How You Don't Want To Write

  • There's a thread on what inspires us to write and styles we like to write so I figured this might fit. But of course, it's gonna be locked if it fits in another thread. But I don't think it does...:shifty:

    So, I shall start.

    Firstly, I don't ever want to write without a plan. I've seen so many plots made up as the story progresses and its confusing. It goes nowhere, the story never ends, it's shitty. And I learned from my first story that prewriting is a must. For me, at least.

    I also don't want to write like Meg Cabot. I do everything in my power to keep my writing as different from her's as possible. Her characters are shallow and predictable and so are her plots. I read a couple of books so I try as much as possible to keep her writing from influencing mine.

    Et vous?
    May 29th, 2008 at 07:30pm
  • I just don't like Stephen King. I just don't.
    I'll never want to write anything like him.

    Also I am never mentioning vampires, in anything. I just have a thing with them.

    I don't think I'll ever write a story because I want to write it, or because it sounds like a good story idea. I can only write something that I need to write. I just want to make writing a necessity, not just an extravagance.
    May 29th, 2008 at 07:40pm
  • lyrical_mess:
    Firstly, I don't ever want to write without a plan. I've seen so many plots made up as the story progresses and its confusing. It goes nowhere, the story never ends, it's shitty. And I learned from my first story that prewriting is a must. For me, at least.
    Et vous?
    Moi, aussi.
    I learned from my first few stories on INO that I shouldn't write witthout a plan.
    Even a simple bullet point outline of how I want the story to carry out is needed (even on the characters - how they act, what they look like even though I don't put that in all the time, and their background). Of course, some details change along the way, but at least I'm not stuck and screw the entire story up.

    Je ne veux pas écrire sans plans! (going along with the French thing. xD)
    May 29th, 2008 at 08:19pm
  • I don't want to write like Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings. Yes, they are popular but just...not my style.
    May 29th, 2008 at 09:10pm
  • I do not want to write like anyone on Mibba. Not that people are bad, I just want to have my own style that makes me stand out. I am right now fighting against the whole "OMG YOU ARE LIKE STEVEN KING" because even though I like him a lot, I'd rather sound >_> Like yeah.
    May 29th, 2008 at 09:13pm
  • The Doctor.:
    I don't want to write like Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings. Yes, they are popular but just...not my style.
    May 29th, 2008 at 10:28pm
  • I don't want to write if I don't know what I'm doing.
    One of my first stories posted on this site was just made up as I went along, and it was terrible.
    It had no plot, and I don't want to write without a plot.
    I don't want to write something that has been done 10000 times before either, though sometimes I do, because, personally, I don't want to read a cliche story like that, so why should I write one?
    May 30th, 2008 at 01:40am
  • lyrical_mess:
    Firstly, I don't ever want to write without a plan. I've seen so many plots made up as the story progresses and its confusing. It goes nowhere, the story never ends, it's shitty. And I learned from my first story that prewriting is a must. For me, at least.

    Et vous?
    Sheesh.... my first ever story [that I did not post here, thank God] was like that. Good advice Clap

    You're gonna get stuck and you're gonna loose interest in it, and soon you'll abandon it, just like I did :file:
    May 30th, 2008 at 01:53am
  • I don’t want to write unless I have something I really think other’s should read and take a moment to think about. I don’t want to write something which has the sole purpose of entertaining the readers (as I’m not an entertainer-- not saying it can't be entertaining as well). My writing shouldn’t be something that people read just to pass time. If that’s the case, then I really need a new approach. So if I suspect that what I’m typing or scribbling seems suspiciously much like mindless entertainment I erase it with a shudder.

    Also I don’t want to write something only for the sake of popularity. For example, I’ve never wanted to write a Frerard. I read them and some writers execute those stories in a splendid way. But I have no story of importance to tell with that pairing. And so writing one would be the same as fishing for popularity (in my case, of course-- I’m speaking only for myself here).

    I don’t mind being compare to other Mibba-writers (or other writers or people who write). I do, in fact, imitate certain elements here and there (and it takes some time to make my own thing out of it). But ultimately my goal is to have my own unique style. I don’t want to write if I’m not creative enough to try to make that happen. I don’t want to simply copy someone’s style and be happy with that (no matter how talented that person is-- also because it’d feel like stealing if I did) so if someone told me that I write “just like this or that writer” I’d bang my head upon the keyboard and try to figure out how I can steer away from that writing style enough to make my writing my own. (If I happen to have a similar style to someone by pure coincidence I don’t care as much however. If I can make a twist on my writing and reduce the similarities I will. But I won’t go out of my ways to change it.)
    May 30th, 2008 at 01:55pm
  • I don't write unless I got a plot in my head that I think will pull attention, or hope that it will be worth writing. After that, I need to plan out each chapter, the characters and the whole plot and how it will progress over each chapter. I also don't want to write a chapter that isn't worth reading, I'll put everything in the chapter that is necessary and make it as long as possible so that my readers get a good update except a short one that isn't even a page long or something.
    May 30th, 2008 at 09:15pm
  • I don't ever want to write horror like a cheesy 80s zombie film.

    I don't always plan out the whole story, but I don't start one without having the first few parts in my head.

    I don't want to write overused plots either, or ones that I've already seen. I like to draw inspiration from movies and stories, but I have to make them my own or I don't feel right.
    May 31st, 2008 at 06:05am
  • lyrical_mess:
    I also don't want to write like Meg Cabot. I do everything in my power to keep my writing as different from her's as possible. Her characters are shallow and predictable and so are her plots. I read a couple of books so I try as much as possible to keep her writing from influencing mine.
    I can agree with that, only for me it's Stephenie Meyer (I've never read anything by Cabot). I never want to write something with bad characters such as Edward and Bella. Especially a character who overly devoted to some guy/girl. Disgust

    I also don't want to write without a story line. I've done that in the past and it's confusing and annoying as hell.
    May 31st, 2008 at 06:58am
  • I don't think anyone has this issue, but no one ever wants to create a character that seems to have no flaws at all. Everyone automatically likes him or her (besides the antagonist, of course) and the main character becomes immensed into a giant love triangle, rectangle, pentagon, etc and then ends up with the one that the readers want to see him/her with.

    That is the definition of regular romance plot. Don't do it.
    June 1st, 2008 at 07:18pm
  • I don't want to write original fiction.
    It's not that I don't like original fiction, I just gave up on needing to be accepted in the actual published world. What I'm passionate about writing is fanfiction and that's what I will continue to write.

    I don't ever want to write like I wrote back in high school. I am seriously immensely jealous of the teenagers on here that can write. I was terrible in high school. I never want to write like that again.
    June 2nd, 2008 at 06:11pm
  • I'm almost petrified of my writing being disjointed.
    I'm crazy obsessed about how everything flows into the next and all sorts.
    June 2nd, 2008 at 07:43pm
  • Honestly? I don't want to write with a plan.
    I just like my writing to go where it wants to go, without having to follow a plan, an outline. I know that's easier for some people, but to me, it just gives me a headache and it gets me annoyed - then I don't want to write. I'd much rather just write when it comes to me.

    I don't want to write without detail. Most of my chapters must consists of much detail and little dialogue, or else it annoys me. I'm determined that a story is much more beautiful if dialogue doesn't take up 90% of my story.
    June 2nd, 2008 at 08:55pm
  • Jepha Howard.:
    Honestly? I don't want to write with a plan.
    I just like my writing to go where it wants to go, without having to follow a plan, an outline. I know that's easier for some people, but to me, it just gives me a headache and it gets me annoyed - then I don't want to write. I'd much rather just write when it comes to me.
    I'm the same way. I might have some ideas, but the pen takes me where it wants to go. I prefer it that way. Otherwise it's so damn forced.
    June 2nd, 2008 at 09:00pm
  • I unfortunately disagree with writing with a plan. :XD I just think of some random idea, and if I like it I write it and go with the flow and all. It reinvents itself in some sense. This is exactly why I write the worst stories in the world. :XD [/spam]

    Well, I figure if I have a plan, and if I have new ideas, then I'll just disrupt the whole original plan, or I'll leave the current story I'm working on and neglect it so much, I get nothing done. But it's just an opinion anyways. Sometimes I'll have to admit plans help, but in the smallest way.
    June 3rd, 2008 at 03:43pm
  • I'd never want to write about something I don't fully understand.
    I hate when things are fully researched or reserched at all.
    June 5th, 2008 at 12:21am
  • Like most chick-lits about cheerleaders and shit.
    I mean, God, how do those dime-a-dozen books even get published in the first place?
    June 5th, 2008 at 05:46pm