Have You Ever Almost Died?

  • carliehope

    carliehope (100)

    United States
    May 31st, 2008 at 05:40am
  • calling all creeps.

    calling all creeps. (105)

    United States
    I have insanely bad luck with water.
    Drowning Incidents - 4.
    1. At a hotel pool when I was about seven. I was walking along the edge of the pool on a little crease and slipped off from it into the eight foot section. My gramma saved me after I screamed at her for a few dozen seconds.
    2. A local public pool, same incident as above :/
    3. I don't remember this one, but I apparently decided I was a mermaid and began swimming out into the ocean. (Yes, I was a stupid toddler.)
    4. My psychiatrist had just increased my sleeping medicine from 25mg to 100mg; I got up early to take a shower, and I passed out into the water. I always put the little drain stopper in because my ankles get cold. (Don't ask.)

    Car Accidents - 2.
    1. At the beach my brother and I were making a sand castle, and I was running back up from the water with a bucket full of it for the little moat we had just made, and one of those little golf cart looking things that the lifeguards ride around in was about to hit me and my brother pushed me down into the sand and I split all of the water. I screamed at him for spilling the water. lawl.
    2. I was riding around with my gramma on a Saturday morning and we got into a huuugggee car accident at an intersection.

    And I do believe this is the largest post I've ever made on Mibba. *proudness*
    May 31st, 2008 at 10:21am
  • thetragicgoose

    thetragicgoose (100)

    United States

    I almost destroyed one of my eyes though, thnkas to color guard. I tossed the flag, and it hit me in the eyebrow...but an inch lower and I would have been in some serious trouble.
    May 31st, 2008 at 06:39pm
  • Oooh Zing

    Oooh Zing (100)

    United States
    I was born a Little over a month early, and my mom's stupid doctor decided it was a good idea to shove a needle in my soft spot before I was born to see if I was developed enough to grace my presence. The spot where he put the needle in got a huge infection, and the dumbass decided to squeeze the pus out of my head (gross, I know), leaving me when a dent in my head the size of a baseball, and a bald spot the size of a dime.

    Then after that I developed Jaundice, and was under a black light for a week. :grr:
    June 1st, 2008 at 05:05am
  • method acting.

    method acting. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    When I was born, I came out not breathing and it took them close to half an hour to get me to breathe. I guess that counts as almost dying.

    And when I was a baby, I swallowed a bubble in the bath which also made me stop breathing. My Dad saved me that time.

    My Dad has been seriously lucky though with near-death experiences.
    He had meningitus as a child which nearly killed him and as he was recovering he caught pneumonea. Then his appendix burst, which is the step after appendicitus that can kill because of the toxins and then a firework hit him in the eye when he was young, it put him in a coma but the only injury he sustained was blindness in his right eye.
    June 1st, 2008 at 03:04pm
  • Princess Frankie.

    Princess Frankie. (150)

    United States
    :tehe: I tend to get a lot of minor physical injuries.
    Less minor would be not much more close to death - deeper wounds like when my leg got cut up by a bike chain. Or cutting off my toe. Or nearly losing 2, 3 teeth.
    But nothing really life threatening.

    I wouldn't mind the experience :think:
    My leg got cut with an electric saw D:
    and when I was walking to school, some crazy bus driver lady was speeding and I was rught in front of her;
    and she didn't even honk o_o;
    and when I finally saw the bus, it was like 1 foot away from me. Eurgh. And I got trampled by those huge airport carts. And when I escaped from the cart itself, I fell down backwards onto the road, and this blue minivan was moving towards me XD
    June 1st, 2008 at 03:24pm
  • HollywoodUndead

    HollywoodUndead (100)

    United States
    Well, if you count the time I got into a car accident. If the guy hadn't slammed on his brakes our car probably would have flipped and we might died. =X
    June 1st, 2008 at 04:11pm
  • Lilla...Violet!

    Lilla...Violet! (100)

    United Kingdom
    When I was born I got stuck in my mum, I was seven weeks early and if I stayed in my mum any longer I could have died... Scary :cheese:

    Another time was when I was something like 4 and I was in the bath (I don't actually remember doing this I got told by my mum) and I was playing with this sponge thing. I decided to tear it is half and stuff both pieces up my nose (I am not the brightest crayon in the box) and I had to go to hospital to get the pieces removed.

    When I was 9 I was playing on my trampoline (A king size one) and I was being double bounced by my neighbour (who was like 17 at the time). I spun round while I was in the air and landed on my arm, breaking it. I was apparently lucky because if I spun any further I could have landed on my neck and paralised myself or died omgno:

    I have almost got run over loads of times but my friends always grab my bag and drag me back to the curb in time :XD
    June 2nd, 2008 at 10:51pm
  • The lightbulb broke.

    The lightbulb broke. (300)

    United States
    I had multiple asthma attacks when I was younger and they said if my airway had closed up any more I could have died...but hospital people make paper cuts sound bad.

    I suppose I am lucky when it comes to near death experience things...only had a couple.
    June 3rd, 2008 at 01:20am
  • byebyefucker

    byebyefucker (150)

    last august, my friend decided it'd be a good idea to pretty much force me to jump off the diving board even though i couldn't swim. i'm 5'1", can't swim, and my feet touched the bottom. the life guard was thisclose to jumping in after me, and then my short ass surfaced. it was actually really peaceful aside from OMGOMGOMDROWNINGWTFOMG.

    i don't know if that counts or not, but it was scary shit.
    June 4th, 2008 at 06:10pm
  • Bella Goes Away.

    Bella Goes Away. (860)

    I almost died when I downed tons of my depression pills with vodka...
    Haha I know, ironic right, they're supposed to help you, not kill you!
    June 5th, 2008 at 10:26am
  • we are invincible.

    we are invincible. (100)

    Never, luckily. Sometimes I wish I had that experience just so I wouldn't take everything for granted.
    June 5th, 2008 at 10:37am
  • Poison;

    Poison; (100)

    Oooh, I got into this massive car crash and was stuck in the hospital for a month...

    Another time was when I was born- I like wasn't breathing normally or something- or maybe I wasn't breathing at all- don't remember.

    Another time was when I knocked my head against a chandelier thing..

    Another time was when I was eight and I was in this pool swimmin' and stuff, like I usually do, and this teenager was all like "I'm going to be cool and impress some people with this dive thing off the edge of the pool" and he knocked into me, and I went under, and had a hard time getting back up, almost drowned that day.

    I won't bore you with more :file:
    June 7th, 2008 at 03:18am
  • Memories Remain;;

    Memories Remain;; (100)

    United States
    Umm the only near death expeirince i've ever had happened when I was born.
    I was a 4 month premie so my lungs and things weren't developed all of the way and I only weighed 3 pounds
    June 7th, 2008 at 05:30am
  • Rust;

    Rust; (100)

    -I fell out of a tree.
    -I stood infront of a swing and got pushed into a pile of bricks.
    -I don't know how too cross roads.
    -I didn't have a shower for a week?. What, I was young. I hate showers.
    -I have been winded a few times by my sister (very big) has jumped on me or my ex-friend punching me infront of everyone so she get attention.
    June 8th, 2008 at 04:48am
  • wishfinder

    wishfinder (100)

    I believe this is my 3rd life. I've almost died when I was just 2 months old, all to lung cancer. But saved just in time. (Thank God.)
    Incident of death Number Two was either when I drowned in the swimming pool when I was 7, or the night before the MCR concert. January 24, 2008, I had very, very shallow breathing and my heart died down for an hour. I literally fainted until somehow when MCR was showing on TV, I was kind of revived again. They literally saved my life. In Love
    June 8th, 2008 at 07:05am
  • Chels.

    Chels. (100)

    United States
    Uh, I was a premature baby by 3 months..I was like, 4 pounds when I was born. My mom and I almost died from loss of blood. I was on some heart thing for a while...
    June 8th, 2008 at 10:47pm
  • Kiddy-Love

    Kiddy-Love (100)

    United States
    Anna: um, well, when I was born, I was born feet first with the umbylical cord around my neck. and then something or other about my organs being forged into eachother. one of my lungs were underdeveloped and then I was in and out of the hospital until around 7 or 8.
    then at 9, I hit my head on the little step thing on the side of the roads because I pressed on my bicycle brakes too hard so I flipped over slightly and got twisted in. my skull is not slightly dent (u cant tell unless u feel for it) and then I got a blood clot/water in my skull/brain. then after like, a couple months my parents used aloe to get rid of it.
    then from the ages of 8-11 I drowned 5 times, and then... well... so far, so good :)
    June 8th, 2008 at 11:09pm
  • Kiddy-Love

    Kiddy-Love (100)

    United States
    Anna: um, well, when I was born, I was born feet first with the umbylical cord around my neck. and then something or other about my organs being forged into eachother. one of my lungs were underdeveloped and then I was in and out of the hospital until around 7 or 8.
    then at 9, I hit my head on the little step thing on the side of the roads because I pressed on my bicycle brakes too hard so I flipped over slightly and got twisted in. my skull is not slightly dent (u cant tell unless u feel for it) and then I got a blood clot/water in my skull/brain. then after like, a couple months my parents used aloe to get rid of it.
    then from the ages of 8-11 I drowned 5 times, and then... well... so far, so good :)
    Anna: OH! I just remembered. when I was young, before elementary school, so... like... from 6 and younger, I lived with my Grandma and we would always get into carcrashes a lot. my parents begged my grandma to take me to he hospital but she was like, "Pshhh, she's young. She'll heal" but today i've got like, bone structure defects so whenever I go see a chiropractor, they're like in awe at how much my bones crack
    I remember one time, I was like... 6 and I was in the front passenger seat with the seat belt around me, BUT I was on my knees, facing the back cause that's where my grandpa was. I was waving at him or something... or stcking my toungue out...
    but anyways, we were driving but my grandma stopped abruptly.. or hit the car infront, but w/e
    and then I we flying and the next thing I know, I'm looking up at the dashboard, cause Iw as under it, and I was also lying on my shoes a bit and stuff... weird...
    June 8th, 2008 at 11:19pm
  • Psycho Lunatic

    Psycho Lunatic (115)

    United Kingdom
    I haven't that I am aware of, other than nearly being careless when crossing the road.
    June 9th, 2008 at 02:29pm