Mibba's Thank You Thread

  • ward-o

    ward-o (150)

    capture the soul.:
    Emmy, CheChe, Sara, Dana, Jude, Tasha, Zero, Meaghan.
    Thank you.
    You all make me laugh so hard I cry. You all comfort me when I'm thinking about ending everything. You pick me up when I'm down. You turn frowns into moon-wide grins.
    Without you all, I don't think I'd be here right now. I'd be in a hospital or a psych ward or in a grave.
    You've all saved me.
    Thank you.

    I love you, Emma. Don't forget that. I never knew I meant so much, and I want you to know you mean just the same. :cute:

    And yeah, when I said you were epic, I wasn't lying.
    October 6th, 2008 at 01:02pm
  • albaphetical

    albaphetical (100)

    United States
    Thank you Zero. In Love
    I love you. :arms:
    capture the soul.:
    Emmy, CheChe, Sara, Dana, Jude, Tasha, Zero, Meaghan.
    Thank you.
    You all make me laugh so hard I cry. You all comfort me when I'm thinking about ending everything. You pick me up when I'm down. You turn frowns into moon-wide grins.
    Without you all, I don't think I'd be here right now. I'd be in a hospital or a psych ward or in a grave.
    You've all saved me.
    Thank you.
    Actually I have two to add onto this.
    Lou and Isis.
    HowthefuckdidIforgetyou? :cheese:
    I'm sorry. ._.
    You two are two of the most important people to me. I have no clue what I'd do without you guys. Really.
    For all the times I've been crying and you've made me stop, for all the random PMs and photo comments, for every :arms: on the confessions and every kind word out of the millions you have given me...thank you.
    I love you both so much. ;_;
    October 6th, 2008 at 10:26pm
  • Shawty.

    Shawty. (400)

    United Kingdom
    I only has like 3 people. Oh well, they are special

    Lightning Zap
    You're awesomeness. you write amazing stories. And you're always there for everyone when they need someone to talk to or a virtual shoulder to cry on. You helped me a lot, and you still do. And i love you foreverrrr :arms:

    Inigo Montoya
    You rock. You're always on MSN to talk and on WAYT a lot, even if I'm not so much anymore. You're like the only person around my age who i know on here :tehe: But we rule anyway, cuz we secretly like Miley Cyrus =]

    Ma other MSN buddy :XD You're awesome to talk to, and you're way better then me at speaking in English. And your name is awesome to. I love you =] And the fact you know people who could potentially be a second MCR :XD
    October 7th, 2008 at 08:47am
  • Laceration Gravity

    Laceration Gravity (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    And Kevin once more 'cause she doesn't remember how special she is :cute: :arms:
    October 7th, 2008 at 06:30pm
  • avalon.

    avalon. (150)

    United Kingdom
    Other than all the Mibbians in existance...there are a few that will always stick in my mind forever.

    Laceration Gravity - My secksytime buddy. She's awesome and probably one of the nicest people I've met on Mibba. She always comforts me when I'm down and her youtube vids made me laugh so much! ILU KFC!

    Cosmo!! - Aaron is awesome. He makes me smile so so so much! When he said I was awesome, I was really happy. Coz it was the first compliment I'd had in weeks. He's such a sweetie, ILU Aaron!

    theripper. - Joyce is legendary. I'm serious. I dunno where my writing would be without her! She has the funniest words and she can't get over the time difference of our countries XD ILU Joyce!

    capture the soul. - No one kicks ass more than Emma. She's the sweetest girl I've ever met and she's always there to help me as I am for her. ILU Emma!

    Running out of time now. So these are the Mibbians who I love lots and lots and lots!
    faith. , sammmmmmi, Tink, Lizi, Julia, Sara, Peter and Cassie and anyone I missed and any WAYTers!!!
    October 8th, 2008 at 10:06pm
  • Lightning Zap

    Lightning Zap (150)

    I only has like 3 people. Oh well, they are special

    Lightning Zap
    You're awesomeness. you write amazing stories. And you're always there for everyone when they need someone to talk to or a virtual shoulder to cry on. You helped me a lot, and you still do. And i love you foreverrrr :arms:

    Inigo Montoya
    You rock. You're always on MSN to talk and on WAYT a lot, even if I'm not so much anymore. You're like the only person around my age who i know on here :tehe: But we rule anyway, cuz we secretly like Miley Cyrus =]

    Ma other MSN buddy :XD You're awesome to talk to, and you're way better then me at speaking in English. And your name is awesome to. I love you =] And the fact you know people who could potentially be a second MCR :XD
    Thank you, ILY :arms:

    I have some people to thank too... prepare for a longish list.

    Amy-Faye, Dead!22, Inigo Montoya, say it lover-SAY IT and iLoser (Steph) for being awesome people who are friendly and always fun to talk to. And special mentions to Amy-Faye, Inigo Montoya and Dead!22 for being awesome stalkers. I think that's all for the moment, but if I think of anyone else, I'll know where to come and thank them.
    October 11th, 2008 at 02:50am
  • dr. faustus

    dr. faustus (1070)

    I wanna thank all my 99 ways to save a life group.
    October 18th, 2008 at 04:19am
  • Isis

    Isis (105)

    United States
    I love all of the Mibbians I’ve ever had the pleasure talking to, or even just seeing around. You are all such amazing people, the most amazing in the world, I swear it. Thank you all for what you’ve done for me. Here are the people that have really touched me.

    Tasha [Make Me Beautiful.] - Thank you for being there for me all of the time. You’re my best friend here on Mibba, and I’m so thankful to have you. You know more about me than most everyone else. I can tell you anything, and you can do the same, and we understand each other. I’m so happy for that. Thank you for being so kind, sweet, beautiful, funny, and real for me. You are truly a star shining above, and I can’t take my eyes off of you. You have saved me from myself and my thoughts countless times, and I wouldn’t be as happy as I am without you. You make me smile so much, you make me love myself. Truly an amazing person, I’ll never forget you. Thank you, Tasha, for everything you’ve ever done for me.

    Emma [capture the soul.] - You are so sweet and caring. You care more for others than yourself, and you’re there for me all the time. I can’t even describe it. You’re just such a beautiful person, and you’ve helped me in so many ways so many times. Thank you so much, Emma, for being such a good friend.

    Lou [Ianto Jones] - You are so sweet and fun to talk to. You were my first real friend on Mibba, and you made me a lot less scared of people and the forums. You’re so friendly and easy to talk to. I love it. Thank you.

    Erin [skank.] - Thank you for having such long unending conversations with me. You’re so fun and easy to talk to, so easy to trust and express myself to. You’re funny and interesting, and you can keep a conversation going with me. Having you there to talk to most days cheers me up, takes off the edge of unhappiness. For that, thank you so very much.

    Danielle [villain.] - You make me smile and laugh so much. I don’t know…you just do. You’re so fun to talk to. Interesting, funny, kind. I love talking to you, really I do. You’ve helped me when I needed it, and for that, and for being my friend, thank you.

    Meaghan [The Temptation.] - You give the most amazing compliments. If I remember correctly…that’s what made me comment you in the first place. And God, am I glad I did. You are such a bright light. You are so fucking sweet, and you’re there for me even when you aren’t there for yourself. You are so strong, and you help me be strong. So hard to describe. My face lights up when I see you online. Thank you so much for being there, dearie.

    Vonn [nimrod.] - Wow. You are so fucking funny. Maybe it’s just naturally part of your personality and attitude…but most of the things you say just make me laugh so hard. And you’re so fun to talk to. You cheer me up, for sure. And it’s nice talking to someone who loves Green Day like I do. That’s a big plus. And you’re so nice, too. Interesting. Thank you for making me smile and giving me someone to talk to.

    God, there’s just so many of you. It’s so hard to describe why and how much I love you all. Besides those listed above are my other special loves, Chethana [the endless.], Katrina [Knees to the Floor.], Amanda [Gerard.], Dana [Crashing], Aaron [Cosmo!!], Julia [Inigo Montoya], Emi [Tragic.], Jude [Judas Ryan.], and Nicola [Knee-Cola].

    You are all so very kind, sweet, amazing, and caring. You have all been there for me at some point, and I thank you for that. I don’t know what I would do without all of you. You people are some of the most amazing people in the world, that I have ever had the honor of meeting and talking to. You all make me a better person, you make me believe and hope for something better. Countless smiles and laughs have come because of you. Thank you all so fucking much, you will never understand. I love each and every single one of you more than you’ll ever imagine. All of you are heroes to me, I swear it.
    November 7th, 2008 at 02:20am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I want to thank Kurtni.
    -blows kissies-
    She knows what for.
    November 7th, 2008 at 07:07pm
  • Spanish Lullaby

    Spanish Lullaby (100)

    United States
    I wanna think Serena (DisenchantedTeenager) for not just being a great Mibbian and cowriter, but for also being the best friend I could ever ask for. For calling me out of the blue to tell me about a new story idea, for pulling me out of my deep depressions, for helping me get over B. You have no clue how much I need you and how lost I'd be without you, literary and life-wise. :arms: :arms: :arms:
    November 9th, 2008 at 05:25pm
  • mia bell.

    mia bell. (150)

    I just want to say thank you to everyone. Honestly, without you all life would be a hell of a lot more boring. x]

    Special thanks to Dujo though, of course. We've dubbed him God of Mibba who is the ultimate ruler of Lord Jepha. xD
    November 11th, 2008 at 11:23am
  • Marius De Romanus

    Marius De Romanus (150)

    Thank you too everyone,
    You have all helped me so much,

    KFC, and Ruth! In Love

    I love you all so much and I hope you know how much I miss you guys (Gerard. and KFC, I miss talking to you guys Sad)

    Ruth, you are my lifeline and I thank you. :arms: In Love
    November 11th, 2008 at 05:43pm
  • Spanish Lullaby

    Spanish Lullaby (100)

    United States
    Thank you to Everbody's Fool, for just being a fucking amazing cowriter. :arms: Seriously, you are so fucking talented. I'm in awe of you honey!
    November 11th, 2008 at 06:19pm
  • ward-o

    ward-o (150)

    Thank you to Dana, Emily, Jessus, Jude and Emma for being my closest family here. In Love

    Thank you for Erwin (:tehe:) for being the awesomest friend ever. And because I can trust him wiuth everything and he can with me, too and he knows that. You rock at the six-string, dude. T_T It's fucking radical.
    November 13th, 2008 at 01:35pm
  • Poirot's Moustache

    Poirot's Moustache (1270)

    Lena, for listening when I needed it.

    Andy, for kind of unintentionally inspiring me to read more fiction, which I will do once I've finished this semester. And for beta-reading two articles for me.
    November 18th, 2008 at 02:29pm
  • kafka.

    kafka. (150)

    United Kingdom
    Smashed Pumpkin:
    Andy, for kind of unintentionally inspiring me to read more fiction, which I will do once I've finished this semester. And for beta-reading two articles for me.
    You're such a sweetheart.
    In Love
    I feel beyond flattered and I wish you the best with finding time to read during school. because it's hard....

    And since I'm here, I want to thank anyone I've ever debated/discussed with for putting up with my silliness and teaching me so much in return.
    I will never manage to put my gratitude into words.
    November 18th, 2008 at 03:55pm
  • chromatography.

    chromatography. (255)

    Okay I'll probably have more to add but currently:

    Andy: You my dear are a highly intelligent being with such a wonderful sense of humour. It makes me giggle. :tehe: You have this remarkable ability to say things at just the right time, I honestly don't know how you do it. Many things you write cause me to ponder, laugh, smile etc and I thank-you for that. For being that wonderful person you are, with a heart to give. :cute:

    Emily: What can I say about you? Wonderful, caring, uses a lot of emoticons and has this ability to make you so happy when you're down. She puts the sweet in candy cane, and makes life just splendid. Also, her reviews are just. Wow This girl really knows her stuff. Not to mention she's just awesome. Wow

    Chrissie: You're truly hardcore you know, with such nice things to say. Articulate writing just comes under your character automatically. You have a gift with people and your creativity is: Swoon. You're gonna get somewhere kiddo. I dunno, just overall you are a fantastic person that brings joy into other people's lives. That alone is something to be proud of. :arms:

    Kathryn: My inbox is overflowing in messages from you, but I prefer it that way. :XD I love our conversations, they are kind of borderline insane but we maintain sanity for sure. We could invest in a sane-o-meter. :shifty Your humour is remarkable, and everything you've said and done just shows me what an amazing individual you truly are. :arms: :arms: x infinity.

    And of course all Mibbians pwn. Truly. :hug:
    November 22nd, 2008 at 12:33pm
  • RENT.

    RENT. (150)


    For not forgetting.
    November 23rd, 2008 at 07:01am
  • Mala

    Mala (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Just mibba itself,
    thank you for being so awesome ^_^
    and all the dudes on it, you all rule!
    November 29th, 2008 at 11:10pm
  • Charlatan Saint

    Charlatan Saint (100)

    United States
    Okay so I do think it's about time I tell some very important people many thanks and generally fawn over their greatness.

    Laceration Gravity/ KFC (as if you didn't know you'd be on here):
    My one and only husband In Love which is something I'm very proud of.

    Anyways, thank you x8763864t68783678364876938764837947397 for everything you do. Thank you for even speaking to me in the first place when I was super n00by and scared and just kind of silently admired you for being such a fantastic person. Thank you for every conversation we have even the ones where nothing's really even said. It doesn't matter because simply being able to know you is great enough. Thank you for being such a positive person and influence on me. I honestly have no idea what I'd be if you hadn't come and straightened my life up. Cry Thank you for making me giggle and feel bubbly when I think I'll never be okay again. Thank youf for putting up with me and never once looking down on me. I don't know it's simply how you speak and how approachable and friendly and accepting you are. It makes me warm and fuzzy to talk to and know you :tehe: Thank you for being you, because you're absolutely the most genuine,sweetest, most giving, loving, adorable, admirable person on the face of the earth. You are pure good from the inside and it shows and makes you beautiful from every angle :cute: Oh and your accent pwns of course and even the things you think are weird about you make me appreciate and adore you even more so :hand: Thank you thank you thank you for being my Frankie, my best friend ever ever ever ever and for even existing. Needless to say, though it is fun to say, I LOVE YOU!

    What's In A Name?/ Rose (as if you didn't know this was coming):

    :brightside: So yes I remember the first time you ever spoke to me, when I was not feeling so shiny and it was just..wow. I couldn't even speak because I had looked up to you so much and you were a hero to me even before you spoke to me. I never properly thanked you for bringing me up that day so THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!! Even now as I'm writng this I still feel that same way, like an uber fangirl writing aimlessly spilling and gushing over someone who will never know it. But see I'm lucky because I DO know you and I DO speak to you and YOUARESOAMAZING!!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for putting up with me, for being there, for being such a kind and caring individual. Thank you for counseling me even when it's about 1-4am. Thank you for making me smile. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for making me see the good things in myself. Thank you for helping me see what I can work on to be better. Thank you for being my hero. THANK YOU THANK THANK YOU!!! <33333

    Druscilla In Love It's blanantly obvious why you are such a breath-taking human being. On mibba you're legend. Your writing can literally melt people into puddles of goo and rip their hearts out. But I have other reason to thank you as well. I really have looked up to you ever since I first saw one of you stories. I could tell you were a passionate and strong person. I never thought I would be granted the time to speak to you but for some reason I have. Thank you for being so sweet to me, from the first word I felt really welcomed by you. Thank you for being so strong despite anything. Thank you for speaking to me at all. Thank you for accepting me. Thank you for being so pure and honest. Thank you for being someone who's had such a huge impact on me. Thank you, Dru. Really you will never know how much I really adore you and how much you being alive and around at all means to me.
    December 5th, 2008 at 04:57pm