Your Tips for a Perfect Job Interview...

  • Be polite, don't be shy, be yourself, and look nice.

    I've only been to two interviews, one at Kohl's and the other at the hospital down the street. I got both jobs, but Kohl's is 30 minutes away, so I chose the hospital. XD If I had a car I'd take both jobs because they're both part time positions, but I need the job to save up for a car first. XD

    The woman that interviewed me at the hospital really liked me. She said I was happy and bubbly and I'd be good with patients. Wow
    October 17th, 2010 at 01:35am
  • megalomaniac.:
    Be polite, don't be shy, be yourself, and look nice.
    Job interviews are basically selling yourself in a way. The more you do it, the better you'll get. Before you go, think about what questions they might ask you and how you would answer them. Focus on your strong points.
    October 26th, 2010 at 10:34pm
  • I've got a job interview tuesday, it's at a supermarket and it's not just a supermarket, it's kinda big, y'know, with adds on tv and stores all over the country and I've heard the guy I had to talk to is pretty hard, so I'll probably get nervous, and when I'm really nervous I get trouble breathing. What could I do?
    And about the questions; What if I don't have any questions? Because my older sister and brother work there, and they explained a lot to me, so I pretty much know everything I need to know, I think. XD
    Oh and how should I do my hair? My hair is annoying and sometimes it looks like I haven't even brushed it, and seeing as my jobinterview is a couple minutes after school, it's probably going to look ridiculus. Any tips?
    January 8th, 2011 at 03:39pm
  • Look up questions that they might ask, and answer them.
    Make your own study guide so you're not caught off guard when they ask you some things.

    I've really only interviewed at two places, but I had to take a Professional Development class, and I learned tons of things from that class. We also had to do mock interviews.
    January 10th, 2011 at 05:49am
  • Definitely practice questions that are likely to come up, as the person above me said.

    My best tip for countering nerves is to get excited. You want this job, and you're super happy that the interview is one step closer to getting it.
    January 25th, 2011 at 03:10am
  • So, I've read through this whole thread and found every piece of advice very helpful. I got a call today(much to my surprise) from Walmart for an interview. It's only seasonal or temporary but I'm hoping that if I do get in they'll like my work and keep me. The interview is this Thursday at 11 a.m. and I was just wondering if there were any other pieces of advice that hadn't been given yet. Also, what should I expect from the interview(this is my very first one and I'm slightly nervous)?
    September 27th, 2011 at 12:13am
  • belikov.:
    Keep calm, act natural, don't try and be someone your not and sometimes chewing gum before you go in helps with anxiety.
    Thanks! I'mma take your advice because I have a job interview tomorrow .. ugh .. hope everything goes well Confused
    September 27th, 2011 at 11:30pm
  • Actually, I wasn't worrying about my job interview , yet having read your tips guys made me nervous :s
    September 27th, 2011 at 11:32pm
  • No matter the what the job is (busing tables or a CEO position) you should always dress your best (for success). I interviewed at a job yesterday and I wore a business suit my my hair pulled back and very minimal make-up. I was shocked at the people I saw who showed up in miniskirts, sparkly tank tops (like nightclub shit), sweats, tramp stamps hanging out, boxer shorts showing, jeans with a loose tee shirt and a baseball cap. This was only a call center job, but I saw the interview sheet and they rated you on your appearance.

    Have confidence.
    This was the first (and probably most important) thing my interviewer noticed about me. (I read her sheet upside down across the table, plus she was very forthright.) Have a confident handshake, introduce yourself with a smile, and attempt to make small talk as you go into the interview room (or prior to the interview starting).

    If the interviewer is 'dumbing things down' (which they do for people who don't have experience in the job because its the right thing to do), volunteer some information that shows you know what your talking about. My interviewer was talking about "things we do when customers say no" and I piped in with "overcoming objections" and she actually stopped the interview and put her pen down to ask me what my previous job experience was. (We hadn't gotten that far yet.)

    If you have a can-do positive attitude, regardless of your experience, you are trainable and that is what they are looking for.
    June 20th, 2012 at 05:05pm
  • I just had a job interview, and I think really just being polite and keeping eye contact. Also for pre-interview nerves a bottle of Lucozade, sorted me right out.
    October 10th, 2012 at 05:53pm
  • Hm...a perfect job interview? Dress nicely, shake hands, try to elevate your vocabulary ( but not too much so that it shows you're TRYING to elevate your vocabulary because that just looks sad ), be polite but show that you're eager and you want the job.
    October 16th, 2012 at 02:33am
  • Stand up to shake your interviewer's hand. Don't sit down until they motion for you to or imply for you to do so. Sit up and make direct eye contact. Even if your job doesn't involve copious amounts of interaction with the public, SMILE. Smile smile smile and then keep smiling. Try to be friendly but also keep in mind, you're not trying to get them to be your best friend, you're trying to get them to hire you, so act professional.

    Also, a tip for clothing, if you don't know if something is too bright, just go with black or gray instead.
    June 6th, 2013 at 07:12pm
  • I think one point that a lot of people tend to overlook (and is incredibly important right behind being on time and dressing appropriately) is actually knowing about the place with which you're interviewing. Every time I've been interviewed for a job or internship, I've always been asked, "So tell me what you know about the company." If you're a blubbering mess or say you don't know anything, there's a 99.9% chance you're not going to get what you're looking for.

    Also, engage your interviewer. When they ask if you have any questions, ask them something, even if you think you know everything. I've noticed that this is especially helpful when going on interviews for internships—they want to help you, and if you already know everything there is to know about the position, why would they bother?

    Something my grandmother forces me to do is have some sort of contact with your interviewer after the interview is over. If possible, ask for a business card or contact information in case you have any questions, then send them an email thanking them for their time and the opportunity. There's usually so many people interviewing for the same positions you are, so take advantage of any opportunity to make them remember you—in a positive way, of course.
    June 13th, 2013 at 03:29am
  • If it's a casual job, say working in retail where you need to have a strong focus on customer service or work in group situations, be enthusiastic and nice and highlight the best bits of your personality and use them to your advantage. This is so important in group interviews or for xmas casual jobs (from what I've experienced) because if you don't have a personality, the interviewers won't even look twice at you.

    If you're an overthinker like me, try to go into the interview with a blank slate. If I over think and nitpick on little things, I tend to get muddled and confused when interviewers ask me questions. Just chill out and try to be relaxed as possible, bcause it makes such a huge difference to people around you if they're nervous and you're chill. The more relaxed/comfortable you are, the interviewers will pick up on it and will be able to see how you handle yourself in certain situations and that's pretty much a huge tick for them.

    ^^ These just apply to jobs when you're young, by the way eg casual or part time jobs. Just some of my experiences Cute
    November 13th, 2013 at 01:47pm
  • Thanks for the helpful tips! But I would like to find more tips and answers to questions that may be at the interview. I will have such an interview soon, as I am applying for a new job!
    January 17th, 2022 at 09:02am
  • Thanks for sharing your experience. I have already attended many interviews and concluded that one of the important points is the preparation of a resume. The employer pays special attention to him and asks questions based on the information about you written in your resume. Look at this source information about a quality resume and tips for preparing it. It is also very important to feel confident during the interview. This will do you good.
    January 19th, 2022 at 02:25am