How You Don't Want To Write

  • ziru.:
    Firstly, I don't ever want to write without a plan. I've seen so many plots made up as the story progresses and its confusing. It goes nowhere, the story never ends, it's shitty. And I learned from my first story that prewriting is a must. For me, at least.

    Et vous?
    Sheesh.... my first ever story [that I did not post here, thank God] was like that. Good advice Clap

    You're gonna get stuck and you're gonna loose interest in it, and soon you'll abandon it, just like I did :file:
    I did that so many times it not funny. But thankfully now I've learned better. :]
    May 2nd, 2009 at 03:58am
  • druscilla's moon.:
    Jepha Howard.:
    Honestly? I don't want to write with a plan.
    I just like my writing to go where it wants to go, without having to follow a plan, an outline. I know that's easier for some people, but to me, it just gives me a headache and it gets me annoyed - then I don't want to write. I'd much rather just write when it comes to me.
    I'm the same way. I might have some ideas, but the pen takes me where it wants to go. I prefer it that way. Otherwise it's so damn forced.
    I'm the same, if I sit down with a plan I either lose interest and mess with it or I have to force the words out and it turns into shit.

    When I sit down to write I have a main topic in my head and usually a few lines and I just let my fingers take it where they want to.

    Most of my stories and oneshots are created around a single word or sentence and they morph.
    I don't ever want to write fanfiction. I've tried before and I'm not good at sticking to a solid character, I need to be able to piece together my characters how I want them and mold them as I go. I can't write when anything is set in concrete it becomes too forced.
    May 2nd, 2009 at 04:23am
  • Boy/Boy pairings. I have nothing against anyone who writes or reads it in the slightest. If you can write it without sounding like an idiot, major kudos. But, alas, I can't do it. I've tried it once, and I ended up changing it and turning it into het. Then I deleted it. I was so embarassed, and I was alone when I did it. I've never blushed at something I've done when I was so completely by myself before.

    May 2nd, 2009 at 05:24am
  • I don't want to write like anybody else, whether they be a best selling author or a kid on Mibba. I want my writing to be 100% original and to be distinct that anybody can read it and be like, "Oh, this is one of Carrie's fics,"

    That's incredibly ambitious but we all gotta reach for the stars, right? :lmfao
    May 3rd, 2009 at 06:25am
  • I don't want to write like a children's writer.
    And I don't want to write like an adult romance writer.

    I'm pretty much all about finding my own kind of writer's 'voice'. :cute:
    May 3rd, 2009 at 02:13pm
  • I'm kind of on the I don't want to write without plan train. I don't just want to randomely make suprises that don't make sense (like I did) but I dont wan't to have every little thing planned out eihter. Leaves me un-entertained and well, very over the story.
    July 20th, 2009 at 02:42am
  • ReinventLove;:
    Firstly, I don't ever want to write without a plan. I've seen so many plots made up as the story progresses and its confusing. It goes nowhere, the story never ends, it's shitty. And I learned from my first story that prewriting is a must. For me, at least.

    Et vous?
    Sheesh.... my first ever story [that I did not post here, thank God] was like that. Good advice Clap

    You're gonna get stuck and you're gonna loose interest in it, and soon you'll abandon it, just like I did :file:
    I did that so many times it not funny. But thankfully now I've learned better. :]
    For some, this doesn't work though. I can't plan my stories, or I create an incredibly trite storyline, and generally end up skimping on descriptions to get to the important plot points. I try to live my stories, and let it flow like real life as much as possible.
    July 20th, 2009 at 03:38am
  • I never want to write without a plan. I've tried that time and time again, but it just hasn't worked out.

    I also never want to write something that I'm going to end up embarrassed of in the future. I look back on some stories I've written and think "Why on earth did I write such nonsense?" I want to write something that I know I won't grow tired of. That's one reason I don't write fanfiction. I grow out of things so quickly, I'm going to be embarrassed of them in the future.

    I also never want to write something that doesn't have a piece of me in it. My main characters always have a characteristic of mine in them. If they don't have any of me in them, they'll be too foreign for me to enjoy.
    July 20th, 2009 at 08:18am
  • I don't want to write uninspired. Disgust
    Never works out.
    July 20th, 2009 at 09:50am
  • Stephenie Meyer.


    As for plans, I can't write without one. I need to know where it's going.
    It can make me skip description or rush it to get to the next bit, but then I go back and edit it.

    Don't get it right, get it written, then worry about getting it right.

    My favourite writing quote. It makes sense to me. I need the baseline of a terrible first draft so the damn thing actually gets written.
    July 21st, 2009 at 01:39pm
  • I write fanfic, mostly, with some original thrown in ... but as to fanfics, I don't want to follow the outline other authors use. 99% of fanfics for any fandom are exactly the same, with a handful that are actually creative and ineresting. I want to be one of those.

    And I don't want to write by a plan, either. I, too, like going wherever the writing ends up going ... obviously, I won't just write a bunch of crap that makes no sense, but writing to a plan bothers me for some reason.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 05:19am
  • I don't want to write fan-fiction style. Not the genre itself, but the actual style of writing that is unavoidable when writing a fan-fiction. I just have a problem with how the character interactions are written.
    I also really don't like Stephanie Meyer. Her writing is amazing, but there is zero character development. I read the first two Twilight books and got bored waiting for Bella to become something more than static.

    Well that was fun.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 06:08am
  • Stephenie Meyer. In a literal sense, she is a very good writer, but it’s her plots and her style that don’t appeal to me. I love stories with loads of description and strong words. Twilight and all those are books that I just find too simple to read. I finished reading Twilight very quickly, whereas books like Wuthering Heights or Pride and Prejudice take me much longer, and I prefer those just because they seem sort of stronger, even if I do take a long time to finish reading them.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 06:14am
  • I don't want to be boring, and I don't want to be forgotten.

    I want my imagery and writing to stick with people.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 06:14am
  • Jepha Howard.:
    Honestly? I don't want to write with a plan.
    I just like my writing to go where it wants to go, without having to follow a plan, an outline. I know that's easier for some people, but to me, it just gives me a headache and it gets me annoyed - then I don't want to write. I'd much rather just write when it comes to me.
    That's actually how I am..I like it like that :tehe: I mean that's how life's not written in a set pattern. Shit happens.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 07:08am
  • I don't want to write really cryptically like some authors do.
    Like, it's okay sometimes, but otherwise it's just overdone.
    I like cryptic, but not when everything is a metaphor for something else, which is secretly also not what it seems.
    Sometimes things that people can actually understand are better.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 10:41am
  • I don't want to write like Stephanie Meyer because I don't think she's very good at all. Plot-wise and all, she's okay, I guess. Twilight's not my thing, but that's personal preference. However I think she doesn't have much in the way of technical skill. :S

    I don't want to write like Ted Bell. :cheese: I read this book, Tsar, and it just had so many of the cliche elements of that genre. All in one story. I could barely finish the thing. .______.
    July 23rd, 2009 at 01:49am
  • I don't want to write with horrible plots and little character description. I was reading through my old stories and realized that my plots were never really thought-out and my characters were flat.

    I don't want to write like the old me.
    July 23rd, 2009 at 01:54am
  • I don't want to write like Stephenie Meyer. I've read Twilight and I really did not like it. There was no feeling at all, for me. She just told the story. The end. :XD

    So I want to have feeling and thought in my writing, always. I try and put myself in it. Not literally, no SI, but a part of me goes into everything. I might write about the death of someone, connecting it with an event in my life that makes it all more emotional.

    And a plan. I can't not write without planning and researching. :mrgreen:
    July 23rd, 2009 at 04:44am
  • I don't want to write so much dialouge and that I just can't explain.
    I always have so much dialouge in my stories though so I'm sort of contradicting myself, but I really dislike it when I do.
    And even though this has been said a lot in this but I don't want to write like Stephenie Meyer either, I read all the books because I wanted to give it a chance but instead it made me hate it even more.
    I don't want mary-sues either, I hate them with a passion.
    I want my characters to be realistic.
    With the whole planning thing...well I usually have a basic plot then the rest just goes into flow.
    For some reason everytime I try to plan it I get so detailed that it takes me forever to write it because I want it perfect which I know that's something I can't accomplish.
    July 23rd, 2009 at 07:36am