Have You Ever Almost Died?

  • I alomst died from being stupid to myself.
    So God damned stupid.
    I'm glad to know nothing like that will ever happen again.
    May 20th, 2008 at 10:57pm
  • At the public pool. >_>
    I jumped off the diving board and went under the whole way and it took forever to get back up.
    a nice feeling. :cute:
    May 20th, 2008 at 11:08pm
  • We were at some kind of water park and my uncle took my cousins and I over to the bigger side, with a way deeper pool. We were all on this inflatable alligator, and my uncle was pulling us around the pool. Well we had to go under this waterfall thing, and I freaked out for some reason and fell off. I couldn't swim, and I couldn't breathe. All I saw was like shadows, and then my uncle grabbed me and pulled me back up to surface. My sister and me were on the kiddie pool side the rest of the day ;)
    May 22nd, 2008 at 05:00am
  • When I was only a wittle tiny baby of 4 months I had to get a major sugary for I couldn't go to the bathroom. Yeah laugh it up. I do.

    And the most major time I fainted. I had to be wheeled out in a stretcher from the girls bathroom at school.
    May 22nd, 2008 at 05:42am
  • i was like 9 and i was playing tag at my dad;s house with his grilfreind's kids.. nd i was it.. the kid i was chasing ran out the back door dn the door was swinging closed.. i put y hand out to open the door.. nd my hand went through the glass.. i had 4 stiches... well.. no glass was left in my wrists.. but the cut was over a huge vain in my wrists nd if it would of hit that.. or any of the other minor ones n my wrist... i would have bled to death quite soon!!
    May 25th, 2008 at 01:12am
  • I almost died by suicide one time. I've thought about it numerous times, but one time I can so close to the edge, I could already feel myself falling.
    May 25th, 2008 at 04:51am
  • Twice.

    Once, when I was being born and my mom's doctor was out of town. So a "sub" doctor was preforming a c-section, and cut my head open.

    When I was 11, I was crossing a really busy street on my bike to go to my friends house. A car was going faster than I throught it was. The car had to slam on it's breaks.
    May 25th, 2008 at 05:43am
  • Hasn't everyone?
    I almost did by overdosing on pills. But afterwards, I felt sick and threw them all up along with the few things I had for dinner.
    Then a long time ago, when my mother was pregnant with me, she got slammed in the side of her car by a bunch of stupid Asian bitches (not trying to be racist here. But they just happened to be Chinese) and 'we' were hospitalized.
    Too bad those girlies didn't do the job properly.
    May 25th, 2008 at 07:18am
  • I've almost died twice.

    The first time, my family and I were at the beach sometime when I was five or six. My brother was supposed to stay with me to make sure I didn't drown or go too far out to sea, as my parents wanted to stay on the beach. Well, my brother isn't well known for his responsibility. I went too far out, and the riptide caught me. I was too weak to fight the current, and a teenaged boy saved me with his surfboard.

    The second time was very much my fault. I overdosed on pain killers and had to be rushed to the hospital. They pumped my stomach and I almost died from the dehydration resulting from having my stomach pumped. But the nurses were quick on the job and got an IV in me in time.
    May 25th, 2008 at 04:54pm
  • When I was but 4 weeks old I got Meningitis which can be deadly. They were never sure whether I suffered from Bacterial, Viral of Fungal meningitis but they think it was most likely the Bacterial Meningitis has a high mortality rate if untreated says wikipedia.

    Given that I was only 4 weeks older I think I was pretty lucky to survive that. Plus no brain damage or anything. (: lucky me. I did have a twitch for a few years from it though ...
    May 25th, 2008 at 06:52pm
  • I fell out of our attic onto a cement floor last year.
    I fell on my back, and it knocked me out cold for 4 hours.
    I was in the hopital when I came to for some broken ribs.

    I did die when I was 14 for 5 minutes.
    It was when I was heavily into drugs, and it had drug me down into a depression, and I slit my wrists.
    It was an insanely stupid thing.
    What's even dumber I didn't get clean until 9 months ago.
    May 25th, 2008 at 08:12pm
  • I feel uber left out
    I've always wanted to have a near death experience
    But alas, I have not =/

    Tell me how I prob just jinxed myself
    May 25th, 2008 at 09:16pm
  • I had loads.
    Once I almost gotten electrocuted. I was small back then.
    I've nearly been hit by a speeding car once, good thing something in my head told me *look out* and so I did causing me to cross the remainder of the road with full speed.
    Once been in a rollercoaster that broke in the middle of its ride, gladly it managed to stop softly and me, my dad and bro were at the far back which was the easiest 'car' to get down from as it was on the lowest part of the incline.
    Been choked too by various things.
    Also been in London, using the very same underground stations one day before the London underground bombings actually happened. That freaked me out the next day when I switched on the TV to see the breaking news.
    I'm sure there are more that I am forgetting.
    May 26th, 2008 at 03:22am
  • It's more like I would've died if my friend didn't know how to get us out.
    When I was little, we, for some reason, thought it was a fun game to hide in the trunk of a car, then scream, "OPEN!" to get our friends to open the trunk.
    Well, once, I got in with my friend, Randie, and my friends, Glenny and her younger sister, Christine (who were younger than us, Glenny was probably only 7 or 8 and Christine 5) were supposed to get us out. We taught them how to open the trunk and put our lives in their hands.
    So we get in. Wait about thirty seconds. Scream, "OPEN!" like we're supposed to. And there's a pause before we see a light at the other end, where she pulled the seat back. We tell her no, open the trunk, and she closes it again. So we wait some more, and start to wonder what's taking so long. We keep screaming, and we start crying, me banging my head against the trunk. They finally do get us out, not with the way we showed them, but with the key to the trunk.

    Goddamn, were we stupid little kids.
    May 26th, 2008 at 08:36am
  • I did I think about three times.
    There was this time where I was at the beach and I didn't know that there was a tone of seaweed. I am highly afraid of seaweed to the point where I could have a panic attack. There's surtain becahs where they don't have seaweed and where I can go to. This one wasn't one of thoughs beachs and I had no idea. I went in the water with my young cusion. I have no idea what's up with her and what she must of thought of me because. I started to panic when I felt the seaweed all over me and me stepping on it. I stared panicing and I couldn't swim and I started crying and begging my little cusion to go get help. An she's like "It's just seaweed!" It's more than that if a teenager is screaming and crying for help! I didn't get the help and the tydes kept pulling me in and out of the water. My swimsuit started to fall off and it was a mess. Worst part was that people we're watching and I think they thought I was just handicap and didn't help for that reason. Even if was handicap it's more reason to help.

    Second time was a car almost hit me.

    Third time was a car almost hitting me again.

    I think the worse was the seaweed event.
    May 26th, 2008 at 02:46pm
  • ^The seaweed one sounds scary. I can just imagine to be stuck somewhere that gives you panic attacks. For one is I used to have them too.
    May 27th, 2008 at 01:58am
  • When I was in 7th grade I was on my bike, going really fast, and hit hte brakes, sending myself flying foward. My bike hit me in the head, knocked me out. I had to go to the hospital for one broken wrist and my other wrist was sprained. ugh. They say I'm lucky that's all that happened to me.

    Another time was when I was three or four, I was playing with my sisters and cousin, we were spinning around in circles and I tripped and fell backwards, splitting my head open. I had to get stitches.

    And I forgot this other time, hahah. I was like 8, swimming with a friend at a water park. I swam under water and when I tried going up for air there was this giant frog floaty thing and I couldn't find my way up 'cause it was in my way. But I finally just swam to the right and get away from the floaty. xD
    May 27th, 2008 at 02:19am
  • The time I almost died was actully a couple of times.
    One time was out in the street and I was riding my bike when I was little and this fast car came at me but luckily I got out in time.
    Other time was when I was like 10 or something and I was on my boogie board and I got pulled way out and I couldn't touch the ground so a lifeguard got me.
    There's a lot more I could name though.
    May 27th, 2008 at 02:54am
  • I almost got hit by a car when I was 5.
    I was bikeriding (at night), and I stopped in the middle of the road thinking it was a sidewalk.
    Some crazy truckdriver almost squished me.

    And I almost fell 30 ft down onto concrete....but I caught myself.
    May 27th, 2008 at 10:58pm
  • Electrocuted. Stabbed. Drowning (a lot). Suffocation. Overdose. Ran Over. Brain Damage.

    I'm a klutz.
    May 31st, 2008 at 04:02am