What Do People Think About Your Writing?

  • If someonw from Mibba was to walk up to my parents and ask "what do you think of Salmir's writing?" they'll think back to my high school days and say "scruffy" or think to parents evenings at my college and say "his choice of words in his coursework is random but effective."
    My mother knows about me writing my story at the moment, but she hasn't had time to read it all. My father is always too busy reading auto-biographies by comedians (Stephen Fry springs to mind) and doesn't liek fantasy stories. My sisters don't give a damn and don't know about my story writing.
    My friends at college only know of my writing, and they've peeked at my story, but didn't bother reading onwards.
    April 22nd, 2009 at 02:47pm
  • My friend [who I am a bit annoyed with at the moment] knows that I write. No one knows what about though or that I write[except the friend]. She doens't know what I write either. All I told her was, "If I ever finish this story, I want you to read it." and she went into this conversation about her stories that she's written and never finished.
    April 24th, 2009 at 04:40am
  • My parents know that I write because - not trying to toot my own horn - I've gotten plenty of compliments from my English teacher, so that's that.

    As for Mibba, I don't think they have any idea. My dad sometimes asks me what I do on here, and I tell him I read stories - and usually he gives me that stare like Yeah, right - so he leaves me alone. My mum just doesn't really care. And I don't think any of my friends know. I don't want to tell them because it's like my own little secret. I can write about things I feel completely comfortable with, without having to explain to my friends why, y'know? :shifty
    April 26th, 2009 at 08:38am
  • Most of my friends know that I write. So does my mum, and she always compliments my articles etc. And I've always gotten praised by English/Swedish teachers.

    And I did win Author of the month with one of my fanfictions on another forum.
    I don't mean to brag, but I know that writing is something I'm actually good at and I take pride in everything I write.
    April 26th, 2009 at 11:48am
  • My friend sfrom online know I write.

    My friends from school and such dont know. Apart from one guy. And now I kinda regret showwing him anything. Hes got this obsession with me writing a book now. Grr.
    April 26th, 2009 at 01:57pm
  • My parents know I like to write but they think it's more report writing and journalistic writing (seeing as I write for the local paper). Only one friend knows I write creatively and has read a few of my OFs but no fan fic and I beta for her. My mum knows I want to be a creative writer but she agrees that it is hard to make a good living off that. But she said she'd support me if I persued creative writing as long as I have another form of steady income.
    April 26th, 2009 at 02:13pm
  • City.Lights.:
    I can write about things I feel completely comfortable with, without having to explain to my friends why, y'know? :shifty
    Exactement! I always get worried people are going to think it's weird that I write about chaos all the time. :shock:
    April 26th, 2009 at 08:20pm
  • My teachers, my mom and my uncle always read the stuff I write. They tell me I'm good.
    April 26th, 2009 at 08:43pm
  • My girlfriend says that my writing is really good, and what i used to show my mom she said was really easy to relate to.
    April 27th, 2009 at 08:24am
  • Well I'm writing an original incest slash right now, and I'm pretty sure my mum would love it! xD
    May 4th, 2009 at 08:22pm
  • My dad only knows that I write recreationally but he doens't know WHAT I write. He'd die of a heart attack.
    My sister-like-person knows what I write and she doesn't seem bothered by it.
    My best friend knows and she supports me and even goes as far as help me brain storm, the same with my little brother.
    May 4th, 2009 at 09:39pm
  • My parents think my writing is amazing because, hey, they're my parents.

    My sister thinks I'm some kind of holy person when it comes to writing, especially because of my grammar/etiquette/punctuation skills.

    I can't remember which of my friends, other than online, have read anything of mine, but I know my friend Vincent has. He told me that I wrote better than I could draw, and, really, that's kind of saying something, because I draw a pretty good picture now and again.
    May 7th, 2009 at 08:03am
  • My parents don't know what I write and they haven't read any of it, but what I used to write in primary school, they loved. XD

    I sometimes e-mail one-shots to a friend of mine, and she says that she likes my description.
    May 7th, 2009 at 10:51am
  • Apparently I'm very descriptive. :shifty
    And that's not always a good thing, because I tend to get carried away in my writing and I'll give something too much detail to where you can hardly understand it.
    Sometimes I can make more sense by being vague.
    May 9th, 2009 at 01:38am
  • I post most of my stories on Myspace so all my friends can read them. They say that they relate to a lot of stuff I write about which is always good.

    My English teach told my parents that if I work hard enough that I may get a book published. I honestly do not think I'm that good, but whatever.
    May 9th, 2009 at 02:06am
  • For some reason, I find the idea of my mom reading my fanfic really awkward.
    Any other genre doesn't seem as bad.
    I wonder why this is...
    May 9th, 2009 at 07:04am
  • My best friends know I write, and they support me, they give me inspiration to write. I'm shy when it comes showing what I write, but sometimes I let them read a bit to know if it's any good or not.

    My dad has known I write since before Mibba or Quizilla and he's always been supportive, he has asked to read some of my stuff but I wont let him. :tehe: He liked to tell all my family about my writing and I just hate him for that, I guess he's proud of me but not all my uncles and aunts need to know that.

    My sister likes my writing but she thinks it's very different.

    My mom knows I write, but she's not happy about it, she rather me be a doctor or something important that will give me money. :roll:
    May 9th, 2009 at 11:56pm
  • I think it's so strange how people are completely at ease posting something up for the entire world to see, but don't show it to the people closest to them.

    Including me.

    No one [in real life] knows that I write or has read anyhting I've written. I've thought about showing one of my friends, who writes songs, a story, but then I just… don't. I'm really insecure about my writing when it comes to real people, I guess, no matter how supportive everyone is on Mibba. Strange how that works out…
    May 10th, 2009 at 06:45am
  • Some of my friends joined mibba to read my stuff.
    Though it's sad they never use their accounts anymore.
    I used to take in chapters to school so I could edit them in a bludge class, everyone always stole them off me.
    This one girl keeps begging for me to bring in some more of Wayward because she never finished reading it.

    My mum and dad haven't read anything I've written in the past two years, mainly because they'd probably ban me from writing what I do, and reading it too. :tehe: I think I have shown my mum something I wrote last year, and never continued, she really liked it, but I never showed her anymore.
    My sister has read bits and pieces, she thinks I swear too much in my stories.

    I know Mia Bell in real life, and I show her drafts I've worked on, or if I'm unsure about certain things in something I'm writing, I'll send it to her to get it checked.

    I don't really like showing people my work that I know in real life. I find it embarrasing, I'm afraid that they'll just pretend to like it.
    May 11th, 2009 at 02:54pm
  • I've let my parents read my stories, just not the ones I post on here. I let them read the ones I write for school. Same writing style, though. They like it and think I'm really good, but are like, "show me what you write on the computer."

    I always say no. They know the plot...I never write anything they'd really be ashamed of - they know the stories where I kill off characters. I ask my mom for help sometimes with developing something. There's some fear in me that prevents me from showing them my stories. Maybe because they'd have to read the swearing and they don't approve of the words I use in the stories and I think afterwards they'd want to monitor what I write - despite my age. Maybe I fear them thinking I'm messed up or something. I just tell them they'll see it when it gets published. They've stopped asking a year ago. I'll show them something one day...

    A few friends have read the stories I post on here, though. They've really enjoyed it.
    May 12th, 2009 at 11:44pm