Have You Ever Almost Died?

  • Devil May Cry

    Devil May Cry (100)

    United States
    I almost get hit by cars a lot, but I don't think that counts. :file: I also almost died at an MCR concert, and then an Aiden concert, but I don't really want to bore you with the long stories. Basically, I almost got trampled to death at both concerts. Eight words: Wall Of Death in a tiny, cramped venue.

    Edit: I forgot about at the Saosin concert! :tehe: I was in the mosh, and this guy punched me in the head, twice. I fell before he could hit me again. :lmfao My head hit the cement ground. I got a concussion, and the doctor said that if the guy had hit me another time, I could have died. I think he was just trying to scare me out of moshing, though. :shifty

    :lmfao I just remembered another time, when I was swimming. I can't swim, and I accidentally went into the deep part of the water. I couldn't feel the ground, so I was shaking arms like a crazy person, and screaming for help. My mom rolled her eyes and watched me for about twenty seconds before saving me. o_o
    May 17th, 2008 at 11:31pm
  • Ciel Phantomhive.

    Ciel Phantomhive. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I was about to cross the road, but my iPod fucked up in one ear and made a loud noise which made me look to the left, as a car sped past.

    I thank you, faithful iPod, for saving my life.

    And another time some woman almost hit me doing an ILLEGAL U-turn in the road, then looked at me as if it were my fault.

    I need to improve my road safety.

    Oh, and I was body boarding I think, a few years back, and I went under and some person landed on top of me, and didn't relise I was there, so them and their board were just crushing me under the water for what seemed like aaaaages... then they moved, and I got up and swore at them. They looked scared shitless, some random chick emerging from the sea and all...
    May 18th, 2008 at 12:16am
  • Pestilence.

    Pestilence. (100)

    United States
    I almost drowned once. I was sliding down this rock into a whirlpool cause everyone else was doing it. It looked really fun. But, then I got sucked under and couldn't get out. I was under for like, 20 seconds before anyone pulled me out. It was way scary. I still don't like going swimming, at all.
    I also ran into the street once right in front of a truck. But they slammed on their brakes. I've fallen off my horse and other horses many times, but I've only been seriously hurt once.
    May 18th, 2008 at 12:29am
  • Where's Adalia?

    Where's Adalia? (100)

    United States
    I jumped into a yellow jacket nest. I got stung about one hundred times.
    My mom didn't even take me to the doctor's until the next day. :XD But he said that if I had gotten more stings around my neck or had a reaction, I would have died instantly. ._.
    May 18th, 2008 at 02:31am
  • Synyster Lisa

    Synyster Lisa (400)

    United States
    I was almost mauled by this one dog that lived down the street from me once. I was out with my dog Jake and we were in the front yard (He never needed a leash BTW, he was that well trained) and this dog from down the street comes charging up. He and Jake are sniffing at each other. I'm screaming bloody murderfor my mom or someone. Then the dog starts coming at me, but Jake blocked him...twice. I don't remember what happened then, next thing I remember, jake and I are back in te house, and my mom was giving Jake treats.
    May 18th, 2008 at 02:38am
  • Vonnegut.

    Vonnegut. (150)

    Puerto Rico
    I remember my dad telling me that I almost died this one time, I don't even remember how, but yes. My grandma was in the shower and I was like ... I don't know, really young, like 4. And, she died right there in the shower, but I don't remember what happened about me. I just remember my dad telling me that my brother was the reason I'm still alive. Maybe he found me or something.

    And, uhh, this other time, I was like 9, and I was riding my bike about to cross the street and almost got runned over.
    May 18th, 2008 at 02:44am
  • timothy mctague.

    timothy mctague. (100)

    New Zealand
    When I was 5, I almost got hit by a car once. My family and I were in America and we were crossing a busy street and I walked out before I should have.
    Good thing my dad pulled me back, very hard I might add.
    May 18th, 2008 at 04:37am
  • Happy Laune

    Happy Laune (300)

    I was buying stuff at a public market, and I just remembered that I haven't told my mom that I was going out so, I ran back at the streets. Then this guy in a motorcyle hit me, so I was lying flatly on the ground. The people passing by were like "Oh my..!". I felt a little pain on my right elbow. Weird thing was, I got up quickly after a few seconds and ran back to our house like I was perfectly fine. XD
    May 18th, 2008 at 08:57am
  • The Brightside

    The Brightside (500)

    When I was about 7 or 8 I swam out too far at the beach and got caught. Dunno if it was a rip or not, but the waves were far too strong. I'd been following my dad out who was giving my sister a piggy-back ride out further, and he didn't see that I'd gone under.

    Some random guy got me out and took me back to shore.

    I've also had other injuries/incidents at beaches, such as when riding my boogieboard but coming back to shore too fast and getting the edge of the board right in my stomach. I couldn't breathe properly for about five minutes. Not really a near death experience or anything.

    So yeah. I really can't stand going to the beach, partly for those reasons.

    I've also nearly been hit by cars about two times... I tend to forget to look before I cross. :shifty
    May 18th, 2008 at 11:35am
  • Bells.

    Bells. (365)

    New Zealand
    My story is very similar to the author's post.
    A few years back, my family and I were at a vicious beach, where the massive waves crossed over the rips. My stepdad went in and pretty much floated around. I went in to talk to him or something, but he was way too far out and then I heard him scream, so I got my mum and she yelled to him to ask if he was ok, but he yelled no, so mum told me to go back while she went there and tried to save him. I didn't go back though, I went in further and further, until eventually, I couldn't feel the ground and the waves were pretty much using me as a tennis ball. I went under heaps and almost choked. I got out though. My mum did too. My stepdad didn't.
    May 18th, 2008 at 11:57am
  • Bells.

    Bells. (365)

    New Zealand
    Another time was when I was about 8, I was walking down the street when I saw these 5 or so stray huge dogs - may have been German Shepherds or something - and I just stood and stared, because they were so 'pretty'. Then they woke up and chased me down the street. Ever since then, I'm terrified of dogs.

    My family was once at a fair or something and this dog was trying to play a little rough with my baby sister, so she freaked out, but luckily, my dog was there to block the other dog.

    And I usually have my headphones in and don't look when I cross the street, so it's obvious what this is about...
    May 18th, 2008 at 12:02pm
  • inspire.

    inspire. (100)

    United States
    I'm a miracle baby :D
    May 18th, 2008 at 04:11pm
  • Vonnegut.

    Vonnegut. (150)

    Puerto Rico
    No, no, make that 3 'near to death' experiences. I just remembered when I was in El Salvador a long time ago and there was an earthquake and I was inside a mall and everyone was running and for the love of God, I was just a little kid, I was lost. Thankfull mom found me and we ran out without getting hurt.
    May 18th, 2008 at 04:19pm
  • sunflowers.

    sunflowers. (300)

    United Kingdom
    I'm really stupid, I always walk across the road and never look properly. I've been almost runover loads of times. :tehe:

    My biggest near death experience is when the car caught fire when it banged into the car behind us and I was in it and my dad had to drag me out. Like a minute after I got out the whole car was burning.

    Oh and once I choked on a pink bead. But I managed to get it out.
    May 18th, 2008 at 07:27pm
  • Chain Me Free

    Chain Me Free (130)

    United States
    I almost got hit by a swing when I was really little, but my mother ran up and grabbed me before it hit me.(I was a little baby so if I got hit I would have died)

    I choked on a roast beef sandwich and my mother had to do the Heimlich maneuver.

    I almost drown a few times maybe.(I loved water and got excited during swim class so my brother and I decided to jump in. The teaching people got us and made us sit farther back)

    I almost got hit by a car too, but who hasn't? The man who almost hit me looked scared as hell though!

    And then I had an unknown virus and was in the hospital for almost a week. (I get sick alot)

    And I was in the store during a robbery but the cops came after the man knocked one of the employees unconscious.
    May 19th, 2008 at 01:41am
  • Feeling Failure

    Feeling Failure (350)

    United States
    Happy Laune:
    I was buying stuff at a public market, and I just remembered that I haven't told my mom that I was going out so, I ran back at the streets. Then this guy in a motorcyle hit me, so I was lying flatly on the ground. The people passing by were like "Oh my..!". I felt a little pain on my right elbow. Weird thing was, I got up quickly after a few seconds and ran back to our house like I was perfectly fine. XD
    *gasp* It was a hit and run!
    May 19th, 2008 at 04:04am
  • Happy Laune

    Happy Laune (300)

    ^ Yeah. I totally embarassed myself. XD
    Sometimes, I forgot to look before crossing the streets too.
    May 19th, 2008 at 09:32am
  • Padfoot.

    Padfoot. (100)

    I've had near death experiences thrice :shock:
    Probably because I'm absolutely clumsy and hopeless :tehe:

    Firstly, when I was little. Me, my brother and my cousin were having a bath (I had extremely long hair) and my cousin was playing around with our spa button. And behind where I was sitting, was the thing that sucks in the water.

    Anyway, I was underneath the water and my cousin hit the button, and my hair was sucked in. Anyway, luckily my brother has common sense and got my dad and pulled the plug on the water. (A girl died in a public spa because of that omgno:)

    Secondly, I ran across the road when I was in year 5 or something. Mum said I had to walk home with this girl and I didn't because she wasn't walking that day, and I almost got hit by a car, and I felt so horrible, 'cause my mum was like, "How was walking with Phoebe?" and I was like omgno:

    Thirdly, When I was at the beach with a friend. she had a surfboard and I began to go under the water and couldn't get out 'cause the rip was huge. Anyway, I got rescued by some random in the end.

    There's more, but you know, I can't remember them. I'm unco-ordinated.

    May 20th, 2008 at 10:40am
  • Color Me Impressed

    Color Me Impressed (100)

    United States
    Captain's Bitch.:
    Yeah, when I was about 7.
    I crashed my bike head first into a fence...
    A cycle helmet actually saved my life :shifty
    And now I have a scar on my cheek >.<
    I'm terrible and I don't wear a helmet anymore.

    I almost got hit by a car today... yeah. I also was chasing cars on my bike and forgot to take my inhaler along/use it beforehand. So I was kinda screwed in the lung area.

    Almost fell off a cliff this one time. We were hiking. I got too close to the edge and it was slippery... but my dog rescued me.

    Oh, my little sister went into this ditch when she was younger with her bike... she broke her helmet.

    Kids, wear a helmet. Trust me on that, please.
    May 20th, 2008 at 12:13pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Once in junior high when we drove through a fire.
    Then this winter when we were driving and the car slipped. My mom says there is no scientifically possible way we shouldn't have died.
    May 20th, 2008 at 10:53pm