
  • ZoeePea:
    I remember the blue and white background. I also remember when it was a super acheivement to have a background to your quizes.
    I was only like, 12 when I got my first account on that! and I did quizes, not stories.
    Now I'm all grown up and using mibba! =]
    I remember that background too!

    I hated it when they changed the layout to the red and white one! :lmfao

    I voted for one of the other layouts they had in mind, instead.

    I had about 5 different accounts because I kept realising how stupid my usernames were. I originally made quizzes on there and kept getting all pissy at the people who were writing stories on there because it was called "Quizilla" and not "Storyzilla" :tehe: I did petitions and everything.

    Saying that though, I did write embarrassingly bad fanfiction on there at one stage. I wrote one of those stupid "let's invite the girl to tour with us" stories, and the funniest thing was that the focus of the story was the bassist of the band, who wasn't even that good looking and nobody wrote about him.
    September 1st, 2008 at 12:08pm
  • I am on Quizilla though I don't update my story any more, its more like a storage place for me for poems and old stories so I don't lose them in my files xD, I don't like Quizilla since the change, personally I think Mibba is so much cooler!
    September 1st, 2008 at 02:09pm
  • I still remember all the trends that were on Quizilla since I joined in early 2004 ^^

    1. "Would An Angel, Demon, Or Devil Fall For You?"
    2. Harry Potter Fanfiction
    3. Band Fanfiction
    4. Original/Comedy/High School Stories
    5. Vampire Fiction
    6. Anime (Full-Metal Alchemist, Naruto, etc.) Fanfiction
    September 24th, 2008 at 11:52pm
  • ^I remember when Harry Potter fanfiction was MASSIVE on Quizilla. :XD
    September 26th, 2008 at 01:29pm
  • I remember making lists of the types of fanfiction and original fiction that overrun the Most Popular and Highest Rated lists, trying to figure a formula for writing a successful story. I came to the conclusion it would either have to be Harry and Draco slash, Edward Elric fanfiction, Bert McCracken or Gerard Way bandfiction, or an original involving some mob.

    I never wrote a successful story on Quizilla.

    Now that I think about it, I miss Quizilla. It should have never been sold in the first place, maybe then it'd be more humble and less teeniebopper attractive than it is today.
    September 26th, 2008 at 11:42pm
  • I hate quizilla now.
    I used to be on it, then my friend found mibba and yeah... now I'm here.
    Quizilla got stupid in my opinion. There are a few good authors but they all left.
    Don't know where they are now.
    But w.e. Mibba owns all.
    September 27th, 2008 at 01:04am
  • I've been on there for about three years. Don't really venture on there anymore. I like Mibba a lot better.
    September 27th, 2008 at 04:47am
  • I used to go on there.
    I hated it.
    The people all seemed to be really immature and really rude. I felt really...well, I suppose alone would be the right word, there.
    Plus it was so hard to get any readers. The highest amount of readers I'd gotten on there was around eighty, which compared to how many readers I have now is a rather small number.
    Needless to say, I like Mibba a ton better. :mrgreen:
    September 28th, 2008 at 12:06am
  • capture the soul.:
    I used to go on there.
    I hated it.
    The people all seemed to be really immature and really rude. I felt really...well, I suppose alone would be the right word, there.
    Plus it was so hard to get any readers. The highest amount of readers I'd gotten on there was around eighty, which compared to how many readers I have now is a rather small number.
    Needless to say, I like Mibba a ton better. :mrgreen:
    I agree. People on Mibba are sooo much nicer, and there's more of a sense of community.

    I love it here. I went on Quizilla a couple weeks ago, and the new layout totally confused me.
    September 28th, 2008 at 12:15am
  • Quizilla used to be about quizzes, yes? I used to spend hours wasting my life away on it, finding out which high school clique I belonged in and what colour eyes I should have, but apparently it's also a story site... ? I really was never aware of this until people started bitching about it on Mibba. ¬_¬
    September 29th, 2008 at 04:55pm
  • the ketchup punch:
    Quizilla used to be about quizzes, yes? I used to spend hours wasting my life away on it, finding out which high school clique I belonged in and what colour eyes I should have, but apparently it's also a story site... ? I really was never aware of this until people started bitching about it on Mibba. ¬_¬
    Really? People have been writing stories on Quizilla since atleast 2002, and I believe the site launched in 2001. I originally was on Quizilla for the quizzes, then the Lord of the Rings fanfiction started up and I began to read. It was about 2004 when the whole Quiz vs Story situation started, but that's only after Quizilla split into the Quiz section and the Story section. Though few Quiz people seemed to have a problem with the Forums, polls, poems, or games.
    September 29th, 2008 at 10:48pm
  • I didn't like how Quizilla censored the writing, even if it was rated appropriately.
    You couldn't mention sex, violence or drugs.
    Swearing was out of the question.
    I guess the site is intended for twelve year olds but it still bugged me.
    And posting your stories in a quiz layout...why!?
    October 2nd, 2008 at 08:41am
  • venomous.:
    I didn't like how Quizilla censored the writing, even if it was rated appropriately.
    You couldn't mention sex, violence or drugs.
    Swearing was out of the question.
    I guess the site is intended for twelve year olds but it still bugged me.
    And posting your stories in a quiz layout...why!?
    People still wrote about sex, violence, and drugs. Up until they deleted all of the Lemons a few months ago and made it a new rule of NO LEMONS, which hadn't been in the rules. Of course, for years they never really managed the site well enough to keep anyone from writing porn or anything of the like, it was a free for all. If someone reported the sex then your story would be deleted, but only if.

    What do you mean by Quiz Layout? Like the whole "choose your destiny" format?
    October 2nd, 2008 at 10:26pm
  • I had a quizilla, then I found out about mibba from there.

    Then quizilla went throught that big change in basically everything, so I left and made a mibba account.

    Mibba is way better. Everyone is so much nicer and more supportive of each other than any websight I've ever been on. Plus, there's no chatspeak. I got really annoyed when people would mail me on other sights and used to much chatspeak I couldn't tell what they were trying to say!
    October 17th, 2008 at 02:38am
  • Peido the Mute:
    I didn't like how Quizilla censored the writing, even if it was rated appropriately.
    You couldn't mention sex, violence or drugs.
    Swearing was out of the question.
    I guess the site is intended for twelve year olds but it still bugged me.
    And posting your stories in a quiz layout...why!?
    People still wrote about sex, violence, and drugs. Up until they deleted all of the Lemons a few months ago and made it a new rule of NO LEMONS, which hadn't been in the rules. Of course, for years they never really managed the site well enough to keep anyone from writing porn or anything of the like, it was a free for all. If someone reported the sex then your story would be deleted, but only if.

    What do you mean by Quiz Layout? Like the whole "choose your destiny" format?
    I think that she's talking about when people would post their stories as being one giant question on a quiz layout, and then for the one answer, it would say, 'click' or something like that and if you clicked it then hit submit, it would just say something like, "Hope you liked it! Rate or message me!"

    ...Which was pretty annoying.
    October 17th, 2008 at 02:41am
  • Gothic Lolita.:
    I think that she's talking about when people would post their stories as being one giant question on a quiz layout, and then for the one answer, it would say, 'click' or something like that and if you clicked it then hit submit, it would just say something like, "Hope you liked it! Rate or message me!"

    ...Which was pretty annoying.
    Well, when the stories were posted before Quizilla made an actual Story Editor, authors had to put something in those little answer bubbles. It was mandatory to have a question and an answer, whether it be "click" (which is what I did), or an actual "reaction" to the chapter of the story. Quizilla frowned upon the whole "choose your destiny" stories.

    Personally I would rather have "click" than say:
    "WHAT THE !*^#%! B*@$!" or
    "I'm going to kill you for writing that!" or
    "You totally suck and fail epically at life, go die in a ditch. (Me: You go die in a ditch, bitch. HAHA! I RHYMED!!!1!!!!)"

    "Click" was reserved for the mature crowd, if I do say so.
    I actually found the reactions and conversations to be annoying and immature to the core.
    October 18th, 2008 at 05:18am
  • Quizilla was good until it changed. Then I moved here. And I have to say, Mibba is WAYYY better.
    October 18th, 2008 at 06:55am
  • This has a more homely feel to it which, I don't know why but I don't know maybe the people here are more serious about writing AnD tHe StOrIeS aReNt TyPeD lIkE tHiS. I still go on it now and again
    October 23rd, 2008 at 04:23pm
  • I went on the forums once on quizilla. omgno: Never again.
    October 25th, 2008 at 02:07pm
  • ChemicallyImbalanced:
    I went on the forums once on quizilla. omgno: Never again.
    Oh my god what happened?
    November 9th, 2008 at 03:01am