Mibba's Thank You Thread

  • garry way.

    garry way. (200)

    Sunny Shines:
    Garry Way: Oh my God. You my dear are absolutely amazing. :cheese:

    You have this amazing heart that extends out to so many people, warmly, lovingly and non-judgmentally. I don't think I could articulately capture the maelstrom of emotions that overwhelm me when I think of you. You always seem to be there, willing to offer a hand, and your enthusiastic, genuine personality seems to rub off to other people. We can't help but feel much better when we're around you. You always seem to say the right thing at the right time and offer the best comfort, as well as inspiration for others. I don't know. I guess I want to thank-you for being here. Being here for all the people you've touched, including me. For just being yourself and hence becoming the silver lining on many people's clouds on a dreary day. :arms: :arms:
    I...er... I'm speechless. That's the nicest thing someone has said to me - ever! I really needed cheering up today, hell, I didn’t even want to live to see the next day, but… now I read this I feel like crying.

    All your big words, which I had to register before proceeding, really makes me wonder if I’m really like that.
    :cheese: Gah! I’m going to go all emotional. :armsArms

    Onto my thank you's.

    I thanks each and every Mibbian that has graced my life in some way. Whether it was an answer to an OT topic. A conversation on a band. A helping hand – what ever way we connected I thank you. You guys make the world of Mibba turn around.

    And lastly, Dujo. I don’t know whether Mibba was going to be your child-like prodigy, or you dreamt about this, however your brain sparked up Mibba, I can’t thank you enough. I’ve met a variety of people I could only wish I could meet. You made internet friendships possible and I think I speak for every Mibbian, that you truly are amazing, and that Mibba just couldn’t possibly exist without you. :arms:
    April 8th, 2009 at 04:37pm
  • chromatography.

    chromatography. (255)

    ^You deserve every word of it. :arms:

    Megan & Cass: Thanks for putting up with me last night, you guys made me feel a heap better and calmed me down. So thank-you so much. :arms: :arms: In Love
    April 11th, 2009 at 04:30am
  • Cobra Starship

    Cobra Starship (100)

    Shay;; Thank you for telling me that Matt was and still is a dick. :file:
    I never really got to thank you for that. :arms:
    You saved me. :cute:

    Av;; you make me feel so good. :cute: You`re like the older sister I never had but always wished for. You could teach me right from wrong, and I wouldn`t mind at all.

    Lina;; Man, you know how I feel about you. :file: It`s in the compliments thread. :tehe:
    April 11th, 2009 at 04:52am
  • chromatography.

    chromatography. (255)

    Cobra Starship:
    Av;; you make me feel so good. :cute: You`re like the older sister I never had but always wished for. You could teach me right from wrong, and I wouldn`t mind at all.
    I really don't know what to say. Cry God, I'm so honoured. In Love :arms:
    April 11th, 2009 at 05:23am
  • Cobra Starship

    Cobra Starship (100)

    ^ I proclaim you my adopted older sister. :file: you can`t do shit about it.
    April 11th, 2009 at 05:25am
  • bateman

    bateman (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Sunny Shines:
    ^You deserve every word of it. :arms:

    Megan & Cass: Thanks for putting up with me last night, you guys made me feel a heap better and calmed me down. So thank-you so much. :arms: :arms: In Love
    April 11th, 2009 at 10:38am
  • quinn allman's hair.

    quinn allman's hair. (110)

    Sunny Shines:
    Megan & Cass: Thanks for putting up with me last night, you guys made me feel a heap better and calmed me down. So thank-you so much. :arms: :arms: In Love
    In Love I'm glad you're feeling better. :cuteArms:arms:
    Cobra Starship:
    ^ I proclaim you my adopted older sister. :file: you can`t do shit about it.
    :tehe: I guess that makes you my little, little sister, then? Shifty Av's the little sister I never had. :armsArms So, yeah. You can't do shit about it either. :coffee:
    Here's to Mibbz family! Drunk:lmfao
    April 11th, 2009 at 03:58pm
  • Cobra Starship

    Cobra Starship (100)

    ^ Oh God, I`m the youngest. :XD
    {I`m totally adding you. :tehe:}
    April 11th, 2009 at 04:09pm
  • Matt Smith

    Matt Smith (900)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Courtney, for accidentally sending me that emoticon of a cow being spanked.
    I laughed so hard I almost got stomach cramps.

    Good times :con:
    April 12th, 2009 at 10:50pm
  • not socially optimal

    not socially optimal (100)

    United States
    Sunny Shines:
    Kimberly because she's been just an amazing friend and just an amazing person, really. In Love
    Seconded. In Love
    Swoon :cheese: In Love Thank you both..In Love :arms: Very much. Both of you.

    I have a huge list of people to thank. And I will.
    April 13th, 2009 at 12:29am
  • garry way.

    garry way. (200)

    Cobra Starship:
    Lina;; Man, you know how I feel about you. :file: It`s in the compliments thread. :tehe:
    :arms: Thanks. You're awesome-sauce as well.

    I second the sister thing with Av. You feel like my older sister.
    Even though I am an older sister, I feel younger and I look up to you, like a younger sister would. :arms:
    April 13th, 2009 at 12:41pm
  • Cobra Starship

    Cobra Starship (100)

    ^ I made a little journal with you included in it if you`d like to read. In LoveHere.
    I so hate that you can`t use board smileys in journals. :grr:
    It worked on preview! :don:
    April 13th, 2009 at 01:03pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    shine obscene.:
    Dru :: Thank you for stopping your brother from raping me. Don't forget, zero and I are all supposed to join with you to form a threesome. :tehe: Thank you for being a star.
    Oh, we shall.
    We shall.
    April 14th, 2009 at 09:27pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    first try; ryan.:
    I think I'll thank a few people.

    Jude :: Thank you for never giving up on me. If I were you- I'd be fed up with myself. You've got a heart of gold. And I'm so glad you are my friend. I really miss talking to you all night in Michigan during the summer. we would talk about everything and nothing. I still have one of those texts saved.

    Zero :: Thank you too for staying up with me all night and talking to me about whatever crossed my mind and telling me things would be okay when I thought they weren't going to be. Thank you for calming my panic attacks and keeping me sane. Thank you for everything zerwhoah.

    Molly :: Molly dearest, I'm so glad you're back. I missed talking with you a lot. You were one of my first real friends on mibba and I couldn't be happier for that. You always stuck by my side. I can't wait for when you can come visit me. Webcam with you is always fun. Miss you molly dear.

    Dru :: Thank you for stopping your brother from raping me. Don't forget, zero and I are all supposed to join with you to form a threesome. :tehe: Thank you for being a star.

    Mean it everyone.
    I'm really glad I found you Dana.
    You inspire me to be a better person, and I know that sounds so cliche, but I just see you as this angelic figure that sometimes falls a bit, but always gets right back to soaring with a little help, and I'm glad I can be the one to help at times.
    I've been meaning to post on here for quite a while now. :tehe:

    Emma : You honestly have no idea how much you mean to me. Every time I see that you've come online, I smile, because I know I'm safe. Just you being here makes me feel protected and secure and wonderful. Thank you for being there for me when I need you the most, never giving up on me, and never letting go. I love you. :arms:

    Dana : The best Mibba wifey I could ever ask for! :hand: :cute: You've done so much for me it's crazy. Whether it's leaving me reassuring voicemails late at night or simply calling me to let me know I exist, you've made me feel like I have someone to fall back on whatever may come my way. Thank you for taking the time out to show me that you're there for me. I love you. :arms:

    Chethana : You are a hero, hands down. Without you, I wouldn't be the same, and I know it. You're always there to catch me when I fall and to keep me sane. I know I can go to you for anything, and that makes me feel amazing. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world as thanks for the wonderful things you've done for me and for everyone else here. Thank you for being my safety net. I love you. :arms:

    Isis : I really can't thank you enough for all you've done for me. You've given me the best advice, made me feel incredibly loved, and most of all, you've put up with my insanity without going totally insane yourself. :tehe: You are, by far, one of the sweetest, most caring Mibbians I've ever come across, and I'm honored to be considered your friend. Thank you for watching over me and giving me hope. I love you. :arms:

    And to everyone else:

    KFC. :arms:
    Julia. :arms:
    Jamie. :arms:
    Jude. :arms:
    Becky. :arms:
    Katrina. :arms:
    Danielle. :arms:
    Vonn. :arms:
    Molly. :arms:
    Lou. :arms:
    Meaghan. :arms:
    Cass. :arms:
    Olivia. :arms:
    Lins. :arms:
    Tasha. :arms:
    Claire. :arms:
    Zoe. :arms:

    Thank you all so much for helping me whenever I need it and simply making me feel like I'm not alone. Words can't describe how much you all mean to me. In Love
    I miss talking to you.
    April 15th, 2009 at 10:18am
  • The Brightside

    The Brightside (500)

    So I have a lot of thank yous, most of which go to Mibbians who barely come here anymore (which depresses the hell out of me) but I have to do it regardless. I owe you guys so bad.

    (These are in no particular order, jsyk)

    First and foremost to Kayla, [sullen riot./Adie Armstrong.]. You always understood me best, and you would be the first person I'd go to when I felt like shit. I don't think I'll ever meet anybody who can help me the way you can; the messages you send me make me happy like nothing else and I never, ever did anything to deserve somebody like you. Thank you for everything, you'll always be my best friend, mentor, saviour and reason to keep going.

    Vonny. One of my oldest friends, you were another one to always put up with my moody crap and I'm sorry for any time I acted like a total ass. You have the coolest taste in things, seriously, and I owe you hardcore for getting me into bands like The Fratellis and the Wombats. I'm sorry I epically failed with the Harry Potter fanfic, but I swear I'll do it better after HSC. You were another person who's been like a mentor for me, having been through a lot of this stuff first. You're like the cool twin sister I never had who's different enough not to irritate me. So thank you for everything.

    Sneki for making me laugh so hard way more than once - I'll never forget the stupid things you've said. I'm laughing just writing this out. :lmfao But thanks also for being somebody I could always have an MSN conversation with and not get bored, as well as when you'd totally kill me in minolevic or whatever your Slovenian name for minesweeper was.

    Lucie [Mike Dirnt.] for being the best husband (~~) and cowriter I could ask for. You still blow me away with all your GD fanfics! Thanks for all the epic times on the Green Day thread... enough said, I want to keep this G-rated. :lmfao

    Josipa for being one of the sweetest people to walk this planet, honestly. You were always so awesome to talk to on WAYT back in the day and I'll never forget The Killers and Seinfeld fangirling. (I've never met another Seinfeld fan as cool as you.) You're a Mibbian I've always looked up to and I couldn't have asked for a cooler friend.

    Joan (Harper Pitt). You probably don't know how cool I think you are so I just wanted to let you know, and your posts always make me smile. Thanks for being my dark side... you may be The Master but I'll always be The Doctor.

    Kurtni, you're another one I've always wanted to tell how cool you are, and I respect you so much like a lot of other Mibbians do too. Thanks for being such a cool admin and keeping the discussion forums alive with your well informed opinions.

    Kad [abandon ship.] for being a hilarious friend and somebody who forgave me so nicely for being a shitty co author. Thank you for the amazingggg TLE fangirling, seriously, I don't know what I'd do without your antics and jester pedo-ship.

    Logan [Logan! owns you] for easily empathising with me during a difficult time and being the Patron Saint I could always rely on. We'll get it back, don't you worry! One day. OH! And I owe you so so so bad for the copy of AP Magazine you sent me and you have to tell me what to get you in return. Thanks for being so amazing. (Can I still be a bridesmaid at your mother's marriage to Tre Cool?)

    Emilee [Bert McCracken... but you'll always be Alice Cullen to me :tehe:], thank you for that message you sent me precisely a year and four months ago when I was feeling like crap. You're such a beautiful person, inside and out, and I know for a fact I'm not the only person who's lucky enough to have someone so caring as you.

    Emma [burlesque chester] for being one of the most fucking radcore (I still use 'rad' in your honour, fer srs) Mibbians I have ever met. Thank you thank you thank you for being the one who got me through my n00b days back on the WAYT thread 2007, I miss those days and your purple font and your typos and your forgetting of my name so hard it hurts. Meeting you was fucking amazing as well... I miss that night, too. And the second night as well. ilyilyilyily and seriously, when I think of 'cool Mibbian' you're the first person that comes to mind.

    Shalisa, [RENT] you are absolutely hilarious and so strong a person. Another one of my first friends on Mibba and the original ierogasm, meeting you was unbelieveable and I miss the hilarity you would bring to my life on WAYT. Thank you for absolutely everything.

    Jasmin [Leonore Paisley] for those times she was there for me, and being somebody I could share dreams with. (Can we still have our band that we were going to create once we get out of high school?! :brightside:)

    Ash [phantom] for being the most compassionate, amazing, brilliant, talented and wise person on this godforsaken planet. Seriously. You always spoke with such intelligence and knowledge, and always gave the best advice. You have that uncanny ability to make people realise they're worth absoutely everything, and I thank you for the happiness you bring to people like me. I don't know if you truly know how amazing you are, but I have to thank you for existing anyway, and tell you that you definitely are.

    Lena [ChemicallyImbalanced] for picking me up and dusting me off when I fell down, and caring whenever I seemed upset by way of messages. Getting to hang out with you for a day was insanely fun, and I'll forget it. (I hope Bowral and my weird friends didn't bore you!) You're somebody so many people on Mibba owe, what with your undeniably sweet and caring nature, but somebody who also contributes to the site a lot by way of stories, articles and discussion forum posts. You're going to be big one day, I know it.

    Isa [The Way, duh :hand:] for being such a kindhearted soul, for the random messages that always, without fail, brightened my day, an unbelieveable author, unbelieveable My Chem fan, unbelieveably inspiring person and unbelieveable in simply every way and giving so much to this website. Just... thank you. :arms: You never fail to make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. You're another person who will change the world - you've already begun to do so.

    Alice [Smashed Pumpkin] for being the only Frerard author I'll ever read (:con:) and for simply being a perpetually fun and happy person to talk to. You always bring a smile to your face, and your comment on Parallel Minds (which I never thanked you for, so thank you now Cry) made my week, simply because I value your opinion so much and to see you read that story of all stories just... gah. I'm not even making sense now. So thank you. <3

    Sam [zodiac] for having the raddest hair (you cannot begin to understand how much I love it, it's probably kind of creepy :cheese:) and being one of the coolest chicks around. And for being a freaking insane author... oh my god. I've never commented on your stories to my knowledge but just so you know, I'm a secret fan. :tehe:

    Kelly [Sensual Violation] for getting me into stuff like Russell Brand and The Mighty Boosh and without even knowing it. :tehe: I'll also take this time to formally apologise for being such a crappy pen pal.

    Victoria [smick] for being the most gorgeous (inside and out) arty and adorable Mibbian on the planet.

    Jo [hero] for being fucking hilarious, and the funnest pen pal in the history of pen pals. Seriously. :lmfao I still have a box of your letters that I read all the time... I WILL WRITE YOU AN EPIC LETTER VERY SOON, I PROMISE. (I'm sorry I failed so epically in the past Cry)

    Spaztastic for having the most insane music taste, pretty much the best on Mibba, a website where most are fans of a certain genre.

    I've probably forgotten somebody, so I'll most likely end up editing this soon anyway.

    But seriously guys, a lot of you I barely talk to anymore and I just had to let you know that I miss the old times with you all so bad it's really not cool. XD Thank you for absolutely everything and making me feel like a normal person, not an outcast, in this crazy, fast-paced world. Thank you thank you thank you :arms:
    April 15th, 2009 at 11:41am
  • quinn allman's hair.

    quinn allman's hair. (110)

    Thankyou to Kimby, xD.LOL.xD and Mul, cunny funt for giving me the most epic story comments I could hope for. :lmfao
    April 22nd, 2009 at 02:55pm
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm sorry Mibba for the long post and the fact it starts out like mega mushy :XD

    Matt Parkman: Mister Ryan Stokes, thank you, thank you so much for everything. As of late, which is what eighteen months? You've been my best friend and for nearly 14 months you've been one hell of a boyfriend. Thank you for holding me til I sleep, calling when I'm sad and post stalking me to make sure I haven't subcumb to anything silly. Thank you for being perfect. Thank you for keeping me safe and sane.

    Now to everyone else including

    Av for all the funny conversations and for helping me plan Save Matt Parkman, it was really appreciated

    Nat for being such a big help and listening to my childish whining, you're fantastic

    FannyNakamura, I REFUSE to call anything else out of love, but thank you for being an amazing friend

    KFC thankyou for cheering me up all those times in the past

    Joan, oh god thanks for those hilarious Who related memories :XD

    Nae, Kirst, Olivia, Aidan, Ruth, Sheep, Erin, Chrissie, Krittz, Sam, Clairebear, Lena and all the people I forgot but love thank you for everything :arms:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 04:03pm
  • melon avenue.

    melon avenue. (100)

    A late thank you to Isa. :arms:
    April 28th, 2009 at 02:58pm
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you for putting a smile on my face today
    April 29th, 2009 at 02:37pm
  • Angel di Morte

    Angel di Morte (100)

    United States
    First of all, I want to explain that I spend a large majority of my spare time writing. And although I have spoken to many mibbians in private or through social sites, apparently some of you have mentioned me in these forums.

    I want to thank ALL of my Think Happy Thoughts readers - simply for reading the saga that it is. But if I've heard from you, and especially if you've told me that my writing has moved you, or inspired you, or if you've created something else because of my writing, you deserve to be recognized here, if anyone. Along with the absolute joy that I derive from writing that story, hearing from you guys has been greatly motivating (and sometimes therapeutic) to me. Thank you for adjusting with me as my writing evolved with this story. And thank you for not deserting me when I gave Andie breast cancer.

    On that same note, I want to thank those THT readers who also read Fallen From Grace...and didn't come after me with pitchforks for what I did to "Gerandie".

    I'd like to thank anyone who has mentioned me in the "heroes" thread or the "unofficial mibba awards" thread. As I mentioned above, I rarely look at forums. After seeing those today, it pains me that I never knew or thanked you.

    There are so many people I could personally give credit to here, because so many have inspired me. But there is no possible way I could mention everyone on mibba who means something to me. So please forgive me for only mentioning those of you who regularly correspond with me. (And, as with my chapters, be prepared for possible editing at a later time.)

    Jane, though you're not often on here and will probably never see this, thank you for standing up for me so long ago, and for listening to me vent at all hours. Thank you for picking me up when I was down, and for always reminding me that the possibilities are endless. And thank you for the group page for Andie fans on Facebook.

    Michele, thank you for always being there for me, and for comforting me when reality becomes too much. Thank you for those long conversations about anything and everything, and for the opportunity to spend time with you and your girls. Meeting you guys in Chicago to see MCR together was phenominal. Thank you for knowing my characters so well that you could write Nothing Is Forever with this unbelievable understanding of Sam.

    Rachel, thank you for this:
    My Only:
    Dujo- 'cause well ...duh. He made Mibba, I live in Mibba.

    Shari- For writing the story that gets me out of bed in the morning, and for always being so nice to me.

    Isa- She started Keep The Faith. And while I might not be as good a writer as the others I feel like I fit in there, because we all feel the same way about My Chem. So I thank you for giving me somewhere were I don't feel like a outcast.

    Erin- Has been so nice to me, since day 1. Always makes me smile, for that I love you Twin-Butt! :arms:

    That Mystery Editor- I don't know who you are, but you really improved my writing. So... :arms:
    ...and for mentioning me in those above named threads. Thank you for praising my story and for promoting it in so many places. I can't tell you how much this has meant to me, or how incredible it felt when I first saw that you'd even mentioned THT in your profile (or anytime you say you saw "Andie Way" on TV).

    Sarah, thank you for becoming a true friend through this site and others, and for being nearly as involved with my characters as I am. Nearly. Thank you for creating side-projects with me and for late night (or middle of the day) discussions on Twitter. And when MCR tours again, we HAVE to try to meet somewhere in the middle to see one together (with Shel of course).

    Lizzy, thank you for supporting my writing and for your enthusiasm for it. And thank you for always helping me with the odd things that I only seem to ask of you girls from NZ.

    JJ, thank you for helping me with so many other projects that I can't seem to keep my nose out of. Your skills are completely underappreciated, I might say.

    Julie, thank you for seeing a bit of THT in places other than mibba, and for always finding such great song suggestions.

    Joan, thank you for always being honest with me, and for sharing your thoughts on my characters' trials. (And sorry I wasn't able to use that "Rocky Horror Picture Show" idea in THT. Andie would have totally rocked that outfit, too.)

    Jae, thank you for sharing your personal struggles with me. That my writing continues to help you find your own happy thoughts is rewarding on so many levels. I wish you and yours well.

    Charlie, thank you for the Bebo page tribute and for the random conversations on Twitter.

    Sami, although I don't know who you are (!), thank you for this;
    Silly Sarah (or just Sarah) for introducing me to Mibba all those months ago. :arms: You're one fly bamf.

    ur_beautiful; dead for making the best fucking stories ever, :tehe: and giving me the inspiration to write when I'm stuck.

    RunawayTinkerbell for putting up with my n00bish ways, and showing me the light. :XD Just chatting with me endlessly makes me feel real important and special. :cute:

    Any WAYTers because, really, you guys R O C K. :file: Even when everyone is dead.. :shifty

    :arms: :arms:
    If I've inspired you to write, my dear, it was my pleasure.

    Michelle and Liz, thank you for putting up with me at work on those days when an idea takes over my mind - as it often does. And I'm sorry for all the chapters I've ruined for you two by discussing them with you beforehand.

    Courtney, Gaby, Katarina, Amber, Kathleen, Gra, Natalie, Jinxx, Brittany, Laura, Ruth, Alie, Erika, Taryn, Teresa, Fanny, Beej, Rosie and anyone else who has shared with me in any way on mibba, or because of mibba, thank you, as well.

    And thank you to Dujo for giving me this means of sharing my imagination with the world.
    May 9th, 2009 at 09:41pm