Your Tips for a Perfect Job Interview...

  • dont eat gassy foods!

    that would realllly suck...

    And dont look around nervously, letting your eyes wander. or get distracted. be polite, be smart.... and i sort of agree ^ BUT you can't be too modest or anything. its okay to brag a little, exaggerate a tiny bit. may have to, to help out....
    May 12th, 2009 at 12:27am
  • Reseach the company you're applying to work for.
    I've had two job interviews, one at Kurt Geiger and one at River Island where I work.
    Kurt Geiger asked me about the brands they have within the designer, and I knew them all and why they were different which scored me huge brownie points.
    & River Island asked me to go round the shop and pick out an outift that I'd wear on a night out. They were looking to see if I knew the stock and had a fashion sense.
    May 14th, 2009 at 01:49pm
  • I had my first interview last week.
    If they offer you a drink don't take it. You might spill it on yourself.
    Try and be as enthusiastic and as confident as possible. Smile even if you are nervous.
    Don't be afraid to tell them if you are a bit nervous. You are allowed be nervous.
    Don't lie about experience thay will catch you out.
    Prepare a question or 2 to ask at the end because they'll ask you if you have any and you look better prepared having some.
    Finally know about the position you are applying for. I got asked what type of person would be best suited to the job and what characteristics would I bring to their team?
    May 16th, 2009 at 02:29pm
  • I have a job interview today and I am bricking it.

    Because they don't rely on past experience, they are more focussed on personal attributes.

    eep. Help!
    May 22nd, 2009 at 11:58am
  • I have a job interview next week for a position as a substitute librarian.
    Any advice?
    August 31st, 2009 at 10:30pm
  • ^Tie your hair back and wear something modest.
    Be calm, and be knowledgeable about the library, (layout and types of books and such).
    Be friendly, and if you're nervous, don't let it show too much.
    Don't talk too loud, or too quietly.
    Don't talk too fast either.
    Wear deoderant. Forgetting is extremely uncomfortable... it makes sweating nervously a lot worse.
    Keep the makeup to a minimum.

    Just try to be simple, and yourself. Make sure you're all clean and presentable too. And don't be scared. I'm sure the person who is interviewing you is going to be incredibly nice.
    September 2nd, 2009 at 07:52am
  • smile and eye contact. Don't be shy tee hee
    September 5th, 2009 at 06:19pm
  • After you apply call like 2 days later and ask to talk to the manager.
    They'er not going to call you back, and they like to know that you really want the job.
    September 5th, 2009 at 07:13pm
  • I'm interviewing for a job at sonic Drive in, any tips on what I should wear to the interview?
    September 28th, 2009 at 07:47pm
  • BE CONFIDENT. Don't be a smartass, but be assured of yourself. How can they trust you if you don't trust yourself? -- give them a firm handshake, look them in the eye, and tell them why you're perfect for this job. Dressing nicely, looking fresh, eating breakfast, getting enough sleep -- all these help you look your best, which will add to your confidence : )
    October 6th, 2009 at 03:57am
  • Well I've never had a job interveiw before, but I've heard that if you dress the part/smartly, you stand more of a chance. Also having a positive attitude. Shifty
    October 9th, 2009 at 11:43pm
  • I'd say, act with the person as if you wont be getting the job and you're just talking with them.
    Now, I don't mean put your feet on the table and light a smoke. I mean, try to remain as calm as possible. The more flustered you get, the more likely you'll stutter and draw a blank and then you wont be able to answer the question.
    If they ask if you're nervous, tell them the truth. When I tell them I'm nervous, they usually smile and say, "Don't worry" and then I really do stop worrying.

    I have a job interview at a store called Scholar's Choice and for the first time, I'm not even nervous!
    October 15th, 2009 at 10:32pm
  • If you don't know an answer, use your common sense.
    "Do you see this store as a chemist or more of a beauty retailer?"
    I said both, even though I didn't buy much from there. I told them I used both the pharmacy and the beauty range. I mean obviously, don't start making up answers to things they'll catch you out on. Research the place.

    A positive attitude goes a long way, and also make sure you're neat. I have really curly hair, but I straightened it because otherwise I get paranoid and fiddle with it a lot.

    And also remember that the thought of a scary interview with a scary boss is a lot worse than the actual thing. If you say you're nervous they'll usually smile and tell you not to worry.
    I find that once I start talking, I gain confidence as I go.
    October 27th, 2009 at 12:41am
  • I actually DO the interviewing in my office. Rather than giving you advice on what you should do, I'll share with you some of the things you should NOT do (that I have seen in my office):

    - Chew gum.
    - Wear a white t-shirt with holes in it.
    - Say you'd like a job where you can sit on your butt all day.
    - Ask if you can install your own games on our PC's.
    - Ask if we have internet available for you to "play around with" on our PC's.
    - Say you called your last boss a bitch and that's why you're no longer employed there.
    - Say you can type, then spend five minutes typing your own name during a skills test.
    - Complain about how early your interview was scheduled.
    - Say you don't really like people.
    - Say you don't really want to work, but you need the money.
    And last, but certainly not least...
    - Bring a breakfast sandwich into the interview with you.

    November 23rd, 2009 at 07:55pm
  • I have an interview in a card shop tomorrow afternoon, and i'm pretty sure I'm going to be nervous by then.
    Any suggestions on what sort of questions to ask at the end? Last interview I had, I had no idea and completely screwed it up.
    December 4th, 2009 at 04:21pm
  • Halcyon:
    I have an interview in a card shop tomorrow afternoon, and i'm pretty sure I'm going to be nervous by then.
    Any suggestions on what sort of questions to ask at the end? Last interview I had, I had no idea and completely screwed it up.
    What I've been told is to ask things like "If I were to get the job, how soon would I start?", "Who would I be reporting to?", "How many people would I be working with?" and things like that, but I've found a good list of questions here. I've found that just asking questions that suggest you're interested in the company/store get a good reaction.
    December 5th, 2009 at 06:20am
  • sympathy kills.:
    What I've been told is to ask things like "If I were to get the job, how soon would I start?", "Who would I be reporting to?", "How many people would I be working with?" and things like that, but I've found a good list of questions here. I've found that just asking questions that suggest you're interested in the company/store get a good reaction.
    Thank you! That's very helpful :)
    Interview in an hour and a half now. Starting to get a bit nervous!
    December 5th, 2009 at 02:19pm
  • I've got an interview this afternoon as an administrative assistant within a hospital. I'm so nervous it's ridiculous and I've been spending nearly the whole week rehearsing my answers to questions that they could possibly ask. I'm excited because it's the first call back I've ever had! XD

    I'm just wondering though, when they ask you the almost inevitable question 'tell me about yourself?' what sort of thing should you say? Can you include hobbies/interests etc (like say you have a passion for writing and music...) and then go on to say how you're friendly, hardworking etc?
    Sorry if that makes no sence whatsoever!
    March 24th, 2010 at 11:48am
  • I know this is going to sound sneaky but one thing I've learnt is to make sure you always have at least 3 questions to ask the interviewer. Ask any two you like such as:

    "What are the wages?"
    "Do I work bank holidays?"
    "How many hours will I be working?"

    Sometimes interviewers will only answer one question and if that's the case, always ask this question first:

    "If I were to get the job role, what is one peice of advice that you could give to me?"

    It's sort of a subliminal way to let them know that you really want the job, and they'll think that you'll take their advice. It's pretty neat ^^.
    August 29th, 2010 at 12:11am
  • Wow I have an interview with Lush!!!
    August 29th, 2010 at 07:52pm