Dreams and Nightmares

  • Opaque Reflection

    Opaque Reflection (100)

    United States
    i have alot of nightmare that repeat themselves. i rarley ever have a night mare just once
    July 22nd, 2008 at 09:48pm
  • Scarecrow Angel

    Scarecrow Angel (100)

    I always have nightmares about my work- clients not happy, missing stock, too much schedule and not enough hours in the day, never getting home on time... Sometimes I'll lose a whole night's sleep because undone paperwork haunts my dreams. It's pretty lame, when you think about it. :(
    July 23rd, 2008 at 10:35am
  • FueledByAmy

    FueledByAmy (100)

    I have a lot of dreams.
    And they aren't so much nightmares I guess, but they're very susepenseful. Like, not horror, but things I'd hate to happen or that I'm scared of.
    July 23rd, 2008 at 10:42am
  • Eponine

    Eponine (100)

    United States
    When I was around 8 I had this terrifying reoccurring nightmare. It would start out with me asleep, but I still knew what was happening, if that makes sense? Someone breaks into my house and my dog attacks him, he shoots my dog, killing him. Next he goes through the kitchen and proceeds into the basement, he shoots my dad and one of my brothers, killing them. He goes back up to the main floor and then heads upstairs. I'm awake by this time and I'm in the bathroom, my mom is in the shower and I'm trying to tell her what has happened, but she's not listening. My other brother is on the stairs and the robber shoots him, again killing him. The guy busts open the bathroom door and shoots through the shower curtain at my mom. He shoots her repeatedly. She falls, dead, out of the shower, landing half on me. The robber guy points the gun at my face...
    and that's when I would wake up. I had that dream just about every other night for months.
    July 23rd, 2008 at 10:47am
  • FueledByAmy

    FueledByAmy (100)

    ^ I remember I had a death dream that involved dogs all the time.
    I'd actually forgotten about it until you said that then.
    It was also about my best friend.
    It used to freak me out all the time...
    July 23rd, 2008 at 11:08am
  • what the chipmunk?

    what the chipmunk? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I just woke up and I seem to be drenched in sweat. Here's my dream:

    I had terrible diarrhoea. Throughout my dream, I just... I was just crapping like nobody's business, but it was getting everywhere. I didn't go to the toilet. Or I did at first, and then spent the rest of the dream shitting as it all unfolded. It was getting between my fingers, down my legs, into my shoes. It didn't smell, but I felt kind of embarrassed... not that embarrassed, just a little.

    This guy on a train looked at me a bit weirdly, but no one said anything or seemed to think that much of it?

    I was with Troy and we kept needing to get trains. I remember the last scene, whee he threw my bag onto the tracks (containing £25 in it, for some reason) and while I was a bit miffed, I wasn't amazingly pissed off. However, I kept punching him in the head and then I got really worried that I was hurting him properly and started panicking about brain damage.

    But when the train came, it was full. We were at what looked like my local station, which is the last stop (so it started going back towards Central London, in theory, I'm not sure that it was heading towards London, though... ), and this was a Metropolitan train and it was packed full of people in black t-shirts... I could only see their shaved heads and elbows otherwise, but they didn't resemble real people. They all got out of the train, kind of like one huge ghost and then the doors started to make that noise and I got scared and refused to get on it. I think we were on it for a little while, though? And I wondered if I'd get my bag back.

    But then we got a boat instead... beautiful scenery, green and sort of... you know that painting by, erm, Claude Monet? The water lilies? I could have the wrong guy, but...

    It was like that, we were on a canal barge, with a jagged yet broken top (there was nothing in the boat, really, but dark pink... maybe you'd call it burnt?... wood... maybe it was orange wood, I don't remember) and it was raining on us. Beautiful, but raining, yet I didn't care that much.

    There was another scene where everyone was way taller than me but all "oh, I'm only 150cm"... I was like, "nah, I'm just under 5'4"... 162" and I corrected them and they felt more content knowing that they were taller than they thought they were, although I then got scared about my judgment. I have a feeling that I remember a pebbled bridge, sort of Tudor-y scene, at this point, but we were in normal clothes. I think I told myself this was China in my dream. I remember that I kept trying to travel between... unknown, my house, maybe? or area, my house never came into it... and somewhere in Northern England.

    Trains seem to be a recurring theme with me.
    July 23rd, 2008 at 10:57pm
  • Icy Blues

    Icy Blues (150)

    United States
    A few weeks ago I had a dream where I was in a casino with my friend. I also went into some hedge maze, except it was only a few inches tall. Mikey Way was also there for some reason, going through the maze as well. Then I had to go out and spray some really long wall with a hose so that MCR could make a music video. And when I was done, I slept in something that kind of looked like one of those motion simulators you see at amusement parks--the kind where it closes over your head and you're strapped down and stuff.

    My dreams are really random. :shifty
    July 24th, 2008 at 02:47am
  • Pikachu

    Pikachu (150)

    United States
    I had a dream that a ton of mibbians were in and like I don't remember half the people but we were walking around a mall being stupid and Dru started doing one of the dances she did for Susmita in this video and like then Susmita magically showed up out of a fountain and Kristen was there just like "O.o" and then we ran into Erin and I was like ":cheese:"
    but yes there were other mibbians too. I just can't remember. :lmfao
    July 24th, 2008 at 03:14am
  • Akuma.

    Akuma. (150)

    United States
    *takes long breath*
    I always have this dream where my nanny and poppy die and I take me sister and brother and put them in my pocket.
    Then I run away keep running always away from something never seeing it though.
    I have it all the time it is so scary. Smiley
    July 24th, 2008 at 04:28am
  • Dasha.

    Dasha. (150)

    United States
    I had one really creepy dream where my grandma (who mind you is dead)
    kept on calling my house and asking to speak to my mom. I always would say she wasn't available because I was afraid she was gonna take her to the other side.

    When I told her to tell me she refused stating she needed to talk to my mom (her daughter). It was creepy but it felt so real! >.<
    July 24th, 2008 at 04:58am
  • killer-unicorns

    killer-unicorns (100)

    Bert McCracken came to my house in midday. He screamed at me while approaching me and then grabbed me, and dragged me out to the large open field behind my house. He snapped my neck and, somehow, I took off after him as he ran away, but then he turned around and stabbed me in the chest. I actually died then though.
    July 24th, 2008 at 08:56pm
  • golfgirl

    golfgirl (100)

    United Kingdom
    I used to have this recurring dream about going to the river down my street with my dad and seeing this massive whale jump out of the water. O_O It was so weird.

    I used to never dream of famous people, but now it seems celebrities appear in my dreams very often.

    Just the other night I had a dream that scared the hell out of me. I was sitting with my brother watching a My Chemical Romance concert on TV. I noticed that Gerard had several extremely deep cuts on his neck, which he covered with his hand every time the camera was on him. He looked...mean and sickly almost. The band was playing some song I didn't recognize, but Gerard was singing Cemetary Drive. Then he turned around and rolled up his sleeves. He was wearing these arm warmer things, and under them you could see blistered, burnt, bloody...flesh. What he did next really freaked me out. He stuck two lit matches in his arm warmer thingies, and simply watched his arm burn. He was grinning the entire time. Then, I did the same thing to myself. I struck two matches and stuck them down my sleeve. My brother didn't seem to think anything of it. I watched my flesh burn, and ignored the pain. Then, hestantantly, I blew them both out. I woke up and rubbed my wrists. I felt like I was going to vomit right there in bed. It was rather sickening, and I couldn't stop thinking about it.
    July 25th, 2008 at 02:43am
  • Strip Tease!

    Strip Tease! (100)

    United States
    I tend to have this weird dream every so often where I go to a doctor (I haven't beed to one in ages. Like in over two years) and he tells me I have cancer. And that I'm far gone to saved. T__T
    July 26th, 2008 at 03:36pm
  • Cold Wind

    Cold Wind (150)

    United States
    Some of these dreams kind of crack me up.

    I've had SO many screwed up dreams, so I'll just name a few I can remember at the moment.

    In one, I randomly lived in the same neighborhood as the cast of "Harry Potter", and we all ended up playing frisbee. (I have NOOOOO clue.)

    Also, in another dream, I accidentally ate a steak (I'm a vegetarian.) Then this girl I know was there, and it was all of a sudden crawling with a bunch of tiny red bugs, so I made her take it outside.

    And another time, when I was first getting into MCR, Frank and I were playing this game where you had to roll a dye, and with each step you move up a level, you had to do something romantic...and the final one was, well, yeah. And in the dream, I refused it. From that time on Frank's been my favorite member...it was a weird dream though.

    And in the dreams, what happens ALWAYS makes sense...and then I wake up and I'm like "WHAT THE HELL???"

    There are plenty more...but that's all I'm going to say for now.
    August 10th, 2008 at 07:52am
  • PeaSoup

    PeaSoup (100)

    United States
    a few months back when me and my X best friend got into this huge fight we were both in like ruins you know? me and her were really tight and we didn't find the need to make any other friends so when we hated each others guts we had no one to talk to and i got into this bad zombie like state and i had so many freaking night mares it not even funny.
    in most of them my mom was getting tired of me and was giving me away to an orphanage, it was strange cuz i never new what was happening and i would be all the way across the building when i would see her walking out the door, i would try and run threw the crowd so i could get to her but i was running in like slow mo you know? i would scream her name, she would turn and give me a parting grimace before disappearing for like ever you know...

    I had a strange dream once where i was a snail, nothing much happened i just moved around a bit leaving a trail of slime...
    August 10th, 2008 at 08:50am
  • PeaSoup

    PeaSoup (100)

    United States
    okay, as i was reading other peoples dreams i remembered a weird one i had, it was with my [x]best friend when we were going threw our rough patch, we were at some western place and this dream was in like all brown you know (like western movies) and we were spies or something and we were trying to find some woman (she looked like the lady from the moulin rouge. and so anyways it was like a bar and these men were all drunk and laughing. so there was an upstairs but it only covered half the room so we could see up there, (it was kind of like a wrap around porch but on the inside) and all the evil woman's hench men were up there and shooting poison darts at us.
    and i activated some poison smoke alarm and was about to die when my friend swooped in on a vine and saved me. in the end i think we both died i cant remember, after the vine think i only remember monkeys, just monkeys... i still hate those things... grrrr
    August 10th, 2008 at 09:00am
  • Heartstrings.

    Heartstrings. (100)

    I had a dream that there were about 1000 elite Mibbians all under direct orders by Dujo to rule the world.
    It was so cool.
    We were like assasins and we pretty much infiltrated all the government bodies in the world.
    Someone should write this.
    August 10th, 2008 at 10:49am
  • purple haze.

    purple haze. (220)

    United Kingdom
    I keep on having a repetative dream where I'm in this house, my friends sister is sleeping downstairs with some of her friends, but my friend is never there.

    Then me and whoever I'm with (Last time it was JD and Eliot from Scrubs) go outside, hurt someone (It was Dr. Cox) and then we run into the house and then whoever we hurt comes into the room o.O

    Then I wake up.
    August 10th, 2008 at 05:12pm
  • flea haim.

    flea haim. (300)

    United States
    I had this really weird fcking dream that I hooked up with my counciler :shock:
    I was like what the fckkkkkk
    August 10th, 2008 at 05:31pm
  • Lizzie Borden.

    Lizzie Borden. (100)

    United States
    Yeah. I had a dream last night where I was waiting to get my allergy shots. But i wasn't at the office, I was at some house. And so I'm waiting and waiting, and the nurse comes out and tells me to go in, and I give myself the shot.....So then this other lady comes in who needs her shots, and for some reason, I'm supposed to give it to her. So I'm about to stick her with the needle when I hear this really loud noise. So I tell the random lady to wait, then I go and see what the noise was and there is my old friend/crush whom i haven't talked to in AGES! sitting there with a bunch of little kdis. so all the kids scatter and me and him talk and goof off just like we used to. :]. i was mad when i woke up. :[
    August 14th, 2008 at 02:01am