
  • so i'm graduating in less than two weeks. Its really a bitter sweet moment. I'm so glad to be done with high school, but i'm sad that I'm probably not going to be seeing all the people i'm used to hanging out with. That's the sad reality of it all i guess.

    what is your feelings on graduating?
    future goals??
    May 18th, 2008 at 07:26pm
  • I graduated on Friday (i've posted about it about 1000 times, i'm sure)

    And you're right. It is bittersweet.

    but Baccalaureate and Senior Assembly are the cry moments. Graduation is the celebration. It's a time where you can sit back and go "I survived." It's weird, at our graduation, the JUNIORS cry. I guess because they're stuck there for another year.

    It hit me last night that it was over. I was back in my bedroom, hugging a pillow and crying like a baby. I never realized how much these people mean to me. I HATE most of them but by god, i'm gonna miss them.

    I think the most important thing is to have a plan for the future. Do you have a plan already?
    May 18th, 2008 at 10:06pm
  • Graduating high school, damn it was the most amazing feeling ever. I wrote a journal about it a year ago Click cause I graduated high school 2 years ago. Some of my views may have changed, because tat full time job I talked about? I lost it last November. I went back to shitty retail, but now I'm joining the Navy, going to Boot Camp in 6 days, but when I graduate that, it'll be another big accomplishment to me. I hope to finally get myself into a career in law enforcement.
    May 21st, 2008 at 11:07pm
  • When I graduated last year, I felt relieved and accomplished. I wasn't really sad to see anyone go because the majority of my graduating class was going to the same college as I was>_<(I hardly see them though) It feels good to graduate. You spend four years working hard and getting the grades and credit so you can walk across that stage and get that diploma.

    Right now, I'm majoring in business communication so I can somehow work for a major or indie record label :mrgreen:
    May 22nd, 2008 at 12:43am
  • I didn't really feel anything
    I think I was just so glad that it ment that I could leave Canada I didn't really have room to take in all the implications of leaving high school

    But now that I'm in university it feels like this is where I belong, I'm having so much fun
    May 22nd, 2008 at 02:42am
  • I graduate Middle School in about a month. Clearly, it's not a big of a deal as graduating High School... but I'm afraid everyone will laugh when I start sobbing. I probably won't see a few of my friends from there anymore, and it's just hard to leave, even though I hate it there.
    May 22nd, 2008 at 04:22am
  • I had a few friends graduate high school this year, and next year two of my best friends will be graduation. Then it'll be my turn. I honestly don't like the idea of growing up so fast... but I can't wait to get out of this effing hick town.
    May 24th, 2008 at 08:22pm
  • I graduated last year at the end of June. It was a really sad day because you went to the same class with these people for 5 fucking years and even if you try, you won't see many of them anymore. We all started to cry but thank god we went to Turkey for our A-level holidays so we could spend another week together. This year we had a re-union with our homeroom teacher and it was really nice. Whenever we go and visit her in school, she is like "Oh you can call me whenever you like". So sweet. But still, sometimes I miss the old times.
    May 24th, 2008 at 08:50pm
  • I graduated on Thursday and it was awesome! Instead of paying someone to be the speaker, I got to be it! I made the most adorable poem ever for it and let me tell you, it made some people cry. I even got the stoners to like it! That surprised me so much.

    It doesn't feel like I've really graduated though. It just seems like I'm out for a little break because I have to go back on Friday to get my diploma because we graduated on our last day of school due to so many snow days. What's awesome is that I don't have to see the people I don't like anymore! So relieved with that and I get to see my close friends because we're all going to college together. We didn't even plan it like that either! Well me and my bestie did since we're roommates.
    May 25th, 2008 at 05:04pm
  • I graduated a year ago but it wasn't that emotional for me. Just another chapter in my book.
    May 25th, 2008 at 05:16pm
  • I finished secondary school on Friday.
    It felt, strange.
    It hadn't sunk in the whole day, and because of that, I didnt cry all day.
    Then when we finally walked out of school, it hit me. And I actually went into hysterics. I haven't cried like that in a long time.
    But I'm still gonna see my friends all the time and I'm going back to my school in September for 6form. =)
    May 25th, 2008 at 09:07pm
  • I'm a freshman about to be a sophmore when the summer is over and at the senior assembly...I cried. I have so much emotional attachment to class of '13. It's still sad to think about.
    June 19th, 2010 at 06:07am
  • I just graduated on wednesday haha. I don't really feel sad about it, I mean with the people that I want to stay close I'll stay close. And high school sucked for me so. But it does feel weird that I won't have to go again
    June 19th, 2010 at 08:38am
  • Graduation didn't feel like anything for me. I had to struggle to stay awake while I waited for my turn to walk across the stage because it was kind of boring. Shifty
    I was more disappointed than anything because like half my family didn't even bother showing up, though they went to my older sister's graduation last year.

    I was only at the school I graduated from for two years, I didn't know very many people, so I wasn't emotional or anything about leaving friends. XD

    I was invited to a graduation party the day after, but I couldn't go. That's the only thing I regret, 'cause I'm sure it would've been pretty fun.
    June 20th, 2010 at 06:54am
  • Though I have not graduated high school yet (I'm going to be a freshmen next year...) I know that it's emotional, because you don't know the next time you will see your classmates and you have no clue what'll happen and where they're going. :(
    June 24th, 2010 at 03:30am
  • I graduate tomorrow, and I've been on an emotional rollercoaster all week. I've had my ups and downs with my classmates this year (mostly ups, though), and I'm gonna miss every single one of them. I can't believe the day is finally here.
    June 24th, 2010 at 07:02am
  • I graduated two weeks ago. I felt extremely eager to start university. Wow That's about it. Shifty
    I started crying at one point because I felt old and because I'm leaving the country, but I'm positive I'll keep in contact with the people who like me so I wasn't over-emotional about not seeing my classmates every day anymore.
    June 24th, 2010 at 07:45am
  • I graduated a month ago, and honestly, it was such a blur. I mean, I remember the ceremony, and the speeches, and looking up into the crowd at my family. But what I can't remember was getting my diploma; I don't even remember them calling my name, I just know that I walked across, grabbed the folder, and walked down. It went so fast, it was like everything was fast-forwarded and put on mute. I looked around at all my friends, tears falling, some of them sobbing, and I didn't feel emotional at all. I thought I would have, but it was like I was mentally prepared for it, ready. It was such a relief to get out of there though; the idea of my life just beginning was truly awe-inspiring.
    July 9th, 2010 at 11:15am
  • When I graduated 8th grade I cried my eyes out. I remember during the ceremony I had my head down the whole time because I didn't want people to see me crying. lmfao

    I graduate high school next year and judging my 8th grade experience, I know the tears are going to be much worse. I went to my friends graduation back in May and I started crying because I knew that was going to be me next year.
    July 9th, 2010 at 07:02pm
  • The entire experience for me was boring. Even dry grad <- a party thrown by the school with gifts and prizes. It was all soooo boring. And I'll miss my friends that are moving far away but, life will go on.

    Even the summer is boring, getting drunk everyday... It's not that great....
    July 9th, 2010 at 08:16pm