"Coming Out" to Family About Sexuality

  • Dorian Gray

    Dorian Gray (100)

    It shocks me that I am still confused at sixteen when there are thirteen year olds that seem to have it all figured out. They are even comfortable with it.

    I have fell asleep crying because of this many times. I have come to the conclusion that I am never "coming out" to my parents. They can just think that I am unfortunate in love.

    I don't even know what I am, much less what I'm going to do...

    I don't know what I am either.
    I've never done anything with anyone, and to be honest, I don't even find the whole sex thing appealing in general. Not with boys and not with girls.
    I suppose I'm pansexual, or something, but I dunno.
    I usually go by bisexual amongst friends.
    My family doesn't know, but my parents may suspect something because I like dropping hints about girls on TV looking good.
    August 30th, 2009 at 12:03pm
  • modern mariah.

    modern mariah. (100)

    United States
    I told my dad that I liked boys and girls and he said, "And? Didn't you want to tell me something important?"

    I love my daddy. :arms:
    August 30th, 2009 at 12:04pm
  • Takamasa Ishihara.

    Takamasa Ishihara. (150)

    United States
    So, I may be young, but I know for a fact that I'm bisexual.
    I've always been attracted to girls, even when I was younger I'd think stuff like "she's so cute!" I didn't think anything of it 'cause I always thought everyone thought like that.

    And yeah. So when I was like, twelve, I was like "oh man, what if I might be bi?" Then later that year I had a crush on a girl. That kind of sealed the deal, I guess.
    It took me like, a month to come to terms with it. I'm completely fine with the fact that I'm bisexual now, but I just so damn scared to tell anyone. I've only told one person, the girl that I liked, because she's a lesbian and I knew she wouldn't judge me.

    My best friend though, she treats gays like their aliens or something, so I'm scared to come out to her. I've decided I'll wait 'till I'm older, high school or college to tell my friends. Sure, it's a bit tiring to remember to hold my tongue whenever I want to say something about a girl being hot, but eh. I've done it for awhile now, so I guess I can keep doing. :file:

    As for my family, I think I'll tell my sister first. Not now, though. She's already convinced I'm a scene kid, so she'll probably think it's just a phase. Then I'll tell my brother. And my rents? I'll tell my parents when I move out because I don't think they'll be all to accepting. :|
    September 6th, 2009 at 04:46am
  • Delia.

    Delia. (200)

    United States
    Gabe Saporta.:
    As for my family, I think I'll tell my sister first. Not now, though. She's already convinced I'm a scene kid, so she'll probably think it's just a phase. Then I'll tell my brother. And my rents? I'll tell my parents when I move out because I don't think they'll be all to accepting. :|
    Awww :arms:

    It's sad when parents wont accept their children...My mom said she would totally accept me and I really hope yours are the same!
    September 6th, 2009 at 01:44pm
  • Takamasa Ishihara.

    Takamasa Ishihara. (150)

    United States
    Deceased Innocence:
    Awww :arms:

    It's sad when parents wont accept their children...My mom said she would totally accept me and I really hope yours are the same!
    That's great. :cute:

    && Thankyou so much. :arms:
    September 6th, 2009 at 09:24pm
  • x-AnotherWorld-x

    x-AnotherWorld-x (100)

    My mom has known I've liked both girls and guys since I was in grade 7ish, so she wasn't really surprised. I'm sure my oldest brother knows and doesn't care too much. I'd never tell my dad or my other brother, since they're both so homophobic and critical. *shrugs* As long as they keep their opinions to themselves, then it's all good.
    September 8th, 2009 at 07:06am
  • Scarlett Smile

    Scarlett Smile (155)

    United States
    I knew I was Bi when I was in high school, and very slowly came out to my family. I got a feel for how they viewed my sexuality by having conversations about politics in relation to the lesbian,gay, bisexual, transsexual community. My parents are total opposites, my mother is a democrat, and my father a republican. So when I came out, I told my mom first, recently, this summer.

    My mom's reaction was *highfive* "Yes, I can join PFLAG and be legit!". My father's was a little less, more like, "I'd rather you choose a side, but I'm sure you'll grow out of it." Either way I was okay with it because they knew, if they couldn't accept me, I wouldn't accept them. That's just how I am. My siblings apparently, saw it coming, sure:roll: . My grandparents know and they're fine with it. They raised my gay uncle so, I doubt they'd have had problems with it.
    I've had an easy road with my family, but that's because I learned to accept who I am and realize that even if they couldn't or refused to accept me, that I have friends who will and I can't deny who I am.
    September 22nd, 2009 at 06:01am
  • Born on the Cob

    Born on the Cob (100)

    Korea (North)
    My mom and stepdad have all asked me if I was gay more than once lol XD
    I still don't know what to tell them ._.
    I'm really glad that they're supportive though no matter what :')
    September 24th, 2009 at 12:23am
  • Hansel Graey

    Hansel Graey (280)

    United States
    Well, I came out--but not in a complete way. My dad puts it off and ignores it to a certain extent, but I think he doesn't find it right. 'When you're eighteen, do as you wish,' which I respect and understand. He's had christianity his whole life, and though he doesn't say it, I think he doesn't like homosexuals. But he's tolerant and open minded. The chick who gave birth to me defines psychotic homophobic blah blah blah. [She makes Carrie's Mom look like a marshmellow Peep] But thank God she's far away and not coming back. My brother's rooting for lesbianism as it's a turn on for him, and my sister hasn't developed any opinions on it. And I like to gender bend a lot because male and female clothes have become so separate it's tragic. I look better in boy clothes. And so wraps up the story of my sexuality.
    September 28th, 2009 at 01:22am
  • Hansel Graey

    Hansel Graey (280)

    United States
    Scarlett Smile:
    I knew I was Bi when I was in high school, and very slowly came out to my family. I got a feel for how they viewed my sexuality by having conversations about politics in relation to the lesbian,gay, bisexual, transsexual community. My parents are total opposites, my mother is a democrat, and my father a republican. So when I came out, I told my mom first, recently, this summer.

    My mom's reaction was *highfive* "Yes, I can join PFLAG and be legit!". My father's was a little less, more like, "I'd rather you choose a side, but I'm sure you'll grow out of it." Either way I was okay with it because they knew, if they couldn't accept me, I wouldn't accept them. That's just how I am. My siblings apparently, saw it coming, sure:roll: . My grandparents know and they're fine with it. They raised my gay uncle so, I doubt they'd have had problems with it.
    I've had an easy road with my family, but that's because I learned to accept who I am and realize that even if they couldn't or refused to accept me, that I have friends who will and I can't deny who I am.
    haha, your mom sounds awesome!
    September 28th, 2009 at 01:22am
  • Scarlett Smile

    Scarlett Smile (155)

    United States
    Scarlett Smile:
    I knew I was Bi when I was in high school, and very slowly came out to my family. I got a feel for how they viewed my sexuality by having conversations about politics in relation to the lesbian,gay, bisexual, transsexual community. My parents are total opposites, my mother is a democrat, and my father a republican. So when I came out, I told my mom first, recently, this summer.

    My mom's reaction was *highfive* "Yes, I can join PFLAG and be legit!". My father's was a little less, more like, "I'd rather you choose a side, but I'm sure you'll grow out of it." Either way I was okay with it because they knew, if they couldn't accept me, I wouldn't accept them. That's just how I am. My siblings apparently, saw it coming, sure:roll: . My grandparents know and they're fine with it. They raised my gay uncle so, I doubt they'd have had problems with it.
    I've had an easy road with my family, but that's because I learned to accept who I am and realize that even if they couldn't or refused to accept me, that I have friends who will and I can't deny who I am.
    haha, your mom sounds awesome!
    Indeed she is, we were at the mall yesterday and she wanted me to get a hat that said "Mom, I'm GAY." :lmfao and she wasn't subtle about this desire in a crowded store, mind you.

    However, my father and yours sound somewhat alike. I wish my brother found lesbianism hot,(it would make conversations much easier) it's a kinda turn off for him, surprisingly.
    September 28th, 2009 at 07:57pm
  • evie may.

    evie may. (100)

    New Zealand
    I've always been attracted to girls. When I was young it seemed like a totally natural thing.

    I haven't told anyone in my family but most of my friends know my sexual persuasion. I don't even really know what I am. Saying I'm bisexual is the easiest way for me but I'm more into girls than guys.
    October 1st, 2009 at 02:09am
  • ghostbrainz.

    ghostbrainz. (100)

    United States
    I've known that I was bisexual since 6th grade. Sure, I was a little young, but I was so damn positive that I was attracted to girls.
    So one day my mom asked me why I'd been so quiet lately and what was on my mind. I made her guess and it took her a billion hours until she got it. When I told her she was right, she was like, "DUDEWTF? We wasted a half hour on that?" lmfao
    My mom's pretty cool, if I must say so myself. Con
    But my dad, not so much. I hope I never have to tell him, because he doesn't even refer to my brother as his son anymore, all because he's gay. My brother's 19 now, and my dad's never really liked him all that much. I've always been the "favourite" in his eyes. That's why I'm not so excited to come out to him. He's just too much of a homophobe for me to feel comfortable with it.
    I tried convincing my mom to tell him, but she was like "No, that's a battle you're going to have to fight yourself." OMG NO!
    But she was totally accepting of my brother and me. She said she'd always support us, even if one of us became a mass murder or drug addict or something. She wouldn't be happy, but she'd still accept us and love us all the same. Which is what makes her pretty darn awesome. XD
    And my friends are really homophobic, too. But they're kind of alright with it. I guess they're a little iffy about it, but they'll have to get over it eventually. I don't even think that they think I was being serious when I told them though. Sorry
    October 10th, 2009 at 11:18pm
  • Smashed Pumpkin.

    Smashed Pumpkin. (120)

    United States
    My friend came out to me yesterday I was so proud of him. I don't think he's told anyone else yet though :tehe:
    October 15th, 2009 at 08:51am
  • Bella Goes Away.

    Bella Goes Away. (860)

    I never had a huge "coming out" moment with my mum. I just said it casually whilst we were talking about sex and stuff. She didn't even flinch or stop the conversation.

    I love my mum. tehe
    October 15th, 2009 at 03:50pm
  • Mrs. Whirly

    Mrs. Whirly (155)

    United States
    One time I told my mom was bi jsut to see how she reacted. she was cool with it at first but when I started making comments on how girls are hot and junk she started to get annoyed and said she didn't like me talking like that.

    So I told her I was just joking and wanted to see her reaction if I told her. Sad

    Lately I think I am more of a pansexual though. But am I going to tell my mom or anyone around here that?

    Hell no.
    October 21st, 2009 at 07:25pm
  • Krooked.

    Krooked. (100)

    United States
    I told my mom that I had a girlfriend and she flipped. She yelled at me over the phone for an hour and ended it with "You are no daughter of mine". During that moment I was really happy I decided to move halfway across the country to live with my dad. She is okay with it now but she didn't talk to me for six months. My dad is fine with it, which is good because I live with him.
    October 26th, 2009 at 04:49am
  • rosetta.

    rosetta. (100)

    New Zealand
    I'm really confused about my sexuality, and if I wanted someone to talk to, it wouldn't be with my Dad.. He's slightly homophobic, dew to the fact that in his younger days, he got hit on by a few Gays which creeped him out, so now he's rather weary of them & that's what's stopping me from talking to him. Plus, he's a guy and I'd personally prefer a woman to talk to.. Cute So 'coming out' to my Dad will be hard if I decide I am Bisexual.
    October 30th, 2009 at 09:27am
  • mia bell.

    mia bell. (150)

    I was talking to my grandpa about some slight friend issues I'm having at the moment and he was very blase about having a girl like me. I wasn't really surprised but I wasn't expecting him to be so cool about it. He was just like, "So is this a boy or a girl who has fallen for you?"

    It was a nice surprise. Cute
    November 2nd, 2009 at 02:01am
  • Jonne Aaron.

    Jonne Aaron. (100)

    I'll probably never tell my parents, let alone anyone else in the family.

    My mum's side are very old-fashioned, and they react badly to everything. Even my music taste has them looking down their noses at me, so I'd hate to think what would happen if they found out I was bisexual.

    My dad's side isn't so bad, but I don't know how they'd react about it. My grandma would be fine, but knowing my uncles they'd be picking on me and stuff. Which I really don't want [nor need right now].

    My parents... I'd rather they didn't know about it. I'm already a huge fuck-up kid in my mum's eyes, so yeah. And my dad's really hard to talk to about that sort of thing.

    Shifty Yeah.
    November 4th, 2009 at 09:51am