
    January 13th, 2011 at 09:34pm
  • I had a strange dream that I was being chased by the cops and I ended up staying with some guy I used to like, then I woke up in the morning to two kittens outside his house, one of them looekd like a snow leopard and it's been the second time I've seen it o.o
    January 14th, 2011 at 12:25pm
  • Talk about strange, for four nights in a row, I've been dreaming Dogo Argentino. First I took it for a walk. Second night, I took it to a wedding. Third, skiing and last night we watched TV together. I don't even have a Dogo Argentino, I have a Golden Retriever.
    January 15th, 2011 at 04:57pm
  • A few nights ago, I had this weird dream where I was being chased by the Secret Service or something, and I ended up in these big hangars in Irvine, California. And Sarah Palin was loading into a chopper, but these people were trying to shoot her down so Vic and the rest of the guys from The Shield's task force were trying to stop them. While all this was happening, the Secret Service found where I was and started shooting at me, but Zacky from Avenged showed up and pulled me into this hollowed out concerete tube thing and started kissing me. Facepalm
    January 15th, 2011 at 08:18pm
  • I've had 2 really weird dreams(actually alot) but heres 2:
    1:So the day Nightmare came out(July 27)I had a dream that night and in the dream i was like getting held hostage and I was in a car...and the setting was like the video for Bat Country,so anyway i was being held hostage and another car with Jimmy"The Rev"Sullivan in it drives by so I try to say "I love you so much." and it dosent come out.I still have no clue why i had this dream.

    2.I had a recent dream where Synyster Gates killed himself because of The Rev's death...it creeped the shit outta me.
    January 16th, 2011 at 12:39am
  • I think the last anything I've ever had was a few months ago.

    I'm not sure if it was a dream or a nightmare.

    Anyway, it was visualized like PS1 RE2 game. That's what it reminded me of. All blocky. And a man, Idk who he was, was going through a maze of black boxes. They were topped on each other really oddly and there was no way for them to stand up on their own like that. Anyway, the main comes to a crossroads. While he tries to think of which way to go, black dogs come from where he came from and eat him.

    It really wasn't bothersome to me so I'm still not sure if it was just something I made up as a dream or what.
    January 18th, 2011 at 09:15am
  • When I was 6 I started to get this dream that came back several times, almost the same way. I don't get it anymore but still. It usually was something like this:

    I was out walking and then I either met a younger kid I didn't know or I met a very tiny dog that wasn't even mine. The one I met decided to follow me. Then there started to be holes in the ground, the whole earth were disappearing circle by circle (they were all perfect circles) and when I turned around the one following me either had turned into my sister or, mostly (since I mostly met the animal) my dog. Who I just had to try and save. Sometimes I managed doing that and woke up the exact moment me and the other person was left alone on that little cricular shaped piece of earth that was left, or I didn't manage and either fell myself too or stayed alone there. Sometimes I even swap roles with the other person/animal, who just smiled and let me fall.

    Sometimes when I managed to save whoever I was with, we died anyway because of a explosion from the inside of earth or the last circular part of earth disappeared or overturned as well.
    January 18th, 2011 at 04:27pm
  • I once had a dream that i befriended this girl and she got beheaded. So i had a got a collection box, and collected some money to pay for her head to stitched back to a body. my dreams just get weirder and weirder. sometimes the nightmares that i get are so intense that i say up for days because i'm too afraid to sleep.
    January 18th, 2011 at 06:37pm
  • I had a dream that the dude from Nickelback really, really wanted to play a show with my band (Burning The Night Sky)... I told him no for the sake of our dignity, haha.
    January 20th, 2011 at 05:15am
  • I had a pretty good dream last night.
    My school was hosting this Ball on this military ship and everyone was going and this man who was famous and lived in my hometown died and they sent his ashes into space and the way you tell was by the flashing orange dots in the sky.
    So me and my boyfriend went to the Ball and I was on the VIP list with a bunch of my friends and then the song So Close from the Enchanted film came on and me and my boyfriend began to dance to it.
    January 20th, 2011 at 10:32pm
  • Last night I dreamt that I was married to a man who slightly resembled Ryan Reynolds Happy face and we lived in a house by the sea with my parents. He was laying in our bed when I walked into the room and he looked angry, so I asked him what was wrong as I scooted into the bed beside him. He said something about my parents/me not standing up for him/work I don't even remember. But then we just talked and cuddled and kissed and almost had sex but my parents were still home. There was something else after that, but I can't remember it.

    It was nice In Love
    January 21st, 2011 at 08:13pm
  • A week or so, I had this dream that I had sex in an allotment. Somehow it actually managed to be romantic.
    January 22nd, 2011 at 10:06am
  • In one nightmare but turned out to be a dream, I almost got raped, but the people from Criminal Minds came and saved me. Dr. Reid picked me up to safety<3333
    And we got together after that.
    Best dream I ever had... :))
    January 28th, 2011 at 02:04am
  • Last night I had a dream that I was still on my high school wrestling team, and I was involved with this music performance of some sort... but I needed to play this really strange, massive bow instrument, which sounded like an Asian instrument of some kind, but I doubt it even exists in the real world. Anyway, I was having trouble with it and I discovered that Crystal... and her younger sister, Dakota, were the only ones who knew how to play it when I saw a recording of their recital. So I met up with her and there was a training montage... and next thing I know I'm in Crystal's house... making out with her, and I wake up whispering to myself "I don't wanna wake up, I REALLY DON'T WANT TO WAKE UP!"...

    Yeah... I think I may be going insane... but then again, this is one of the most "normal" dreams I think I've ever had. At least it was somewhat based in reality. xD

    Truth be told, I really didn't want to wake up from it.
    January 31st, 2011 at 05:51am
  • Lately, my dreams have been about cars~
    Like, my sister had a bright blue Charger.
    And, my boyfriend had a black Camaro.
    And... well, I was driving a pink Mustang earlier.
    >.> I don't understand.
    I also find myself often have a nightmare about skeletons. In one, my friend was playing with a PSP, and I stole it, y'know, joking around sort-of-thing and then I was in a Camaro (with my boyfriend driving it, lol) and she was chasing after us. Then, behind the car, she... turns into a skeleton, her skin melting off. I woke up as she was trying to get in car.
    o.o creepy.
    February 2nd, 2011 at 06:28am
  • I had a very disturbing and graphic dream that I don't think people really would want to here about but I can give you some of it. That day I was thinking about how in pyschology we learned that dreams is you brain basically going through memories and what you saw that day. Well I saw almost everything in my dream that I saw that day. It started with this weird kid and I remember saying how I didn't like him. In my dream I kicked his ass but I was in my house but it was like 50's style kind of. Like I went in one of our bedroom and it led to a completely different room than what it really was. The rest of the dream was kind of like a CSI episode because I watched CSI before I went to bed that night. Let's just say the order of the dream was, the weird kid, fighting, seeing my sick dad(whose just has cold but he's so dramatic about it), and a ball room where I had to find out which of the babie head cupcakes were actually real. There is an explanation behind that. In child development we do flour babies, where we have to carry a thing of flour around school for a week like it's our baby. Well some people glue the baby doll heads on because were suppose to dress it up and stuff. I remember tell my friend in the hallway about how creepy it kind of was. So basically CSI and babies head don't mix well and it was so graphic I woke myself up and literally could not move because I was in REM when I woke. Yup it was gross because I left out details but yeah, no more CSI before bed.. No
    February 2nd, 2011 at 11:23am
  • I had a really, really weird dream once the night after I started watching season one of Heroes:
    I'm running down this hallway, and I can sense that someone's behind me. I turn this corner and then I can see that I am being chased by someone. Suddenly I can't run anymore, and the guy who's been chasing me is Sylar. (BTW, he's my favorite character on that show.)
    So yeah, Sadie, no more Heroes-watching after 8:30 at night.

    Last night I had a really depressing, sad, weird dream involving Green Day. I read this story on my iPod right before I fell asleep, and I guess I still had it on the brain when I fell asleep 'cause my dream was kinda loosely inspired by it, since he dies.
    It made no sense, but interpret it in your own way.

    Billie Joe is sick. I never quite figured out what he had over the course of the dream, but I knew that he was going to die rather soon. So, he decides to end it before he suffers. (This next part is the one that I remember the most vividly.)
    He goes to this hospital-type thingy (don't remember exactly) and, well... this guy takes a gun and then shoots him once in the head and once in the chest as everyone in the room looks away. They put him in a body bag, at which point Adrienne totally breaks down. I pull her away and we both cry.
    Then I woke up. It was so vivid that I actually went on GDA and made sure that nothing bad happened to any of the guys in Green Day. (Thank goodness nothing did.)

    Yeah, I'm gonna think happy thoughts tonight before I go to bed.
    February 4th, 2011 at 01:28am
  • I had a weird dream last night... I was in this classroom and I was supposed to be taking this exam thing but I'd already done it (in a dream I had a looooong time ago) so I tried to leave. A few other people started complaining and the teacher pulled out a gun and one of the students pulled out a knife and they started threatening eachother. So I slipped out the door as the teacher's threatening to shoot everyone and I start screaming for help and running as fast as possible. Eventually the teacher came out and started chasing me, and i hid in a bathroom.

    She caught up and I tried to convince her I wasn't one of her students, and then this REALLY hot guy walked past with a shotgun. I asked him for help because she was going to shoot me, so he killed her and then started hitting on me. Overall it was a good ending to a weird dream. o_O
    February 5th, 2011 at 10:48pm
  • I once had this weird dream where I was in my science classroom at school and I looked outside adn there were like 5 tornados outside. SO I hid under my desk and instead of the tornado tearing up all the buildings a earthquake hit. It was a weird dream because the next day while I was in my science room my friedn was twirling her water bottle so there was a little tornado in it. It was really weird Shocked
    February 20th, 2011 at 01:23am