Dreams and Nightmares

  • Jewel Nicole

    Jewel Nicole (100)

    United States
    The other night I had a pretty amazing dream about Joseph. In Love (Joe Jonas)

    He was playing a baseball game and I was waiting for him. All the girls that were waiting for their men fell asleep as did I. Then we woke up and we realized it was during the ceremony for the awards. I had to go through this cave like thing to go to him and as soon as he saw me he started crying because he thought I was going to miss it. In Love Then he asked me to marry him and George Lopez was the one who guided me to where Joe was going to propose. tehe Then Joe and I went to this jungle like place where we got lost and we had to sneak into some woman's trailer because we had no where to sleep and nothing to eat. Then after we went to sleep I woke up first and left to get us some breakfast and I got back and Joe was gone. Then I noticed him walking down a river looking for me and once he saw me he swam across the river towards me. Cute Then we starting making out and dry humping each other. Facepalm It was awesome. Happy face
    Then yesterday I had finished watching Joe Jonas' live chat and he had some guy on there dressed as an alligator. Then I went to take a nap and I dreamed about a damn alligator. lmfao
    Then last night/this morning I had a dream about my dog that I had to put down a few weeks ago. In the dream my vet cloned him back to a puppy that way I could have him all over again. It was a good dream. I miss him.
    I also dreamed about my mom again. She was smoking crack. (My mom was a drug addict and those are the only kind of dreams that I have about her.) And in the dream she was smoking it in my truck and then my grandpa (who I live with) went to smoke with her. I hate those kind of dreams. It sucks. Sad
    May 3rd, 2011 at 07:11pm
  • pulmonary archery.

    pulmonary archery. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Last night I had a dream about Alex Pardee and anthropomorphic bounty hunters in space.

    May 4th, 2011 at 01:39am
  • winterfell.

    winterfell. (450)

    United States
    I dreamed that Matt Bellamy came to my school to give an assembley on conspiracy theories. Before said assembley, I saw him and freaked out, as I apparently had no idea this would be happening, and then I managed to get to talk to him briefly. Then we were in the auditorium, and he was up on stage telling us about a variety of conspiracy theories, with all of the school watching. He also had people running around the stage in back of him and sort of acting out what he was talking about.. The whole school looked really creeped out, but I was right in front of the stage and ecstatic. Then one of my friends came up to me looking worried, and tried to make me leave beecause it was all too weird. XD
    May 4th, 2011 at 11:33pm
  • barely legal

    barely legal (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I had a dream my friend Josh had a broken ankle and was sat in back of Dave's car with me. Dave remembered something exciting and in a complete moment of forgetfulness, grabbed the nearest part of Josh: his ankle, and shook it. About to pass out from the pain, Josh leant over and threw up all over Dave's car.

    I told him about it today and do you want to know the weird part? He also dreamt he'd broken his ankle.

    I also dreamt that I was back together with my ex and although we argued when in the car together, we later ended up having passionate sex on my lounge floor and he kept saying how glad he was to have me back.
    That was a nightmare because I'm scared about it's meaning.
    May 5th, 2011 at 09:06pm
  • Phenakistoscope.

    Phenakistoscope. (205)

    I had a pretty cool dream last night, which was good considering I cried myself to sleep XD
    For some reason, I was besties with Chad Michael Murray because he was an exchange student who had stayed with me for like six months, but he had to leave. On the morning he had to leave I woke up with a tongue piercing and a hangover, and I was sad because he had to leave like really early. As a goodbye present he gave me a box full of different 'tongue labrets' (which for some reason looked just like belly rings), and then he had to leave and I was really sad Sad
    The dream kept going, but I must have stopped paying attention when he left XD
    May 10th, 2011 at 02:10pm
  • Jewel Nicole

    Jewel Nicole (100)

    United States
    A couple of nights ago, I dreamt that my mom had rented this trailer like thing. She wasn't in the dream but like I knew she rented it. It was in the middle of a rodeo but my brother and I still stayed in it. My brother was also trying to wake me up in the dream. XD Oh, and in one of the rooms was my friend Biancha's room. I was trying on all her bracelets and jewelry. Oh and then afterwards, in the same dream, I started dreaming in cartoon.
    The night before last I had a dream that I went to the beach where I'm from and went searching for Joe Jonas. Facepalm In my dream Jesus came to me and said that he was in the "white pearl", at least that's what I thought he said so I went EVERYWHERE looking for him, I couldn't find him. Then I ran into Jesus again, actually, I didn't run into him, he was a statue like thing and came to life and told me Joe was in the "white room". Which meant he was dead. It was really sad. Seriously. Sad

    Joe tweeted yesterday, so he's not dead. Thank Goodness!! In Love
    Last night I had a dream that the boy that I like/love/whateverthefuckIfeelforhim came to my house randomly to surprise me. He played guitar hero with my family and we just cuddled on the couch. He told me he loved me and all the gooey mushy stuff. It would have been a great dream if he wasn't really a total asshole in real life.
    I just woke up from a nap and dreamed that I was hitting on Dr. Phil. Facepalm Also, I was teaching college courses about why masturbation is good. lmfao & Then I had this little hotel room near my class that I was teaching and the boy that I like/love/whateverthefuckIfeelforhim (that's mentioned above) was on his way and my best friend (who hates the boy) was waiting for me in the room. When the guy came they started fighting with each other. Then I woke up because my phone rang.
    May 16th, 2011 at 06:07pm
  • faster.

    faster. (300)

    United States
    ^ you have very vivid dreams, Jewel :P Sounds like sleeping might actually be interesting for you! haha... I'm jealous I wish I had vivid dreams / remembered my dreams often still. It comes and goes.
    May 17th, 2011 at 04:25am
  • twin.

    twin. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I really really hate dreaming at the moment! Does anyone else ever get that? Like, I physically make myself stay awake until super late because I just start to settle down and then I'm like 'oh no! i don't wanna have a freaky dream' and then sit up and find something else to do instead. It's fine when it's the weekend, but obviously when I'm working at 8.30 the next day it's a bit different. :/ I just wondered if it's me being a complete numpty or whether anyone else did or if anyone knows any good ways to stop dreaming if at all possible. XD I just get the strangest horrible ones and urgh.
    May 17th, 2011 at 10:02pm
  • Phenakistoscope.

    Phenakistoscope. (205)

    ^ I've definitely felt like that before. A lot of the time after I've been reading a scary book or something like that.


    I had another Chad Michael Murray dream the other night. We went roller skating. It was okay. I find it weird that he's been in my dream like two nights in one week XD
    May 18th, 2011 at 11:50am
  • spencer hastings.

    spencer hastings. (350)

    United States
    My friends say that I have extremely weird dreams. And I have to say that I agree. I tend to come into class with a new story about a dream or nightmare that I had the night before.

    A while ago, I had a dream that Voldemort came onto the street that I live on. And he was killing all of the cats. And I guess that he started people, too, because before I knew it, there was about fourteen other people in my bathroom hiding. And the bathroom had stretched out to make a lot of space.

    And I guess I was Harry Potter or something, because I ran out, and I managed to knock Voldemort over with a spell. But then he got back up, and I tried to run out the front door. He was at the foot of the driveway, even though he was in our backyard a minute before. And then he was in my face, and I think I died. Because the next thing that I remember is waking up and being really freaked out.

    Yeah, strange things happen in my dreams.
    May 19th, 2011 at 02:23am
  • twin.

    twin. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ahhh that makes me feel a bit better XD It's good to know it's not just me! Although I don't think I would mind too much if my dreams included Chad Michael Murray. tehe


    I had the oddest dream yesterday but it made a difference to my usaul 'scary' ones so it was kinda good tehe I don't know whether it was because I had been watching The Devil Wears Prada but I dreamt I was like a receptionist for this person I used to know in school and they were being a complete asshole and I started sabotaging everything I could and then everyone was like 'I can't believe you did that to him!' and I got fired and was just completely friendless and even my family just didn't want anything to do with me. It was kinda sad I suppose XD

    ....needless to say I have no idea what any of that could mean but I woke up like ooookay then. tehe
    May 21st, 2011 at 12:09am
  • VanishingAct

    VanishingAct (100)

    United States
    I have relatively weird, and sometimes childish (at least I think they are), dreams that usually take place in my school for some odd reason.
    Once, I dreamed that I was in social studies class and one of my classmates pushed me out the third-floor window. I was saved in the nick of time by two of my lovely best friends.
    I had a dream where I was being chased around school by a giant, blue, talking lady bug that wanted to kill me. I hid in a gym locker (and I actually fit in those in real life) and then jumped out a window and ran home, only to have it follow me...it kept telling me it wanted to eat me for dinner. That was pretty scary at the time.
    And then, I had a dream once where a friend and I were at volleyball practice when an axe murderer showed up. We ran a lot and hid in bathroom stalls in the girls' locker room, until the axe murderer found us. He killed both of us and I woke up really scared. Cry

    Is is weird that I only seem to remember the dreams I consider nightmares?
    May 22nd, 2011 at 03:54am
  • RippedFlowerPetals31

    RippedFlowerPetals31 (100)

    United States
    Well when I was in the first grade I had this really crazy dream.

    Back then, there was this boys VS girls war at recess...and my friend Mikayla and I were the leaders of the girls side with Garret the leader of the boys side. My friend William crossed over to the girls side and I was like...in love with him. Okay so here's the dream.

    William and I were chasing Garret, and he was a few paces ahead of us. Behind us was Mikayla, who is (or was at least) very slow. Garret stopped, turned around, and made fun of us for not being as fast as him. Once he turned around, he realized he was on the edge of a cliff and fell off. William and I looked over the edge and saw Garret twitching, but he was still alive. We knew we had to save him, so William and I held hands and FLOATED to the bottom. Garret was being taken away by a tidal wave. We had to save him, so William let go of my hand and we both fell very hard on the ground, as if we'd jumped from the cliff. William swam to Garret, but Garret was fine and this was all a trick to eliminate William from the game. Mikayla finally catches up with us and falls over the cliff too.
    "Mikayla!" Garret cries as he lets go of William. William runs back to me and hugs me.
    "Oh Garret I love you!" Mikayla replies.
    Then they hug and float back to the top. Epically, William and I effing FLY!!!
    May 22nd, 2011 at 03:45pm
  • misery's best friend

    misery's best friend (150)

    St. Helena
    I have many dreams that have zombies in them.
    One was; I was with a guy, I don't know him but I had to go back for him. I stole a green Volkswagen beetle and had it gassed up. The gasoline attendant was shirtless.
    I drove back to where my friend was, but there was a cop behind me. I got worried, but I noticed that there were zombies around and cars were left abandoned on the street.

    I don't remember anything after that.
    May 25th, 2011 at 05:59pm
  • twin.

    twin. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    My dream last night was so odd I had to like write a bit of it down so that I remembered and could tell my boyfriend/friends about it because I was just like...what on earth. Basically I had decided to go back to college to do A Levels but college was my old high school and everyone was back there and I walked into my maths class and old friends I don't see anymore were like 'OMG Jess where have you been?!' and from what I gathered I had dropped out of school and disappeared and was now coming back. The weirdest part of the dream was I had this blouse on and some guy I remember from school threw water all over me and I had to get changed in front of the class and I was so embarrassed and then Kathryn Prescott from Skins was my best friend who comforted me after the whole ordeal.

    I woke up and it was just like....where did that come from?! XD I think I need to get a dream meanings book, I used to have one from years ago but think I've lost it. Think
    May 28th, 2011 at 11:13am
  • cruciatus.

    cruciatus. (455)

    United States
    A few nights ago, I had this strange dream where I was dead, and I was watching my family go on without me. It wasn't really sad or anything; it was actually kind of reminiscent of this story that I'm writing right now. They were mourning over me but at the same time I was trying to help them move on and...it was kind of a peaceful dream but it's hard to explain. XD
    May 31st, 2011 at 10:26am
  • Phenakistoscope.

    Phenakistoscope. (205)

    Weirdest TAI dream last night.

    So I was texting William Beckett, because I hadn't seen him in ages so I was arranging to meet up with him and Sisky. After we'd figured out a time for him to come over, I seduced his girlfriend (who was pretty much Mila Kunis) and slept with her. Then she disappeared and Sisky and Tom (the ex guitarist) came over and it was awkward because I'd never met Tom before and for some reason he was this eccentric middle-age man who stole my dad's beer. We caught up like old friends, but Sisky was all depressed for some reason so it wasn't much fun. I asked him why Michael Guy Chislett and the Butcher had decided to leave the band, but he got even more depressed and refused to talk about it at all. When I said goodbye to them, hugging Sisky, I was sort of relieved but upset because William hadn't shown up. They left, and then, just as I was getting ready to go to bed I saw William running up to my front door really happy to see me and apologising for being so late and we had a really long hug, and then his girlfriend/Mila Kunis showed up from behind me and he seemed upset that she was there, and it felt awkward because all of a sudden I realised they'd both been cheating on each other with me. And then it ended XD

    Very strange. I have a lot of weird dreams, but I think that's the weirdest one I've remembered fully in quite a while.
    June 23rd, 2011 at 04:50am
  • Mrs. Mellark

    Mrs. Mellark (100)

    Puerto Rico

    I like this boy, his name is Gabriel. And a couple of nights ago I dreamed he came over to my house with his mother and his step dad. We were hanging out in my terrace, drinking tee, talking, just having a good time. All the while, Gabriel's mom was acting really sweet to me, and I kept thinking, "Yes! His mother aproves of me!"

    So, after a long afternoon of chatting with Gab and his family, they left the house. After some time my mother asked me to take the car out for a drive and fill up the gas tank. I agreed, got the keys and went. When I got the nearest garage, I saw Gabriel's car. He was in the back seat, his step dad in the passenger seat, his mother in the driver's seat. I smiled at them, and they all smiled back except his mother.

    She suddenly got out of the car, put on a mask made out of human skin and started chasing me around with a huge chainsaw.

    I don't remember much else, just the sheer terror of being chased by the mother of the only guy I've ever had any feelings for.

    I've had pretty strange dreams before, and this one is deffinetly pretty high up on the weirdness scale. :S
    June 23rd, 2011 at 06:51am
  • sunday morning

    sunday morning (150)

    United States
    I had a dream last night that I was in the marines and we were stopped in some town so I won $100 and my parents were yelling at me and my boyfriend was the cashier at this store I was looking for clothes at and then the plane with my squadron on it left me and I chased some cars for a while but they never stopped. I was so upset when I woke up and it was quite possibly the stupidest dream I ever had. Haha.
    June 23rd, 2011 at 09:16pm
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    I had a dream last night that it was Halloween and I dressed up as Zach Galifianakis, but everybody kept mistaking me for Ryan Dunn. I asked my dad if he had a beard I could wear, but he said, "I don't know."
    And then I went to my neighbor's house through our backyard (in real life, there's a part of the fence that's missing to divide our yards) and Doug Tater from my story Bus was sitting on our back porch. I asked him, "Can I go over to the neighbors' house?" and he said, "Whatever, I don't care."

    I remember waking up and then falling back asleep, and in my next dream, I was on a rooftop in a city with Brady and St. James from my story I Can't Hang. I have too many writing-related dreams. Facepalm
    June 30th, 2011 at 05:26pm