"Coming Out" to Family About Sexuality

  • oxycontin

    oxycontin (150)

    I'm not sure of my sexuality. I'm just halfway through my teens, I'm still attracted to guys and I haven't actually had any experience with other girls, but I still wonder, so I guess you could call me curious.

    But I... honestly don't know what my family would think if I ever did come out and say that I was bisexual. My mum would hopefully be okay with it--hopefully because even though her sister (my aunt) has a friend that's gay who she talks to from time to time and has said that it would be okay if I was dyke, it's the fact that she actually said dyke that kind of scares me. ._.
    My gramma is pretty lenient on that, she accepts gay/bisexual/lesbian people, but I'm not sure if she'd be okay with the possibility of her oldest granddaughter not having any... self produced children.
    My dad would never know because we never talk anymore. My step mum's a bitch, so personally, I don't really give any of what she thinks of me. >_>

    Sooo yeah, besides them and my aunt, the rest of my family would probably shit a horse if I ever came out and said that I liked other women.
    April 19th, 2010 at 09:27am
  • pales

    pales (100)

    Hah, my family was adorable about it.

    I told my mom and sisters at the same time, and after I said, "I'm gay," my mom actually said, "No shit."

    They told me they already knew. My dad said he knew since I was 4 years old, in kindergarden and playing in my mom's makeup.
    April 20th, 2010 at 06:46am
  • CC;

    CC; (205)

    My mam and I have had the conversation on many occasions when we're actually being civil to each other. I'm always hypothetically put in the situation and I know from that, that my mam would love me and support me no matter what. If I came home with a girlfriend, she wouldn't have a problem. And we've established that my dad would be a little more difficult, but she'd talk him around. Mind you, this is all hypothetical.

    Despite that, I'm still too scared to admit to my parents that I'm gay. I just can't help it.
    April 28th, 2010 at 01:35pm
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    Have you come out to your family (if you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transsexual)?

    I never gave a definative answer...

    How did your family react? Did they accept your sexuality?

    They are very frustrated not knowing exactly what I am, they know that I don't want a relationship and they know that I don't descriminate by gender... they just don't know what to make of it.

    Did they deny your sexuality? Do you think it is important to even come out to your family?

    Sometimes I feel like they want to me to pick a side, and sometimes I feel a little bit like some of them are uncomfortable around me.
    I don't personally think it's all too important to come out to your family on the basis that they should be aware of your sexuality, but I have found that it's not so much what you are but that you trust them enough to open up, so in that sense I think it's important.

    Perhaps a sibling of yours came out, how did you react? Do you think it is morally wrong to not be straight? Or is it morally neutral?

    No one in my family has come out, although sometimes my mom threatens to get a girlfriend lolx.
    I don't think sexual preference is morally wrong at all, we like who we like, and it's simple.
    May 25th, 2010 at 08:26am
  • Saturn

    Saturn (100)

    United States
    My friends told me to ask here.
    I just came out to my dad that I’m bi and he doesn’t BELIEVE me. any advice on how to help him believe me? This is what happened. me and my dad were having a talk in Burger King and he said something that made me say.
    Me: Tim (my step dad) I’m bi
    Tim: no your not.
    Me: how do you know?
    Tim: I don’t .
    Me: then how am I not.
    Tim: because you aren’t . and the convention repeated itself from there like thee times. mostly every one has been telling me to kiss a girl in front of him witch I find creepy. Any ideas.
    May 29th, 2010 at 10:45pm
  • guns and horses

    guns and horses (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    my brother came out to our parents by text message.
    he came into my room, was like 'bex, im texting them'
    five minutes later there was a knock on his bedroom door and
    they didnt leave for ages.
    that was a few years ago, and they're great about it.
    the whole family have been really accepting :)
    May 29th, 2010 at 10:53pm
  • p i e t a s .

    p i e t a s . (100)

    United States
    to be honest, I'm not exactly sure what I am. I know I like men, and I know I like women, but I prefer women.

    I'm actually kind of scared to tell my dad because one time, when I was dying my hair, we were talking sbout gay people, and how they "act" and I asked him what he would say if I was gay, and he said, "I wouldn't like it, but if that's what you wanted then I'd have to be okay with it."

    He says that it's not "natural". I love my dad so much, He's always been there for me, but I'm so scared that if I told him that I like women, he'd think differently of me.
    OR that things would change between us.. What should I do?

    [If you have any advice, could you pm me ?]
    July 8th, 2010 at 06:52pm
  • Queen of Suburbia

    Queen of Suburbia (315)

    United States
    I'm straight, but my parents think I'm bisexual just because I'm close with one of my friends, but then again, everyone thinks I am.
    My father absoultely despises gay people, and every once in a while he will make a downright nasty comment to me about them and about me.
    My mother says she is against it, but she has family members that are gay or bisexual.
    Both of my parents said that if I truely was, they would kick me out, but I doubt that they would. They I beleive would just end up accepting the fact.
    July 21st, 2010 at 12:04am
  • schrodinger's cat.

    schrodinger's cat. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm bi and my mum was fine about it, but she has said so many times that she wouldn't even mind if I wanted a sex change. I told my cousin and he was cool about it. I haven't told anyother family members because my grandparents are homophobic, I hardly ever talk to my dad and the rest can go fuck themselves, my sister is too young to understand.
    September 14th, 2010 at 10:17pm
  • imagine that.

    imagine that. (100)

    United States
    "Is it important to come out to family?" I would say so. For me, now more than ever since my fiancee is a girl. But... it just doesn't... feel like the right moment to come out and say it. Especially when I don't know how my entire family will react.

    I'm bisexual. Though since I've met and confessed to my now-fiancee that I'm a girl (long story. x.x if you wanna know what happened, look for the long post under my post page. >.>) the idea of sex (or any similar act) with a guy sounds... well, I don't feel anything towards it. What that means, I don't really know. I still find guys fun to look at. There's just no sexual attraction. *shrugs* ANYWAY! back on topic:

    I don't really think my mom would care if I liked girls. Sure, she'd be shocked at first. But not hurt I don't think. She's all for gay rights and is friends with many.

    But my step-dad however... he isn't homophobic or anything, but his thoughts on bisexuality unsettle me. He likes to think that people whom are bisexual are just to afraid to be completely gay. Which doesn't seem right to me.

    However, perhaps for some men and women it's true. And others it's not and they are truly attracted to both sexes.

    - - - - - - - - - - Nov. 9th. [ edit ]

    Oh, my GOD! Cheese My mom asked me a few days ago if I was in love with Gaby. (Duh! of course. >.>) But I sorta kinda evaded answering by pointing out all the questions she asks whenever I bring Gabrielle up. xD

    And ya know what my mom said!! Shocked that she was hoping I would be gay so I wouldn't have to deal with guys. lmfao Totally unexpected!! Hahaha.

    I would have laughed my a** off if I hadn't been taking a shower with my mom still in the room. Surprisingly, when I relayed the conversation to my dad, he agreed. xD He said he wouldn't mind if I were gay. Hahaha. Oh my.

    The fun part's going to be when Gaby gets here~ Twisted Evil I'd a little daydream/fantasy of us making-out on my bed *sigh!* wouldn't it be grand for my mother to walk in at that moment?!
    October 30th, 2010 at 02:16am
  • Fangs Up.

    Fangs Up. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I have always said to myself I'll come out when I have a girlfriend. I have a girlfriend and I always stick to my words.
    I'm shitting it :L
    October 30th, 2010 at 09:15pm
  • sansa.

    sansa. (250)

    United Kingdom
    Everyone's fine about it, except my little brother D: he's going through the really homophobic 12-year-old phase and I hate it. He'll call stuff gay just to wind me up (it normally doesn't bother me, but he does actually dislike the LGBTQ community). So then I'll tell him to shut up and he doesn't "believe in" bisexuality, he doesn't understand it. :/
    November 3rd, 2010 at 03:50am
  • Absolutely Arsenic

    Absolutely Arsenic (100)

    United States
    I told my mom and dad I was bi a few weeks ago. They were actually happy about it. My mom had always wanted me to be a lesbian, I so wouldn't have to deal with jerky guys. lmfao So this was a small victory for her. But they adivsed me that it may be best not to go public yet, especially since I'm already having problems with bullying and some of my friends are homophobic. I told my best friend, though, and I know I can trust her.
    November 4th, 2010 at 10:20pm
  • sectumsempra

    sectumsempra (100)

    United States
    I would like to be able to openly discuss my sexuality with my family, but for one I guess I've always considered it to be none of anyone's business for two my parents are not terribly accepting of, well, any sexuality besides hetero. At this point, I'm still somewhat dependent on them, so I suppose it would just be easier not to say anything regarding my current relationship with my girlfriend.

    But when I do come out, so to speak, I'm just going to slap them in the face with it and say "deal with it". They're either going to accept it or not accept it and I hardly give a shit either way. As much as I'd like the support, I don't really need it. Which is also probably why I'm not feeling terribly pressed into telling them.

    I mean I've told my sister and a few people I know and yeah. It's cool.
    November 6th, 2010 at 11:01pm
  • InAnotherWorld-x

    InAnotherWorld-x (100)

    I'm extremely confused about my sexuality. I know Iike guys but I think I might be bisexual. I think I am attracted to girls as well as guys but I'm not too sure. I obviously haven't come out to anyone because I'm not even sure myself. Whenever we watch tv and there are two people of the same sex kissing, my dad either fast forwards or changes the channel. I ask them why and my mum says 'do you actually think that's normal'. That answer breaks my heart because I wonder what my parents would say or do if I am bisexual. Sorry for the ramble, but I've never spoken to anyone about this. Ever..
    November 11th, 2010 at 10:17am
  • The Burning Rose

    The Burning Rose (100)

    United States
    Devil May Cry:
    My sister told my parents that she was bisexual, and they didn't believe her. They laughed. Whenever she calls a woman hot, they just smile.

    My mother is Catholic, and my father is Christian. They don't hate gay people; they just think that it's not "normal".

    I am openly pansexual to all of my internet friends, but I've never told any of the friends that I hang out with or my family. I think it should be obvious, though, because I run around the house, giggling about how Sonny Moore is "the hottest guy on the planet". I think my parents are just choosing not to believe. I don't plan on approaching them and saying it, though. My parents hate me, and I'm not such a big fan of them, either.
    Pardon me for being offtopic, but I've never really understood what a pansexual likes.
    I'm guessing that pan stands for all... woulden't that be bisexual?

    ANyways... I have not come out to my parents (I'm gay) will not anytime soon, (They hate gays with a passion, and have told my brother and I atleast once a month about how evil gays are etc.)so yeah, I'm basicaly screwed.
    November 12th, 2010 at 04:00am
  • notrelevant

    notrelevant (150)

    Hong Kong
    i can't keep a secret that big;
    i came out when i was twelve.

    only my mom and most people in my school know, though.
    i'd never tell my dad, unless i get into a serious relationship with a girl or tranny.
    November 21st, 2010 at 06:15pm
  • Elizabette Pierre

    Elizabette Pierre (100)

    United States
    I came out to my parents when I was eleven.
    "I'm bisexual."
    My mom looked at me and went, "You aren't."
    My dad called me an attention seeker.
    I told them one of my best friends was my girlfriend. They didn't believe me.

    A year later, my mom was hanging out with my best friend and I when my friend goes, "AJ's had her first kiss!"
    "With who?"
    "JANICE! :D"
    And I was like, "O____O Buuuusted." xD
    December 16th, 2010 at 01:10am
  • dapper skywalker

    dapper skywalker (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Coming out to my parents was weird, seriously weird. Probably the worst thing I ever did, even though I sort of had to come out. My Mum accepted it, she was proud of me for telling her but my Dad found it difficult to accept and he still does. He was saying I'm too young to be making decisions as such and I got the 'it's a phase we all go through' and 'you are not a gay girl' speech. They pulled me out of a relationship I'd been in for just over a year, and idk. I won't go into that. But there were a couple of arguments here and there, they've all died down now and I just don't bring up the issue, I've never brought it up once I'd come out. My Dad did once though, asking if my 'head was straight'. I just don't know what to say to them really. I mean I've had 2 girlfriends in my life, one was for over a year, I thought that'd explain it enough really. And I prefer girls to boys, I won't lie. I've known for a while that I like girls, I used to be one of the boys when I was a child and that sort of gave it away for me. I've always been closer to boys as friends than girls, and I think that's had an effect on me. The worst thing was when I was told that I wasn't allowed to bring any of this near my sisters until they were older, 'it's disgusting' was what I was told. The strange thing is though, I know my sisters would love me no matter what because that's who we are.

    I don't think this is something I can ever explain fully if I'm honest, it's quite weird.
    December 17th, 2010 at 05:13pm
  • watercooler romance.

    watercooler romance. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I came out to my mum as 'sort of bisexual' a few months ago, after a very awkward and long conversation, which she soon got bored of and asked me, "what exactly are you trying to say here?" to which I replied with something like, "um... well... I kinda think I like girls.... but I still like boys too!". Facepalm XD

    So, yeah, it was awkward to say the least, but thankfully she was cool with it. A little bit surprised, but she didn't really mind. I kinda knew that she'd be okay with it though, because she has loads of gay friends and isn't homophobic or anything. I'm still pretty sure she thinks it's just a phase I'm going through, but that's her opinion, not mine, and to be honest I don't really care. File

    Coming out to my mum was one thing, because she'll love me no matter what and all that, but I'm terrified about having to come out to my friends. Some of them would be totally fine with it, but I think the majority of them would think I'm a bit of a weirdo. Then there are the ones where I just think "erm, no. No way am I EVER telling them. Grr"

    I'm just glad there are benefits to my dad being such a complete jerk, I don't see him anymore so I don't have to worry about telling him about it! XD
    April 13th, 2011 at 08:55pm