What Do People Think About Your Writing?

  • I don't believe anyone really knows I write, excpet for a few friends who are also on Mibba, and some friends at school.

    They don't read it though.

    My mom read two of my poems once, when I entered em in a contest. I'm not sure her reaction....but I don't think she knows how much I love writing.

    No one else really knows, though.
    April 27th, 2011 at 03:26am
  • I've shown my friends and family, but they just keep asking me if I've copied off of the internet. As in, it's too good to be coming from me. When I started winning contests, and especially being invited to Washington for my writing, then began believing me. File
    April 27th, 2011 at 11:26pm
  • My mum knows I write, and she thinks she's read a piece of mine before and thought it was really good that I should think about publishing when I believe she read someone else's story that I'm subscribed to which is really good.
    My point is, she knows I write, however what I write is a totally different subject as in the fact she doesn't know and it's not like I'm going to say to her 'hey mum, I've wrote about two guys having sex, wanna read?' Facepalm

    In year eight, when I was friends with the girls in my form which I'm not now, I used to tell them I wrote and stuff which was what I spent my time on at home rather then hanging out with them. I never showed them what I write, nor told them, but even now if a teacher is like 'what do you want to be when you're older' they'll be like 'she writes' whilst I'm there, hiding my face and cursing the day that I told them.
    April 28th, 2011 at 01:01am
  • My family knows I write, but they don't know what I write. I tend to keep it on the dl.

    My friends know that I want to become an author, and they have read one of my tamer Harry Styles smut fics tehe. Otherwise my other friend reads this Nialler story I have and I occasionally go to my best friend for writing help, since we both like to write. Except she doesn't write anymore.
    May 11th, 2013 at 12:00pm
  • My friends know that I write, and they've read some stuff I've written.
    They say it's good and that they like it, but isn't that what friends are supposed to say? Shifty
    Oh, but my favourite thing about them knowing is that I can express my frustration about writing a certain
    chapter or how I don't like how it turned out. And I share my triumphs as well when I finish a story,
    or I like how the characterization is going, etcetera.

    I also have a friend who writes fanfiction so it's good to know I don't have to "hide" my writing.
    May 11th, 2013 at 01:52pm
  • Everyone with the exception of my parents know that I write.
    My siblings think its pointless that I spend time (and enjoy) writing and my friends dont really think anything of it anymore because Ive done it for so long
    May 11th, 2013 at 09:11pm
  • The fact that I write was never a secret but everyone from close family, to extended family, to friends, and people I haven't actually ever met, now know I write because I decided to do a Creative Writing degree.

    So far (with the exception of one or two people), people have been really supportive of it. Largely I think because they enjoy what I write but I think being published helped that because people realised I was good at it. My Dad is my go to when I need a beta reader and he usually reviews stuff for me before I submit it for publication which is nice.

    I couldn't really hide it anyway, because one of the publications I used wasn't fond of pen names and I had a tough time convincing them to use Vicky and not Victoria when they published me so my name is attached to some of my work now.
    May 14th, 2013 at 12:27pm
  • Everyone knows I write. Literally. My family doesn't read it, though, nor to they really encourage or discourage it. My younger sisters write quite a bit, too. I try to read eveyrthing I can of theirs, to be supportive. :) And because it's so crazy what they can come up with.

    My best friend has read all of my stories, and will tell me what she thinks of it, what she didn't like so much, whether there we're any spelling errors. She's super supportive. My other friends are just kind of like, "Oh, look. It's Kate. With a pen. And paper. Woo."
    May 14th, 2013 at 07:38pm
  • My mom is convinced I have the potential to be the greatest writer ever. She tells everyone she meets that I'm a published writer (just because I got one dumb review published) and that I'm great and everything. She encourages me, even though she'd disapprove of everything I actually write about. My dad doesn't even know/care. He never compliments/supports/encourages me, so yeah. All my friends are either writers themselves or they at least think its cool that I am one. Basically everyone supports me. I guess I'm lucky!
    May 15th, 2013 at 06:27am
  • My mom is obsessed with my writing, but I think that's just because she's my mom. No one else has really read it or knows about it for the most part.
    February 15th, 2014 at 06:03pm
  • My family all know that I write, but I don't think a single family member has ever read one of my stories. I don't want them to either, because they would definitely never approve of all the mature content I write about. When it comes to friends though, it's a whole different story! They know that I write, and a lot of them read my stories on this site and compliment me on them.

    If I'm honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. XD
    May 28th, 2014 at 12:50am
  • Everyone in my family knows that I write but I refuse to let any of them read my stories and only a select group of friends can read what I write. My friends say I'm a great writer. The reason I stopped allowing my family to read my things is because they think everything I write about was a part of my life some way or another. Once I wrote a murder story and they all thought I was going crazy and were concerned. They came across one story where a character had suicidal thoughts and then they began to believe I was suicidal which wasn't (and isn't) true at all. So I stopped showing them everything.

    My dad encourages me to write while my mom thinks it's a waste of time. They just don't know what I write about.
    May 28th, 2014 at 02:53am
  • My parents get to read the tame stuff and they like it, but my novel drafts are password-protected for a reason, and even then I feel like I'm self-censoring myself a bit out of fear they'll like, find the files and demand the password or something. (I have yet to write anything above PG-13 but considering my draft I've got on here has violence, profanity, sexual references, drug use...)

    I made the mistake of mentioning fanfiction.net in passing on Tumblr (yeah, my parents are on Tumblr...) and my mom demanded my screenname. Thank the Lord she never actually read any of it, though. (And I had to take some copypaste chains with foul language off my profile before I could give the link to her.)

    My FictionPress and Mibba would likely cause my mom's side of the family to have a group exorcism on me.
    June 6th, 2014 at 10:58am
  • Mum knows I write, reads my writing, con/crits my writing, praises my writing, tells me how I can be better. Since the only NSFW thing I write about is violence and gore, I have nothing to hide.

    I've never understood why so many people here can't share their writing with their parents. My mum'd read romance if I wrote it, the same as she reads whatever genre I write in now. She's a good person and she doesn't judge like that.
    June 6th, 2014 at 04:03pm
  • No one else knows about my stuff. Just an ex-boyfriend, and he always told me he loved my writing.
    June 9th, 2014 at 09:22am
  • My family and friends know that I write but because I write in English and they don't know the language they have never read anything of mine. There was one of my friends (Fwteini in college) were I translated one of my stories (Blood Pleasure) for her and she loved it.
    June 9th, 2014 at 01:04pm
  • My boyfriend reads almost all of my stuff - He's very supportive.
    June 9th, 2014 at 01:31pm
  • My mom is still always encouraging me to write. Her dream for me would be to quit my job and just write all of the time, even as illogical as it is. It's great to have someone so supportive, but sometimes I wish she were more realistic.
    July 9th, 2014 at 01:28am
  • The guy I'm seeing knows I write and he's asked to see it before but I've been hesitant because a: my writing is personal / private and showing him that would be like baring my soul and b: I don't want him to think I'm not good or something XD which I know is a silly fear to have but I can't help it.

    There's this short fic I've been working on for a while and I think it's one of my most favourite pieces I've written so when I finish that I think I'm going to show it to him. Also it's most likely going to be semi autobiographical with moments that we've shared together so hopefully he'll appreciate the sentiment XD I'm not sappy, ever, so I think he will.

    Other than that, few people know I write. My mum knows but she thinks it's stupid, my best friend supports me and that's about it, I think.
    July 9th, 2014 at 04:57pm